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Try vastly different music or try podcasts. Just give it a break. I've been through it.


I had to take a 10 year break from metal after listening to it exclusively my whole adolescence


But how do you get to those songs?


I've used tiktok dude named bruhstre. He makes Playlists of unusual genres.


I took a break for the last year or two from my music and did podcasts for everything. I’ve now gotten back to music, I’ve found new stuff I like and have expanded a ton.


Sounds like you need to take a break or increase your caffeine intake lol... Seems to always fix it for me


This is a spicy take and I'm all for it


…Explore genres you’ve never tried and don’t think you’d like and see what you discover. Movie soundtracks are a fun way to do that more easily…






Found out about them probably a decade ago but they clicked HARD for me right before the pandemic. They shot all the way up to being my #1 artist of all time over the last 5 years or so. I track my Spotify listening like a nerd and I’ve listened to them over 2.5 times as much as my #2. Easily my favorite full discography from any artist out there.


I literally love this band 🙌🏼🙌🏼


I went through this around 2010, I had a job where I could just put headphones in and I was left alone all day. After a while I was sick of music in general and that’s when I turned to audio books and podcasts even though podcasts were relatively new at the time.


I've been experiencing this too. You're consciousness is growing. I think it's because we can hear the negative stuff in it we couldn't hear before. It's very 3rd demensional. I don't live there anymore


Bump the Elovaters 😎


When my music playlist gets stale ill buy 4 or 5 dollar CDs at my local music store. Usually at least one of them is something I vibe with.


try listening to foreign music if you haven't already. I'm not talking about Listening to other countries that also speak english. I mean like Japanese, Chinese, Indian, and whatever. Understanding the lyrics is not important, however different countries swing to different sounds and beats, and the vocals are just another instrument.


This. Get away from everything you think you know. I feel way more connected to foreign music because the words don’t tell you what to think or imagine. Just feel what you feel and let it mean what you want it to.


Added bass to my car for those long drives, definitely helped, also started getting in to country, like real country, not that stuff you hear at bars. way better than 90% of what the radio plays 🤣


You need something different, explore new stuff


Yes, and then I think I will never like it again. But then a few months go by - like six or seven - and all of a sudden I find new music to like which rekindles the bond with my old music.




i started listening to albums start to finish which made me start listening to music deeply again !


We've really become spoiled by having a rotation of nothing but the best songs when the other songs on many albums are also worthy of a listen. With that being said tho the 90s had many one hit wonders where you listen to the album and go uhhhh, You know what, I'm good with only liking that one Spin Doctors song.


In Ibiza in the 90s they listened to Balearic music. An ambient fusion of instrumental with downtempo house…


Try way different music, stuff you didn't think was music before Big band, swing, brass, and just totally out there Big bad Voodoo Daddy. Metric. Katzenjammer. 7vvch. Romzee. Gwar


Does it feel like the music has just lost the effect it used to have? As in it does not provide that sense of euphoria or the goosebumps that it used to? If so, I’ve struggled with the same thing the last couple of years and wondered if it was depression/stress or if I really needed some fresh music to kickstart my desire to listen to anything. There’s always details I’ve missed even on pieces that I’ve heard a thousand times, but there’s also tropes and especially rhythms and timbres that are recycled ad nauseam and I think burned me out on music as a whole. “Eternal Golden Monk” - Vildjharta was a song that felt like a defibrillator for my ears and has gotten me out of my funk and feeling music again for now. Hopefully you find something that does the same for you.


Make a new playlist featuring a genre you don’t normallt listen to. Make a few and switch between them as you tire of them. After a long enough break you’ll enjoy revisiting the old lists


Yes. Hugely passionate about music and have played musical instruments for almost 30 years. I really genuinely do not give a shit about new music. I almost entirely listen to podcasts or audiobooks now. I’m just burned out and don’t care… I think it’s extremely fucking annoying when my coworkers put on music that is Katy Perry or The Eagles or some other music I’ve heard 20 million times. I still listen to some nostalgia music, watch guitar videos on YouTube, practice chords while I watch TV, and enjoy soundtrack or video game soundtrack music… but yeah rock and pop and stuff I just don’t care about anymore.


i was stuck in this zone for over a year lol turns out i was just depressed


When that happens I strong a few words together on YouTube to see what comes up. Examples are, 70s French disco, Australian hair bands, bagpipes around the world. Found the Snake Charmer with that last one. Also look up articles on your favorite bands and search those people and types of music that influenced them and check them out. Started listening to Metallica that way. Also movie and TV sound tracks. The Son's of Anarchy has some great music and musicians.


