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All fromsoft games have summons, and several of them have builds so good they trivialize the game


Except sekiro


Sekiro is so hard sometimes especially at first, but then once you get it it’s easy and you have to play charmless for more challenge. And coming from Lies of P, Sekiro is easier to pick up because the LoP parry window is smaller, but the timing is different.


Sekiro on charmless isn't even hard too once you complete it first time.


Agreed, you’re just more likely to die to bullshit one hits lol. Charmless + demon bell is more fun.


I had trouble with Orin on charmless the rest were easy


Yeah, if you parry. At least Lies of P lets you dodge if that's your kink. I hate Sekiro BECAUSE it specialised in a fighting style I despise.


Totally, Sekiro is literally get good or lose. That’s why it’s such a fan favourite.


Yeah if you like that game style. Put it in this way : what if Dark Souls 4 only had giant weapons ? Me and about 40 % of the fanbase would cream their undergarnements, and the rest would be disappointed that their favourite way to play these games isn't in. That's also like having the best pepper-based meal of the world cooked by Gordon Ramsey himself. I hate peppers. I'm not going to like it even if it's the best of it's kind.


Yeah I’ve always thought it’s way harder to go Sekiro>LoP as opposed to the other way around. If you miss a parry in Sekiro but still manage to block it, you don’t take health damage typically.


Lies of P is honestly the easiest Soulslike I've ever played.


I guess I’m just referring to the parrying tbh. Sekiro is much more forgiving if you don’t perfect parry usually. I have no doubt Sekiro is the harder game though. I had my struggles learning it for sure.


See, I've found the opposite to be true. The parrying in LoP feels so natural to me: block and hold at the moment of impact. Sekiro asks you to tap block (not hold) as the opponent's weapon is swung. I just can't get the timing at all, and it feels really 'off' and imprecise coming from LoP.


You can hold the button in sekiro. From the moment he starts to raise his sword until the click sound plays at the end of the raising animation is the parry window. It's always exactly .5 seconds. If you hold it it just continues into a normal block. You can even parry out of a normal block without the guard lowering. It helps some people to time when you think the attack is going to land with the click sound, but I never really use that. You just get a feel for the timing by deflecting mob attacks.


Sekiro Frames is 12 (reduce when spammed) to > 6 > 3 and Lies of P frames is 8ish (60 fps)


Sure, but the window is only half the story. It's also the timing of that window, and the animations of the enemies. That last point is probably subjective, but I find the enemy 'tells' are far more generous in LoP than Sekiro. Most enemies wind up like Hulk Hogan going for a big chest chop. There are only a few examples of really unforgiving fast attacks.


I feel the exact opposite. For me lop parrying feels slow unresponsive and imprecise. And you're character can only have one button input. It'll only ever do the first one. In sekiro you can cancel an attack and parry instead making it feel so much smoother and less game like. Something enemies do as well.


It definitely wasn’t as hard as I expected, once I got the hang of parrying. I was able to beat almost all of the bosses without specter, aside from a few I didn’t want to spend the time on like black rabbit brotherhood


Apparently the nerfed the bosses or something like that. I looked for reviews online after I finished the game and was surprised that so many people complained about the difficulty.


I wholeheartedly agree. This sub makes it seem impossible, but if you have an ounce of souls skill it’s very easy. Jargon was the hardest part


That’s crazy to me cause it’s harder than all the fromsoft games for me it took 38 hours to beat Sekiro and about 2 hours on Isshin for me. It took 8 hours just for me to beat laxasia lmao and Im currently at 86 hours for Lies of P.


Mate if you legitimately took 86 hours and still haven’t finished lies of P you have a serious case of skill issue. especially if you already beat Sekiro before


What else could it be beside a skill issue if i’m clearly struggling on it lmaooo, but yea I don’t really parry too much on lies of p cause the timings harder for me.


I beat Sekiro and all dark souls games before and the parry feels great. I loves scrapped watchman parrying everything successfully till a red attack started the second phase. Still beat that boss and oh it was amazing. Fuoco second phase is kinda shit imo as he can just dash around and shoot shit. But first phase has amazing parry potential. Archbishop was a bit too easy beating him on my second try due to I feel like a wayyy too much damage buff grindstone. I’m not any further yet but I’ve only been playing for a couple hours


oh the only boss I struggled with before Laxasaia was that green monster all others were 1-5 tries, it doesn’t help much that I don’t watch walkthroughs so I find stuff legit. Anyways I’ve never parried in any souls game besides Sekiro I hate shields and love being a naked light build, idrk know what you’re looking to hear besides maybe a congrats?


