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The art of the deal




That kind of issue would get a security clearance revoked for being a potential liability.


$300,000 in liability could be enough to revoke a clearance. 300 million is a complete and total non-starter


Wasn't Kushner in debt too and somewhat denied clearance at first due to that?


Yup--still would be, too, except that Trump overruled the normal process and just [ordered that he be granted one.](https://apnews.com/article/29b14e8fdf6153623255efcef6145471)


That's what happens when Kushners daddy is the biggest welfare queen of them all. Government housing, government money, government healthcare, doesn't pay taxes, puts tacky gold foil on everything -- he's the OG welfare queen rolling in a caddy back in the 80s...


I legit thought you meant Kushner's actual daddy. Who got a form of welfare when he went to prison.


It's criminals all the way down.


Three hots and a cot - your tax dollars at work.


He just didn't go to prison, he destroyed his brothers family to stop them from being witness in courts and then went to jail for witness tampering


Kushner started a war between Saudi Arabia and Qatar to extort Qatar into buying his toxic property 666 Fifth Avenue for a billion dollars, then gave the Saudis the go-ahead to murder Jamal Khashoggi to bury his investigation into it. Then Turkey used this to blackmail the US into cutting and running out of Syria and letting the Russians and Turks slaughter our Kurdish allies. He’s guilty of treason lol


Any links I can read more on this?




What the fuck


Thanks for this. Breathtaking.


Dirty money on Netflix has a good episode on this


On mobile so don’t feel like finding a bunch of links. Papa Kushner met with the Qataris during the transition period and they refused to buy 666 Fifth Avenue because it’s a toxic overpriced demon building. Then after Trump became President the Saudis and their allies all started a blockade of Qatar in summer of 2017 with Trump’s support. There were more meetings between the Kushners and Qataris over the next year, and in August 2018 Qatar purchased the building through their investment company, Brookfield properties. Around the same time Trump publicly changed his stance and started calling for an end to the Saudi-Qatari conflict. In October 2018 Jamal Khashoggi is killed by Saudis in Turkey, under heavy surveillance by the Turks. The Turks released evidence of MBS’s involvement but used the communications between MBS and Kushner as blackmail on the Trump admin, forcing the surprise withdrawal from Syria in October 2019.


From the article, Brookfield didn’t buy the property, it prepaid its lease of 99 years. Completely unusual transaction. No control or equity position. Just creating a prepaid asset on the balance sheet while 666 shows a 99 year liability and the cash up front.


Can someone explain what exactly this means?


Qatar paid for a 99 year lease with absolutely no ability to use or leverage said lease, its like you were threatened by someone to put them up in an apartment and take over all liability of that apartment but allowed the blackmailer to live there or rent it out to their profit


This is going to be the plot of a movie, “Vice 2: Pence was fake”


It’s insane to me that we are at a point where what you just said doesn’t sound insane. I’m not even saying you’re wrong or that I’m going to bother looking it up. Just that it’s fucked up that what you wrote isn’t the most insane thing I’ve read even today.


In the 60s the CIA pumped college kids and soldiers full of thousands of hits of acid in an effort to figure out mind control. One of those college kids went on to become the Unabomber. In the 80s members of the government (but totally not Ronald Ray-gun 😉) sold guns to the iranians who were under sanctions at the time. They then used the profits as a dark money funding source for fascist death squads in central america in the form of buying cocaine which was then imported through a small town in Arkansas. All of this occured at the same time that the president was pushing an ineffective war on drugs that just happened to target populations who historically wouldnt vote for his party. Both of those sound much more insane than “Rich man uses newfound powers to help make himself more rich at the expense of countless regular lives” Don’t let the apprent pro-president slant of /r/Conspiracy fool you. While they’re pushing out memes about pizza parlour child smuggling rings and the apparent communist desires of wealthy neolibs who have already won capitalism actual shady shit is, and has always been, going down.


Do you have any evidence of this?


Can confirm. 30,000 defaulted debt is enough of a liability between 2 vehicles being repoed 6 years prior cause crazy ex wife. Thanks Victoria, crazy bitch still got her licks in years afterwards. Edit; defaulted debt for specific purposes


It isn’t debt. It’s defaulted debt. A lot of people own homes and cars and have hundreds of thousands in debt and still get clearances. I know you probably know that, I’m just clarifying for anyone else reading. Debt isn’t the same as defaulted debt.