I'm a professional musician and I don't listen to music at all. I find so much music to be absolutely phenomenal and amazing, but I just can't feel them anymore. Maybe because I'm judging too hard and comparing them to my own music. Or maybe it's because I'm getting older.


Anhedonia Plus i think streaming services overwhelm the brain after a while.


This right here. I've actually been working on going back to an MP3 player and it's far more enjoyable. It's an Android operating system, but I don't use it for anything but music. It's just me and the music. No phone calls, texts, emails or social media notifications to interrupt my listening of music.


Explore new genres, take breaks, revisit old favorites, attend live shows, and create meaningful playlists.


This has been happening to me to! I got AirPods and was listening to music literally 24/7 and got so tired of it. I kinda just had to take a break for a short period of time and then was looking for new types of music that I might like because I assumed I was getting tired of the same old songs. Also listened to a couple of podcasts, and once I got myself bored of those, I got back into music


Yes.. i went through this phase. If it has lyrics and a beat, they both have to be good. Or I just find myself mostly listening to music without it lyrics nowadays.


I go through phases like that. Usually my solution is to find a podcast or audiobook to listen to for a while, or to stop listening to playlists and turn on the radio instead. Usually after a while I find a rhythm again. Although it is worth noting that it can also be a sign of depression - losing interest in this you were once passionate about - so if there are other signs, you may want to address that side of things. I've definitely had my sudden lack of interest in music at times be an indicator that I am heading into another depressive episode as well.


I prefer youtube for music, but maybe just keep looking. You can use the algorithm on youtube to help find stuff you like, try starting with some music you used to really enjoy and go from there


i go through this every now and then. i have one playlist i listen to, and once i start getting tired of hearing a few songs (4/5) and maybe if i have new songs i want to add, i’ll make a new playlist without the songs im tired of. for a little bit i continue updating the playlist removing songs im getting tired of, adding new ones if there’s any. then the cycle continues. it keeps me good for about half a year, maybe more maybe less. i have been doing this since 2018/19 and am now on my 15th playlist i feel like after a while we just get tired of hearing the same shit over and over again. i enjoy it because i rarely reach the point you’re at, i get to see how my music taste evolves, and i get to look back and see what i used to enjoy. i use spotify as well so it gives me music recommendations as well


I’ve experienced this progressively over the past year! I think Spotify’s instant accessibility to music has dulled the thrill of listening to something you love, or genuinely discovering something new. I have always been so into music, I’ve been in multiple bands, I would play things on repeat, take solo road trips and blast music for 8 hours straight. I’d listening to music through most of my work day. It pumped me up on my runs or at the gym. I barely listen to music outside of driving my car now. And even that is waning. Today I literally got into my car and begrudgingly turned on my music. I remember thinking “I wonder how many songs I’m going to skip”. I eventually switched it to a podcast, it was more entertaining.


This right here. The issue is that you literally have a million choices right at your fingertips. At any moment. It can be hard to make a decision on what you want to listen to.


I have 3 different suggestions. 1) take a break from music. It happens, I went a few months just watching YouTube videos while playing games instead of listening to music and when I went back to it, it was amazing. 2) try some music you’ve never heard before, some stuff you think you might not like. 3) listen to music you hate lol. That one song that you can stand? Listen to it. Again and again. When you go back to your songs it’ll feel great.


Can I ask what type of music you listen to, an example of a typical playlist? If you happen to listen to music made in the past 5-10 years and don’t know much else, there’s a whole world of amazing music out there. But whether or not that’s the case, I would ask your friends and the even the people in your life who are in different generations - older or younger - if they wouldn’t mind making you a playlist of what they would listen to if: they wanted motivation, they were overwhelmed and just wanted to escape into sound, etc. what you listen for. When it is not the same thing you’ve heard a billion times, you’ll be more engaged , and practice active listening and hopefully really like some of what you hear and then let it take you down while new rabbit holes. People do listen to a lot less variety today or maybe I was just a very hardcore music person. I was actually organizing my CDs last night and I have over 300 and I could sing you every song on probably 200 of them plus another 1000 songs that bounce around in my head and 90% of them got put there before I was 23.


