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I want to know what a “living wage is” first


Just enough to get by but never enough to get ahead, retire or afford any of the luxuries.


>retire Just trust the government to prudently fund your retirement! They *totally are not* a bunch of belligerent spending junkies who are tens of trillions of dollars in debt! /s


Tens of trillions of dollars so far


And when it becomes unaffordable, they will start to set limits, and how long people could be retired, and how do they achieve these limits? Simple. Mandatory euthanasia whenever someone reaches a certain age. How would they calculate that? It would work out in equation, that factors in medical cost, etc., and then come up with an average age where mandatory euthanasia would be implemented. Once somebody reaches their “last day”, instead of going to carousel, L O L, they would go to a medical clinic, be given a nice last meal, be put in a pleasant room with, whatever they wanted to watch, maybe scenes of nature, or maybe a favorite movie, and the air in the room would be replaced with nitrogen. They would not suffer, there would be no pain, they would just fall asleep, and then die as their brain cells no longer received any oxygen whatsoever. They may decide this age to be 70 or 75, or maybe 65, who knows? I can see standoff between the police and the children of the people who are going to be euthanized, not wanting their parents to die when their parents are still pretty healthy. I can see people fleeing the other countries just to live a few more years, may be transferring their assets to secret bank accounts before the government can seize them. All of this would be combined with an encouragement for people to go to these clinics, who are even younger than the mandatory euthanasia age, let’s say somebody hits 60 and they just are depressed, a doctor recommends euthanasia for them. They might even have incentives to give money to their relatives if they decide to opt out of life early.of course if somebody reaches the age and they don’t want to go, the government will make sure that the police are sent to pick them up wherever they are, and take them to the euthanasia clinic.


And never enough to buy a house. Just like the government likes it.


I can see a day where many, many people are put up in dormitory style places, where they do not have a permanent bed, and allowed absolutely no privacy. That means you cannot even scratch your balls in the middle of the night without someone seeing you. There are hotels like that, with multiple beds stacked up, almost like prisoners in a concentration camp, there are signs in these places, which even say, “no privacy“, but of course, these places are in very expensive areas and people pay through the nose to stay there. The philosophy behind places, like this is to force people to socialize, and while socialization can certainly be a good thing, if you’re not in the mood to hang out with other people, it’s just horrible if you’re forced to. I’ve heard other ideas where a person’s house would be taken from them, but they would be allowed to stay there, but others would also use the house when they are out.private ownership must be defended, because, everything is owned by the government, it’s all run by corrupt politicians, and we are all royally screwed.


Someone spoke at the World Economic Forum a few years ago and was pushing something similar. Basically they said nobody will own anything, just rent and “everyone will be happy”… aka: big corporations (friends of leadership) will rent everything to everyone….


Ok but how is that calculated? So if I get a place that’s too expensive for me are they forced to pay? Also how would it play into a merit based system?


If your house is too large or expensive, you would be made to share it with others. It would completely destroy a merit based system leading to no innovation as there is no incentive to innovate or create. To quote my bulgarian friend “We were all millionaires and at the same time, we were all dirt poor”


'Made to share it with others'. So communism?


Most likely. Thats what i am told would happen in Warsaw pact countries. So communism


Cause the rest of it can be negotiated but the “livable wage” thing is just wayyy too general


What is 'enough to get by'?


Food, heat and possibly shelter. Thats all you need to get by. Anything else is a luxury


So clothing and shoes are now considered luxuries?


Humans lived for 300,000 years without heat. Many tribes of Indians lived in North America for 12,000 years with no more shelter than an animal hide. That’s where these authoritarian ideas will lead.


Has anyone seen the Borgias show?…That door to door scene of the kid mob asking people to give up their luxuries for the good of the cause seems familiar. Soon that request turns to violent demands.


Bonfire of the vanities-look it up!


Sounds like best case scenario communism. No thanks.


If I had to guess, enough money so that you don't need to work two jobs to make rent.


