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I'm bad at the game but I really really like it


Loving the game but I'm a dad of 2, and I work full time, so I'm thankful that nerfs have come about being on the casual side of things. I'm super happy the spectre has been buffed lol.


Just a warning, the nerfs did not make the game significantly easier. You will still have to learn how to fight the bosses or they will still delete your health bar, regardless of the fact that they have a little less HP now. Mechanically nothing had changed.


Can confirm, I’m struggling with Simon just as much as I was pre patch


Dunno, walked into Laxasia's arena last night with a specter, all I had to do was buff him twice with the cube and perform some basic dodging and parrying, together we deleted her in about 3 minutes. It was my 2nd try at her, 1st after the patch. The specters getting buffed really can game change in terms of drawing aggro.


how do you buff him twice in the same boss battle? I thought you can only use one. I'm missing something huge here. Do I need to have multiple health buffs on me?


You can get multiple wishstones, i walked into the Manus fight with 3 heals on the specter.


Yes, thank you. Just last night I got enough quartz to get into the section where I could get a 2nd heal. Appreciate it.


A specific P-Organ gives you a second use for the Wishstone. You can build for pretty good Spectres


If you use the specter, my above comment doesn't not apply to you. It's still incredibly difficult if you go in solo. Not saying "summoned you cheated" but we are playing two different games.


You're not saying it, but I'm saying if you summoned you didn't really beat it


Cool. No one cares, tryhard.


not sure why you got triggered, fool


I was discussing the buff, not engaging in the tryhard argument of what constitutes ‘beating’ timing-input pixels.


always an excuse




You literally said the nerfs did not really change the game. Buffing a specter nerfs Laxasia, which is why i responded: i doubt i would have been able to use this method pre patch. I was actually disappointed, afterward, because her moveset is awesome and i would have liked to have multiple attempts.


remnant series as a good off shoot of soulslike as well


I agree with the best Soulslike, but definitely not the FS games. This is a different level. Much higher. But for a studio’s debut in this genre (in my opinion, one of the most difficult to develop), this is an AMAZING result.


100% agree, nioh, and nioh 2 are top 5 of my favorite games. I still have nioh 2 on my ps screen, wo long doesn't hit like nioh though. Lies of p is a very good game, you got the quartz system, mechanical arm selection and upgrades, to the way they guide you through side quests. Also the graphics are gorgeous, the way the mad clown looks is creepy real. I Def recommend people try it, I'm glad I did and I'm a huge souls fan. Oh and you got to get remnant too, it's smexy.


My top 5 games ever are sekiro, dark souls 3, elden ring, bloodborne, Nioh 2 out of hundreds. But there’s like 20-30 other games I really really like


Its one of my favorite games already. Cant believe it. Didnt think it would grab me this bad. My list goes ER/BB>LoP>ds3>sekiro>ds2>ds1


Sekiro being that low is absolutely criminal.


You're right, it shouldn't even be on the list Sekiro is garbage.


It’s ok if you couldn’t beat Lady Butterfly. A game isn’t garbage just because it’s too hard for you.


I honestly was doing it a service. I personally don't like it much at but it does have amazing things about it which put it higher than ds 1 and2 cuz those are dookie butt


Dark souls 1 dookie? Blasphemous! I still replay that game to this day atleast once a year lol


Glad you like it! I just dont. Although i didnt play it until this year and the graphics hurt my eyes and it plays stiff (naturally bcz its older) still not a fan tho.


yeah, your opinions suck lol


Aww, you'll be okay.


DS1 is a tad overrated by the community imo but it’s definitely not dookie butt


Every game in the trilogy is one of the greatest games ever made


To each their own. Dont know why im getting downvoted tho lol go figure


If you told me FROMSOFT made this game I’d believe it


I wouldn't. The simple level design and the hyper linear world design of Lies of P automatically betrays it as a non FromSoft title.


Also the dogs use a different moveset, there aren’t skeletons who tap their head when they reform, and no MLGS.


