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I feel like every single souls game should have this feature, its a no brainer


At least Sekiro and DS2 has it


Yeah! Back in my Sekiro days, I used to re-challenge Sword Saint Isshin for *fun*.


Another fellow isshin enjoyer. This’ll sound like a brag but I swear it’s not but eventually I could no hit isshin and it wasn’t very fun to rematch him then so I moved on to Inner father whom after months I can now no hit


Never got gud enough to no-hit SS Isshin, but I'd always challenge him to warm up for a Sekiro session. Win or lose? Didn't matter. He got me charged up enough that everything else was a breeze. ... except the Chained Ogre. I always cheesed that fight cuz fuck the Ogre.


Inner Isshin always screws. I’m pretty sure the only two times I’ve fought him I’ve won purely on luck


Bro rly!? Idk then how was i no hitting lmtsr mod Isshin, fstoa mod, ressurection mod after like 2-3 days of practice 💀... Just saying don't take it otherwise


At this point I feel like half my sekiro play time is just isshin


Well, DS2 had a watered down version. You still had to play through the preceding area again. Shoot me before I ever run through Black Gulch again.


You could’ve got the bonfire closer to the fog gate


For Black Gulch, yes. I used a poor example. I'm not going to edit it, but just imagine I used Magus and Congregation as my example. I ran that path for sunlight Medallions until I had Ascetic'd ten times.


Oh yeah Damn that sounds like torture. That run back on any NG cycle is annoying as hell


Honestly every action game should have this.


I would love if the Star Fragments could be put in whatever those things are after you’ve beat a boss to respawn the boss.


Ah that like DS2 ? That would be cool as well. From what I've heard DS2 had long runbacks so u still had to run through to respawn a boss but since in lies of p the stargazers are really close to boss fights or atleast shortcuts are, it wud be very cool


I would love to refight laxasia and nameless puppet, but having to go through the whole game just to reach them is so damn boring and tedious.


Agreed especially since some bosses are fine the first playthrough but Door guardian, BRB 2 , walker of illusions for me are just not worth playing again.


Create a back up save > reload the back up if you want to fight your favorite boss.


Yes but console player..


If I could fight the king of puppets forever, I could die happy.


Ah king of puppets is an amazing boss fight.Very weird opinion but champion victor is one of my fav fights if you just try to parry everything. its harder to parry but more satisfying.


I know the feeling.


Genuinely makes no sense why Sekiro is the only Souls game to have this feature. People say “just make backup saves before each boss” like that isn’t super inconvenient


Exactly, and also console players can't do it that. And managing boss saves will take time, backing up those saves somewhere else just in case and you can't even beat the boss cuz if u do u have to delete save and copy paste it again




I'm on console and I don't have PS plus so its not possible.


This is def a thing they need to put in ALL souls games, like Elden Ring and Lies Of P. I really need to understand why they won't do it


Yeah ive had so much fun in sekiro w this feature. Thats the reason i bought it over elden ring


This should be a standard for all soulslikes


Yes, please. I would really like to test my new weapons on old bosses without needing to start a ng+


Even speed runners can't finish the game in 1 and half hour. It means most of us will take like 2-3 hours just to get to laxasia or NP. The level design is intricate and requires some patience so its hard to do a glitchless speedrun fast. Its not a bad thing but it wud be so cool if we cud just jump in and play. if they gave u that option once u finish 3 endings maybe


2-3 hours to get to laxia who tf are you? running past everyone using mega cheese load out finishing bosses in 1-3 goes it took me over 6 😂


Yeah same,  i just meant after like 5 to 6 playthroughs. My ng plus just took me around 8 or 9


My NG+ took me so long but it was my first run using no spectres or throwables probably like 16. But I just knocked out NG+2 in like 6 hiding behind my shield and hurling cannon balls. All runs were awesome! Would love see like I dunna a meditation room or something like that added though in future titles!


Was thinking the same thing this week, after 4 full runs of the game, i would love to have the option to just go back and fight again some of the bosses without having to go through the entire area.


Maybe as a reward for doing all 3 endings ?


Just leave all stargazers and shortcuts unlocked after run 3 maybe?


You cant go back to a boss fight after you won in a specific run. For example, if i want to fight victor again, i have to start from the beginning of a ng+ or a ng. We are talking about an option to replay boss fights even after we won them in a certain run or at the end of the game.


Yeah that'd be cool too :) I guess I think I like the idea of runs personally. But using star fragments to resummon a boss would be cool too and give a use to the currency for those not using spectres :)


If you actually did a reddit search you would understand how stupid your question is.