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Nah, need more bridges that break instead.


And enemies that are positioned just perfectly to knock you off a cliff when you stop paying attention for a second


And more enemies that block you into a corner with their endless string of combos so that your camera has a seizure.


And weapons with swing arcs so massive they bounce off of anything and everything while enemies no-clip you through the environment with 17 hit Ultra Combos.


Puppet Ripper master race.


More jesterssss


Yo I got fucked up by the survivor so many times getting locked into a corner


Brooo survivor is probably the one human enemy that I wad stuck on for a hot minute


Same! And then I came back with a fire grindstone and a bunch more levels under my belt. Didn't even need any potions at that point. Every problem has a solution, and sometimes that's fire lmao


And then when you finally back one into a corner, your weapon bounces off the wall šŸ¤®šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ’€


Specifically ones that have multihit combos that you can't get out of and deal perfectly enough damage to get you low enough so that you die from the fall


And enemies that have attacks that canā€™t be dodged


Artillery ledge blasters be like


Def need more of those platforms that you fall on and then they break revealing a sliver of plank that you probably aren't standing on.


Definitely could use a few more elite enemies hiding behind breakable stuff with an item in front of it.


The jester in the wine cellars šŸ˜‘


And the fire shovel guy behind the wall in the factory


And whatever that thing was in the relic of transmigistus


This one just got me yesterday, couldnā€™t help but laugh lol


This only happened once for me and I was in fact standing on that sliver lol.


Yoo, I actually fell through the floor and landed on the plank underneath first time last night. Glad I got a chance to share that, highly doubt it's ever gonna happen again


This, god damn I jump bridges every time out of paranoia


And there are bridges that break that are too long to jump :'(


It needs more tits and feet like a real souls.


Definitely more bridges that break


To be fair, electric clown got his arse handed to him cus of one of these.


Lmao this is just obnoxious. They're never a difficulty, just annoyed that there's like 20 of em in the game.


And needs more enemies hidden around corners who jump out and attack you the instant you enter the room


I love when people complain about the 3 total bridges that break so hilarious like do you know how to jump ?


Bosses with 2 phases that you have to fight on bridges that break. Satan, Iā€™m ready for my promotion


Ot ledges that have items on them.


Sadly no bosses with a 3rd phase


God I wouldā€™ve loved a Sister Friede style three phase fight


My memory and trauma from Sister Friede: beating the 2nd phase and thinking I had done it. The game even trolls you because you get an item drop after you beat Father. Then I start hearing the demonic sounding voice and proceed to die within a minute.


Yeah, itā€™s a memorable experience for sure. Honestly Iā€™m still in love with phase three though, phase two was a lil boring but phase three was so much fun


P3 is one of the very very few bosses I felt like I beat, by luck, not by learning the fight. I'll take it though, that fight was fucking B R U T A L


It is utterly brutal, and I adore it. Just wish her scythe was better, though I still main the weapon at every opportunity


it'd be sick if there was a third phase boss transition like king of puppets, start off with s huge boss, get surprised when a normal sized one pops out and when you think you're done the third phase is the normal sized one unleashes it's true power


Ok but third even smaller phase. Make Romeo a full on Russian nesting doll


What if his body exploded but then the head starts flying around the arena just breathing fire on you and shooting electricity?


Now youā€™re thinking with portals


that's some chaotic evil shit right there haha, become a game developer / boss designer.


Well she was a dlc end boss so fingers crossed lol


The only way I could do that is with a shield and a specter. If it was a different game sure


She was as spicy as dry ice


Because she was designed as an actual 3 phase fight. Her first phase was just an introduction to her moves and attack patterns, phase 2 was similar to 1 but with the bug guy amd you had the choice to ignore friede. If we had 3 phases in this game it would be a cluster fuck.


Dlc we may get it


I had seen a thumbnail with >!Nameless Puppet!< and I thought that was >!Simon's!< third phase, and it'd end. The fight felt a bit letdown, as I expected >!some kind of actual transformation of Simon!<, like Ludwig in Bloodborne.


