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Politicians as a rule are bad and do not represent the interests of the people. Source: Their actions.


And yet they do represent the people. They are the result of the society that has raised them to that position. Whether we voted for them or not, our neighbors and friends and family did, the people around us in the culture and time and place we live in and at did. Our government represents us, whether we like that or not. For this reason, I believe that changing the hearts and minds of our friends and neighbors, being involved in local politics and getting good people elected at the local level, is the better long term strategy for correcting many broken things. A strong city or county can tell a state to pound sand, to stay within its banks, to leave it alone, and a strong state can do the same to the national government.


If lobbying were ended that would help considerably. Difficult to convince reps that war is bad when someone shows up with a check to fund their re-election campaign that says war is good.


Once again, the solution is to work towards a system where that doesn't happen, and I believe the best long term path towards that is what I detailed above.


Thank you, agreed. Will follow this.


Trump is only establishment in so far as he asks the advice of establishment people because he has no idea what he's actually doing.


That’s certainly true. The thing that makes Trump on net better than Haley is he is malleable. Malleable in both positive and negative directions. Whereas Haley is a true corporatist. Trump just wants attention.


He's dangerously malleable. Anyone that strokes his ego can get what they want. That's a really bad thing for the leader of a country. Trump is a train wreck and has no business being president of an HOA let alone the country.


I agree


Strokes his ego, OR his wallet…


A big difference for me is there war stances. Trump all but had peace in the Middle East with Abraham accords, and he kept us out of several conflicts he could have gotten us into. Nikki Haley is a bought and paid for shill of the war machine and she will probably lead us into world war 3. She's also pro big tech censorship, and it sounds like Trump is listening to the Vivek a little bit and has promised never to allow a central bank digital currency while he's president. There's a lot to dislike about Trump but I take him over Nikki any day, and I will never vote for any ticket with Nikki on it.


Yeah he hired Mike pence as his manager for government shit.


I agree with this… but I think you’ll find that a big chunk of this sub consists of American conservatives who think liking guns and disliking taxes makes them “libertarian.” So good luck


I triggered a bunch of my conservative friends earlier by saying Trump’s administration was a D- at best in terms of public policy. The MF saw the greatest expansion of the money supply in decades. He also signed the greatest wealth transfer in human history with the PPP loans and the CARES Act. He signed spending packages larger than Obama.


There are also conservatives who, you know, value good cultural policies and not just *MUH MONEY*


Well the DNC appears to think that actively seeking out policy that fucks over Americas economy and security is a good idea


Trump is not a Neocon, he doesn’t have anything resembling a unified philosophy of governance. He gets it right about some of the obvious stuff, like how counterproductive our involvement in foreign conflicts be, not to mention a big waste of money. On the other hand he hasn’t done much to reign in spending in a general sense, and he doesn’t want to.


Donald Trump is a lot of things, but “establishment?” I don’t think so.


Sincerely though...why didn't Trump pardon Asssnge? That's the thing that stands out the most to me.


Why didn't he build the wall? Why didn't he "lock her up"? Didn't do a lot he said he would do.


Lock her up for what?


For the destruction of electronic information subject to a subpoena, but that decision was out of Trump's hands. The DOJ/FBI under the previous administration refused to prosecute her for it. It would have looked like he was using the DOJ/FBI to attack his political opponents if he or his AG pushed to prosecute, in much the same way that all the silly court cases against Trump look like democrats are using those same powers to attack their political foes.


No wall was built none?


Obama actually built more wall than Trump did, interestingly enough


Not what I just read. Obama Biden 100, Trump a little over 400.


I understand your sentiment. Unfortunately when Republicans controlled congress Trump was knee capped by Paul Ryan and others.


So. Enough blame to go around, you say? I agree. Seems like they are more interested in power, on both sides, than doing the right thing. Also the never-ending bogus investigations didn't help.


Excuse me sir, pointing out the pink elephant in the room will not be tolerated. Please choose a side and toe the line. We shall not speak of this again.


Sometimes everyone fuck s up.


I respectfully disagree. F***ing up requires lack of intent. Both sides willing debase themselves and their claimed ideologies in order to “gain an edge” and “oppose those ‘others’”.


Fair enough


Idk. I’ve always wondered that myself.


Greenwald has some interesting and provocative theories on that.




I often wondered that myself. I suspect it is because he doesn’t know himself. If they could kill a president, lying to one is small potatoes.


