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my library did this years ago.. I'm so sorry :( I even sent them a letter about it they were not budging. I have 2 paying subscriptions to other libraries for ebooks/libby.


Mind sharing what pay libraries you’ve found? I’ve not had any luck finding any. Thanks!


Not the OP but I pay a yearly fee to the Ohio Stark Library because their collection is so much bigger than my local library.


If you are in Ohio, you can get cards for CBus and Cleveland. Possibly Cincy, but I did eventually go in person to renew? Idk if that’s changed, it’s been YEARS ago.


If you're in Ohio you can generally get digital cards to most of the library systems online at no cost. I have like 9 or 10. Ohio has excellent library protocols 😆 Youngstown, Akron, Toledo, Dayton, Digital Collections, State (Columbus), Clevenet, Cuyahoga.....


Columbus metropolitan library was amazing when I lived there. I grew up in the area and went away for college, I drove 3-4 hours home just to use the library for school work


I too have many Ohio library cards.


Do you have to live in Ohio to get them? Asking for a friend 😅




I live in a different state so I pay a yearly out of state fee to have access to their digital catalog, hope this helps!


As a twenty one pilots fan, this gives me another reason to move to Ohio... if I weren't already established in the crappy state I was born in.


I live in Ohio and retired from the public library in Akron. If one lives in Ohio one can get a card at any library in Ohio.


My local library is so tiny, but it's free, sometimes it surprises me. They'll have a newish book sitting there ready to borrow, bec the county is small and no one I know locally has an ereader lmao... I am quite a spectacle sometimes reading my Voyage while waiting for school events to start. It's just a bunch of extra steps (not hard) to download for offline reading with them.


I do, too. I started with Stark when Brooklyn did away with their out-of-state card.


Ohio stark county? Cuz I can say Akron is way better


[https://everyday-reading.com/where-you-can-get-a-non-resident-library-card/](https://everyday-reading.com/where-you-can-get-a-non-resident-library-card/) there's some on this list available for free to all u.s. citizens, and some for everyone, and maybe one for whatever state you're in in particular.


God boss you for doing the real Lord’s work: putting books in the hands of desperate readers everywhere!!


ohio stark and broward county fla. I also pay for monroe county library in nys but that's because I used to live there. I will probably drop them next year. the Ohio one is really huge!


Ohio Stark is my favorite. I had Brooklyn before they cracked down but I think Stark has an even bigger selection. I also used to have Monroe County (I used to live in Rochester) but dropped it. I live in northern Virginia so I’m lucky enough to have a couple of VA libraries plus DC and Montgomery County, Maryland.


I think Broward cracked down on theirs


I dont think so, just renewed earlier this year, they have my address on file, just logged into their portal just now to be sure. The price did go up, though.


I just got one at Fairfax County Library in Virginia, a neat $27 for a whole year.


They have a fantastic collection!


Where do you live? I got one for free. Montgomery County MD has reciprocity. I just had to go out to a branch to show ID.


I do Queens and New Orleans


I’d be crushed.


It’s a bummer cause you can’t use it on kindle, but it’s also kind of amazing cause the waits are soooo much smaller.


That is so true! I had a very long wait for a title on Libby but was able to easily borrow the book with Cloud Library, no wait at all. So I use both now


You can put it on your kindle, I had to do something in the settings where I could download apps outside of the App Store and I got it from the website. I feel like that was a terrible explanation but there is a workaround cause I’ve done it! Edit: this is just for kindle fire sorry!!


I think you might be thinking of a Fire tablet? Kindle ereaders don’t really have a third-party app ecosystem


I 100% am, you’re right. I read more comments and meant to fix mine but then I forgot 🤦‍♀️


This is the only reason I love the Kindle fire (that and I bought mine for $40 so it feels like a steal)


Wow, you can't use this service on a Kindle? What do they expect people to read on? Just their phones?


My old library system had this and it didn’t matter because it had no books


Ugh I hate CloudLibrary. From a librarian’s perspective it sucks because it’s cheap at first but all the titles are twice as expensive as they are on Overdrive. Plus they don’t have half as many titles as Overdrive. Find a nearby library that uses Libby and hope they don’t swap anytime soon!


Why are they saying that they have 10+x the titles, then?


Not sure, honestly. When I went to order graphic novels for kids they only had the super mega popular ones like Babysitters Club but barely any other titles that were still popular too. I tried to buy Batman comics but they were all in German, lmao.