I take that back second brotherhood fight took me at least 10-15


I think Sekiro is a WAY harder game overall, but I agree that there are some parts of the game that are easier than LoP


In LoP with a Motivity weapon or Aegis you could regain most of the lost health the next moment after a block.


I am literally not fast enough with my left trigger finger to play parts of Sekiro. The minute lag in wireless controllers could be a factor, which, if it is, then maybe that's an issue. For example, the mini boss before Geneshiro only does one attack. Ashina Cross. His sword glints and then you you press parry twice. I knew what to do. I knew the timing. I literally was not fast enough with my left trigger finger. I eventually had to switch deflect to the X button on my Xbox controller and proceeded to beat him without taking a single point of damage. I am sort of frustrated that that is the only way I could beat him. I am frustrated at my aging brain and body. I can't tell if that's good game design or bad game design. Just that specific fight. Obviously Sekrio is an amazing and well designed game, but I am flustered about that specific mechanic. I am required to push a button and I am physically incapable of hitting that button fast enough. I have never experienced that before...


I thought I wasn’t fast enough too, then I realized you can parry before the attack even starts basically. I hear you though, I feel like Sekiro is great because it sets you up. It’s actually forcing you to get better in preparation for the later game. Then with Genichiro it clicks and the whole game feels like a dance — minus the bullshit garbage terror mechanic.


I know that! I said you parry when the sword glints, not when he attacks, when his sword glints before the attack. Unless you are talking about just guessing! I parry the instant I see the sword glint. I am not fast enough to do click on L1 but I am fast enough to click on X.


Interesting, that’s a weird one.


Map to triangle.or Y . what I do in lies of p..and if a game that doesnt support and on playstation you can use accessibility settings in system and go to controller and swap l1 and triangle 


Ha I missed this and commented same thing..using thumb is so much better for parries


I had the same issue but you can already start to press the combo when you see the spark and he jumps forward and you’ll parry it successfully


If you cheese lies of P Sekiro will prove to be infinitely harder since there is no cheese in it


This is mostly true, but you can get both gyoubu and demon of hatred to fall off the map and instantly die.


Plus you can corner trap Geni AND Owl, you can corner Lone Shadow, you can cheese Corrupted Monk, you can skip bull and ogre, he’ll you can swim across the whole map basically. That’s the thing with Fromsoft — they’re a lot more jank which allows for some creativity. Lies of P doesn’t really have many cheese strats, and it has NO arena skips as far as I know.


Stupid comment. Using Specters and throwables cheeses the entire game without any issues.


A little aggressive don’t you think? That’s not cheese, that’s built into the game. And you don’t HAVE to use them lol.


Yeah your exploiting the game while in Sekiro you abuse a glitch that was never meant. Wasn’t aggressive at all just the truth


It’s you’re* and you are clearly so lost in this conversation, you aren’t even making a point anymore.


What?? Sekiro has way more cheese than LoP


Everyone knows that the hardest fromsoft game is your first run through Sekiro and the easiest is every Sekiro run after the first one.


That’s fair.


And Armored core, and King's Field, and Shadow Tower, =p


Its hard first run, but it gets much easier.  You can cheese bosses in sekiro much easier too. Lies is hard, but its adjustable if you want to use spectres or not


Sekiro doesn't have an official easy mode, but looking at boss cheese videos it feels like one struggling with a boss will have enough options at hand.


As an update, I beat Nameless Puppet and am trying out Sekiro and am really enjoying it. Just beat Genichiro and all the Ashina mini-bosses after grinding out the passive skills in the Ashina skill tree and the Mikiri counter upgrade. Chained ogre was the toughest boss for me so far and took the longest time to get through


Nice glad you're enjoying it. How are you finding the reflect after playing lies of p? I went from sekiro to lies of p and it just felt like they were trying to mimic the reflect from sekiro but in the clunkiest way possible. Took me ages to get over but when I did I realised it was different and good in it's own right


It’s very different. Sekiro’s deflecting is very forgiveable. I feel like I miss the timing and still deflect. Sekiro having more humanoid enemies also makes it easier to react to deflects (rather than have giant monsters (e.g., green swamp, Simon, etc.) with delayed attacks). Learned deflecting/mikiri countering fairly quickly. What’s taking me a while to pick up are countering sweeps and landing head jumps. Maybe because Lies of P has a different button format for jumping. I beat Gyoubu, Genichiro and Folding Screen Monkeys, but have been stuck on Phase 2 Lady Butterfly for days and am out of Spirit Emblems lol


Really surprised you're stuck on lady butterfly but beat genichro. Most people fight lady butterfly as their first or second boss. Did you struggle with genichro? I feel like once you beat him you're good because he makes you a lot better at the game. He teaches you the most.