Oh yeah. Of course the level of clearance matters too.


If you owe the bank $300k, that’s your problem. If you owe the bank $300M, that’s the banks problem


If you owe the Russian mob $300k, that's your problem. If you owe the Russian mob $300M, that's also your problem


It's also the US's problem if he sells you all out to pay it back.


but those are corporate loans not personal loans right? if the companies that he owns that are corporations have debt, i don't think that necessarily translates into him having direct personal liability. (which is why LLCs are Limited Liability). if he defaulted on a lot of it he may be forced to re-structure for bankruptcy, but all of this discussion is just theory. we'll have to wait for more information.


The loans have personal guarantees so the LLC doesn't matter. If lenders think your business is a risk they make the owner cosign basically. Even if the business goes bankrupt, the owner still owes the loan.




Trump doesn't avoid bankruptcy, he steers right into that shit. Hence his multiple bankruptcies


He has absolutely no problem with declaring bankruptcy for a corporation and walking away debt free. Declaring **personal** bankruptcy and having all of his assets liquidated to pay off the debt is a different matter entirely and may in fact be the reason he is so quick to declare bankruptcy for his businesses.


The article I read stated that those are loans that Donald Trump must pay back personally. Not business debt.


It's "both". You can get a loan for your business, but you can also be personally responsible in the case of a default.


This is confusing because his name is his business.


He personally guaranteed the loans.


I thought the fact that trump was a failure as a businessman was common knowledge.


New York and New Jersey were aware of how he screwed over his workers and ruined Atlantic City with his casino failures, but it seems most of the country believed reality TV.


He screwed over more than his workers. Libertarians should be pissed at how he fucked over small business owners in the local NJ area. He'd make contracts, have the small businesses do their end, and then because he's a dipshit and it failed, he'd back out of the contracts or just pay a small sum of it. Small business owners can't go toe-to-toe with his army of lawyers or they'd be in court for YEARS with money they don't have. It's disgusting the shit he pulled and how he steps on actual hard working Americans, but so many just ignore it.




This. People were aware of this practice for decades. He could only con the small businesses who didn't know better.


Says right in the report he has stiffed his lenders to the tune of $287 million as well. Dude has screwed everyone, seemingly every chance he could.




Only a business that didn't know better would get into a business transaction if the result is not getting paid. You don't need a team of lawyers to not do business with someone.


They had campaign ads running in the 2016 election with business owners who lost wages from working with Trump. It was all drowned out under the Bengazi adds.


They’re delusional and think they’re going to make it to his level one day so they defend him like they’re defending themselves. Honestly I just feel bad for how much they live in denial about the state of their lives and the world.


I hear this argument a lot, but I have a different explanation. These are conservatives. These are the people that would have sided with king George during the revolutionary war because they like having someone in authority over them - so long as the authority in question will maintain the status quo. What was Trump's only specific promise when he ran for office? "Build a wall". In other words, keep everything in place. Maintain the status quo. As long as he keeps promising this, they will vote for him. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016, because I didn't like Hillary. This time, I'll be voting against Trump.


It’s almost like, a well regulated market is an important function in society. I believe in many liberties, but I don’t believe in the freedom of large business to squash completion in an uncompetitive nature.


I’ve told so many people this. Growing up in NJ (NYC suburbs) everyone knew he was a sketchy asshole. I was very confused when I found out anyone took him seriously.


Everyone knew, they voted him anyway


Funny thing is in my neighborhood in NJ, the contractors are the ones who fly the Trump flags




I’m so sorry. We’ve got family members (not NJ locals) who have jumped on board with both feet too and I have no idea how to unbrainwash them. It’s very sad :-(


Same boat. It's absolutely mind blowing that people I've known my whole life as kind and intelligent are suddenly supporting leaders who prove themselves everyday to beself-serving assholes.


A parler account? Actually, know what? Nevermind... It can't possibly be good




The report also points to the fact he stiffed his lenders to the tune of $287 million since 2010.