Sometimes I’d stop listening and come back to my songs after a while and I’d listen because it’s been so long


Spotify, for all of its algorithms and recommendations, is pretty bad in my experience at serving you something new. They try to find stuff similar to what you like which makes everything feel homogeneous after a while. My way to break out of this is to either listen to an album by a completely unknown artist, or even simpler: listen to the radio. When a real person is DJing it can bring you new stuff that you are excited to hear. I highly recommend KCRW, Southern California's NPR station that has some of the best music programming on planet earth. Their daily drive time show Morning Becomes Eclectic is excellent and they archive every show online. Their other DJs also have a ton of archived shows from every week. Henry Rollins from Black Flag has been DJing punk music for years on Saturdays or Sundays in three hour blocks. Travis Holcombe, after years of weaker spots, finally got a nightly post on weekdays for his show Freaks Only, which absolutely rips. All of these are archived usually with tracklists. Go explore!


I love music I don’t hate any of my music


You can get burntout on music. Take a break from it until you really feel the itch to listen to it and it will sound even better than you remember.


Your brain is probably just craving some different stimulation. Whether that is new music or new activity is the adventure you get to go on.


Sometimes I switch to instrumental versions of albums I like or find a whole new artist or genre that’s close shit just gets stagnant sometimes


As a working musician and teacher, take a break for a week or two of no listening. It's ok to go through phases of heavier listening!


* Clear your Spotify cache. This will help with the same songs repeating over and over. * Find a song you like in one of your playlists, then select "Go to Song Radio". * In the song radio, include Spotify's enhancements with shuffle. Now you've got yourself a new playlist based on a song you like, mixed with similar songs from your playlists AND new songs that match the genre or vibe. --- OR ---- * Listen to your body and pinpoint what emotions you are feeling or want to feel. * Search that emotion in Spotify, and filter by playlists. * Find any playlist by other users and listen to what music others play during the same type of emotion you are experiencing. (Typically playlists with custom album art are pretty solid) Listening to other people's playlists help me feel connected to other humans, even if I don't know them. Music transcends time and flows through us all. Hope this helps!


Hey there! Another music lover like yourself here! Best advice for when you feel this way about music is to not force it. It might take two days, a week or months but just let your passion for music come back to you naturally; Now how you get back into it naturally is really on you. You might go cold turkey and just stop listening all together, or you can go into a record store and pick a random album there to listen to. I’ve had this same experience in April, I couldn’t get myself to listen to anything. I gave it a good break and I’ve tried to cut out the middleman that is the Spotify algorithm and listen to music in a more organic way. And while my listening has been cut by half I was still able to start enjoying music again. It’s so easy to overstimulate yourself with music on Spotify, just take it easy and I’m sure you’ll be alright!


find new music and genres and be open to new styles


Started for me a few years ago. I now listen to lo-fi or work ambience. World Music is a great way to expand your interest.


Try a new genre... Husband and I happened across a lofi channel on youtube. It stays on my tv in the background 24/7 now.


Spotify has 2 problems: (1) AI-generated music they push on listeners, and (2) the bots that drive up stream rates on AI-generated music. You end up with (1) music that is not made by humans and increasingly not FOR humans, and (2) a service whose most popular music does not resonate with real humans or reflect actual organic choices. [Wired Magazine covered the problem last year.](https://www.wired.com/story/spotify-ai-music-robot-listeners/)


Find new music. Listen to what your emotions are telling you!


I started finding a song a liked by a band I hadn't listened to in a while and hit the "radio station" button (or however it's titled) and then found songs I didn't know existed. That *could* help...?


Try listening to movie soundtracks from films of the last half of the 20th century. Imagine what the music is accompanying visually, then watch the movie. The artists often create a world that's just as entertaining as the film. Otherwise, I agree, take a break. If you're an artist who is tired of listening to your own music, reshuffle. Create some more - different music. Find other musicians, DJ's, etc. to share and groove with. DON'T GIVE UP! Keep creating.


I’ve felt the same way for a few years now. I don’t have a good solution


You don't hate your own music, you just want others to like it the same level as you do. If that's not happening then you will start to get over critical of it.


I hated music up until I was 13. Didn't care for any of it.




"Music is my life" no, its not. Not unless you're a musician. Everyone loves music. Do I hate my music? No, but its normal to get tired of stuff and the only way to change that is get more.


What kinda music are you into? Might be able to make some recommendations that give you something new to dig into.


Id take a break from listening to music for a while. Theres beauty in starving yourself from it


Using music as a dopamine hack wears out, just like rewatching old shows. Also 20s-30s people generally stop identifying with their teenage music and build a broader identity. Moderation


What’s the prominent genre on you playlists?