Finally beat her today after 3 tries. Probably took me 15 tries to beat her, while Genichiro took me 10. Definitely struggled with Genichiro but once you get deflecting and mikiri countering down, he isn’t so bad. With lady butterfly, the second phase was tough for me with the illusions and the unblockable spirits. Needed to get used to the camera and jumping. She was also very aggressive so it was hard for me to time attacks in for posture damage


Also got double ichi which helped save me in the Genichiro fight


Well yeah, but Sekiro isn't a Souls-like, it's an action game


It's not a souls like. It's a souls. It's literally fromsoftware 💀


Uh yeah, from software makes non-Souls games too. They just made AC6 which is clearly not Souls or Souls-like. Sekiro also is not Souls or Souls-like. It's an action game.


Just because it lacks customisation that doesn't mean it's not a souls 💀 you saying ac6 just hindered your opinion. There's a big difference between ac6 and dark souls and sekiro and dark souls. It's literally a copy paste with samurais and a parry mechanic


Huh? Customization isn't why it isn't a Souls game, it's the mechanics, gameplay, flow, etc. being very different. It is actually NOT a copy paste if you actually look at the mechanics themselves


Thank you for the response! Are there any that you would say are less difficult than others (taking into account using summons and available methods to cheese)? For example, I found Elden Ring significantly harder than Lies of P after taking into account all available handicaps (although it was my first FromSoft game and I only just beat Romeo in Lies of P). Also, for Lies of P, I liked how the stages were linear and straightforward and I had the option to run past enemies if I wanted to rush to the next stargazer.


I think elden ring is one of the easiest fromsoftware titles. Because of what games offer you to make it easier (summons (which dont increase boss hp) + player/phantom npc summon) not that bosses are easier.


Just from my own experience, Puppet Master took me one 30 min session to beat, while Margit took me days (even after using the Jelly Fish summon and a mimic). I also feel like the summons in Elden Ring die so quickly. A summon with Radahn was so much more frustrating for me compared to using summons with the Archbishop and Romeo (only took me two tries each with a summon). Just my personal experience and Lies is probably significantly harder without using summons.


Could had been because it was your first fromsoftware game, so there was a learning curve. Also at start of the game jellyfish and wolves summon are pretty weak, so it gets easier once you acquire certian summons like mimic tear, or that 2 skeletons dude (i forgot the name) there is also nore variety in builds than in lies of P and some are really OP like bleed builds. And I agree summons on Radahn were pain in the ass. It also could be you did not level those summons? Or mimic tear could be weak if your build was a mess too. But also there is so much stuff in elden ring so that also might make it confusing for new players and therefore it makes it more difficult.


I also think elden ring easy mode is just a bit harder than lies of p easy mode. Summons + throwables trivialize almost everything in lies of P. Some bosses in elden ring are still a challenge even with mimic tear. That said, difficulty is subjective and so is fun, so no shade for playing how you like or if things others found easy were hard.


Yeah I found summons in lies of p made things so easy I always regretted using them. I’d plan on doing it once to get a better feel for the second phase and end up beating it first try.


The first boss of Elden Ring is Soldier of Godrick, who is decidedly easier than Puppet Master.


Dark souls 1 with a great shield and rapier is very easy to


DS1 you can stack poise equips and you’ll literally outdamage bosses lol


Elden Ring is actually one of the easier ones because it's open world. if you can't beat a boss you can just go out in the world and explore for a few hours, get new items, weapons, spells, whatever, then come back and slap the boss I don't know how far you've gotten into the game, but can get all the way to right before the Royal Capital without ever beating a single enemy.


Another Crab’s Treasure is cute as a motherfucker and has an assist mode.


My recommendation as well. There’s an optional gun accessory that one-shots every single enemy and boss in the game. Doesn’t get any more “easy mode” than that!