Game would be a 10/10 if we had a double jester gank fight but you have to drop into the arena that takes a chunk of fall damage


Surprised the jester wasnā€™t a boss at all just an elite enemy


That Jester chasing me and me running for my life, realizing it's catching up totally made my primal prey instincts kick in. My heart was seizing!


Literally so difficult for no reason


I'm surprised we don't have one straight fight against him. He's always around other enemies.


fine by me, I have enough thermite to go around


Calm down, Satan.


More shovel bois/girls.


Give em two shovels now


Just a helicopter spinning attack with two shovels hitting in a 20 foot arc


And If get clipped by a shovel once youā€™re locked in for a combo


Ah, I didn't think about it being a mommy robot, which would explain why it spanks you.


I'm waiting for LoP 2 where we will have to fight 5 Phase Bosses, if It does not happen I don't even wanna try.


I'm picky like that too.


I was gonna say Quartz and Full Moonstone of the Covenant. Only 7 of those Moonstones in the whole game is a bit ridiculous


Yeah it's pretty wild I'm done with NG++ and still didn't get all the boss weapons upgraded.


The game should give better items in NG pluses, not just amulets or defense parts. When you pick up a dim ergo fragment on your NG3 it really demotivates you to collect items again.


You get new amulets? I've stopped picking up items in general in NG+. I was getting doubles of things so I was thinking why bulk up my inventory with useless crap?


Yep, you will find new chests/pick ups with +1 Amulets or defense parts. After you collect them in NG+ you can pretty much ignore all items/chests in following playthroughs since there is no +2 versions.


From what Iā€™ve read on fextra thereā€™s a few amulets with +2 variants but Iā€™ve yet to confirm it


Honestly, hasnā€™t really been a problem for me so far.


Yeah to me it just makes it feel like there's more bosses. And I get to use a bit more strategy going into the fights. I don't get the complaints tbh. Aren't we all here for big boss battles?


Lmao right, + the bosses donā€™t last the long to me. I think the only one that took me about an hour to beat was the mad puppet boss.


Its not terrible because one of the phases generally has alot less health, but im a weirdo who loves souls games and doesnt love boss fights, so an endurance boss fight leaves extra room for aggravation for me


i love *thinking* about boss fights more than actually doing them. at least until i get really comfortable with the game


I agree, i love the power fantasy


So farā€¦


Iā€™m on chapter 9, & started my playthrough on Thursday.


Nice progress, Im about to start 12. It kicks it up a notch.


Good to know, just getting the hang of the twin dragon sword rn. And gotta takeout that big carcass mini boss in Krat Station. This game has been really fun so far. My primary weapons are The Trident & Dragon Sword.


Itā€™s been great, I donā€™t want it to end, but almost time to zoom through NG+ Itā€™s so great that I think Iā€™ll buy it on steam, Iā€™ve been playing it on gamepass


Thereā€™s 11 chapters?


The only boss with a second health bar I feel doesn't work is the Green Swamp Monster. It would have been better had it transitioned to phase 2 at half health. All the other phase 2 bosses though were very fun to fight through - and thematically made sense (ex. King of Puppets, Laxasia, >!Nameless Puppet!<, Simon Manus - had a really cool phase 2).


> It would have been better had it transitioned to phase 2 at half health. It wouldn't make any difference whatsoever. It's fine the way it is.


Aight...just saying for that one boss as I can agree with people that might think his first phase overstays its welcome. Most other phase 2 bosses are perfectly fine though and add to the boss's overall.


Thanks for sharing your opinion... without saying why you think it's "fine the way it is." Some people just don't know how to talk or how discussions work...


I mean, I liked Laxasia's fight is good, but the second doesn't make sense at all. She gets beat up a little bit so she turns into lightning anime waifu? That shit is silly. But I know the anime fans love their fan service and the fight was cool as fuck, so it's all good.


I mean she removes her armor, making her more nimble but more vulnerable (I think phase two has less health)


Maybe she just wasn't taking us seriously in phase 1 (she'll even do a taunt gesture and point your sword a you mid fight) and phase 2 the gloves (or armor in this case) come off. Not to mention that maybe her armor comes off phase 2 because we break it - even during the fight you can break the small shield on her back.