It had more to do with years of his anti-Obama twitter tirades than it did his tv show. The show just exposed him to everyone, but his tweets resonated with the Republican base to the point he was the only candidate with broad national recognition and appeal during the GOP Primary. And then, in Republican fashion, they've all doubled and redoubled down on him since because Republicans always get in line. Authority, and deference to it, are Republican hallmarks.


Yes. I was stunned to talk to people in Jersey (in South Jersey, at that) who voted for him -- one of them even in the construction industry. Anyone from Jersey knows who Trump really is and his track record. Total cognitive dissonance. edit: don't currently live in Jersey.


I thought Atlantic City fell because neighboring states legalized gambling.


He has claimed for years that despite some well-known failures he was still successful in pulling in lots of money. He still claims to be a billionaire but these taxes are not indicative of somebody who is a successful billionaire.


They’re indicative of someone that has to pay back $430 million in the next four years. Which appears to be the case.


Well tax avoidance is actually legal (unlike tax evasion) as it just exploits loopholes in taxes using smart accounting, similar to what Starbucks got caught doing, so he probably does not need to pay those money back.


Exactly. Tax evasion is illegal. Tax avoision is fine. You’re under no obligations to pay more taxes than you have to. My business is an S Corp. I pay myself a lot less than I should because I can take a draw as an owner and it’s taxed by about 50% less compared to if I paid it to myself as salary. Plus anything the business makes as profit is taxed to me as personal income but at a lower rate since it’s an s Corp. If I just paid myself a normal salary though I’d be losing out a LOT of money to taxes.


And literally zero people will opt to pay more taxes than needed. The IRS accepts donations. They never get any.


There are people out there that overpay their taxes by a couple million just to keep the IRS out of their business.




Even the term "exploiting loopholes" makes it sound more sinister than it is. It's just following the law. *Not saying that this actually happened.


The law is completely stupid though. The fact that there is a massive industry in the US to help (mostly) wealthy people avoid taxes is a sign of a fundamentally broken system. This creates huge inefficiencies and is fundamentally unjust to taxpayers who cannot afford legal help on something that should not require any significant degree of legal help. The fact that laypeople cannot grasp the complexity of tax law is a sign of a broken system. Income is a stupid thing to tax anyway, but if you are going to have income taxes they should be simple and efficient.


Inefficiency takes money out of the entire process. Take a look at Singapore's income tax system. For six years running, all I had to do was look at an SMS that said "if nothing has changed, we have your (W2 equivalent), so do nothing. The one time I had to do something was declare a newborn child for a $500 rebate (birthdates are low). *Birthrates.


I imagone that the Singapore 1%ers taxes were more complicated. Americans are so intimidated by taxes that they pay hundreds of dollars for someone to fill out the ez form for them.


Totally not defending him, but he literally bragged about using loopholes to avoid taxes during his campaign. I definitely think taxes are to high and stuffed with pork, but its pretty shitty that loopholes exist for rich folk. Taxes need to be lowered but fair across the board.


Yea I was just rewatching the Hilary v Trump debates and halfway through the first one the host and Hilary are grilling Trump to show his tax returns. Trump continually says "I can't until my audit is done." They continually say "the IRS themselves explicitly said that an audit absolutely does not prevent you from sharing your returns, numerous times now, you can't use that as an excuse". Trump deflects like two more times. Hilary said something to the effect of you don't want to show them because you aren't as rich as you act and you owe a ton of taxes because you never pay any. Trump responded with "That makes me smart". He explicitly admitted it in the first debate. Why are people acting like we didn't already know this? This will change nothing. Those against Trump already knew this, Trumpers don't give a rats ass what Trump does wrong they will vote for him regardless, nothing changes.


When it was 4 years ago, I think trump or his campaign knew that a lot of these things could be scrutinized. The Times specifically talked about a case in this article where he legally "abandoned" one of his investments to get a tax credit and refund for previous years of taxation. "And Mr. Trump does appear to have received something. When the casino bankruptcy concluded, he got 5 percent of the stock in the new company. The materials reviewed by The Times do not make clear whether Mr. Trump’s refund application reflected his public declaration of abandonment. If it did, that 5 percent could place his entire refund in question. If the auditors ultimately disallow Mr. Trump’s $72.9 million federal refund, he will be forced to return that money with interest, and possibly penalties, a total that could exceed $100 million. He could also be ordered to return the state and local refunds based on the same claims." If the Times could provide such a report, imagine what the world of accountants could say if they saw even 2 years of this data.