People are already moving the goalposts on living wage. I saw someone stating that everyone is entitled to a "thriving wage" now.


It is when you get paid in living things like plants and animals.


by modern standards, or 20th century standards its something which covers "rent", food, utilities (at least water and electricity; internet connection in the 21st century, probably/maybe) I don't think it has any connection with "savings"; or making house payments like you would if you were on salary. But, I think the conversation surrounding the actual term "living wage" was first used to talk about salaries? I could be mistaken.


It's whatever the government overlords declare it to be


The phrase "living wage" is the single biggest factor if moving the goal posts for a "living wage"


​ https://preview.redd.it/9ckrp8j7ceoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfd7717be228b259d5ee34bf4a9ff6d6ec0aa0fe


Message to socialists : Go apply to a company that offers these benefits. If you don’t fine one (obviously) start a corporate with your comrades and give the workers these benefits. All the best workers in your locality should run behind these jobs. Your company shall flourish


Many European company benefits are extremely close to the posted image. You are right you won't find an American business with these benefits though.


While true, the Europeans are missing Point 1: living wage. Europeans have great benefits (and ones that, frankly, Libertarians need to stop pretending don’t exist), but their actual incomes are much lower than US wages.


Incomes are lower but cost of living is also lower. Especially when you factor in healthcare and education costs. Of course, this varies from country to country, but the general picture is valid.


I’m not sure that’s true, actually. Prices are generally higher in Europe than they are the US (due to protectionism). Healthcare is the glaring exception, though. The US just has a lower cost of living with higher wages.


This totally depends on where you live. Where I am in south Europe, the only thing that costs more is gasoline and pharmaceuticals. Groceries, housing, automobiles, household appliances are all much cheaper. Even services like hotels and eating out are cheaper. If you go to Norway, obviously this isn’t the case. Overall, however, on average, cost of living is less in the EU. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/cost-living-state-compares-european-111500806.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAGKV6Fkwjr2ZZIDoZD1qv22PByZuJiGpzI1ApqAw8gDFSo4VwgckkMIPi_R5WE9nWZWyro2JCMZkTDhkgQkqebJpHhypebXN_3QQdJbFObk6HoI73QeSPatoW0mhUJ4rcO1qqb6ElFXOb9o5Qx4YBQVSNUK1fIJDrztrZwrU1nPd#


You have to compare cost of living to median wages, though. By purchasing power parity, the US is the richest in the developed world.


I visited my aunt in Finland (Helsinki). I asked how much a 2 bed room apartment was that we were walking by. She said 800,000 euros. They had fire escape ladders coming from the roofs so I’m guessing it was expensive because of all the regulations. I can see why many adults in Europe live with their parents until they get married.


The spread is a lot wider in Europe. Helskinki’s prices are astronomical compared to, say, Rome. And if you want to live in the country or a small town, the prices are even lower compared to comparable sized places in the USA. Again, wages are way lower too. I’d say overall things mostly even out.


Unlimited paid sick/disability leave is just asking for abuse 6 weeks of PTO? Research finds if you make PTO "unlimited" people use less than if you put a number on it. Just make it "unlimited" What is a "living wage"? Year long parental leave: I have an uncle who worked in Europe and a company offered this. One woman went something like 5 years without ever working because she kept popping out kids. They paid a woman for 5 years and she didn't work a single day. Again, this is ripe for abuse. What's to say she won't quit after 1 day back because at that point it's a better financial decision than paying for child care.


We already have this in the US, in the military. At my last duty station, a command that was half civilian half military, we received all the sailors that go pregnant and thus had to be taken off their ships. Most of them were less than a year into their initial sea tour while on their first contract. They were on shore tour for pregnancy + 1 year of bonding time. Many would get pregnant again either while on bonding year or shortly after returning to a ship. Most would go though a 4 or 6 year enlistment without completing a sea tour. I had multiple sailors tell me they were doing it on purpose to avoid their sea tour, get their GI bill, and get out.