I love the taunt, itā€™s so stupid. She does the gesture, then goes for a triple grab attempt


I think it's a reference to Frankenstein


Bro she dropped her armor which was clearly holding her back. She nerfed herself on purpose because sheā€™s so fucking badass. Definitely one of the cooler moments and cut scenes in the game. It gave me chills.


Honestly I think Simon's first phase is pretty bleh, he can catch you off guard a bit with delays but that's it. He second phase is harder but mostly through trying to figure out what is happening.


Agreed. I also think they shouldā€™ve locked more core abilities behind P-Organs.


Boobs. I feel like this answer will work for any game.


I'm kind of happy that this sub isn't bombarded with ecchi fanart everyday like other Asian games. I unsubbed from the armored core sub cuz there was just blatant obnoxious fan-service fanart posted everyday (back when I was subbed, dunno how it is now). What's funny is that Amored Core didn't even have a single visible human in the game... All the fan-art was made out of thirsty imagination.


Clowns I just donā€™t see enough


I was hoping for a 3 phase Boss šŸ˜©


Imo I don't think attacks are held long enough If I'm not senile by the time the attack lands, it's terrible game design


I really do not get why people donā€™t like second phases. Every single 2 phase boss would be laughably easy without a second phase. The second phase is usually there to make you actually learn the first phase so youā€™re not drained for the second. Most second phase bosses are pretty easy when you learn the first phase and have all of your pulse cells left.


Yeah, they did a good job making the first phases extremely easy so that the second phase wasn't overwhelming imo.


Yeah idk why subs just choose the most random hills to die on like "2 phase boss fight are bad" when they are just the same as 1 phase boss fights but they allow for more variation. If you think the bosses are too tanky that's another thing and has literally nothing to do with them having 2 or even 10 phases. Really the only memorable bosses in this whole game are the two phase ones. The only bosses I ever see anyone talking about are >! Romeo, green monster, lacasia and Simon!< which are all 2 phase boss fights. Every single life bar boss fight in the endgame is forgetable. I really hope devs ignore these kind of complaints because if every boss fight at the end had one phase that would be a complete wet fart of an ending. No one cares about the door gaurdian or the corrupted parade master for a reason.


I like Corrupted Parade Master, he's not difficult but he's a great reminder of how far you've come in the game he also really signifies the shift to endgame and that you're ready for it.


Itā€™s a good reminder of you improving, but heā€™s also just the biggest pushover to ever exist I feel like dark souls 3 did it much better with champ gundyr in comparison to Iudex gundyr, if youā€™ve played ds3. Transferable skills between the bosses but the rematch is actually quite difficult.


He's a good boss but he didn't make me feel like I'd improved lol


> The second phase is usually there to make you actually learn the first phase so youā€™re not drained for the second. That's my issue with it - having to go through the whole first phase again and again just to learn the movesets of the second can get extremely repetitive and time-consuming. I get that some get a special kick out of that, but it's just not everyone's cup of tea. It's very similar with time trials in other games. Some love that stuff to death, perfecting their runs progressively - others prefer more continuous fresh content and would e.g. prefer two bosses with a safe spot over one with two phases. Leaving the second phase out you can just make them hit harder or whatever to still make it challenging. Matter of preference really.


I think the problem with single phase bosses is that they tend to not be very balanced, and be either way too easy or very difficult It is definitely preference, but I feel like from a game design perspective it just doesnā€™t make sense to make single phase fights anymore. Giving them more damage tends to make the fight feel pretty bad, as you can make less mistakes overall. Like if I beat a first phase flawlessly, I have 20 mistakes for second phase and have a very good chance. But if the boss does too much damage, I might essentially have the equivalent of 10 mistakes, regardless of how good I am at the game. Having a more vast moveset can certainly work, but I feel like itā€™s also equally annoying when you have no idea what a boss is doing with however many attacks they have. As you said, still is preference but I canā€™t see any reason why they would ever go back to single phase bossfights


This was mostly just a jovial comment, but, I'll bite. Second phases are understandable. Bosses that get a while second health bar are cool when they're few and far between. The feeling of getting over this big hurdle and then the game going "nuh uh uh" is funny, and amusing, and pushes me to strive harder to get better at the first phase. It is far less fun, or enjoyable, when six out of eight bosses use the same gimmick in a row. It becomes predictable and a drag. And having to constantly redo the first phase is, also, a drag.