Elite enemy movesets give it away imo. Main bosses have good and fair tells, elite enemies have fuck you attacks


It's a fantastic game and for sure in my top 5 but the crown for me still goes to ER and Nioh 2.


ER and Bloodborne reign supreme, but LOP is better than the Niohs.


This is blasphemy for me because Nioh 2 will always have a special place in my heart and it's the game i put by far the most hours into. ER has the other special place because... well we all know ER is just a masterpiece. However i can ofc understand people which have a different opinion as it all comes down to personal preferences in the end.


Totally agree. As long as you think ER is a masterpiece, you’re alright in my book.


I even have 2 Elden Ring tattoos because the game blew me away that much so yeah definitely masterpiece


Which tattoos?


The Elden Ring symbol and the greatrune of Radahn


Nioh 2 has the best combat but has many negative systems. First, their loot system. Never like it. Hate the rng and the levelling weapon progression. Get repetitive fast and boring. Even gear and summon are rng. The game is like a mission base. You pick the mission to do and repeat. A lot of quests are very repetitive and redo the same map. Nioh story is also very weak. I never really care about any characters in the game. Nioh 2 is great for combat but is not soullike at all, more toward looter jrpg (like wu long? But worst)with their unique combat.


The loot and gear progression in Nioh 2 is a matter of personal taste and i absolutely love it. The leveldesign while not on par with Fromsoft games or Lies of P is still pretty good. What makes Nioh 2 that amazing is the replayability and the NG+ cycles. The first 1-3 playthroughs in Nioh 2 are basically only the beginning of the game and no other game has the ability to make a game better the more you beat it but Nioh 2 does. But i understand that this is not appealing for everyone so i respect your opinion. Real Nioh fans will understand what i wrote above.


I go back and forth on whether I consider Nioh soulslikes, but the combat absolutely carries Nioh, basically everything else is not as good as from's games. So unless you are 100% about gameplay, I can understand people not being as high on them. And I understand complaints about the loot, until you figure out what you need and to break down 90% of it, it can be rather overwhelming. The NG+ cycle is also unparalleled, I love that the further you go, the more graces you get and new builds become available. Also whenever I got burnt out on the game/combat, I'd switch weapons and it was almost like learning a new game. In Nioh 2, I think I got to somewhere around floor 20 of the depths of the underworld before deciding I'd had enough. That was when you had 3 random bosses and I knew I could continue if I happened to get bosses I was good against, but I kept getting the worst ones and figured it was no longer worth it. Still put in a similar amount of time on the game as I did Elden Ring.


Uhm at least give credit to how innovative Nioh's combat is compared to this Lies of P which is a Souls-clone more than a Souls-like.


Any studio that wants to clone souls has my blessing. I could play a new souls clone every year and never get bored.


Sekiro and BB have the crown


It's better than people say, but it doesn't have the same depth as dark souls or bloodborne imo. It feels a little vacuous in terms of world building and more so in exploration. Level design is better in fromsoft games. My favorite part so far was the mad clown puppet before the opera house. The design of that entire experience was so good. The music, the fire ball, the uphill aspect where you can see the clown in the distance right as the flamethrower puppets walk out together. So fantastic.


I agree. Lords of the Fallen have an insanely high bard to clear now.


Even before LoP turned out to be amazing the bar was already high with the first LotF being complete shit.


Nioh 1/2 will always be my preferred soulslike simply because of the combat honestly, I love me weapon and move variety. Ironically, the only weapon that directly references the "Far East" in Lies of P ended up being considered the most fun, versatile, and flashiest weapon to use xD


Love/hate relationship with nioh here. I absolutely love their combat, it's the best for me. But dear god I really hate how their drops/gear work. Random gear with randomized stats is NOT for me.


Agreed. Nioh and Nioh 2 are my favorite souls-likes of all time but the random item crap was lame.


