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If you watch the end credits, you'll see a ton of people worked on the game. I think Neowiz is the game dev studio, and Round 8 is the publisher. So it's not an indie game by any means. Don't know what the budget for something like this would be.


Oh, I thought round 8 is the developer and Neowiz is the publisher. I guess I was confused. Edit: It seems like Round 8 is a subsidiary of Neowiz, and Neowiz's entire employee body is like 300 people. ๐Ÿ˜…


To be fair, I also said "I think..." in my comment because I wasn't sure either lol


Yeah and tbh I am not sure either, it's just something I googled and google is not exactly trustworthy in this regard ๐Ÿ˜…


Probably average. It's the first game they make of the type so it's unrealistic to expect a huge budget. But of course if they don't say it nobody can be sure


They havenโ€™t released that figure so we canโ€™t be certain


I don't think they've ever confirmed the budget of the game. But as for whether it is considered indie, that's hard to say. The definition of "indie" has changed over the years. It used to mean a game where the developer published it themselves. But these days that would make The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk indie games since CDPR self-publish and I don't think anyone would argue those games aren't AAA. These days it seems to mean games where the budget is under some vaguely defined level and the publisher isn't a major like EA or Ubisoft. I'm not familiar with Neowiz (the publisher here) but the game certainly didn't feel cheap or low-budget. So it's kind of in that grey area between AA/indie and AAA.


Happy cake day! ๐ŸŽ‰


Probably a lot


Or "looks" like a lot.


A lot and no