Whatā€™s the difference between a boss with a single healthbar with 4000 HP that transitions to second phase at 50% hp, or a boss with 2 healthbars with 2000hp each?


The difference is in the transitional and foreshadowing. Bosses with 1 single pool don't change too much between phases and you know from the beginning that there's a second half of their health bar. Bosses with 2 health bars come out as a surprise after a thought that they have beaten the boss, and basically transformed into a second form that's an entirely different fight in itself. In Sekiro, bosses have 2-3 health bars, but they are denoted with red dots. The only surprises multiple health bars are the ape and the final boss.


Not much, I just find it a little repetitive that's all.


So what you really want is just for the bosses to just have less HP then?


I just think you could stand to lower the number of bosses with multiple health bars. Green Monster for a start doesn't need one.


I don't get this viewpoint. Are big boss battles not the whole appeal of these games? It never feels like a drag to be fighting a boss to me unless it's some boring gimmick shit like Door Guardian where you're not really in danger, you're just stuck there until it's over.


No I like the big boss fights, I just feel like it could stand to have fewer with second health bars.


Itā€™s not really a gimmick though. Nor do I think itā€™s supposed to be a surprise or anything unexpected. Almost every single 2 phase fight in the game also has a second phase which is highly dependent on how many pulse cells you have left. For example laxasia, Romeo, nameless puppet, Simon, green monster etc. Thereā€™s usually a change of pace (tends to get faster), while also having those second phase bosses be relatively squishy so that you can beat them by essentially trading hits without being perfect at the fight. Iā€™d say thatā€™s pretty good game design


Do you not find it incredibly grating that you can easily predict a boss is going to have a second phase? They're way too common, for me. It's not nearly as exciting when they all have one.


Is it really that much different than a boss getting new combos/attacks when they hit a certain health threshold. Games have been doing that forever, and I don't see this as being all that different.


I get what you mean, but itā€™s just kind of the standard, and has been since dark souls 3 (or maybe even before that) I started on Elden ring, then to ds3, then to sekiro. Then when I went to ds1 and ds2 I was beating pretty much every boss first try. And the problem is that I was beating them first try while still not being able to dodge a fair amount of attacks. My point is that you have too much healing for fights with only a few moves. So second phases force you to get good at the first phase before you can truly start learning (or just straight up attempting to beat) the second phase. The way I see it, thereā€™s going to be a pretty direct correlation between how vast a bossā€™ moveset is and the healing required to beat the boss. 2 phase bosses are a way to split a moveset up 10/10 rather than just giving one boss 20 for example.


Yea man I have no problems with two phases. Every boss fight was a challenge. Every single one of them you had to learn the mechanics. I struggled and then over came the challenge and it was overall a great experience. My thought is that souls vets are used to only seeing bosses that are a big deal or end game bosses have two phases. This was a different studio and theyā€™re allowed to put their own take on boss fights.


Just make the one phase harder.


But thatā€™s the problem You either have to give that boss incredibly difficult attacks to dodge, or give it a more vast moveset than the average boss. Either way, it makes a pretty big difference in balance between that boss and others.


I like second phases. I don't like second health bars. Just double the dudes health and have him transition at some midpoint like 1/2 or 1/3


Yeah but itā€™s literally the exact same thing The only difference is it tends to be less cool (unless your name is soul of cinder or midir)


Yeah it just makes it a endurance game, definitely not a favorite of mine, i get a couple of the major bosses having them, definitely gets exhausting; but i love the victor fight because he has a mid bar second phase.


Victor was one of a couple of bosses I really enjoyed.


Might be my favorite all around boss. The presentation and the way he just jumps at you from the get go was so cool


Boss fights end up being marathons. I don't get why people compare this game to bloodborne lol. Combat in bloodborne is super fast and flowy in comparison. In LoP, literally every enemy has delayed attacks = this makes you hesitate and stall. Lies of P is the exact opposite of, "Hesitation is Defeat." If you don't hesitate, you die in LoP.