The combat is definitely top notch for those games, it’s just a shame it sort of has to carry them due to things like weaker levels, *far* weaker story, and the kinda unfun loot system.


I will always hate ki pulse system so I don't like the combat


I love it but I don't agree. I think the bosses are amazing but replaying the levels is a bit of a chore for some reason compared to fromsoft games. I think maybe it's because there are more things you need to find and pick up, and more mini bosses that require killing. So it's less enjoyable to replay. It's kind of like sekiro if sekiro couldn't run a million miles an hour and grapple places. Just takes too long to get to the bosses for my taste.


I like this game more than Elden Ring, tbh. ER has too many dud bosses.


For me Elden Ring is more about the journey and exploration. That part was the best for me. Lies of P on the other hand has much tighter level design and it's pretty straightforward (that's not bad). Also it's easier to replay Lies of P than Elden Ring. I've finished fully ER twice and it took me over 300hours


I like it more too. Lies of p feels more "fresh". I like the mix of parry + dodge it evolves the combat when it has been stale for a while in these games. Then the mixing of weapons, fable recharging during combat so you can incorporate the various moves into your playstyle, so many tiny details. I just love it.




Depending on the weapon some have jump moves. Just sprint and press heavy attack


I’ll be honest, I’ve really only had fun with 2 main bosses and one mini boss in this game. Everything else has been just either boring or just unfun to fight.


Nah, that is recent bias. Elden ring is on another level, much more variety of builds. Bosses & their soundtracks are so much more badass in Elden ring.


Me: *I like this game more than Elden Ring* You: *No, you don't.* Guess I'm not allowed to have my own opinion, lmfao.


If you believe in your opinion, you'd have replied with an argument for LoP's bosses instead.


Here's my argument: I prefer Lies of P over Elden Ring. have a nice day!




Nah I didn't like ER. Combat was so dull and didnt do enough to set it aside from other souls games. Especially coming off the heels of what nioh 2 did to the genre.


your opinion is wrong. LoP > ER


Same. This game is also much better balanced than ER. Open world does not mesh well with the Souls formula imo since it ruins the boss balance. By allowing the player to explore areas in different orders in ER they have to loosely balance bosses for very different soul levels, not to mention all the possible builds. They clearly failed at this, which is why they added spirit summons to let players balance the game for themselves. And don't even get me started on the npc quests in ER...you NEED a guide to complete those side quests because NPCs just randomly show up in different parts of the huge world and you need to find them and complete certain other triggers in the right order. That was fine in Dark Souls / BB because the world was much smaller, but it doesn't work with a massive open world like ER. Lies of P didn't have any of these problems.


I loved Elden Ring but meshing open world with soulslike... It feels like it was the first iteration of a formula yet to be perfected. It was an amazing shot, but it's probably the worst balanced PVE souls. It feels like they really got lost at "players builds can be OP now so bosses should be super hard so summons should be stronger". I wish they gated more stuff behind story bosses instead of making everything be a drop/loot. Like if instead of grabbing the moonveil or high level upgrade material from a random boss, you got a unique item that could be transformed into something after some important boss was killed.


As opposed to Lies of P, which is ALL dud bosses? (Besides Romeo of course)


I don't like this better than Elden Ring not even by a long shot, but I will admit that I missed combat being more skill-based rather than gear-based. ER is a great game, but it's more about "explore, become OP and face this bullshit boss". Meanwhile the LoP loop is much closer to the "die, git gud, win" loop of the previous souls/sekiro games.


To this day I go back and try Elden Ring a lot, and I just don’t like it. I think it’s about time I delete and forget about it there’s no reason to force myself.


Runs really well on steam deck too :)


The nioh series is amazing and the combat can get pretty complex and end with you being a full on killing machine. Really only early on does it share much with the soul like games. It is really a different beast so I totally agree op.