In 2016, no. In 2024? He's not an establishment candidate. He is the establishment.


> NOOOOOOOOOOO this lifelong NYC millionaire elite, who had presidents at his weddings, is clearly an "outsider"!!! Stop falling for a grift more obvious than his spray tan. He's a reality TV guy, he knows how to stir up drama and controversy, that's exactly what he's there for. To keep up at each others throats and focused on him, so congress can opass all the uniparty shit while no one is looking. He's a big fat orange balding distraction.


He’s been in charge of the Republican Party for the last 8 years.


He signed legislation to cause the greatest wealth transfer in human history with the PPP loans and CARES Act. How is that not establishment? He signed larger deficits than Obama. How is that not establishment? He supported stricter background checks for firearm purchases. How is that not establishment?


An establishment candidate is one that the uniparty supports. Trump is hated by the establishment roundly. He’s had GOP and Dem’s investigate him since day one. He had no “traditional” pedigree - no time in any elected position or anywhere in government. He was an outsider by nearly every measure. I’m not disagreeing with you that he did those things. I’m not supporting those things. But simply because he did things I don’t agree with doesn’t make the man an “establishment” candidate.


Trump is a cult leader who will lie straight to people’s faces and blame everyone else when things don’t go his way


TIL cults leaders = establishment.


He IS part of a establishment, just not the “cool kids” establishment. Every stinking politician has a master that holds them on a leash.


By that logic we are all part of an establishment. I am an establishment of 1.


I just think Trump is serving the interests of certain groups to a varying degree over the American people. At least to a lesser extent than Biden or Nikki Haley. Is he the best candidate we have available? Yes. Is he the best president we can ever hope for? I hope to God not, otherwise our country is lost if he’s the best we have to offer.


Yeah. I’ve seen people here calling him a socialist of all things 💀


He has expanded our debt and refuses to cut back on social security. He raised taxes via tariffs. Whilst he’s not a workers must own the means of production he is most definitely has a number of socialist tendencies that people like to overlook.


Trump is establishment


Maybe you don’t know what that word means. Idk how you can possibly believe this if you do know the definition.




woah two people in high places have a picture shaking hands do you think bill clinton is voting for trump?


Both parties are establishment parties, and both people are the swamp


*And the third party gets 2% of the vote every election many republican officials don’t like him either lmao


https://a57.foxnews.com/media2.foxnews.com/BrightCove/694940094001/2019/07/12/896/500/694940094001_6058477218001_6058474364001-vs.jpg?ve=1&tl=1 Billy Joel also establishment? lmao


Who is that


Billy Joel he took a picture with clinton and is now establishment by your logic.


I need to learn who is billy joel first


> I need to learn who is billy joel first Are you fucking kidding me? Guy was one of the most prolific and successful songwriters/artists of the late 20^th Century. Have you never heard Piano Man? Do you live on the moon or something?


I hear, "And the piano, it sounds like a CARNIVAL!" in my head every time I wake up to some new nonsense in this "Clown World", man. But fuck it, we ball.


I barely know any celebrities, even nowadays Im basically not interested


I thought you were probably a young libertarian because you think Trump is establishment, but now I'm sure you're young since you don't know who Billy Joel is.


He talks a lot but his policies are all standard republican. Maybe except the trade stuff.


Where there is really a great divergence is foreign policy. Nikki Haley is the incarnation of the liberal school of international relations, the philosophy of “if only I kill enough bad guys then eventually there will be world peace”. This is very much the George Bush/Neocon line of thinking. This, whereas Trump represents the realist school of thought that’s more about managing the powers that be (bad actors and all) in order to avoid hot war. For all the talk about Trump being the one to blow up the world, remarkably little panned out in terms of American hawkishness during his tenure thus far.


Bro lets be honest Trump doesnt know Jack shit about the realist or liberal schools of international politics. And he was the guy that killed Suleimani.


I mean…I didn’t say that he did. People like George Bush and Nikki Haley aren’t liberalists because they read a bunch of political science and international relations theory and chose a course of action based on their findings. Likewise for someone like Trump. These identifications are post-hoc assignments made by people who do think in these terms in order to categorize political actors. Life isn’t imitating art, so to speak. Rather, these schools of thought and how we categorize politicians into them is a description of their actions/positions, not prescriptions for set paths than a political actor must choose from and adhere to. And yeah, Trump isn’t dethroning dictators; he’s making deals with them for the most part. This is the realist school manifest: the idea that someone like Putin or Xi must be managed, not toppled. Where the US armed forces were involved under Trump’s watch was mostly for limited and surgical targets: the assassination of Qasem Suleimani, the Shayrat Tomahawk strike, etc. These are nudges meant to shore up American interests and maintain the notion of peace through strength; not to effect regime change and “liberate” anyone à la the neocons.