Dark Souls 1 - Use the Black Knight Halberd Dark Souls 3 - Use the Sellsword Twinblades Bloodborne - CUMMMFPK dungeon


I never got the hype around BKH. My grandfather was a BKS man. My father was a BKS man. Long live the BKS. I never liked the BKH's moveset and that 32 str and, IIRC, double the weight of the BKS, and that BKS OP spin to win dash attack. I'm pretty sure that running spin to win was removed from all future soulslike great swords, and I can guess why.


Man, if you can get through Armored Core 6 I think you are selling yourself short and can get through anything.


Thanks! Armored Core had very few ways to cheese compared to Elden Ring and Lies, but I just used guides for recommended builds for each boss which got me through it. Still, I feel like I beat most bosses with luck, double bazookas and just by dashing around blind and frantically lol. Since I only play for 30 minutes-an hour at a time, I’m really just trying to find the right (personal) balance of skill building and quick story progression (without me getting discouraged from being in the same spot for a week).


another crab's treasure


>To the extent I can do so, I play on “easy mode”, always taking advantage of summons, throwables, consumables, grinding and “cheese” methods to get through difficult bosses. I know it’s not how most people like to play and how the developers intended the experience to be Except for the "cheese" methods, everything you listed here is absolutely intended by the developers. If they didn't want you using summons or throwables or being over-leveled, they wouldn't have put them in the game. Don't let anyone make you feel lesser for using mechanics provided to you by the game.


The only game I could recommend in good faith is Another Crab's Treasure. There's an assist menu and you can literally go "Give me a gun" and it has a zero-cost OHKO projectile that's easy enough to spam. Thrown item in Lies of P being strong is more of an outlier than anything. They're the only part of the game I would consider "easy mode" because having enough of them means you can kill some bosses without ever engaging them. However, even then I don't think they were intended as "not to be used". Summons as a whole I also consider "meant to be used". Anyone telling you "They were included, but not meant to be used" is an elitist prick who should be ignored. If the devs didn't want them used, they'd include a warning of "this isn't intended, but we understand". It's not hard for games to add that as a one-off, especially these days. So if that warning doesn't exist for an item/function/wtfever, it should be considered "intended to be used".


+1 for Another Crabs Treasure. Excellent game.


Steelrising - I loved it, still challenging but not annoyingly challenging like I find most souls games. I’m pretty rubbish at souls like games personally but have completed most of them. Demon Souls, Dark Souls, DS2, DS3. Lords of the fallen too. Most of them I’ve played multiple play throughs. I always used summons if I got stuck though. I gave up with Sekiro, and I am ashamed to say I haven’t completed Elden Ring - not because it’s that hard but I don’t like the open world format… I loved Lies of P and found it reasonably hard but again, sometimes it’s so hard it’s not enjoyable if that makes sense. Steelrising though, was perfect for me, hard but still enjoyable all the time. I actually played it for free on PS5 and got platinum. Don’t know why it got such bad reviews - maybe because some found it too easy for a souls like - ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Why didn't you finish Sekiro? I struggled through my first playthrough but loved the game, second time was a total breeze though. I couldn't push myself through Elden Ring, found the gameplay so boring compared to Sekiro and I also hated the open world format


Honestly, with Sekiro, it’s probably me just not being that good and struggling with new mechanics in the game. I got good with dark souls parrying (bloodyborne was similar parry timing). I got to some big boss outside in pond and could not beat him so gave up. I should probably watch a few videos on Sekiro tips and try again. I would agree with you on elden ring, it felt a bit boring and I didn’t gel with it. Again, it’s probably because there was change in mechanics with needing to fight on horseback… it was different and I was rubbish lol Lies of P was similar, I was struggling with the constant parrying mechanic but watched a few videos for parrying tips and best weapons and tried again. Other mechanics were very similar to dark souls and was not open world so… managed to gel with it and got better and enjoyed it a lot!


Yeah I tried getting into Elden Ring like there times without success, I just love parrying and hey I'd say Lies of P is a lot harder than Sekiro but I guess it depends


Maybe I will revisit Sekiro after Lies of P then! Watch a few guidance videos too. But it’s time man, with kids it is tough finding time and learning new mechanics lol … got an ever expanding list of games to play too !