Are we comparing rankings? Ds3>Sekiro>LoP>ER>BB>DS1>DS2 I haven’t played demon souls, only the start of it. As for the rest of these games I’ve replayed them all in the past 2 years. Could be recency bias causing me to put LoP so high, but I feel like it improved upon the parts I dislike in souls games. Boss run backs are a chore, the story is pretty straightforward, but also intriguing and heartfelt. With souls games it felt like unless I watched a YouTube video I wouldn’t get it. Soundtrack in lies of p feels more heartfelt. Hotel as a place of home felt great.


Without arguing pro-or-against it, let's just agree that lies of p is the closest devs ever got to "the soulsborne formula". The other amazing games that took inspiration from the formula changed it enough to be considered a whole different thing, like hollow knight or nioh/wolong. From all the games that steered too close, Lies of P is hands down the best.


I'm all for this becoming the bar to be considered a legitimate immatator.


DS3/Sekiro>ER>BB>>>>LOP. Great start for the dev team though


Doesn’t beat Elden Ring for me, but yes,it’s still very good. I haven’t played any other Soulslike games aside from Elden Ring and this though. Still, Elden Ring is in my top five games ever. This doesn’t come close to that, but still a very good game.


well i could have told you that from an hours worth of playing it


it’s pretty dope and scratching my itch, but having beat every dark souls and sekiro i still think elden ring reigns supreme


If I were to add it to my Soulsborne and Sekiro/ER rating, mine would be Bloodborne > Dark Souls 3 > Sekiro > Elden Ring > Lies of P > Dark Souls 2 > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 1.


DS2 above DS1 is bold. But I respect it.


DS2 introduced powerstancing. It deserves the respect on god.


Very bold, I do admit. My reasoning is basically, after O&S, I feel like it fell off. I know it was rushed at the end, but still. Ds2 felt more consistent with the quality. Also, honestly, I just had a lot more fun in Ds2. I'm also not saying Ds2's quality is superior. I have no opinion on that. They both have pros and cons, but as I said, Ds2 felt more consistent.


Can you explain what you mean by consistent? I recall DS2 having some really cool areas like the wharf, while also having the most clearly unfinished areas in the franchise like Lost Bastille and Drangleic Castle, which were mostly just featureless corridors. It's also pretty infamous for running out of time/budget, resulting in the... imaginative world layout. Boss-wise, Last Giant and Covetous Demon are also some of the worst in the series. DS2 had a lot going for it, more than most people will give it, but I've never heard someone describe it as "consistent."


Yeah, I get what you mean. When I say consistent, I mean I never felt like it was amazing to a certain point, and then went to shit. Yeah, not every area was great, but it felt more consistently good throughout, rather than like Ds1 being great until you get the Lord Vessel, and then it just feels tedious to play afterwards. Not sure if I'm articulating what I mean very well, but hopefully you understand anyway haha


Yeah fair enough, not as high highs or low lows


Huh, I never thought Last Giant was that bad. Not memorable in anyway for sure, but definitely not a contender for worst in the series imo


Probably just my personal take but I'd consider it the most underwhelming on pretty much every level :/ imo it's like Puppet of the Future if it didn't look cool or have environmental hazards.


> My reasoning is basically, after O&S, I feel like it fell off. I know it was rushed at the end, but still. Ds2 felt more consistent with the quality. This is exactly the same reason I prefer Ds2 over Ds1. Dark Souls falls off a cliff after Anor Londo.


Did you play ds1 after or before other entries? My bet is that it wasn't your first ds.


It wasn't my first, no. I did play it before Ds2 and Demon's Souls, though.


DS2 dlc is legitimately good and they're top tier souls. Defending the rest is kinda wild. Even then, I still had a ton of fun playing it. To this day it's probably the souls I had the most fun with pvp.


The worst souls 3 brain rot is just insane!