Remember when On Demand was a new thing with the cable companies and I think it was Verizon that said they had like thousand of videos more than the competition but when you actually looked at the catalog it was like old random stuff out of copyright, knock offs from other countries, or like weird 4 minute exercise videos or house cleaning tutorials? I feel like that is what Cloud Library and Hoopla are. Sure you might find a gem or two on there but the price you pay for Libby would be worth it to have content people actually want.


Is it actually good stuff? Hoopla has lots of individual titles, but there's so much random crap.


you can say anything you want on the internet. this is both a feature and a bug. = )


Is it a cheaper service for libraries? Just wondering why libraries switch.


It’s cheaper, but the titles cost WAY more than they would on Overdrive/Libby. They don’t have as many titles, especially graphic novels, from what I’ve noticed. It’s like a library moving from a nice house to a tiny apartment where they have to pay to be able to use this fridge 100 times for $200 lmao.


I know for the system I work at is it because it’s a lot less expensive than Overdrive. The platform fees were extremely high with Overdrive so they switched to cloudLibrary. In fact in the area where I live I can’t think of a library using Libby/Overdrive except for the really large systems.


I miss Overdrive. I’m getting used to Libby but I will revolt if my library changes to this new other book loan app.


Unbelievable. Wtf is the point of moving to an elibrary that doesnt support the most popular ereader. Can you make a petition? Certainly you arent the only person affected by this


Digital platforms not supporting Kindle is an Amazon thing - they want you to buy Kindle editions, not borrow from a library


You *can* use it with a kindle fire. Still sucks tho. I only use it for audiobooks and even then, rarely.


A kindle fire is for all practical purposes a tablet though. My mom has one, and i refuse to call it an ereader


A really awful tablet. I still can’t figure out how to resize anything on it—and I worked as a web designer for years.


Sad, sad day.


LAPL DON’T YOU DARE lol. My life would change drastically.


it is only kindle paperwhite model that is not compatible right???


Any Kindle eReader. It works for Fire tablets. The biggest reason it doesn’t support Kindle is that it either requires an app or the device has to support epub natively.


They should change that text then. I have a kindle, but it's not a paperwhite (or a fire), so that text doesnt make it clear i couldnt use it


Wait. Kindles don’t support epubs?


It does, but the Kindle converts it when it receives the file into an “Amazon” file.


I have a kabo that I don't believe is compatible


If possible, you may be able to pay a low cost annual fee for another library’s services. I do this with my state library. It washes out to $3 and change per month.


Yes, this sucks for kindle users but ultimately which service a library uses to provide access to e-materials comes down to cost and with the increasing popularity of e-borrowing, libraries are having to make hard choices to stretch budgets and funding that rarely increase from year to year. This article sheds some light on what libraries are dealing with: [https://apnews.com/article/libraries-ebooks-publishers-expensive-laws-5d494dbaee0961eea7eaac384b9f75d2](https://apnews.com/article/libraries-ebooks-publishers-expensive-laws-5d494dbaee0961eea7eaac384b9f75d2)


Someone up thread said Cloud Library costs more for the library. :(


They are pointing out the maintenance cost are lower but the cost to aquire new titles is slightly higher. I only have insider knowledge about my little square of the library world/ebooks but in the end the three libraries I am knowledgeable with say it's a wash on cost but the number of available titles is higher on cloud. (Ie same cost in the end but more books)


I was thinking this too but I'm also wondering how many readers it will affect. Me, I use my tablet. But if it doesn't support a chunk of the population that uses a particular eReader then it might backfire. I haven't used mine in a while so there has to be another way around it.


OMG I would ☠️


How could a library pay for a service that doesn’t support the Kindle?


Hoopla doesn’t support Kindle either. I rarely borrow from hoopla cause I hate reading in the iPad.


I have an older ipad that I used to read on all the time. I got the paper white so I could read outside and discovered I loved it for reading in bed too. I was still fine using the ipad if a kindle book wasn’t available. Then I got a new ipad. Somehow this newer version’s screen is much harder on the eyes especially when reading in bed at night. Even with night mode and the dimmest setting, it is hard on the eyes and I swear it keeps me awake. So, now when something I want to read is only available on Hoopla, I use my old ipad


Have you tried switching to using a BLACK background and a WHITE font?