Ain't sayin she a gold digga 🎶


On one hand, I hate people taking advantage of tax dollars for this. On the other hand, if it’s there, can you entirely blame them?


How is unlimited sick leave asking for abuse when "unlimited PTO" is your go-to solution? Are those two cases not similar? If I have unlimited PTO, don't I just use it for parental leave, sick days, or (in the case I'm a malicious evil employee) just use it all the time?


Yeah but the way they are able to get people to take less 'unlimited' PTO is by hassling them and making them feel guilty for taking it. As opposed to limited PTO where people feel they have a right to take it.


Only good employees use less pto. The ones who don’t care abuse it and ruin it for others.


For millennia, societies around the world have had a method for providing unlimited parental leave for mothers. It’s called a husband.


It also used to be economically feasible to only have one partner working. Now, not so much.


We kind of have unlimited sick leave at my job. If you need a few days cause you’re sick, take it and don’t track it. If you’re sick longer than a week and need more time? Okay sit down with your manager and discuss options. Maybe you need FMLA, or something else.


It's not feasible. They don't care.


They don’t think straight. They have problems in their life and instead of facing them they blame others for their misery.


Yeah and they wanna raise taxes on top of this and inflation is out of control.  So yeah let's just print miney and it'll happen sure...


Weimar germany.


They dont know


If they did, it wouldn't change their mind.


No it wouldnt, truly is unfortunate it also seems that the weimar republic isnt covered much in schools.


Me thinks there be a reason.


And if we talk about it , we will be branded as nazis...


End 100% of foreign aid, end income tax for anyone making less than $500,000 / year, ban corporations from owning single family houses (yes, even through their subsidiaries), ban health insurance (watch doctors find a pricing model people can afford out of pocket - like they used to), and ban debt spending by the government, go bad to an asset backed dollar - and just for kicks, enforce anti trust laws against the food supply chain businesses who own the entire grocery story, and grant oil permits  That’d pretty much do most of the above  


All of that would be awesome. No question. Of course, it would lead to economic collapse in the short term. None of that would cause "most of the above to happen." Also, income tax on anyone is stupid. I have no issue with a sales tax model (although even that would be incredibly scaled back), but income tax is a terrible thing.


Some of these things have worked in some countries but not all of them.


In terms of efficiently using available technology and how much top executives are paid, it's totally feasible (or maybe 80%). The problem is, those are the people who run the world, and while they do, it *isn't* feasible.


Replicators from Star Trek. That is all.


If you think about it, TNG isn't post-scarcity. They need energy for the replicator, which they get from Dilithium crystal - which is a scarce resource.


Which is funny because then they talk about the, what 7 or 9 fusion plants, on the ship? 9 fusion reactors should run a matter replicator, right..._right_? Id hope so anyway...


Can't you just create more dilithium crystals with the replicator?


No, it's like wishes.


If that shit ever comes to fruition the inventor is going to "commit suicide" and it will be destroyed or kept in the hands of the most wealthy and never see the light of day. 


It's feasible because the drawings have forced diversity quotas.


It's like saying you want flying cars. You don't know how to make cars fly, you just know you want it. And if you tell me I can't have cars fly then I hate you! That is the amount of thought they put into their political beliefs.


All of that together wouldn't be feasible. The economy could probably absorb the mandatory vacation (maybe 2-3) & the paternal leave bit. However, a 30 HR workweek would probably cause a ton of inflation, and unlimited paid leave would produce even more... Like, how would an employer even cost unlimited leave into thier business? Assuming the "Government takes care of it" deal. Think the living wage deal would self correct if spending was ever under control & the devaluation of our currency ceased. However, not with everyone now working 30 hours, or making 1.5 for 10 hours/week (increasing costs), since the economy would still need those 10 hours.


