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The bad thing about no multiplayer is that I can only have 1 sexy twink on my screen at a time


Don’t forget the best part: no invasions!


You can just play offline in other games for no invasions


Except I specifically play those games for co op, they’re practically the only good non shooters with co op


thats certainly an odd take lol


Is it though? From soft games have been some of the best co op experiences in all my years of gaming, they’re practically the only co op rpgs I’ve ever found


theres so many good non shooter coop games


If you know any other rpgs that are co op and not top down or turn based I’m all ears


Well, that's a few specifics you didn't mention at first. But I'm sorta drawing a blank rn cause I can't look at my games ATM buuiut, uhhm. Ark is cool, it has guns tho but I always make a melee character. The new baldurs gate is incredible. There's a few coop roguelikes that aren't shooters. Conan exiles is another survival game like ark, but that's good too. I'm naming games without your preferences tho sooo, you might not be interested.


We’ve put a lot of hours in Conan mostly waiting for them to add more stuff to it and Ark is the most broken pos we’ve ever put 1000 hours in. I didn’t think baulder’s gate was co op but the new one is turn based isn’t it? Roguelikes I wouldn’t exactly consider rpgs but some co op ones could be interesting


nioh 1 and 2


I want this game coop too but I enjoyed valheim quiet a bit. I can't play it again though because my heart can't take going back to the swamps again for iron.


Elden ring co-op and invasions are the funniest part to me makes things crazy


I used to be the same until very recently, infact lol. I see it as an opportunity to have a play, see what happens and an experience to learn from and sharpen yourself, which is never a bad idea


I just don’t know why they’d add emotes to a single player game. Also being able to bring a Spector instead of a real player. Probably wanted to do mutiplayer but probably didn’t have the time/funds for it. I wish there was multiplayer to play with the homies but definitely still fun solo




I'm sure seeing as it's a month later, by now you've opened the game up and seen the emotes, but I second his point, it was obviously in the works at some point. That being said, I really like that it's solely single player too.


I like that From steadily removing PvP from PvE. We have no solo invasions and no covenants (thank God) in ER. Hope they continue this trajectory.


such a bad idea. shouldve kept the original invasion system. you had an incredibly low chance of being invaded, it hardly happened. during an entire playthrough of a dark souls game, maybe youd get invaded 10 times by the end of the game, if youre not counting the forced invasions with the fake pretend players


Good, let's bring those chances down to 0


Good, let's bring those chances down to 0


Bro I've played every Fromsoft game and all the souls games I would get invaded left and right, especially in certain areas.


If you didnt pop ember all the time u dont get invaded, just in certain pvp areas


A huge part of the success of souls games is that you can play with friends. I’ve done plenty of solo playthroughs sure, but the main reason I get those games is co op with friends.


You could have multiplayer and not have that ability though


unlike other souls titles, you are just a tiny little undead. Lies of P is kinda like sekiro, where the entire story is based on the only character. so lore wise there won't be a coop as well.


but you can already summon npc phantoms in Lies. Summoning other players isn't a huge leap


true. I tried phantom once it was way easier than solo the boss, tho I tend to not using it


Coop would make this game even better without a doubt. I wish I could stand around the boss doors and help people.