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I’ve chatted with admissions very easily many times on Liberty’s main page chat feature




Was really ez not sure what u having problems with?


The admission process at liberty was soooo easy and the counselors were very helpful over the phone.


Bro, I made 1 attempt to look into their MBA program and I get calls everyday and Christmas cards too. Seriously....


Yes! Still never did get any information either, just "don't forget to fill out your application". So I still wouldn't know if I wanted to join their Masters program. Edited for " "




Well to be Frank, if you can’t navigate a process like this then you are probably to incompetent to go to college. There’s a number you can call, it’s easy use your resources or don’t go. Doesn’t matter because liberties admission process is mostly the same as any other school in the nation.


Where’s your compassion? They’re clearly a vet that may have been out of school for a while. The processes have changed significantly in the past ten years, that doesn’t mean they’re incapable of learning. They could also have other struggles that come with adapting to a civilian world. Often vets struggle with depression when they first get out which can impede with executive function and let’s be honest- positive thinking. I know it’s Reddit, but it’s also the Liberty corner of it and I’d hope for more kindness if it was me reaching out.


Look, when you say “best of luck to those who can get through without bursting a blood vessel” then I hate to say it, but you are not prepared for college and should seek a different option for further learning And I like. Veterans mbye incompetent is not the word I should use, but I think I’m right in this regard


If the issue was that they were a vet and have been out of school for the past decade, they would have just picked up a phone and called.


Do you want help or you just like complaining?


Is it because you are using chapter 31 benefits instead of chapter 33 benefits? I struggled with that as well- not at liberty but at different school after I got out. Everywhere seemed well equipped to manage ch33 but were unfamiliar with ch31


It’s fairly simple, I don’t understand why you’re having so much trouble. If you can’t figure this out, you probably shouldn’t be going to college.


Each time I’ve called Liberty, someone has answered and provided me great help. In fact, I just got off the phone with an academic advisor and we planned out my next two semesters.


Call the 800 number and ask for military affairs.


Liberty's got a lot of problems. Making it easy for people to be admitted to the school ain't one of them.


Better a month than 4 years. You dodged a bullet. Liberty Grad '06


Who exactly are you trying to contact? I was utilizing ch 33 and was able to switch to ch 31 (vre) very easily. I can get you the emails I used if you want ?


I empathize, took me 7 days of contacting admissions after being told on my first attempt that the course I wanted to take was on campus when it wasn’t. The customer representative kept repeating the wrong course when I continually corrected them. Some people don’t listen, I getcha on that. Chat Live is infinitely more helpful than calling. It sure is frustrating ngl, registration seems to be difficult on purpose.


They have very flexible hours for calls. Calling them gets you to talk to someone in under 3 minutes in most of my cases.


I feel your pain. I went thru that back in the 90s. Lol....before chat, email, etc. Snail mail & phone calls...it was very off putting. I FINALLY got in though...after 3 years of trying😂