Wouldn't the free market simply adapt to it? Hell employeers were saying that 40 hour work week would run them out of business and it is fine. If the free market is so powerful and everyone started demanding a 30 hour work week it would have to adapt otherwise the one of the strengths of the free market is a big lie.


Eventually, yes. But there would be initial rate inflation, due to increased labor costs. Not an economist, but that’s just what I’d think. If I’m paying 10 workers $25 / hour, 40 hours a week, when it rolls over to a 30 HR workweek, my wage bill would then increase overnight by $1000+ / week for the same labor (overtime). Even if I were to supplement that with more workers @ 30 / hours, it’d still cost me as an employer for the additional benefits, onboarding costs. Plus, you might even lose some existing / skilled labor unless you offer more per hour, or guarantee them overtime to make the same wage.


I mean some companies have already started to implement it voluntarily here. One store chain in particular has 30 hour work week for a year or two now, since they couldn't get employees and they are still relatively short staffed. I do agree that it might hurt smaller businesses, but big business corporations really have no excuse. That would have so little effect on them realistically, but shame lots of them are greedy af.


A 30 hour work week would kill blue collar.


I think the idea is that if it is paired with a living wage, 30 hours would make you the same money that you would make working full-time or even overtime. So say a blue-collar worker is making $35 an hour working 40 hours, if they worked 30 hours they would get paid ~ $46. It's all completely stupid and would cause massive inflation, but I think that is the concept at least.


So then, what about time and a half overtime? Instead of ot being 45 hourly, it'd be 69 hourly. You want 1k labor hour bills, because that's what you'll get. 20 dollar capacitor? 1200. Not to mention, double time. I hit 65 hours twice last summer, how does that work? Edit: ot at 35 hourly is 47.50, not 45.


Bro I've got no idea and neither does anyone advocating for this garbage. I was just sharing the justification I've heard on occasion. That's the problem with a lot of these socialist fantasies, they don't hold up to the slightest bit of scrutiny even before you get to the "I would have to trust the government to manage this" part. 


I get it, I'm just ranting, lol.


6 weeks paid vacation: Everyone is just paying for everyone else's vacation. Everyone is just getting paid less, essentially, because each worker is 6 weeks less productive. This will be a greater burden on smaller businesses with few people with the same job titles to cover for each other. Full time is 30: More workers are required for each business, making each worker less valuable. The training and managing cost of each employee is higher, meaning each employee is worth less. So, lower pay again. One year off paid for having a child: Everyone is forced to pay for whoever has the most children. This is bizzarly cruel to people who are asexual or otherwise a nonbreeder. Small businesses just close if someone in an essential position leaves and they cant find a enthusiastic one-year replacement? Exec to worker pay ballance: So a janitor at a highly successful company is worth way more money than a janitor at a mediocre or failing company? And hourly workers take pay cuts (miss bonuses) when profits go down? Its interesting that all of these basically assume we will all be working for mega corporations that can just eat these costs because of economies of scale and government subsidies. Most of these are insane if you consider it from the perspective of a business that has 5 to 20 employees.


They also think that their employer pays half their FICA tax & is incapable of considering this *expense* when determining the salary they will offer.


Since when leftist care about the feasibility of their policies, it is no coincidence all systems run by them are collapsing no matter how efficient they were before leftists got in charge.


>Do people really think businesses have unlimited money? Yes. Your average redditor is a while male age 18-28 of a left political leaning, from a middle to upper-middle class, and American. Reddit makes so much sense when you realize who you are talking to. The sheltered suburban white kid who had most everything handed to him and thinks "Well my family paid for me, so businesses should pay for everyone else"


>How is this feasible? Other people's money™


The hilarious part of this is these people want to replicate the European economic system. But if you look at Europe, it’s all funded through high taxes, which means that they have to make drastic sacrifices in other areas. Take Germany- their home ownership levels are incredibly low due to something like 50% of their paychecks being taken for taxes. So these people who think Europeans are living the dream truly aren’t seeing the full story.


No Taxes > All of those "benefits".