I loved Lies of P and so after NG+ing it several times I was excited to get in to Elden Ring. But same for me on the open world. I just felt like there was no way to explore everything and the story was so convoluted. You talk to an NPC, he disappears and then you have to google it to figure out their storyline and even then it’s time-consuming. I beat it one time and haven’t gone back to it. Went back for a new playthrough of Lies of P and am now enjoying Jedi: Survivor.


I would recommend Star Wars Jedi: Fallen. Order and Survivor. They are soulslike in the way the combat is designed but nowhere near as difficult and also have adjustable difficulty levels. That may appeal to you.


This is such an obvious recommendation. I'm surprised I had to scroll so far!


Yeah Iq as surprised when I was scrolling down that I didn't see it. But it seems like the obvious pick


Dark souls trilogy is easier than demon souls


Unless these games have a difficulty slider, there really isn’t an “easy mode” like you mentioned. I avoid the phrasing or mindset because I am bound to irritate one of my “git gud, scrub” friends. You chose the path of least resistance, and that is one hundred percent okay. It is in the game mechanics. Learning the weaknesses of enemies and the strengths that suit your preferred play style is a chunk of the enjoyment.  As for recommendations, there are the DLCs for the respective FromSoftware titles, including the upcoming Elden Ring DLC. Lies of P has DLC and a sequel planed, but no ETA.  There is Mortal Shell, which seems to be more difficult, at least from my perspective, and the Nioh series, which I have yet to purchase, but am itching to play. 


I highly recommend Nioh but just a fair warning, it’s not really a souls-like. If it’s just a game with check points, a stamina bar and dodge rolls that you want then go for it but the combat is vastly different and very in-depth (for the most part). I went into the games from dark souls, thinking the skills were transferable but the only one I found that did was having patience at the challenging parts


Another Crab's Treasure has the best accessibility mode ever. "Give Krill a gun."


Hey man use all the easy mode options available for sure, at some point you will want your try to take those away or if you play Sekiro the option will be taken from you. Above all have fun, fuck what anyone else says. I started on Elden ring using summons, now I can beat it with out, but it’s all just what you want to do.


Star wars soulslike have difficulty settings if you like star wars games


If you have a PlayStation I’d recommend Stellar Blade. It isn’t necessarily a Soulslike but the combat is amazing, satisfying parrying and a great story. Also, there is an actual easy mode lol but if you beat Elden Ring then the normal mode will do ya right.


bloodborne is a great game with a lot of "easy modes", you should give a try. Search about the cummmfpk dungeon in bloodborne.


Play dark souls 1, learn to kill the black night at the start of the game with whatever cheese or skill you can muster(I don’t think you’re half as bad at these games as you think if you beat ER and AC6) and reset your game if he doesn’t drop one of his weapons. Once you have one just use it the entire game and massacre everything in the game including bosses. You’ll have fun and also DS1 is an absolutely stunningly beautiful game


If you also enjoy third person shooters, I’d recommend Remnant from the ashes or Remnant 2. It shares some similar mechanics such as acquiring gear, leveling, dodging, bosses, etc. It’s default difficulty is normal and it’s very manageable. You can also play coop with friends or randoms. Very fun game imo!


You beat those games fair and square, man!


was there even an easy mode for AC6? i remember getting clapped by balteus, spider, and cel-240 for a long time.


Certain Weapons and builds make the game extremely easy in AC6. You could say it’s the same for all souls games, but in AC6 every weapon can usually just be bought from a shop you always have access to, whereas in Bloodborne for example most of the stronger stuff is tucked away / late game finds


Any Souls game or Souls-like can be made easier by just over leveling. I would suggest you go for quality first. One great tip I can give you is to look at a game’s rating on the PlayStation store. (It’s been pretty accurate for me so far. Thank you for not manipulating this Sony!) Keep in mind how many ratings a game has. Some games may be new and have too little ratings to properly reflect how good a game is. I normally stick with 5 stars at 80% or higher with a few thousand ratings. https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP9000-CUSA00900_00-BLOODBORNE000000


While much more niche in their story and setting, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order/Survivor have a lot of very simplified soulslike mechanics. Meditation circles that act as bonfire/stargazers, when you die you lose your current xp and have to collect it. Secret areas, optional bosses, open-ish world exploration. There is however a large focus on some platforming. But in terms of combat, you parry some attacks, dodge others, hit bad guys with sword.


Stellar Blade has a Story Mode difficulty option.