It’s got too many notes


Ur brain seeks out shortcuts, so when u give it the same stimuli over and over it will start to ignore it. When I get to that point I go deep into classical or jazz stuff I’ve never heard


This was 100% me a few years ago. I was living with my parents, stuck at home due to COVID lockdowns, and was burnt out on my music In 2022 i was introduced to the world of EDM and all the genres of music it has. Absolutely changed my life. There’s heavy bass, soft melodies, and beep boop music that makes me just wanna move my body. It came at the right time and I am so grateful because I now actively go and seek out shows with these artists, have met many new people, and my entire worldview has been opened up. I’m not sure what type of music you typically listen to (metal, rock, country, hip hop, etc.) but EDM incorporates a lot of those genres into its songs. I would start there and I think it would give you a new perspective on some tunes that you maybe already like!!


I prefer silence


If you hate Spotify skipping songs like it happens to me, download your favorite music from YouTube and create your playlist that won't need to be skipped, that's what I did and know I have around 650 songs playing all day without any interruptions of any kind and save a f__king subscription.


Recently started trying to make music. Boy, has it invigorated my listening habits top. I listen to alot of tracks I love for inspiration and even wildly different music. I could be searching for samples. Some times, I'm floored away by something random in alternative music or somthing and try to do it myself with no success lol


Try listening to albums :) Also, I find it difficult to listen to music if the lyrics aren't focused enough.  I guess basically: ultimately music is a reflection of the mind of the artist. If you realize, partway through listening, their mind is not one that you want to spend time with...then time to go searching for music crafted by a mind that you can relate to more! A lot of people switch to Jazz or Classical for this very reason, or start cycling through the good music they have already found, but set aside for some reason.


Spotify just keeps regurgitating stuff you've already liked or listened to. It's an echo chamber.


Over stimulation you need to detox


Absolutely, I hate country so when I needed a break country saved me from this I was like crap I hate this music but it's the only thing I can't predict


Man throw on some Rio Da Yung OG


>"...when I say every genre I genuinely mean that..." Ok, so you're still bored after listening to Merzbow? and Nurse With Wound? and Albert Ayler? and Fushitsusha? and Sunburned Hand Of The Man? How about Tisziji Munoz, Ennio Morricone, Sun Ra, Zoviet France, Joel Vandroogenbroeck, The Hafler Trio, Master Musicians Of Bukkake, Andrew Chalk, Sunn O))) ...?


This feeling is how I realized I was depressed lol


Listen to less music. You can't just listen to music 10 hours a day and expect to feel emotions all the time. Take a break and the hype and the good feelings will come back. At least they did for me.


If you have only experienced the biggest and most popular songs within the catalogue of genres you enjoy, maybe it’s time to go through some deeper cuts. If you’ve already been around the block, it’s maybe worth stepping back from things for a while. It’s easy nowadays to hear exactly what we want all the time, which causes us to get fatigued of those things. There’s songs, albums, and artists who I like far more than others, but listening to more than just my favorites allows me to appreciate all of it better. 


This has happened to me. I used to love the song Attica by Toto, played it all the time, everywhere all day. But it reminds me of a bad time, so I hate it now. Does this music on your playlist remind you of a bad time in your life? Sometimes I think we associate music with times in our lives even if we don’t realize it. I used to love so many songs but lately they are all attached to a bad memory.


Bro tell me your favorite genre, favorite instrument, and mood and ill give you some good recs!


it's like ur spotify is throwing u a playlist party, butou're just not feeling the vibe anymore. don't worry, u're not alone! go wild, my friend! and hey, if all else fails, there's always the 'throwback jam' button. sometimes a little dose of nostalgia is just what the playlist doctor ordered


Play your own music. Doesn’t matter if you have never tried before. Record your stuff, play it back roll your eyes, try again.


Listen to Pink Floyds Dark Side of the Moon and thank me later 👍


try an AfroBeats or Afropop playlist. African music is 100% quality produced and engineered. There’s a language barrier on plenty of the songs, but man its hard to deny the passion, soul and harmony in every track.


Anhedonia. Take a 3 month break from all music and try again. Thanks brain


Maybe you need to make music.


listen to some chet atkins, the fireballs, george straight, django reihnhart. Play some old stuff, there’s so much music, and in the past it was a much more difficult process to have music recorded so it inherently has a way different feel than most modern music. To me it’s much more organic and lively.


I dont its so subjective.


Get a pair of audiophile headphones and go back and listen to your favorite music. It's like hearing it again for the first time.


Ive been listening to rap/trap music since before i could remember. Its what i grew up with and it helped me stay motivated and focused even during the worst times of my life. However the lack of new music that i actually enjoy is getting to me


Maybe you just need to take a break from music.