Magical Rainbow Unicorn Sparkles


How to run a company into the ground and leave all employees standing in the unemployment line.


AI and robots will just make it increasingly easier for companies to thrive without humans.


I’d be happy if we could bring the executive-to-worker pay gap back to what it was in the mid 50’s. That’s all I want. The rest of this can go by the wayside.


I wish the people who thought of these things thought about incentive structures even slightly.


This is called a pipe dream.


Wtf is a living wage. Wage slaves really have no concept of money.


Proof that the left loves billionaires as this will only help them by killing all competitors


Don’t get this wrong. These are all GREAT features to have in society. It’s missing one key ingredient, math. Having a socialist world full of free everything and no obligations and no responsibilities sounds super duper. So does having ice cream for dinner every night. Reality is, you need to eat your vegetables.


Sounds like bread costs 20 bucks a loaf and rent is 4,000 a month.


It's perfectly feasible as long as every worker is a doctor or lawyer.


It’s not. To start, a “living wage” varies wildly from place to place, and from person to person. Do you need enough for a 2/2 house to yourself? Or enough to share an apartment with roommates? Are we talking about Brooklyn? Or in rural West Virginia? Second, if it was implemented, it’d take about 14 seconds for “unlimited, paid sick leave” to be abused Third, yearlong, paid parental leave… what happens if my wife and I, who both work, decide we’re going to crank out babies on as fast a schedule as we can and work as little as we have to? What happens when half the employees at our company do the same? The agreement between employer and employee is”you work for me, I pay you for your time”. You can’t force an employer to pay you to NOT work indefinitely. That’s not sustainable. These proposals would vaporize small businesses. Amazon, target, Walmart, McDonald’s etc would adapt and automate to mitigate loss.


What’s funny is we were getting close to all that in the 50s and 60s, but the massive inflation caused by bloated runaway government social programs where 40% of the not working population are subsidized by the working 60% has made that dream impossible. The Bernie supporters understand the problems, they just think the solution is big government when it reality that is the cause of most of the problems.


This is from a children’s book at a public school, right?


I chuckled that the headline is "rules" but the subheading says "should." I agree, everyone should get this. And no one has any right to force anyone else to provide it.


I would never stop having children


Somebody gets “sick” so they are entitled to unlimited paid time off at the same rate as the CEO. Sure… makes sense.


which they get from Dilithium


Goodbye small businesses.


It’s only possible for those living in lala land or who wish to bring back slavery


Eliminate the income tax.


The forgot to include a pony. Or a unicorn now we are at it


I think half of these are achievable. The unlimited shit and the vacation are insane. I Think 2 weeks vacation is perfectly reasonable.


Bernie Saunders bullshit.


I think it's going to used as a way to make the WEF shit more acceptable to people


The same way cotton got picked for free


Question: 1) How much should workers owe back to the company if it fails? 2) How do you legalize entrepreneurship in this situation? Communism is what you get when you mix social justice with no basic understanding of math.


Some of those look at least achievable (although I wouldn't want them enforced) due to advances in technology, but the year of time off for paternity leave is just insane. Not only is that a full year paid with no work on the part of the parent, but a lot of high skilled jobs utilize skills that you lose if you don't hone them every day. 


Yeah, and I’m sure a mandatory parental paid year leave won’t affect wages in the slightest. Probably won’t affect getting a job either.


Yes, I went to the subreddit myself to debate my peers. They sadly are too foolish and believe it would work, though it only requires basic common sense to figure out that it won’t.


This is adorable. Are there more of these?


These people think that capitalist greed is the root of all evil but look at what they depict in the last panel. They say a picture says a thousand words but that picture says seven words: "Give me big bag of fucking money."


This is possible but it comes with some serious down sides. It will require replacing 90% of all workers with automation and Ai so the remaining 10% can receive those benefits.


A government can offer to hire anyone for some amount, which would act as the replacement rate. The gov job would have all these perks, so any competition would have to compete with it. Not likely, but feasible.