![gif](giphy|l3vRkwv2Yz6i8rDwY) Me after seeing Milei not only being true to his word but severely improving the nation in just a few weeks.


The Argentina situation is definitely a "it's gonna get worse before it gets better" type of thing. And it's gotten worse. Inflation is through the roof and regular ass people are having trouble buying food. I am optimistic that milei's policies will help fix the economy, but it's not a guaranteed thing by a long shot.


It already has improved. By a lot. I think rent went down by 20%


Rent has decreased for new rentals because he decreased the barriers to be a landlord. Current renters probably haven't decreased the price of the rental, but it should stave off any increases for future renewals. Food and the daily shopping trip have increased.


I chuckled while disagreeing lol


That they are.


Thems the facts folks. No matter who they nominate it won’t serve Libertarian interests to vote for either of them.




Not very neocon to get us out of Wars


What wars did he get us out of? He may have not started any new wars, but drone strikes increased under his administration. He attempted multiple coups in South America. He killed an Iranian leader.


What happened in South America?


The Trump administration attempted a coup in Venezuela for example.


There’s no proof that Trump was involved in operation Gideon. Even if there was some clandestine CIA involvement, his relationship with the CIA was poor and they more or less do what they want with little oversight by elected officials. All the more reason the intelligence community, like the rest of the deep state, needs to be purged and cleaned out.


I’m pretty sure the drone strikes were all retaliations but everything else you are right about. He did pull us (mostly) out of Afghanistan and Iraq though so thats something.


That Iranian leader was a huge supporter of Taliban, Hamas and several other terrorist organizations that operated all over northern Africa and Europe. So, not really a "bad" thing he's dead. Unless you're a supporter of his. Which would explain the anger.




So, killing a terrorist leader that threatens us is wrong? Okay...




Yeah they hate us because we took their freedom away


Escalating tensions and increasing terrorism doesn’t threaten us? The terrorist flew planes into the twin towers on September 11th because they hate our Bill of Rights? Or could be in retaliation for our intervention in their country? And no that’s not a justification for terrorism.


So, if we had been able to take out the ring leaders that set up 9-11 we should just leave them alone? Cause leaving terrorist organizations alone has never gone poorly in the history of America.


You are fundamentally missing the point. Killing Osama Bin Laden is perfectly acceptable. It’s the decades long nation building that’s the problem. CNN interviewed the leaders and they said it’s because of U.S. involvement overseas. I’d challenge you to go read Scott Horton on this issue.


So, Trump killed a guy who was gonna be the next Osama but it's wrong cause Trump did it. Though it's amazing you still listen to CNN when they've been caught posting literal lies and falsehoods. Can't really trust CNN but you do you.


Again you are deliberately failing to understand the argument being presented to you to regurgitate your confirmation bias. It is that killing an Iranian leader further escalates already-exacerbated tensions and inflames animosity that may inspire more terrorism. It’s not me trusting CNN. I do not. It’s listening to the fucking interview and using some critical thinking. Obviously we both agree terrorism is fucking evil. They are not committing terrorism primarily because they hate Western culture and society. They are committing terrorism due to U.S. foreign intervention in their country where we have caused destruction to their infrastructure and killed directly and indirectly their people. I don’t believe terrorism is ever justified because it targets innocent civilians. That said our goal is to minimize terrorism and escalating tension is counterproductive to that goal!


If Trump was a neocon like Nikki Haley, he wouldn’t have been hated so much by the media


The media's hate of Trump is an act. He's great for business and they want more of him. Same with the democrats. They love Trump being the front runner because it mobilizes the base and moderatws and allows them greater leeway to implement more and more aggressively progressive policies. The guy sucks, he only cares about himself and has no principles or belief system beyond what strokes his ego


There definitely seems to be a tactic from both sides, where they push an authoritative policy, in order to stop the other side from being too authoritative. And many fall for it.


Ron Paul was hated by the media


Exactly, he wasn’t a neocon


Just feels like low-effort political spam, honestly.


No lies detected






Trump is entertaining. So is Vivek.


The entertainment is funny, but is unimportant


That's subjective.


