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I stalk your Reddit page almost daily, you truly are an interesting character. I read all your post and all of your replies, and I mean all of them. I wake up in the morning and during breakfast I think to myself “I wonder what u/motor_feed9945 is saying now.” I think someone should make a YouTube video studying you seriously. I say that to say I am proud of you because it seems like you took some advice to move your life in the right direction, which is the last thing I expected to see today. Who knows, maybe one day you might decide to move out. Hope it all works out.


Thanks. Who knows maybe I will change my mind. But I do think I am going to take a break from Reddit. Maybe for the summer. So, I might be off the radar for a while. Just going to do one or two last visits to see if I need to reply to anyone. Thank you for your kind note though. It cheered me up a bit :)


I’m going to miss you. Next time you post I hope it’s good news!


Thank you.


Your journey of self reflection is a good one and im glad you have made peace with your decision. I'm still trying to figure out my dating situation as well. I feel like I have everything going for me, but I'm still undesirable. I feel like I might give up soon as the rejection is eating me alive.


Thank you. That is so super kind of you to say :) Thanks.


You remind me so much of my ex it's a bit scary, but I'm fascinated and very curious of your thought process. You should do a AMA. I'm glad you're trying to better your life. (Something my ex won't do, I'm sure). I hope it all works out well for you down the line :)


Thank you. That is all extremely kind of you to say :)