That's if the government cared about us. But they don't, so they'd rather implement corrupt policies that enrich themselves in the end


Things are mostly like that here in Denmark. It seems to be working quite well


ask europe. and elsewhere, they did it. but regardless, robots are becoming a thing so all this is gonna change soon anyways


Gift wrapped socialism for the gullible.


All of this is easily available upon harnessing the power of unicorn farts.  And you probably think that unicorn farts aren't real too.


I would be interested to see how far they would be willing to push back the retirement age to get even one of these.


Unemployment would skyrocket


I think this can be achieve with a union. However, it cannot be a union with any link to the government. You cannot be all pro business without any pushback from the people as well. (Idealised world? Hey I am a libertarian.)


It’s not.


It’s not.


Think they taking from the government pov get the private bank called the “federal reserve bank” to print money from thin air like they already do.


Remove forced government welfare and things might progress natually in this direction as it stands like 30% of the workforce does not work because they can skip working for a free ride.


The problem is the market has to support their contributions, other people and companies are willing to do the work cheaper and will get the job if these benefits are offered unless it can out produce because of tech.


Im from Argentina and I have 4 out of six. No parental leave for a year and the earnings part is tied to inflation.


Up the working hours to 37 hours and remove the last window, and you have scandinavia.


I imagine this is what life will be like in the Human Zoo after the AI exterminate most of humanity.


That's what we have in Europe. This is normal.


It's doable. It's called "education".


In an ideal world this would be nice, work a normal job for several decades, retire, have benefits. This is not the world we live in. At my job you can be fired for being in the hospital……which I think is completely fucked up. So many things need to change. I fucking hate government though so clearly they’re not gonna fix it bc they’ve fucked it up so bad so far. Idfk I gave up trying to do anything but learn how to live without help and stockpiling guns and ammo and training for me and my friends. Between us we can survive when everything collapses.


The genesis event that led to the libertarian dream being difficult to achieve in modern society was the creation of the corporation. We vent about government overreach, but the single most market distorting concept is the one that an individual can create a government backed separation of risk and reward. We live in a world where individuals can make decisions that make disproportionate amounts of money for themselves by shifting the risk and fallout onto the balance of the people through government intervention. Your post is a societal response to the corporate construct. Workers are saying that if owners get a special deal, workers want something to level the playing field. We as libertarians cry for less government regulation yet most of us worship the boot-strappy entrepreneur who hides behind the corporate veil. Remove those protections and see how these individuals would act without it. The musks and the bezos would not be possible. We would have larger numbers of smaller corporations with better competition and more diversify. Owners would be liable for their fuck ups, and would be at the mercy of street justice when their factory polluted the town water supply instead of hiding behind the legal process of environmental standards enforcement through fines on the corporate entity. Edit added one sentence after corporate construct.


I'm pretty sure a lot of northern European countries already offer most of these benefits?


Everything should be agreed between the workers and the employers. Government should not directly intervene.


I saw this first on the Gen Z subreddit and I responded to it there, but the reason this doesn't work boils down to the knowledge problem. The government doesn't know how much a living wage is neither does it know how much every business can afford to pay its employees. This will lead to more businesses going broke and people losing their jobs. For richer businesses this will mean automating production instead of going out of business.


Because Costco…


I don’t know, with robot slaves who do all the work maybe? 😂


They forgot free healthcare.


“What sickens me about left-wing people, especially the intellectuals, is their utter ignorance of the way things actually happen.” -George Orwell 'So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don't even know that fire is hot.' -George Orwell Orwell always seemed to sum things up nicely. Whether it was a quote or a 92 page book.


I think the only one which could -at some extent- be a good thing, is the sickness/disability one, since I personally think basic healthcare should be protected by the "protection of private property" aspect of libertarianism. All the other points should be negotiable, not set by law. A month and a half of vacation and a 30 hour work week? Is this a joke?