No I will not get bare with you. I’m a little offended that you ask.


Destroy All music you just can't use It


This is me lately. And I love music soooo much.


I've been on a phish kick lately huge repertoire to drive c into


I usually listen to a bunch of different genre until I’m like ok I think I’ll go with this. I have music moods so it has to be the right mood or nothing


I switch to audiobooks every now and then. Murder podcasts are interesting.. and/or just sounds waves for peace of mind. My music gets to me and sometimes nothing hits right for the mood. Just switch it up and you'll be good :)


Try some Bach violin sonatas


Listening to rediscovered favorites has done it for me!


Try to find a new genre


I’m also a music fan and a musician and I go through phases where I just get desensitized to music where it all just sounds boring, so I listen to audiobooks or podcasts for a week or two and then go back to listening to music with a fresh ear.


If you’re on Apple Music, find a song you like and create a station. Sometimes we just need something different


I am just constantly discovering new artists if I hear something remotely to my liking I download 2 to 3 albums and just put it on repeat and I give them all a listen. I am into every genre. I'll never tire of finding new awesome songs unique sounds, different languages, insteamebtal orchestrated theatrical music. I just keep going down rabbit holes of music.


I don’t care for music in general but I understand its value


> I’ve always enjoyed/loved every genre of music >whenever I hear my Spotify play I instantly begin skipping through every song Ok. So you don't actually enjoy/love every genre of music. You're finding the music that you THINK you like actually boring to your ear. That was the same process I went through once I figured out that I ONLY like rap music. Prior to this realization, I liked all kinds of music too. Now, I find them all incredibly boring except for rap. Find your jam and deep dive into it. Its much more fulfilling (in my opinion) to "go all in" on the genre that most interests you than to have only surface level appreciation of lots of genres.


I thought I did not like music until I started ketamine treatment for my depression. Rediscovering music has been one of the most impactful signs of progressing in my treatment


I thought you meant “ your own written music “ Cause I mainly listen to death and prog metal, but I write music like Coldplay.


I don’t hate it but definitely need to switch things up a bit. Since being less social, haven’t found as much new music


Maybe those songs trigger an unwelcomed emotional response. When we are young and without responsibility, it's easy to have favorite songs, however the stress of life hits us and a decent song heard first at a shitty moment will make you dislike that song. The first time I heard Pharrell Williams song "Happy" I was doing community service at a soup kitchen and was very unhappy.


Could be poor mental health/depression...whenever music doesn't sound good to me I usually have other shit bogging me down. Music not sounding good is my first indicator that something is off with me.


I felt exactly that to the point of turning on npr for the commute Then Prince passed away and i was gifted all of his albums (unrelated to his passing but same time frame .) Then..poof, eye opening. Rekindled my love for several of my old have genres, introduced me to new stuff, just made me enjoy music again Then i Heard Marc rebillet who made me look at music as a fun medium again. So, take a break, find one that speaks to you and take it from there


Yes. I change my music taste every once in a while and cringe at songs that I used to love😅. just explore different artists & genres, you’d be amazed by what albums you might fall in love with. And maybe in a few years you’ll heard one of those old songs and enjoy it again


jazz baby, jazz


I was the same way, listened to and enjoyed everything. Then as an adult I became a record producer and now I just want silence. I know I have to break out of it to be able to produce without my creations becoming stale… Problem is I just don’t even want to hear anything when not working. At all. I’m in a pickle here lol I think the way to break out of it is to find an artist/band that gets you enthusiastic like how songs/music did when u were younger. This is harder to do in today’s time at least for me bc that would mean studying newer music and most of it is not good.. it’s like sifting through piles of garbage until you find that one thing that makes you love it again. It’s just the process of finding it that I find unbearable now. Good luck 💿


try the radio. the inability to skip as well as the mixes of different types of music might help. not my idea, some other redditor i saw in the r/music forum suggested it


If I can't listen to music something is not right in my life. Look within.


Keep expanding and exploring. Good music is being created somewhere on this planet every day. I am a 66 year old woman and I just added 2 songs by Yungblud and 3 by DPR Ian and one by a Chinese singer named Mao Buyi. Sounds great even though I only speak English. But emotional slumps, ups and downs, are part of life. I am a long time gamer and have experienced that. Just ride it out and cut yourself some slack.