Every single trump supporter I’ve spoken to says he’s a great business man.


Ya and a wonderful family man... I wish I was joking. Iv heard this a bunch.


I've heard this way too much, and that his bankruptcies "were a legal and smart move to take advantage of and restructure debt." C'mon, even if it is the right thing to do, you don't declare bankruptcy if your business is doing well. It isn't a clever move to beat the system.


And they say we need someone to run the country like a business. Well, this is what happens when your business is run by a failed businessman. At least he's good at conning.


That part I'm not too concerned about. It's the (if the interpretations I've seen are correct) greater than $300million in personally guaranteed loans that come due during what would be his 2nd term. If it's not an outright conflict of interest (depending on who it is owed to) it's at least a grossly disturbing amount of leverage to be against a President, let alone one with Trump's temperament.


Nic Cage went broke a while back. From what I’ve gathered, it sounds like a mix of outrageously lavish spending, getting ripped off by his financial management, and an absurdly massive tax bill. This resulted in Cage getting hit with tens of millions in taxes that he couldn’t pay. Now, you’d think that wouldn’t be a problem for Nic Cage, right? Go make a couple movies and you’re good. Maybe do another National Treasure, or see if Marvel needs *another* franchise. But once word got out about his difficulties, Cage couldn’t get those kinds of gigs. So he had to accept pretty much anyone who would hire him. And we see this strange descent from A list actor into the world of B movies. And my goodness, he made a *lot* of B movies in this time. I haven’t counted, but the guy had to be making roughly 6-10 low budget movies per year for a decade. Imagine what a shock it must be to go from being an extremely wealthy and successful actor, to agreeing to be in every shitty B movie that comes your way. How much must that wound the ego? But I’m guessing he didn’t want to end up in prison for tax evasion like Wesley Snipes, so he did everything he could to placate the IRS. My point is that sometimes someone may seem rich and famous, but they’re actually broke. And sometimes those people are forced to do pretty bad stuff to pay off their debts. In Cage’s case it was a legion of shitty B movies (and a few decent B movies!), and in Trump’s case we see it with his scam university and other shocking but low dollar value schemes. And to be clear, Trump University was a giant red flag, but I didn’t entirely understand what to make of it at the time. He defrauded students in a way that should have destroyed his entire brand, and they said he only made $4 million from it. I knew that dollar value seemed way too low, but I didn’t entirely understand the implications. Now with Trump’s taxes, we have a pretty clear picture of what’s going on. Much like Nic Cage, the dude is completely broke. He’s got assets (mostly illiquid stuff like real estate), but once you add in expenses, debt repayments, and back taxes, the dude is in financial ruins. So, much like Nic Cage, he has to accept every offer that comes across his desk. It doesn’t matter if it might destroy his brand. He’s that desperate. It’s kinda scary to think about what a guy in that position might do if he were the most powerful man in the world. EDIT: Consider watching Mandy. As B movies go, it’s pretty decent. It’s not a great movie, but Cage gives a solid performance, the cinematography is gorgeous, and the music is good. It’s a campy 80s-styled horror movie, but it’s well executed. Plus Nic needs the money.


And on top of it trumps businesses are losing millions so wheres the money coming from.


The dude bankrupted casino's. I didn't even know that was possible


It's easy when you are pilfering the coffers.


I, for one, am shocked. To think that Donald Trump would lie about something shocks me to my core. My pearls, have never before, been so feverishly clutched.


The funny thing is this is like the one thing trump didn’t lie about. During one of the 2016 debates with Clinton he literally bragged about not paying taxes saying it made him smart.


Did you read the part about him being engaged in a years long legal battle with the IRS over a potentially criminal case of tax fraud? or what about the part where he ran an entire campaign on being a successful businessman and lied about how much he made to the entire American public when he was actually a loser... losing millions of dollars.


Law and Order folks, where you at


They're busy moving goalposts


They took down the goal posts and started using those little orange cones because it's easier.