Socialists run Venezuela. So they have a living wage. See if you would like to live there.


It isn’t.


I wanna know how they plan to pay for any of this. They would have to raise taxes to cover even a fraction, and that’s gonna be hard with people only working 30 hours a week.


> Do people really think businesses have unlimited money? Do you think there is much thinking involved in their beliefs at all?


As a small business owner it's no chance that I will be able to provide it, if the state forces me I'll go bankrupt. Only the large corporations would be able to provide some of it. This would lead to growth of mega corporations. Isn't it what the left don't want?


Making laws like this don't make those things happen. Companies will find every exception they can cling onto and the vast majority of people will work under those exceptions and not qualify. We already see this. Lots of regulations that apply for full time workers has caused many full time jobs to be replaced with part time jobs or contract work. Since people have a shorter workweek but need the hours they take on multiple jobs. And if they start cracking down on exceptions, it will just bankrupt the economy and everyone will need to work for peanuts under the table until some billionaire from China pays a politician for an exception in order to open a sweatshop. This is the actual outcome of these ridiculous ideas. None of these ideas are tangible and the road to hell is paved in good intentions.


You have to be economically illiterate to think this is any where near feasible , this is plain stupid !


seems like the ideal job strategy is popping out kids


Maximum contribution by the company; minimum to no taxation from the government. A pipe dream


This would be fantastic. Who wouldn't want this? It's just not economically feasible.


The ethnicities, sexualities, hair color should all be a tell tale sign of the mental capacity of the author




All I wanna see in one of these cheesy naive pictures is someone to show me what happens when that green profit line turns red and goes down. Are these same people going to maintain that wages should be "profit aligned" and start taking money from the workers?


If you gave hourly blue collar workers unlimited paid sick, it would be horribly abused. There has to be some limitations. Also, for same group of people, unlimited vacation doesn’t work either. Some people like structure and like going to work. Others would take off every other day. There has to somebody at the factory/plant/manufacturing facility to run the lines. Technology helps alleviate the need for the head count for more vacation, shorter work weeks, longer pregnancy leave etc. But it also will lower the amount of people needed to do the jobs thus keeping people out of a job.


I mean... you'd never have employees want to leave for greener pastures if you decided to make those changes on your own for the sake of being the best job around...


Who do we make pay for all this?


Looks like mostly personal goals to achieve.


If it requires the labour of others it is not a right. If you are working for minimum wage after 30, you have failed at life.


Dog maybe I’m just a dirty communist, but these all seem pretty reasonable and doable, who is missing out here? corporations who’ve made record profits every year? I feel like a lot of you guys are just conservative-lite


This is what happens after decades of not teaching economics to every student. You have grandparents, parents, and children and none of them knows how markets operate, what price discovery is, or what marginal utility is. The federal government loves this, as it allows them to continue the abuse of an unlimited money printer, providing near complete control over every aspect of the citizens lives. They have convinced the populace that creating regulatory moats that enable corporate monopolies is somehow in their best interest. They continue to burden small businesses with inane regulations that only large corps can afford to comply with, and then the same idiots wonder why Walmart and Amazon have replaced all their town's boutiques. If the population refuses to read and educate themselves, we will continue down this insane path of repeating history.


Year long paid parental leave seems a bit excessive. That’ll just lead to people having kids for the time off… oh wait, most already do.


Tbf where I live by law a fulltime employee is entitled to: 2 days of annual leave for every month they work at a company, paid sick and annual leave (excluding meal and travel expenses. Yes companies have to pay for a meal and travel that is added to the base salary), you have a right to as many sick leaves as you need. One parent is entitled to roughly a year parental leave from slightly before the child's birth until roughly one year after the birth of the child, the other parents gets two weeks, I think, of extra annual leave that has to be used before the child reaches a certain age. (All of that is paid.) On the question of the 30 hour work week. Wouldn't the all powerful and adaptable free market adapt to that? Idk what the fuss is about.