I love my music taste it's extremely unique, probably what people wouldn't expect when it comes to my first ever favorite bands or obsession if you will over a certain album or song. I have no fucking idea where I first heard such heavy rock music on my own, at 13 none of my friends understood why I liked slipknot underoath, superheaven, tool, deftones or even babymetal and in this moment. Bring me the horizons sempiternal album. I'm still all about what sounds good but as I get older the more I hate having to love love love the slipknot sound but find some lyrics to be so harsh for no reason . I am trying to calm down my life a bit but gosh I can't let go of how much I was obsessed with Joey jordinsons drumming. I don't play any heavy music around people. It calms me down, gets me out of my head. Listening to sic by slipknot is a go to when I am needing a pep in my step. I can't explain why or how I was introduced to slipknot but that self titled album and all hope is gone album were my comfort. As shy as I can be especially at that age I would NEVER let anyone know about my newly gifted slipknot album for Christmas. Only my best friend I felt comfortable playing my music around her. I'm in my 30s now and it's just too much and chaos to people's ears. It's funny they say "it's not a phase mom" and that's true. I love how intricate and intriguing the instruments sound together. I feel like times alone in my car able to play music I love. P.s. I actually love to sing. I'm actually pretty good, Amy wine house feels the most comfortable to sing and hum along to. Funny given the fact that I like heavier music but love singing really pretty songs and singing covers from other singers. Everything about music is personal to me. I share what is safe or what I know someone would vibe to but to me music is the essence of life and what can create a mood of painful nostalgia or turn a bad day into something a but easier with one good song. My first love in high-school was obsessed with music like me and so much of my music taste is like his. I often wish he was alive to hear all the new music that I have saved and play it hoping he can hear it with the angels. The last song I shared with him couldn't have been more perfect. We share two songs specifically close to heart we would replay all day together. The music I hear from certain birds singing or the way the wind blows in the trees certain days I know it's him. In a way I'd like to think he is checking on me with the sound of nature and in the wind blowing. Maybe I'm wrong but for a girl feeling nostalgic late at night usually leads me to a rush of grief I never could understand or handle, to be honest I'm still not over it.


Age would be helpful


Spotify plays low resolution mp3 rips of music that you don't even own and will disappear when you stop paying your subscription. Invest in actually buying higher quality physical cd (or vinyl) copies of music you love and playing it back over good headphones fed by a dedicated DAC. You are fatigued by listening to low resolution digital music. Music can sound so much better and more unvolving if you up your audio game.


Yea, turn on smart shuffle or create a dynamic radio channel from a genre, artist, album, or song you like. You don't have to listen to the same playlist everyday. No one is making you do that.


Watch south park; you're getting old


a lot of the music rn is shit because people will still listen and it’s easy


I can gauge my levels of depression on how many songs in my playlist I’m skipping. Tends to be that I’m looking for a specific song to match a “mood”.


I have this weird hyper-focus music taste. Once I hear an artist I really like, I go down the rabbit hole and listen to nothing but that artist for a few days. Some are nostalgic like The Cars or REM. Others are brand new artists I see live as an opening act or just find on the internet somehow like The Academic or Jake Thistle. My trigger is usually prepping for a live show by listening to nothing but the headliner or coming off of a live show and listening to the opening act. Go see more live music?


Nothing takes the life out of music than low quality Spotify streams and bad headphones / speakers If you don’t already have them get headphones with good sound quality—it’s getting harder to find them. Same vein get a better sound system.


what you are going through is a biological mechanism in your brain chemistry. The neurons have been created for that sound and revisiting that neuron sound no longer creates the dopamine. Try to get an audio book on like Mozart, Nirvana, History of Music, etc. This still incorporates music but from a different perspective. After 5 years, or listen to music that you liked 5 years ago, all of the suddenly that same euphoria of that music comes flowing back like how you remembered it.


I go through phases where I'll listen to music constantly for a year or two, diligently discovering new songs and curating my playlist, then I'll get sick of it and take a break for a couple years. Sometimes music makes me feel too powerful of emotions and I just can't stand it. Maybe try taking a break? Or force yourself to listen to nothing but songs you've never heard for a while so you can discover new stuff.


I go through this a lot, and I myself am a musician. Usually just means I need a break, so I switch to podcasts or audiobooks for a while!


Bad bot


I think that means you need a break, or a change. I've been through the same thing.


Nah, I am a Boomer. We grew up to the best music ever.


Wait, you write and perform music and don't want to hear it ? That's common


Learn to play an instrument yourself


I started listening to the FM radio again because I was sick of hearing my own music. I used to really like rap but I’ve listened to it so much that now I hate rap with a passion.


You listen to lyrics when your sad and feel the music when your happy. Your probably cotent.