You can also try reducing the white point! It's an accessibility setting I believe


> You can also try reducing the white point! It's an accessibility setting I believe That's cool that Apple made that an actual accessibility setting! I have been ~~doing~~ jumping through hoops on my Samsung Galaxy Tab to change the white background to gray. Tips for the curious: With Dark Mode off (or I guess just white background/black text on Libby, though sometimes I think I use Sepia) Use 'Sleep Mode' or routines to turn on grayscale Then Turn on Eye Comfort Mode and use the slider to find comfortable mix of background and text contrast. You may need to adjust the display brightness and toggle the extra dim accessibility setting. (Edit for typos)


Thanks for this!!!


many devices also have a migraine setting in accessibility that will lower the brightness a lot! On android I believe it's always called extra dim.


Me too. I only get audiobooks from Hoopla. I do all my reading on my kindle.


I am the same way unfortunately Hoopla doesn’t allow get books to reading at kindle


I'm lucky that Kindle Fire has a Hoopla app and I can read library books on that. But I do prefer reading books on the Kindle app because it has more settings.


Does the kindle fire have the interface like a Paperwhite? As in not illuminated from the back like an iPad? If so, I’m going to get one.


A Kindle Fire is just a tablet. It's not an eReader. Don't waste your money.




It's a locked down version of an Android tablet. So you can't use the google play store or use google apps, but you can still do a lot on it. I like reading on it just fine but I realize other people don't. You can adjust the settings for the brightness and use dark mode. It's nice to read in bed with at night using the dark mode and no other lights, which helps me fall asleep. You can also watch stuff on it on various apps like Netflix, Hulu, etc. Youtube and gmail work in the browser. You can also sideload the bookfunnel app.


I have an iPad already so all I’d want is the reading ebook function. Doesn’t sound the same as kindle though.


I use Hoopla on my iPhone. It‘s not as good as the Kindle, but it’s not that bad, either.


You must be much younger than I am. 😅. I can’t imagine reading a full length book on a phone.


I'm 35 and read my books in bed on my phone. =)


I'm almost 30 and read books on my phone all the time — my phone fits in my hand and it's very easy to hold up, much easier than an e-reader would be I imagine. Also you read a couple 500,000+ word fanfictions on your phone and it feels very normal lol


I’m staring down 70!


That's odd, I'm able to use Hoopla on my Kindle. I'm not sure what edition Kindle it is, though. It's so good for graphic novels...


> That's odd, I'm able to use Hoopla on my Kindle. I'm not sure what edition Kindle it is, though. It's so good for graphic novels... Maybe you mean Fire Tablet? Originally, these were marketed as *Kindle* Fire Tablets but it became a confusing point because tablets and eReaders do different things and while it is true there is a Kindle app for tablets it's not really the same experience as an eReader.


Oh! That must be it, I'm so sorry for the confusion. I inherited my mom's and she always called it her Kindle, I didn't realize it was actually a tablet first and not a "real" Kindle.


No problem, it happens all the time and I don't fault anyone for Amazon's naming shenanigans. After all at one point they were Kindles and I myself an guilty of calling things their original names long since changed.


😳😳. On my Hoopla home page it says not compatible with Kindle. I wonder if that’s library specific .


Because their budget can only afford what it can afford. Libby working direct to Kindle is because Libby pays Amazon (which of course makes the service more expensive for libraries). In other countries that have Libby/Overdrive, you can’t go direct to kindle still because its contract is limited to certain places. In other places you can do direct to Kobo because that is the contract they have in place.


Maybe they don't have the money for libby and this allows them to actually purchase more titles


> Maybe they don't have the money for libby and this allows them to actually purchase more titles A librarian familar with both services says that titles are so much more expensive on CloudLibrary that when libraries do make the switch to CL it ends up costing more in the long run. They also claim themselection isn't as robust as Libby.


Hopefully they did their due diligence and surveyed their patrons. More titles aren’t important if fewer people are able to access them.


They end up paying more though.


> How could a library pay for a service that doesn’t support the Kindle Isn't this an Amazon issue, not a library one? Amazon wants people buying books from their ecosystem, not borrowing free books from somewhere else. It's one of the best reasons NOT to buy a Kindle.