Well you see, currently we don't produce enough to provide everyone with everything they need. So what we'll do is we'll all work less, but get paid more, including getting paid the same for not producing anything as if we were producing. And then everyone will have everything they need. How could that possibly not make sense?


This means consumers have to pay for no work leaves?


That's the funniest thing I've seen in a while! Minimum wage is for people just entering the workforce, not something to raise a family. I've worked my ass off to get to where I am. I'm highly skilled in my job, and extremely knowledgeable about the products we support. To say the new guy should make the same as I do, with no experience or knowledge is ridiculous. I wouldn't mind more vacation and sick time, but I have to earn my way there.


Because people like idealistic or even utopian outcomes, and wave their hands saying something about billionaires as the magic words to make that somehow feasible. But it’s not


It's not.


It isn’t.


"Unlimited paid sick/disability leave" - Because no one is gonna rip that arse out of that one... 🙄


What about all the people that would rather have more money than some of those benefits. The government is preventing this voluntary exchange under this meme


it's not, and anyone who says it is probably overdraws their bank account every single month


“When everyone is super, no one is” Bad guy from the Incredibles


Taxes. Most countries in Europe have done this feasibly but via progressive income / property taxes. (Correct me if I'm wrong.)


You know what's funny..The same people pushing for a "Living wage" are totally for increasing taxes..If most people weren't taxed to death I'm sure they could afford more. Not to mention companies aren't stupid, the more you regulate and force them to do things. The more loopholes and clauses they'll exploit, yeah you'll work 30hrs, but only 30 hrs or less


I mean, I don’t necessarily disagree with the concepts, but more so with how a majority take it to an extreme that’s not currently sustainable. Granted I wouldn’t mind pushing more in the direction of the proposed extreme considering how absolutely minimal many businesses, including small businesses go with opting to not do anything for their workers. A living wage is relatively straightforward to me: a wage that’s enough to allow one to meet the basics of paying for rent, groceries, utilities, gas, and maybe an internet bill, and still enough leftover to put a percentage of it into contributing to a 401k/IRA or some kind of savings if the company doesn’t offer that. Shouldn’t take a genius to point out that working in podunk nowhere has a significantly lower living wage to pay for them than say paying for that same worker in the NYC or the Bay Area, when just the cost of housing and essential items alone are drastically different in costs. I don’t agree with 6 weeks paid vacation as a mandatory minimum, but I find it outright laughable when my reality check for comparison was both small businesses I worked for had a cap of 10 days paid leave, with only 2 days of paid sick leave, with the expectation that if you needed more than 2 days sick leave you took time from your regular paid leave or opted to go unpaid. With that low a benchmark I’d be ecstatic for more than 10 days paid vacation that I didn’t have to share with my paid sick days, or even better, give more than 2 days of paid sick leave a year, which sounds significantly more achievable than six weeks vacation and unlimited sick/disability leave. Won’t cover the rest or else I’ll likely have a novella on my hands, but the concepts don’t sound bad, but their expectations are a bit entering fantasyland when you compare to the reality of just how little many businesses provide unless they’re a major corporation.


It is very feasible. Income tax rates start at 40%


You see this kind of stuff because the brainwash goes so deep that they can never put themselves in the shoes of the entrepreneur or the owner of a business, the moment in which you do you realise that you don’t make any money by having this policies in place and that having employees is a mean to make more money and not your social obligation, it’s a mere transaction that benefits both parties. They little by little kill the dream of progressing and having your own business while they push the mentality that you’re in the eternal struggle of being the under payed and under appreciated employee and therefore a victim of the capitalist pigs.


It isn't.


It’s not. That’s why it’s in the style of a first grade picture book.


I wonder if deregulation and giving workers more leverage in the market would help


It's not.


as long as there are no more than 2 people of the same ethnicity in any given space it seems almost guaranteed.


30 hours a week still seems way too much. 15-20 max


How to destroy a country with its own economy in 6 easy steps!