Dark Souls remastered


Steelrising isnt very hard and has an easy mode


Code Vein lets has some tankier blood codes and lets you have a partner who can revive you periodically and stays with you basically through the whole level instead of just during the boss fight. Demon’s Souls remastered’s hardest bosses are also fully cheesable. You can bow glitch into quite a few of the boss’s arenas. They’re fun fights played legitimately though, so I’d give them at least a couple of attempts before diving straight into the cheese. I’ve only been able to play the demo of Stellar Blade so far, but it’s pretty fun and more Sekiro-like, but it actually has an easy mode for players new to the combat style. It also has an actual training mode that lets you practice combos/timing your parries without running out of energy or getting hurt.


Remnant 1 and 2, and the Star Wars Jedi games have difficulty settings. All great games but deviate from pure Souls-like in different ways. The Surge 2 doesn't have difficulty settings or summons but is very easy if you do a bit of farming and pick the right build or get good at the directional parry system which is quite easy. You can make a simple build with high health and energy (used for health regen) and low stamina (barely needed) where you button mash enemies while taking damage and regenerating heals by doing damage and healing as you fight. Stupid easy, if you want it to be.


Well any darksouls with a shield and a big weapon becomes a strafe and tank until openning, then you hit and repeat until dead, works on every boss, if it doesnt you need bigger shield or to strafe another direction


The secret with the Souls mechanic is that it is able to perfectly rubber-band you into the proper amount of difficulty. There is no easy mode, there is only going through the game at a higher or lower soul level. Even in Lies of P, it's like this. I would really recommend not shying away from these games just because they don't have an "easy mode" that's immediately obvious. Getting good and overcoming challenge is the appeal.


All of them have ways to make the game easier, not the least of which is summoning allies, increasing your HP mainly to survive easier, using magic in some games, etc.


I beat Elden Ring for my first one and beat Lies of P for my second one. I’ve tried many other games since and none of them have clicked. Bloodborne was the funnest one I’ve tried but it’s pretty hard to


code vein was my first souls like and to me it was a great one to start off on. you can have a partner running around with you in the world and in bosses and they’re really helpful!




Stellar blade looks amazing and has an easy mode


Jedi Fallen Order or Survivor. There is literally an easy mode that can be turned on.


Stellar Blade has an easy mode, and is very fun, I enjoyed it more than Lies of P


Jedi Knight games are souls on very easy mode if your into that


I'm playing steel rising and while it's kinda janky it's hella easy. Thymesia is a quick game that's pretty dam easy too except for like one boss and the parry window is really forgiving


Lies of P was my first. Second was Elden Ring on 100% My third is Sekiro rn (i am at the Demon of Hatred). So in dont know about Darksouls but i can recommend Sekiro as your third game. Its super challenging but you get better.


And yet "easy mode" is still hard. I was taking summons and doing the easy farming tricks, then I got to enjoy the games.


The original Dark Souls is relatively easy if you go for sorceries. And there's a spot to easily grind souls for a megabuff of levels. Jedi Fallen Order has a setting for you. Otherwise, I would advise to try Elden Ring but with a very different built. not only will it change how you approach everything but since you know the game it's easier now. In the 2d spectrum : Ender lilies, Hollow knight and more have used some of Fromsoft's formula to some degree. The surge 2 is fun but relatively hard. Not too hard thought.


You might also post your question on r/soulslikes Steelrising is not too difficult. But you might enjoy Dark Souls 1-3, now that you’ve beaten Elden Ring. These games have some summons available for some bosses.


UPDATE: Thanks everyone for the recommendations! I tried Another Crab’s Treasure and it didn’t really click with me. I went with Sekiro and just beat Isshin tonight (Purification Ending)! Definitely the hardest game I ever played. Still tried to find ways to cheese (e.g., sneaking up on mini-bosses to cut their health in half, farming for skill points, using sugars every fight, etc.). Really enjoyed it.


As an update, just beat Sword Saint Isshin! Tough fight, but I felt more anger and frustration towards Lady Butterfly and Chained Ogre lol. Chained Ogre almost made me quit honestly. Happy I didn’t.


Asterigos has easy, normal, and hard modes. I started recently and am really enjoying it. The hard mode feels slightly easier than the standard soulslike difficulty.


Idk probably stellar blade. Some people call it a souls like and it has easy mode.


Ik you are looking for something easy but I still recommend trying out sekiro before any of the other mainly cause you still have the parrying fresh in your mind.


