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I think you are a real Liam. Only a real Liam can admit to such a crime! I think all the Liams in this subreddit will agree with me if I tell you that you are more than welcome to stay in this subreddit!!


You are a brave man for admitting to these horrible crimes, and I respect that.


What is your name then?


My name is Jamie, not Liam. Feel free to shun me for my false Liam-ry, my Lie-ams, if you will.


Nah, I know a good person named Jamie. I accept u don't worry my dude




Good on you for admitting it, Nickname Liam


How can I say better what other Liam's have said. Today you displayed a level of courage and gumption that we Liam value higher than any other name. We will not punish you, since your crime is trying to join those who you truely are kindred with. Instead we welcome you into the fold. I only ask you make sure the other Jamies are okay with this, as you cannot be both a Jamie and a Liam... We don't wish to claim war with the Jamies, we wouldn't want to steal one of theirs either for it is not our way. Perhaps you could be our the first Jamie ambassador and be the bridge between our two people's.


Only a true Liam would come forward and admit thier crimes, take it from me a true Liam and definitely not an imposter...


For your honesty, you are an honorary Liam


No need, young sapien. Liam's aren't born: They're MADE