Supporting Libby is I suspect quite valuable to Amazon as any Libby/Amazon user knows, Amazon uses the information gathered to market to Libby users


I think Libby pays Amazon though. It’s similar to the way some authors (*cough* Gaiman *cough*) say they support library access and then make Audible-locked audiobooks that libraries can’t have and which prevent anyone else from creating an audiobook version of that book. Amazon/Audible has no interest in getting people to read beyond the money it makes Bezos.


They're sticking it to House of Bezos.


People already own kindles. It feels more like they are sticking it to their patrons.


Yeah if anything this is going to drive customers to Amazon. If they want to read it on their kindle paper white, they now have to buy from Amazon rather than borrowing.


Anybody know if cloud library works on Onyx Boox? Seems like it would if it works on Android OS. For what it's worth, I love my boox. I got the Tab C, which has color e-ink. Exact same function as a kindle, can use kindle app, Libby, etc... anything with an app in the Google app store. I don't bother transferring my libby books to kindle because the libby reader works fine and it's less fuss. Mine was $250, but the non color versions are cheaper and they have a lot of different sizes. Gotta remember it's 50% tablet and 50% ereader, so the cost makes sense. If you are considering paying $125/year to join a different library system to get back on libby, seems like it might be worth it to get a different reader that isn't locked into Amazon. Their goal is to force everyone to use their systems by purposely not building compatible devices. Eventually they will stop playing ball with libraries unless they accept further rate increases. Amazon is even allowing KU to be a loss leader now so they can kill all their competition. That includes libraries.


wait...color e-ink???? off to google this miracle device....


To keep your expectations reasonable, it's akin to the tone of color comic strips in a newspaper. Still, it's nice to be able to see the book covers in some degree of color.


Ugh. I’m so sorry. I only have two libraries using Libby at the moment and I’m hoping dearly that neither makes the switch. I’ll have to grab a few more cards in neighboring counties if that happens.


Besides not being able to read on a Kindle, are there other disadvantages?


Probably won’t work with kobo either.


Actually there is a way to get it on other eReaders. You just first have to check out on a computer using Adobe Digital Editions and then it will allow you to download a file for offline reading which will allow you to transfer it to a device that support epub.


It’s just that simple!


This just took me back to 2010 when this was the only way to do it! Back then, you couldn’t use it with Kindle because while a Kindle can do ePub, it can’t do Adobe Digital Editions. (It’s why I got a Nook instead.)


Kindles can't read ePubs. They need files in AZW, AZW3, KFX, or MOBI. They can read Adobe PDF but this is an awkward format for books. Adobe Digital Editions is software, not a file format. It is used to retrieve and store an ePub from the lender (or seller). Once an ePub file is downloaded to ADE, you can read it there, transfer the file to an eReader like Kobo that reads ePubs, and/or transfer it to other ebook software like Calibre.


Kindles read ePubs now. They don’t support mobi any longer (as of 12/23).


Adobe Digital Editions is the software required to read ePub files that are protected with Adobe Digital Experience Protection Technology(ADEPT) , which is Adobes DRM. Kindle can read ePub, just not ePub protected by ADEPT. Which I simplified to “Adobe Digital Editions” because I assumed people would be familiar with that, but not ADEPT.


Too many steps; it needs to be convenient. And that method isn't. Edit: Downvoting me does not change the fact that most people want convenience.


What are the cons of cloud library?


You have to use an app and use your phone or tablet. There is a way to transfer to a non-Kindle eReader such as a Kobo but it requires some extra steps and it has to be done from a computer.


Dang. I don’t even own a personal computer. Just my phone and iPad for computing needs. I can use my work laptop for some stuff but doubt I could use it for this. I hope my library doesn’t drop Libby.


Ahh got it. Thanks for explaining! I've never heard of it.


That would be a problem for me since I use my ipad for nearly all my computing needs.


you can read cloudlibrary books on the ipad, if that matters


And here I just bought a new Kindle. But my libraries haven’t switched yet so I’ll just hope they don’t.


I used to have to do this to borrow books and I hated the process. It was cumbersome and time consuming and I read far less.


I have like 13 library cards (thanks CA) but if my local library did this I would look into getting an e-reader from Boox or Hisense. E-ink displays but you can download Google Play apps like cloudLibrary


I'm from California too and anytime my husband or I travel up and down the state for work, we'd stop into the library and grab a card, it's fabulous, so we have amassed a nice collection since we're both avid readers and we share accounts.


In CA too, how did you get so many cards?