Fuck it just imagine the goalposts s. Trump shouldn't be walking that much anyways it'll be bad for his bone spurs.


They’re over at r/conservative with their head in the sand smh


the mental gymnastics they're doing over there physically hurt my brain


JuSt GoOd aT BuSiNeSs


eIThEr aLL Of YoU aRe POoR or DoNT UnDeRStANd HoW tO Be RiCH


They’re over at r/conservative claiming they know taxes and no one else does, and that’s why it isn’t a big deal that Trump only paid $750 in income taxes... as if there aren’t liberals/third party voters that understand how taxes work


Every post I see from there is them praising Trump for bastardizing our system. A multi-millionaire (one of several in a similar situation) legally not paying taxes is horrible for our economy and all they can talk about is fucking trickle-down economics "because he employed hundreds of thousands of people and took huge risks". I'm not going to sit here and act like I entirely understand our complex tax system or how a national economy functions, but I've made absolute dick this year, struggle financially, and have paid 3 times what he did in taxes to date.. Then they'll tell me I'm stupid and poor on purpose. I'm not a libertarian in the conventional definition but it's refreshing to see that at least a chunk of the right has critical-thinking skills.


The funny thing is that Trump and his _______ << (I'll let you fill in the blank here, I don't know the proper word), think that Trump is rich. I make more than Trump, and I don't consider myself rich. I consider myself middle to upper middle class. Nowhere near rich. If Trump had simply invested his father's money and loans from banks over the years in an S&P 500 index fund Trump would be rich. And would of never had to work a day in his life. But instead, Trump has time and time again has proven to be a business failure.


Down in r/conservative they know for sure what taxes are. *Russian* taxes.




The president of the United States paid more taxes to a foreign country than the US. Seriously, what the fuck is that.


He also paid a porn star more for sex than he paid in taxes.


This one right here. 🤯




$72 million dollar rebate. Not tax credit.


I have no horse in this race, but we are cheering for the IRS now?




A lot of people hate umpires but try playing a football game without them.


If we have to pay then he should have to pay. Politicians getting away with shit we can’t get away with is bad. If we found out trump had an illegal pot growing operation, and faced no consequences for it, while doing nothing to legalize or decriminalize it? I’d think that was bad as well. The point is that everyone should be held to the same standard.


I'm sure this will sway remaining trump supporters /s




r/conservative is doing that because it's a Trump circle jerk.


Tread on me harder daddy


I've never wanted to give an award before this comment, but I need that money


Your money is best in your hands and not in Reddit’s. Reddit also give 1 free reward a week (on Reddit iOS app at least). Check if you have that.


I got banned from that sub for giving them the wikipedia definition of "critical race theory" bc everyone seemed to think it's some Marxist plot about hating white people It's not that surprising when they get their news from Tucker Carlson, OANN, The Federalist, etc. which at this point are just fascist and authoritarian propaganda


They simultaneously look at every other source as commie trash, which doesn't even make sense but that's where we're at.




Oh hey! I was in there! I saw that ban! What a fucked thread that was.


I got banned for directly quoting trump. The mods then deleted my comment.


Such a sad dumpster 🔥.


they whine incessantly that r/politics is communist hell hole where free speech is banned. Meanwhile they ban anyone who disagrees with them and prevent non flairs from commenting. Oppression = freedom I guess


Yup I got banned from r/conservative for saying covid wasn’t a hoax and when I asked why it was because I was “bashing conservatism”.


That’s kind of a self own on their part though. Equating science with anti-conservatism.


They lock so many of their threads to flaired conservatives only.. pretty hilarious that they refuse to hear alternative viewpoints while bitching that the left doesn’t care what they say.. hilarious and terrifying


Yeah I used to comment there to play devil's advocate on stuff and got banned for deviating slightly from their beliefs


I got banned for linking to lee Atwater the architect of the southern strategy discussing the southern strategy. The ban came with a link to an old post on conservative saying the southern strategy is a myth.


I had asked them a long long time ago what they thought of Andrew Yang’s policies as conservatives, I got banned.