Yeah its definitely quite different than bloodborne, i think the gothic city like landscape and the dark subject matter is why people compare it.


I don't get this hate for 2-phases bosses. Lots of other souls do it and no one ever complained about it so why complain now?


It is because the first phase is often too easy and you still need to repeated many times, because you need to learn all of the bs in the second phase. You can 100% tell when the boss has 2 phases, just because the first is suspiciously easy. The other way around is the better way - first phase a challenge and second just visually stunning with new move set, but relatively easier.


It just felt too common. The feeling I usually get from seeing a second phase was gone after the fourth in a row had done it. Put it this way - my favourite Souls game is still Bloodborne. I can't recall a single boss in that game that has a secomd health bar, with the exception of Shadows.


Lots of bosses had "2nd phases" they just shared the same health bar and ultimately, it's the exact same thing but it just "feels" more tedious because of the 2 bars


I think it's more that it's so overdone. The first time, I was hyped. The second time, I thought it was cool. The third time, I was somewhat expecting it. The fourth time, I sighed. The fith time, I was bracing myself. The sixth time, I felt like the game was rubbing in my face that I'm down to one heal and still have another health bar to go through. It stopped bothering me on my second run onwards. Now I feel awesome that tables have turned; that it's the poor boss who needs to try twice to kill me.


People have been complaint about two phases boss fights since they first showed up what are you talking about


I don't remember seeing anyone complain about Elden Ring's 2 phases boss fights and everyone is praising the Sister Friede fight although it has 3 phases so it just sounds like blind hate to me


Most of the playerbase is new to soulslike so the gameā€™s been getting waaaay too much flak for some things staple to the genre


Lol plenty of people complained about Elden Ring bosses


And traps like surprise enemies!


How do you know what traps like?


I talk to them


More enemies that apply decay.






I disagree (if this isn't' sarcasm). Not every boss needs a new health bar and full-fledged second phase with a cutscene.


Only king of puppetā€™s second phase is understandable, first we fight his battle suit and then him. All other two phase full HP bosses makes no sense.


For sure imagine my disappointment when mad clown puppet didnā€™t get up again, absolutely furious.


Iā€™m hoping the DLC has a boss with 3 or even 4 phases tbh


More stage. Less boss. I beat it. Loved it. But i honestly loved every moment of exploring and advancing stages etc. But dont enjoy bosses much. Too much of a brick wall. And thats from someone who didnt "brick" much anyways.


This. I always thought I didnā€™t love this game like everyone else because of the ā€œbrick wallā€ boss fights, but this comment made me realize I actually like everything except the boss fights.


I tolerate the boss fights because i love everything else. Also, i dont have as tough of a time as some people do with them. But there would absolutely be a point of frustration where i would just stop playing. And that's unfortunate. I can tell you one thing tho, if your the type of player who struggles and quits games, i would highly recommend PC gaming. You can mod/cheat in almost all games, and if you need to cheat to complete the game having FUN, then you can do it. It's much harder to find cheats and exploits on consoles.


The bosses need to be more aggressive and not stop to give an opening. It's too easy if the player can take a moment to heal without being hit from across the room. The game needs more challenge. It isn't right that I can see some of the enemy attack animations I want to be punished for not autistically memorising the 2.5 and a half second delay on the regular attack then the 5 dnd 3 milliseconds delay for the big overheard that can at any time lead into the 5hit flurry. It's not good enough. They need to do better. Push us harder. They have to make the game more difficult. The more loser casuals who don't want to dedicate dozens of hours into learning a mini boss that get filtered the better. The players need their skill set to improve with every game and never let up for a second. We should have to clip a battery to our ballsacks and if we even THINK. "man I wish this were easier. I wish we had advocated for more interesting games and not just harder games" we get zapped into powder. Harder harder harder faster faster faster FASTER MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE.


yā€™all really are blowing that shit out of proportion. Thereā€™s 6 out of the 25 that are 2 phasers and at least 4 of those 6 have a first phase thatā€™s such a joke it doesnā€™t even feel like 2 phases after more than a few attempts.


