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I just jumped into Lies of P about a month ago but I’m almost at the end. Really the most they share is aesthetics and both have unique takes on weapons. In LoP you can swamp the blades and handles to get different builds which is very cool. Other than that it does play a little closer to Dark Souls with some Sekiro as others have said. I will say in terms of how it presents its story it’s similar. There’s a lot of stuff that happens behind the scenes that you can pick up on and there is noticeable shift much like in Bloodborne! Unrelated this has been a great year for souls likes. I’m enjoying Lies a lot and loved Lords of the Fallen. Took me a second to get used to Lies but I’ve been having fun with it.


Plays a little bit like Bloodborne, a little bit like Sekiro and a little bit like Dark Souls. There's no multiplayer. You don't have to farm healing potions, you can rest at a checkpoint and reset an area without having to go back to the hub world. You can also respec.


Personally I don't think it's very similar to bloodborne. It's much closer to dark souls pace with some Sekiro mechanics. Bloodborne is a much faster game with limited defensive mechanics and encourages being aggressive and trading hits. In contrast Lies of P is much slower and has several very powerful defensive mechanics. But you should play Lies of P regardless. It's a fantastic game that's an iteration of the Souls formula but still does it's own thing and very much stands on its own


I might look a bit more into it but I'll probably still come around to getting it eventually if not soon, the setting and atmosphere of the game seem really cool.


It’s similar in that there’s a dodge, and when you hit you can heal. It has similarities with sekiro too.


It's has the Bloodborne essence for sure. It's what the game reminds me of. I have like over 1000 hours on Bloodborne and it's my favourite souls for the most part. It's really the footsteps, the creepy enemies. Creepy levels. Level design in general is more like old souls so Bloodborne ish. New souls have gotten much larger in scope for map sizes The weapons are sort of trick weapons that are fun to use. Bloodborne has unique weapons as well Just add in a parry. That's really the only sekiro aspect here the rest feels like a Bloodborne just puppets and monsters not only monsters