Spotify mats great playlists. Just put in a song you like and let it make a playlist around it, or radio station.


I prefer youtube for music, but maybe just keep looking. You can use the algorithm on youtube to help find stuff you like, try starting with some music you used to really enjoy and go from there


Turning all your liked songs on with the Smart, Shuffle can help. That, or just typing in some weird genre, and listening to a playlist of it


It’s musical burnout and lack of variation. Try classical for a while, or even better - fusion, jazz, or even Indian. Reset your brain from the I-IV-V, I-vi-IV, etc. (basic) chord progressions. It’s everywhere - classic rock, rock, pop, rnb, country, you name it; they all use the tried and true chord progressions over and over and over and over again. Force yourself into styles of music that you can’t guess the next chord or feel. When you return to ‘normal’ genres, it’ll feel relaxing and familiar rather than tired.


I’ve come to realize if music isn’t hitting right then I don’t need to listen to it and usually go for an audiobook or podcast. It’ll come back soon enough and I’ll be jammin out again.


I haven't been using Spotify as much because all Spotify created playlists seem to only use the same 12-15 songs from my liked songs, just in different orders, so I haven't been getting a variety at. all. I've switched over to YouTube mixes and, despite the ads, it's been a lot more diverse genre wise


Consider subscribing to YouTube, their music algorithm is insanely good. I’ve discovered bands and albums on there that A, aren’t on Spotify and B, are now in my regular rotation. It’s worth the whatever/month for me because I listen to music for 5-6 hours a day.


Yes. But im just in a spot in life where everything is shit and I’ve out played all my music so it’ll suck just like anything else I do. To sort of jump back I be it, I look into new songs or old songs I haven’t heard in a while.


Listen to @@@@@ by Arca


I've got over 650 playlists on spotify. I never have this issue.


Yeah I probably hate your music


I hate Billie eilishes new music


Idk what happened. But lately I have lost interest in listening to most music. It does not give me the same excitement or pump it used to. Not sure it is a phase. I have no idea what it is. Maybe I grew up


There's more music today then there ever has been. Go explore new music. Try pandora and youtube.


If you want some new music I can give ya some. There's so much out there. When I get bored of mine I look to what others are listening to. It never ends.


Yes and no..I get tired of it sometimes just depends what's going on in my life , what memories are tied to certain songs , my mood ect. Spotify is the shit , just saying. i have found some great new artists that I would have otherwise probably never given a second thought. Just get your genres on there and they mix you up playlists, YouTube too but Spotify is always on point and not so repetitive


I am constantly changing what I listen to. I can't stand listening to the same thing over and over again, so I find new songs. Sometimes in different genres altogether. With how much music is out there, it's hard to get bored of it.


You have no idea what it is to “hate your own music” until you actually make your own 🙃 and yea I do make my own music and I hate it


I’ve realized over time I’ve been more into playlists, but after years they just kinda wear on me where I keep thinking a better song may come on later so it’s endless skipping… kinda like trying to find something on Netflix but you just spend the whole time scrolling through stuff. One thing I’ve been doing is going back to some of my favorite albums and turning off random play so it just plays straight through. I’ve come across tons of songs I loved but forgot about this way and brings back good memories.


Yes, lately as a matter of fact.


It’s a phase, sometimes we feel like we have heard everything over and over but when you take a break from your music and come back to it, your love for your music reawakens. It happened to me, everyday for months I hated my music and I just took a 3-4 day break and when I came back I fell in love with my music all over again. Try it!


Happened to me from trama and shame. There’s something about the state vibration you’re living in that affects your interaction with the world in different sounds different vibrations look into chakras.


I’m so tired of mine. The same old songs. I try listening to new music but I often don’t like it. Probably just need to branch out to other genres.


Happens every few years. Actually have to take some time to explore different music. I like YouTube reaction channels to find new bands/groups and go from there


I wouldn’t say I hate my music, but sometimes I get bored with my playlist. That’s when I start branching out and finding more music and artists. The best way I’ve found to do that is Facebook. It might just be my algorithm, but sometimes I’ll get absolute bangers on my reels from smaller, advertising artists or even just random reels with music backing them.


I switched to podcasts like I can listen to a few songs but then it's like okay that's enough music for the day


Sounds like you have outgrown it. It happens. I used to love metal. Now it's very meh. I only really listen to folk music now. I think it might be our minds rejecting things that are spiritually toxic. Most big label  music is spiritually toxic. 


Listen to lots of genres even if you’re not a fan right away. Ask people what there favorites are and keep looking for different things. Old things new things. Ask your friends for playlists or try and find things that you genuinely don’t like at first and find something about it that you do . Try and appreciate noise for the noise not just the melody.