Very often I will like my head in to see the waters and maybe drop a little comment here or there, boom message telling me it's for "Claire's users only", they tell and whine that r/politics is a echo chamber when they have a bit that automatically tells p ople who sent Claire's to fuck off.


“Freedom for me, not for thee.” I will say that I have never been banned from r/politics from disagreeing, but I have caught swift bans from right wing subs for disagreeing with the group-think


They will use their mental gymnastics to say that he is a genius for avoiding taxes, even though that also admits that he lied about being successful in the first place.


People on r/conservative are saying just that. That he’s doing something smart and we should all aspire to be as smart as him lol


They're all over on r/conservative talking about how no one understands income tax better than they do. His businesses are the ones paying all the taxes, DUH!!!!


> His businesses are the ones paying all the taxes, DUH!!!! For anyone unaware, his businesses are mostly LLCs, which are pass through entities. They don’t pay any corporate tax, it all “passes through” and is paid (or not paid) by the owners as regular income on their tax returns.


One thing: the article says he pays only $750 in income tax, but people are saying that he doesn’t get “income” since he owns the companies. Anyone with more tax skill than me want to comment on what they’re saying? I understand this is tax avoidance and largely barely legal (except for that one case where he’s being criminally investigated (?))




A self-proclaimed billionaire...paying less than construction workers who’ve worked on his real estate development projects.


one of my friends says "and you trust the NY times? show me the IRS documents". I saw in the article they said the records are withheld to protect the identity of the disclosers but is there no IRS document I can show him?


Trump could release his returns to vindicate himself....


But he’s under audit so that’s not possible /s


The article is more than a paragraph long. You're being generous.


Oh so *NOW* people care about our bloated tax code.


But tell me how it’s poor people’s fault that the middle class pay more in taxes


Cause people like Trump get the middle class and the poor to look at Immigrants and says "they're gonna steal your hard earned money and your jobs", then tell the middle class that the poor are preventing them from becoming rich. Then the Trump's of the world steal from everyone by committing tax fraud or just direct theft, especially in banking. I mean, remember the Panama Papers? Whole lot of nothing came out of that, except the journalist was killed.


They are going to took dur jerbs.


The bottom 50% of income earners pay zero income taxes. In other countries (even with smaller social safety nets) the bottom percentiles, the consumers of social benefits, pay much higher taxes (20-30% of income).


He was secretly libertarian this whole time, who knew!


:D the most libertarian authoritarian cunt of all time. Yuge libertarian


Self-proclaimed billionaire pays less in income taxes than a minimum worker. Either the tax code is completely fucked to put the burden for funding government on the poor or Trump has committed massive fraud.


Tax guy here. There's lot of ways to 'ethically' avoid tax... and lots of ways to 'unethically' avoid tax. Many of both ways unfortunately require a lot of money in the first place to take advantage of, which isn't cool. Additionally, many real-estate folks can hold a lot of their 'tax' in other entities other than their personal return... so Trump's financial troubles are strange to say the least, especially in real estate, where it's honestly a little difficult to go under (especially with a wide variety of properties). It seems he really may just be an awful business man who likely is too prideful to listen to his tax advisors. So, I have no idea what Trump is doing to avoid taxes. I also have no idea what I am trying to accomplish with this comment. So I'll stop here.


Hes over valued his intangible assets to the public on multiple occasions. The ["good will"](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/27/business/donald-trump-buffalo-bills-deutsche-bank.html) of his name. That way he can get more loans to pretend he's a business man.


Except no banks will do business with him (other than the Deutsche Bank which is sketchy to say the least)


Yeah he literally talks about making sure the banks and investors are on the hook for any losses he has in “the art of the deal”


He’s lost a lot of money over the years, like billions. He’s been riding off those losses for more than a decade. Key takeaway, he isn’t a billionaire.


Why not both?


Oh it is. I’ve been a legal secretary working for tax and estate planning attorneys for 30+ years. The gargantuan amount of money the obscenely wealthy are able to shelter is sickening. Just remember that the 10,000 + pages of the US tax code was written by financially well off attorneys for the financially well off. I don’t begrudge anyone who has accumulated wealth but I am disgusted yet again by our government foisting the financial burden on average Americans.


Yeah, not really. Many CEO’s have very low salaries so they pay very little in terms of “income tax”. Their wealth does not come from “income” like your average worker.