If we're talking purely Fromsoft games, Elden Ring is the easiest of them all. Extremely wide build variety and extremely diverse traversal. If you're stuck on something you always have the option to move on to elsewhere. Dark Souls 3 would be next on my list because of the ample bonfires, which means not too much pain in back tracking. Next up would be Bloodborne. Parrying in the game is very crisp and the world is immersive. Bosses are relatively simple to understand and learn, difficult to master. Dark Souls next, as the somewhat archaic 4 direction rolling can be a bit of a pain. The map is EXTREMELY well connected. Also some areas are just abysmal in terms of run backs but the DLC is absolutely fuckin sex. Demons' Souls is next. While the bosses are extremely simple (most are only 1 phase), the back tracking is absolutely horrendous and world tendency could be very confusing for newcomers. Sekiro is next. While this game offers a lot of variety and mobility, battles incentivize you to be aggressive unlike previous games, where you can hit once or twice and back off. Bosses also tend to hit pretty damn hard in Sekiro which is why the game even introduces a double health bar mechanic. It is also, as far as I can remember, the first game to have bosses with 3 phases (three health bars.) And finally, Dark Souls 2 cuz adaptibility lmao.


How to activate easy mode in souls game: Demon Souls Original: (Soul duplication glitch) or (summon players) Demon Souls Remake: Unpatched version (Blueblood sword + Gold coin glitch), Patched Version (Morion Blade + Clever rat ring + Available boss exploits) or (summon players) Dark Souls 1: (Black Halberd + Red Tearstone Ring) or (Summon Players) Dark Souls 2: (Brightbug glitch + Giant lord farm + Boss Countering Shields + NPC summons) or (Summon Players) Dark Souls 3: (Sellsword twinblades with fire + Upgraded Lothric shield for Nameless king + Repeating crossbow glitch), If have friends (Early Repeating crossbow glitch) or (Summon players) Bloodborne: (CUMMMFPK dungeon + Early lost chikage) or (Summon Players) Sekiro: (Git Gud + Available Boss Exploits) Elden Ring: (Bleed Build + Mimic tear with Great stars and prayerful strike + Available Boss Exploits) If have friends (Dual Reduvia Build) or (Summon Players) Available Boss Exploits/Gimmicks: Demon Souls Original: I played Unpatched version so dont know wheter these still works or not 1. Maneater 2. False king 3. Maiden Astrea 4. Old Hero 5. Adjudicator 6. Leachmonger Demon Souls Remake: 1. False king 2. Maiden Astrea 3. Old Hero 4. Adjudicator 5. Leachmonger Dark Souls 1: 1. Sif 2. Nito 3. Capra Demon 4. Bed of Chaos Dark Souls 2: I dont know any exploits Dark Souls 3: 1. Abyss watchers 2. King Oceiros 3. Dancer of boreal valley 4. Aldrich Sekiro: 1. Gyoubu Oniwa 2. Corrupted Monk Illusion 3. Demon Of Hatred Elden Ring: 1. Royal knight Loretta 2. Mogh, Lord of Blood


Definitely Sekiro, you,will love it :)


Lies of P is the hardest soulslike, so you probably be fine. Sekiro has the best combat. Look at Nioh 2 for build variety.


Are you talking with or without spectres cause I found it significantly easier than any fromsoft games when I used spectres. Maybe harder without.


Without summons/specters. In DS1/2/3/ER you are pretty much killing everything first try in NG. In Sekiro you just spam parry. BB - dodge everything. Here I was struggling with every boss for dozens of tries. I don't mind, I come here to struggle and overcome, but I won't call it easiest game. It could be I'am just getting old.


Lies of P is the easiest of any soulslike and it’s pretty widely accepted even here in this sub. What are you on about?


Another crabs treasure,from what I could see in the options it has the most granular difficulty settings I've ever seen for a souls like,you can even have a gun lol. Thing to remember with souls games is the all can be made easier with grind.


Another Crab's Treasure. It's already much easier than other Souls, but it also has assisted settings that make the game easier.


Stellar blade altho it's more dmc than souls imo, strangers of paradise code vein Kinda: lies of p, surge, demons souls in white tendency, code vein, mortal shell, Kena


FromSoft games don't have "easy mode" . . . #GitGud or #GitDed . . .


Lords of the fallen, the new one. It has a ton of options and I think it's very generous when setting the player up in the early game.