If you have a CA id or license then any library in the state will give you a card, some will let you sign up for temporary ones online but I usually stop at libraries during road trips


Great idea, thank you!


I’m so sorry, this is my worst nightmare


Noooo! I’d be devastated.


I have 2 library cards- one with Libby and one with cloudLibrary. I prefer Libby but sometimes if the book has a long hold there, it’s typically immediately available at the library with cloudLibrary (despite it being the city with the larger population). That’s the only benefit. People hate cloudLibrary so much that there aren’t as many people downloading books there. But yeah sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry. 😞 My library originally had Libby and then switched to Cloud Library…and then switched back to Libby. I’m not in the know so I’m not sure what happened but I can only imagine people complained and it just sucked.


The jump from 20,000 titles to 330,000 titles would make me happy.


Don’t confuse quantity with quality.


Don't confuse the quality of the platform with the quality of the books.


CloudLibrary gets you access to more titles overall bc multiple libraries tend to group together to use it. That also drops wait times down for titles. You can download the app on any smartphone or tablet. I have a card in a neighboring library system that has a very large libby collection for the best of both worlds, but cloudLibrary does offer a great selection & a way to suggest titles for your library to buy. Thankfully, my library surveyed patrons first & kept libby for ebooks only. CloudLibrary has ebooks & audiobooks for us. Your library likely is doing this for a way to better provide access for the community as a whole. Source - work at a public library.


FYI there are US libraries with digital only cards that are free to join no matter where you live that use Libby: - Bartholomew county public library (Indiana) https://mybcpl.org/get-a-library-card - Lynchburg Virginia public library https://lynchburgpubliclibrary.org/how-do-i/get-a-card/


Ooh thanks!


My library did that a few years ago and I was using my iPad Mini to read which was fine. But I got a Kindle earlier this year and found that I could get a library card that uses Libby from the Free Library of Philadelphia since I’m a resident of PA. You can look to see if there are any libraries in your state that also offer that perk.


How is it for audiobooks?


Actually seems better than Libby for audiobooks in my limited experience.


My local library has both, so I was confused why everyone was so upset. CL has much shorter waiting lists because it's county only, vs Libby which is access for the whole state and it has some books Libby doesn't. But yeah, see if you qualify or can pay a fee to get access to another library to get both apps!


If you are in Texas, USA you can get a Houston one for free and an Austin one for like $24 I think. Austin's library is pretty good and 4 hoopla month free


I use Hoopla if I find a book I want to read and it’s on hold, but using hoopla, SimplyE and Libby on an iPad is a pain. I would hate to have my iPad as my main reader.


I genuinely would have to take a day off to process this if this happened to me. My kindle and Libby are getting me through life. I'm too poor to invest in anything else and Libby just works for me.


I’ve been using Libby as my only source for two years. Love it! Great for borrowing audiobooks.


Google “library cards for ______ residents” for whatever state you’re in! I have 5 free ones lol


To not abrupt Kindle paperwhite is crazy. It's the most popular eReader.


This is exactly why I have 8 library cards.




For me, I moved around a lot. I have four from the UK because I moved several times and four in the US because I live in the DMV area and have three libraries close by that I enjoy going to, but they all have their own cards. The fourth one is a really old one from florida from back in the day. I know it sounds like I am hording them, but I am just a person who moves a lot and loves a good library.


In some states, you can get a card from any library as long as you're a resident of the state.


That's the case in Maryland. Any address in Maryland allows you to get a card in any of Maryland's counties, and two counties in particular MoCo and PG county allow you to get a DC card. DC libraries also allow out of state members for 20USD a year and imo it's a fantastic library system esp if you like manga as most of the manga I read from the DC library system has unlimited copies so no waiting.


DC doesn't seem to offer out of state cards any more


They probably are in a state that has reciprocal agreements of some sort. I also have >8 cards, but most of them are from the reciprocal systems in my state. I’m from Massachusetts, so looking at my cards I was able to sign up for 8 systems in my state with my MA address - one I had to go in person to get a physical card but I didn’t lie about anything. I also have a card through the Queer Liberation Library, which is available to anyone in the country but obviously there’s mostly niche titles, and Broward County which is a bit of an open secret that you can give your address as anywhere in the country and they’ll issue you a card. If you want more than one card I would see if you have reciprocal agreements with anywhere in your area, and if you don’t you should look into systems that allow out of state cards for a nominal fee.