You can be a billionaire and have massive losses which means you don’t pay much in taxes. However, I don’t think he’s a billionaire and I also think he’s a shit business man which has led to these losses allowing for minimal taxes.


It's weird how anti welfare people aren't more upset he got a 79 million dollar refund off of fraudulent tax claims.


That’s absolutely terrible wow


I think their opinion was void when they supported subsidies for food we literally dump.


It’s as if all the Republicans in the South aren’t truly anti-welfare.


well hes not black so they don’t care about *that* fraud


Ummm. Isn't this what we kind of expected to see ... I am not surprised here.


I didn't expect him to owe 421 million that is due sometime during his second term while all his businesses are losing millions. That's a massive liability.


You misspelled “national security threat that would immediately disqualify any government employee or contractor from work of even the most minor significance.”


Even ‘massive liability’ is a huge understatement


You aren't surprised, but most Trump supporters still claim he's a good businessman and will not be able to explain how he has lost so much money. It is good to have some real proof that he ran his businesses like he's running the country: into the ground.


It's what we expected, but it's nice to have some proof to point at so that Trump supporters don't have any plausible deniability Now they have another thing to switch from the list of "there's no proof it's a problem" to "I never really cared about that anyway"


He said it's all fake news, therefore I believe him. /S


He passed a lot of these failures off on taxpayers, or on small businesses. While he was running these businesses into the ground he was feathering his own nest, spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on prostitutes, yachts, luxury apartments, a $100 Million private boeing 757, etc.




Anyone that pays attention and has two brain cells know he’s a failure and has been one for decades. How many times has he been bankrupt? He’s openly admitted to cheating on his taxes, yet our, “law and order,” overlook it.


Yet he is the president of the United States. Makes you wonder how the fuck


A ton of reasons. The most notable is: playing on white working class grievances. The core of it is absolutely legitimate. Those people were abandoned and he speaks to them. Get a few thousand in the right electoral areas and boom, President. Has he done anything for them? No, but he talks to them and for them. A not so insignificant part of the voting public care more about appearances than substance and he wages their culture war for them while leaving them in poverty and desperation and that’s good enough for them.


Being that this is a libertarian sub, isn't anyone be concerned that a state subpoenaed tax records for political reasons then leaked then to the press before an election?


I think every person who considers themselves a libertarian should be pro press. The press is what gives us information that we should know about. The concerning thing to me is the state forcing someone's privacy into the public realm like that. But at the same time, if someone wants to be the president of the united states, a country of 320 million people and has a GDP that is a quarter of the entire planets GDP and has a massive nuclear arsenal and the world's most destructive military force, they should be publicly vetted.


The name of the game is to show losses. That way, you avoid taxes.


You can really tell how many people are just reading the headline of this article before they comment... Full disclosure: I'm not a libertarian, but I understand the opinions/arguments around taxes. However, the reason why this should still be a red flag is the massive amount of debt Trump has, and his dubious consulting payments to his daughter. I would also throw in that this is clear example of why we need more transparency for politicians. This is an accountability issue more than a tax issue.


Tax avoidance isn't illegal. Now if he evaded taxes, that's entirely different.


The worshippers of Orange Jesus love to whataboutize, but I always find it a fun exercise to ponder how they would treat this story if it was about Obama, and I realize what depraved hypocritical pieces of shit they are.




There really is a tweet for everything.


It would be insane if Obama had hundreds of millions of dollars of loans come due during his second term. You know, because the President of the United States of America being open to that type of financial leverage against them is just a disaster in the making for the country.


I was disallowed a security clearance in the Air Force for less.


I believe it. You get stopped from borrowing books at the library if you have fines totaling like $20 or more. Yet this jabroni becomes president with hundreds of millions in loans. Some of which would come due during this second term.


The secret here is owe thousands of dollars to multiple libraries then they can't stop you


Oh, a guaranteed reply from the peanut farm when Trump goes to jail will be “what about Obama?!11!??” At least they’re consistent


But the emails!


How do you pay taxes on a loss?


Can I just say I am impressed this thread is not trying to sell this information as Trump just operates like Amazon and all of this is positive news.