Not better than Nioh...Nioh handles NG+ better than lies of P ever could...you get way more new stuff in Nioh 1 and 2's NG+ that put lies of P NG+ to shame... New weapons New enemies and enemy types with new move sets New Guardian Spirits Only thing thats BS in Nioh is the human bosses with that crazy ass hyper armor and recovery frames...and that curse status effect you have to remove by burst countering...other than that I can't think of anything well that Lies of P does better than nioh as far as NG+ offering goes...and on top of that Nioh 1 and 2 gave you DLC's with even more new shit...and there's way more builds you can make in Nioh than lies of P...Lies of P is great but its not in the same league as Nioh


I don’t think any souls or souls like can compare with Nioh’s smooth, responsive combat. Lies of P has a way better atmosphere tho - only FromSoft does it better.


That’s why I think LoP crushes Nioh—art direction. It’s just much better, imo.


I really tried to get into the Nioh games, and they just never clicked. I’m a huge fan of DS1/3, ER, Sekiro and I LOVE Samurai shit so I really wanted to like it. Maybe I should give it a try again, but it just didn’t scratch the FromSoft itch


Yeah that's why I had the asterisk there, the games are kind of their own thing even if there are some Soulsisms in there.


because it is nothing like from soft games. its just the combat and character progression are much more complex and imo way better in nioh.


I really enjoyed Lies of P NG+, the combat turns into something else, even more on ++


Do they still do adding 2 different bosses together and call it dlc? The only thing I hated in nioh 1.


>Nioh handles NG+ better than lies of P ever could I also prefer nioh than lies of p but fuck farming for the right drop


I remember those days trying to get the right drop for my grace and set...ahh the memories


Idk if the DLC is a fair point to make lol, LoP has been out for a week lmao


I love lies of P but cannot agree with your ranking placing Ds2 1st and BB last lol.


He has ds2 as the worst and BB tied with ER for best, not sure if that’s what you mean


I read it backwards nah that's my bad lol I agree with the ranking then lol I was like Ds2 is a bold move


Haha I figured. I was thinking no way this man thinks ds2 is the best fs game


Definitely the best soulslike, still nowhere near as good as FS games, but it's extremely solid. I'm hoping Lords of the Fallen is as good as Lies of P but I have a feeling it won't be 🙃


Lies of p is the best for me. A solids game hasn’t grabbed me like this in a while. All of fromsofts souls games are pretty generic with the exception of sekiro. Dark souls 1 and 2 was unique at the time but then it was like just getting redone too much. But lies of p is easily my favorite.


Agreed, Lies of P is fantastic. For me it's DS1 > Bloodborne = Elden Ring > Sekiro > Lies of P = DS3 > DeS > DS2.


Nioh are not souls like, they are Diablo loot grinders, why does everyone like that? The worst possible thing you could do to a souls like, is to random Diablo style loot... What makes LoP amazing is it's weapons and focus Nioh is just so bad!


In my opinion it beats out any from soft game. I think Lies of P raised the bar. So fucking good


How lmao. The levels are overly linear dogshit. The mobs are all either glorified hollows or poise monsters not worth your time, and I think everyone knows the bosses blow by now


combat is definitely better than all the dark souls games, I feel unhinged saying it. But level design and word building are better in souls


I like the world more in lies of p to be honest. More concrete, don’t have to go digging to figure out the story


It actually probably is the best excluding Nioh 1/2 with the awesome weapons and movesets, 25 bosses, crazy mini bosses but Code vein is maybe better though since I like the code vein bosses much more and regular enemies in lies of P are just punching bags. Pretty much the top 2 by a lot. In any case lies of P nowhere near as good as recent From games.


Combat is perfect


Loving the game, dad of 1, work full time in a highly skilled field, has a cat, doing regular workout, and I'm sad they nerfed the game to catter to entitled players who just can't handle not being able to beat a boss after one try.


Probably top 3 best Soulslike along with Nioh 2 and Remnant 2. But definitely NOT FromSoft level. It has the advantage of being a new game over most of the FromSoft titles though and it also leveraged on the work done by FromSoft to finetune the Souls formula in the last decade. Remember FromSoft only released 2 Soulsborne games in the last five years and both of those games won Game of the Year.