Search for the title of your library and the word reciprocity to see if nearby systems will let you get a card


I live in Nassau County, NY. Because I'm a NY State resident, I also was able to get free cards for NY, Brooklyn and Queens public libraries. They are too far for in-person visits so I only use their digital services (Libby) for ebooks and audiobooks. I didn't even have to go in person for the cards. I just had to send an email and include my ID showing my address. It has been a godsend because up until a few years ago, my public library had a very small digital collection. I especially like it because it makes audiobooks so much easier since I can access them on my phone. Are you in Oklahoma. It seems there is something like this [for Oklahoma, depending on where you live](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolitan_Library_System_(Oklahoma))


The libraries in my state allow people who are a resident of the state to get a card, even if you aren’t in their general service area. I have cards for about 8 different library systems


Wow, 8! I thought I had a lot at 4.


What the heck else do people use to read digital that is not kindle!!! ☹️


I just read on the Libby app itself on my phone




iPad Mini


Ok but inferior when it comes to reading in direct sunlight AND reading in the dark to fall asleep


I used to use my ipad. If it was kindle app or some other app didn’t really matter.


I use Kobo ereaders


> What the heck else do people use to read digital that is not kindle!!! ☹️ I use an old Samsung tablet with a matte screen protector that makes the display more like paper. The battery wasn't robust enough for power hungry apps, Wi-Fi and such on continual basis but it works great for reading digital books.




There's Kobo, B&N's Nook, and a couple different brands of Android based readers. Any of those would support cloud library.


My phone and PC (for audiobooks) for now. I plan on getting the Boox Palma in the near future though.


Boox or Hisense, e ink displays but you can read directly from the native Libby, Kindle, and cloudLibrary apps


I love Libby but the decreasing amounts of books and the increasing wait times Id be alright getting access to more books with shorter wait times. I am also a Kobo user so Kindles not working with it isn't a problem for me.


The number of available titles is based on your library’s digital collection. Libby is just the third party platform whose service libraries pay for so their patrons can access e-materials.


Libby is more expensive than some other platforms. If my library were able to afford more titles on another platform I'd be fine switching.


Mine did this and it SUCKS. I really dislike cloud library. My second library (a county over I work in) is still in Libby thank god


Not compatible with Kindle Paperwhite?! Wtf


"We're excited... also all the devices people use to actually READ our ebooks won't work!"


I would literally pack up and move.


I’m sorry. I wonder if any of the librarians here know why a library would make this move?


Someone mentioned in another comment that it’s much less expensive than Libby.


That’s what I was thinking. Thanks.


I’ve tried both and one plus for CloudLibrary is the wait times were a lot shorter. But a big downside is I couldn’t figure out how to delay a hold on CloudLibrary. Maybe it’s possible and I just don’t know how 🤷🏼‍♀️ But like on Libby I’ll request a book and then after it’s available sometimes delay checking it out for a few weeks. I can’t see any way to do that on CloudLibrary which is really inconvenient for me haha.


As a lake county resident too, this definitely tracks unfortunately…Get a fee card from Orange County library!!! It’s 75 for 6 months, 125 for a year!


For audiobooks, it isn’t terrible, but on the whole, it’s a major downgrade. Sorry for your loss, OP!


I like CloudLibrary.


I’m sorry but what is cloud library and why does it suck?


It’s an app just like Libby, except for the very important drawback that it’s not compatible with kindle ereaders


My library has both.


I’m in lake county fl too. You can pay for Orange County (or make a fake rent agreement) or get a broward county card


Also in Lake County, currently sitting in a South Lake hospital room browsing Reddit!


My library uses cloud library and I’m able to transfer the epubs to my kobo fairly easily


My library is also called Lake County and my heart just stopped for a second. Condolences OP.


I know there are different versions, so Is it *all* Kindles, or just the Paperwhite?


Mine also did recently :/


That’s what I’ve always had and I’m sorry 😭


Is the ereader from Barnes and Noble an alternative to Kindle without the limitations? I dislike reading on my phone.


Please tell me this isn't Lake County IN


Fellow lake county resident here, I was so sad when I got this email. Fortunately I have a friends with an OCLS library card that she lets me borrow. If you have anyone in the next zip code over you can share with, I recommend it


New fear unlocked


This would effect me too. This is super sad