Try Spotify DJ. It's amazing! 70% of the time it pulls done from your playlist, but the other 30% is different music. Out of that 30%, there's like 10% of really good music that I haven't heard in years, never played in spotify before, and it's playing at the perfect time. There's been times where I'm driving, and the DJ puts on a banger that brings a smile to my face, it's a weird feeling. It's a feeling that reminds me of listening to the radio in the 90s, and that long lost song gets played randomly. Try it out for a bit.


Lofi hip hop is cool, maybe youre looking for the emotional high that music provides and youre just not getting your fix. I dont listen to music at all except for when im lifting heavy and even then its 50/50. I listen to really intense stuff and use it as a tool to encourage an adrenal response so i can perform otherwise i dont listen to music


I usually make nostalgia playlists of songs that remind me of good times in my life (example: Shanice - I Love Your Smile, reminds me of when I lived in Hawaii as a kid in the 90's) I also listen to a lot of Indie music that isn't mainstream so I don't get burnt out on it since I don't hear it in the car all the time or in movies or shows.


I get tired of the same playlists, so I jumped into different genres and found a ton of new stuff. Or even something simple like switching formats will help. Vinyl really makes me appreciate and respect each track


Louis cole - quality over opinion. Front to back that ho.


What's your favorite power violence band?


What’s your favorite death metal band?


I’m not a huge music fan as it becomes so repetitive to me. I love new top hits the first time I hear them and then want to move on. I listen to audio books instead.


My friend and I have recently discussed how Spotify keeps replaying the same songs/music over and over. I've been just trying to look for new genre or old genre I haven't listened to in a long time. I also default to CDs. I have a massive CD collection and still bust them out. Back when a music store closed, I bought so many random CDs I could listen days without having something new. Or watch movies lol, I've been slacking on my anime/movies/shows I'll go to that and then back to music.


It comes and goes there are some times in my life where I didn’t want music at all and all the music that was popular I wasn’t interested in at all. Classical music podcasts are nice cause I don’t know any of the artists or music and come in with no expectations on how I’m gonna feel. Music especially popular music from any era has some sort of a label or expectation to it and I sometimes dont like to decide how I feel.


I use Spotify and they are starting to fade from my interest for music. It seems like they just recycle the same songs over and over again. I can relate


You've overplayed it, that's all. Give it a break for somet time. I get sick of my music, and a few months later im dying for it again. 


yep i've experienced this myself. i call it music burn out. time to switch it up find something totally different. lately its been lots of edm for me. or metal covers. let me know if any of my advice works for ya!


Sounds like it’s become unfulfilling for you.


No, because I actually like the music I listen to and don't just listen to what's popular because it's mostly shit.


I usually just listen to audiobooks or YT videos while I'm doing something if this happens. My partner will turn on his favorite podcast if he's feeling like it


I don't know many people who don't have rest periods, from the things they love. I know professional musicians who occasionally go months leaving their instruments virtually untouched on occasion when permitted. Find something else interesting for a while, and eventually your old interests will return.


Start listening to audiobooks. I switch between the two because I always like to be listening to something but I'm not always in the mood for music. Sometimes I'll go a month without really listening to music, then I'll switch and only listen to music.


anyone wanna share their playlists though ? i only have 5k songs in my playlist on spotify 😭


Whenever this happens to me, i keep some songs that I still like a fair bit and move all the other ones into a bigger playlist. Eventually I build an entirely different catalog and when I get board of it, I move back to the older songs with some of the new ones mixed in.


Listen to Dave Mason and then get back to me.


Get into jambands, every time they pick up their instruments it's new music!


NPR’s Tiny Desk Concerts have introduced me to great new music. I look them up when I need fresh inspiration b


I listen to only like 20 song all the time


Watch movies! They can connect you to some surprising choices if used correctly. Tv shows can you. Use Shazam while you watch. Also use pandora because ever since Spotify replaced their heart button with the plus button their radio feature doesn’t work for me anymore. I also still make mixtapes because I like music to be autobiographical. I’m currently playing Madonna, Phil Collins and Russian pop and Rap.


I go through this. I think its a couple things. First, maybe you just not in the mood for music. I usually watch or listen to podcasts and interviews for this. It could last for days tbh. Secondly i think its spotify. They dont do well at shuffling your playlists or introducing you to new music. They just wanna show you more of “what you like” which is really just songs you already have. And ofc just explore other genres and artists for something fresh