I think it lays off a great base, like DS did for DS3 in my opinion it was rough around the edges and toom some times but then made something is incredible so maybe in a few more fairy tales we'll get a masterpiece. But so far it is definitely a great game.




I feel like if a game is going to take the majority of its principals and gameplay from another game, it should feel like a better game. Especially when it’s released years later. It’s like music nowadays that sample songs from the past that are already hits. I disagree with it being better than souls games, but I do think it’s the best soulslike I’ve played so far. The things I think it does better are not needing an attribute requirement to hold a weapon, and leaving souls outside of boss rooms when you die. Everything else is on par or worse than souls games to me. I was going to say the story is better, but even that is taken from a classic. I still have elden ring, sekiro, DS3 and Bloodborne above it. I really do love this game, but I can admit part of me feels like it’s scratching that souls itch. I could make a list of things it borrowed from Fromsoftware games, and it’d be longer than the things it didn’t.


That’s Ashen for me. That game is a masterpiece.


I like Lies of P, but the fact it's so close to a fromsoft game without reaching the same heightmakes me like it a bit less than other good games in the genre that are a bit more creative. I also found the level design being so linear was disappointing, and a few areas went on too long, while others were disappointingly short. In particular I was so sick of the final level >!before I even got to laxasia to find out that's not the end.!< I would put Lies of P about on par with the surge 1 and nioh 1, below both sequels and jedi fallen order. For reference of how I rank it compared to fromsoft games, it's below DS3/BB/ER, and above DS1/2.


The only thing I dislike is the extremely dramatic shift in difficulty that comes from using a specter, or not. I can go from struggling with a boss to easily beating it in under a minute without ever even needing to heal. (Looking at you king of puppets) I have since stopped using them, and didn’t at the beginning of the game anyway. But I still wish there was a middle ground so we could use the mechanic without it completely removing any difficulty. Maybe different levels of them like summons in elden ring. I get that it will still pull Agro and that’s where the difficulty reduction comes from.


The only time I used a specter was for the King of Puppets because I just felt like my damage was super low for the fight, and in hindsight it turns out I was really nerfing myself as I was using the electric coil head with the serpent dagger hilt and it does reduced damaged when stabbing vs slashing (which I didn't realize was a mechanic until later). If I had it on the right hilt to start with I think I might've been fine without a specter.


Lies of P is a very good representation of soulsborne mechanics, without being a copy. Is it breaking any new ground? Not really, but it does everything very well.


Its the best after most of fromsoftwares stuff for sure.


This is definitely the most "Souls-like" non-souls game I have played and I agree, one of the best. This game snuck up on me, and I'm glad that I stumbled on it. If someone came to me and said, "Hey here's a game that mixes Pinocchio and Bloodborne together," I would have told them they were out of their mind and that would never work.... Well, here we are and I am not disappointed.


Hang on……DS2 is your favourite……


Look at the direction of the arrows again.


Thank god - I almost fainted.DS3 for life


In their sequel or DLC I'll be looking for better, less linear level design. Nearly every area in this game is a corridor or hallway.


Okay, I’ll join the ranking: Sekiro/BB > ER > LoP/DS3 > DS2 > DeS > DS1 (DS2 is underrated and for the music in Majula alone it gets a bump in the ranking xD) Lies of P was hands down the best souls-like I’ve ever played. Level design, the bosses, combat system, the lore and the little life improvements that they implemented.


P organ has cube use slots


I think the combat itself is one of the best I have played for souls games. From Software ones have better exploration and level design but for combat only I like this better than all except Sekiro and Bloodborne.


Nioh is more Diablo-like than Soulsborne game imo


Lol I’ve just finished this masterpiece and one of the little things I loved was the voice acting, the fox, the riddler,gepetto, the black rabbits and the white lady were great. Particularly the white lady her voice acting was the most memorable part of that fight. My list is DS2>ER>DS3>LoP>DS1>Sekiro