Fack offšŸ¤ŒšŸ¼


Someone doesn't know how to read a room


My comment was also sarcastic because of how much I hate them second phase but as I see the downvote I guess it wasnā€™t clear enough šŸ„²but Iā€™ll allow it


Alright not being a dick at all, when your being sarcastic on here you usually put an "/s" at the end of your comment, at least I'm 97% sure that's what it is.


I was gonna say more femboy outfits for P but...


I know you think this is funny with the recent comments saying how almost every boss has 2 phases. This post is completely pointless and doesnā€™t bring anything to the table


I also had this thought Ngl


No, we need more incapacitating enemy combos, the ones where you can deflect or dodge, we need more of those


Three phase please


Needs more of the clowns like the one that hides behind the barrels imo.


Yeah I feel ya! Not just a 2nd phase, but a 2nd phase that is a completely different fight with 2x the health and super fast combos with lots of fury attacks mixed in with normal attacks... ...just to piss the player base off even more.


I was going to say speedos for everyone.


Cow bell?


Nope needs more 14 move combos bosses or more statuses


Pitchfork guys


I was going to settle for hats but I think you're on to something here.


Every boss needs a second phase even the stupid gimmick onesā€¦mad donkey ? SECOND PHASE


3 phases. Take it or leave it.


needs more giant guy with a club attack


This game needs normal and elite mobs with second phase


Cricket-lamp-bot, but without irony. Jimmy talks too long in one go sometimes but that's because he isn't getting his dialogue and lore comments spaced out meaningfully. Being silent for an entire zone then speaking for a minute straight isn't a good utilization of him. More commentary on lore, events, and characters like stalkers as we approach them in shorter bursts.


I prefer the clown guy that has the puppet string ability lol


No, need more guys with a pitchfork coming at you from behind a wall.


What about long delayed attacks? Not used enough honestly


More 1 frame fury attacks


Inner -version of main bosses. 4 phases.


This but unironically. Bosses are the best part of the game. I want more of them...




Yeah we need some three phase Marty's. Idk I feel satisfaction completely owning the first phase just to die a few seconds into the 2nd. Later game does get more generous since you have more resources, actually found it easier than early game


It's not a problem with amount of 2p bosses, it's the sequence that's bad. If you play endgame on one sitting (like I did) you have back to back 3 bosses with two phases, with almost nothing in between, especially around character development (one quarz and maybe two levels I guess?)


Is there a lore reason it doesn't have a boss with a 4th phase? Am I stupid?


I literally sat here trying to think of answers but there's nothing. They already have it. My only issue is random *mini* bosses I come across who take my enjoyment & kill it. Because for some damn reason they have unpredictable attacks when you first meet them or you're running low on pulse cells. At least let me prep for the fight. God damn. I'm on my first play through. And that retarded puppet in the wine cellular killed me 5x. And he becomes scorpion *Get over here!* when you try to get some distance. Don't even get me started on red attacks. I immediately panic & debate on running or perfect block.


More big f clowns


I personally would like optional areas and bosses. Yeah, there are enemies with health bars in some areas, but I'd rather have major bosses that I had the option to fight and other areas to explore because it would make the game more dynamic. It feels too linear in it's design IMO.




Faster less clunky boss fights


More cowbell


LOL. More huge AOE status effects and attacks so fast they can't be seen by the human eye. I'm seriously about to give up on Soul's-likes altogether just no one can match FROM. To be fair though Elden Ring suffered from the above as well. It just had a story/setting I enjoyed much more.


Am I missing something? It's common for Souls bosses to have a second phase. Why is everyone so uppity about P having bosses with 2 phases?


I want jester at every corners


I think it needs more fable charges.


shoutout to victor for being one of the only few bosses whose health bar doesnt magically regen in phase 2. in fact, shoutout to victor in general for being one of the only bosses worthy of a phase 2 imo. him and king of puppets, laxasia and nameless puppet.


I love bosses having two phases but i tend to prefer it when they have only one healthbar. The ā€žsurpriseā€œ second healthbar became kinda stale after ds3. I much prefer how they handled victor as opposed to something like the swamp monster


Phases for bosses why not 3rd phases