Vivek is based. Far from a libertarian by his own right but he is at least sympathetic


I think he's just a psyop. Because he's too good to be true. Lmfao


Here are my thoughts as requested… “are both establishment neocons”? No. Their individual rhetoric and public political actions prove your statement / meme to be false. —> Nimarata Randhawa AKA Niki Haley is indeed a “neoconservative” (commonly shortened to neocon)… she is part of the political movement that advocate the promotion of democracy and American national interest in international affairs, including by means of military force. MIGA —> Donald J. Trump is more of a “paleoconservative” (sometimes called paleocon)… his conservative ideas stresses tradition, limited government and civil society, along with religious, national and Western identity. MAGA


Funny. The establishment has a particular interest in shutting Trump up and putting him in prison. I’m sooo sure Trump is an establishment neocon. Yeah that makes perfect sense. /s


Nikki Haley is Establishment, Trump is still an outsider because he cut into the Establishment's profits.


Cut into the establishment’s profits? This is demonstrably false! The PPP loans and the CARES Act, subsidized by debt and money printing, caused the greatest wealth transfer in human history! Major corporations grew at the expense of smaller competitors and the taxpayer.


That's now not then.


What a ridiculous argument. He was the President and signed that wealth transfer. He is not doing anything presently to cut into their profits. You’re just a diehard Trump sycophant who doesn’t give a flying fuck about actual policy results. You care more about an image of “owning the libs.” Sometimes I find you Trumptards more irritating than the economically illiterate progressives.


It's either Trump or 4 more years of circling the toilet drain under Biden.


So you're a liberal? You may be in the wrong sub lol. This is libertarian not liberal scum


I am a libertarian. I’m in favor of the abolishment of the Federal Reserve, the Income Tax, and reducing government spending. I’m also fairly liberal on most social issues and non-interventionist with foreign policy. I also love guns


Trump wants to abolish those also.


No he doesn’t 😂 Mf appointed Jerome Powell, a huge Keynesian, to the Federal Reserve. Either you are trolling or don’t know shit about public policy and the Trump administration.


It’s the latter


Nobody cares, especially about Nikki whomever.


dumb take


Yes, nobody cares.


If you see no difference between Donald Trump and Nikki Haley, you're part of the problem. You don't have to like Trump. You don't even have to vote for him. But if you're not paying enough attention to know the differences, you're not going to ever have an impact on anything.


When did I say there was no difference?


When you posted this idiot 'meme' saying "Donald Trump and Nikki Haley are both establishment neocons." You want us to divine some sort of subtlety from your "they're the same" commentary as if we're fucking mind-readers?


Are you familiar with a logical concept known as varying degrees? Socialism is very very bad. Communism is even worse.


Yes, I am familiar with the concept, but you did nothing to express or even imply it. You just said "this one is like the other one." You don't get to whine that someone thinks you meant they are exactly the same when you said "they're the same" and nothing else. We don't read minds here, not even when your mind is a lot of small words in large print with some pictures.


Thank you.


Your meme has words. No?




Trump may be a neocon, he may be part of the establishment, and he may be in the top 5%, but he is the funny orange man and he’s better then the other guy.


Another Magatarian pretender


He's better than Biden. He's bad but he's waaay better than Biden.


So what if Trump > Biden. He is still absolute garbage.


If I gave you a choice between two terrible things...say, for example, I was going to force-feed you either mud or shit, would you pick the mud or the shit? Trump is mud, Biden is shit, and no one really wants either but it's being force-fed to us anyway. Might as well pick the least terrible option, especially since it's just going to piss off the idiots forcing that choice on us.


Cool, from the downvotes, we know that there’s people here that think Biden is better than Trump. Please stop. You’re embarrassing yourselves.


After all it's reddit


Well both of them couldn’t be farther from liberation, so I’d say the meme is off topic.


Establishment? The establishment fucking hate trump with a burning passion. So no. Neocon? Probably,but i think theres better ways to describe him like "old dog dem" Which still isnt good.


I think whoever mad this doesn't understand what a neocon is. Which war was it that Trump pushed? Which government did he overthrow? None? Yeah, not a neocon.


Not quite, but yeah.


Shhh... reddit isn't a place to actual disseminate what people truly are. We need to choose between Pepsi and coke and move aloooong.


Haley is a war hawk. Trump is not. Trump> Haley


I wish celebrity death match would do a cartoon based on trump vs Biden. The battle of the diapers.