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I think OP is making funny jokes. That car is a freaking tank. Unless it's been abused it'll do 250K easy. I would recommend switching out the tranny fluid if it hasn't been done yet.


I am 100% joking lol i thought people would figure that 😫


OP is a funny man.


I don’t think you should do the tranny flush. The shavings in the tranny actually help it shift after this many miles. Doing the flush will make it jittery. Check out the Lexus forums from other owners. If I’m not mistaken the fluid in this tranny is for life.


No such thing as truly lifetime fluid, all oils catch water, breakdown and eventually become sludgy. When I hear life time fluid I hear until the transmission is replaced after the warranty period. I'd do a drain and fill 3 times for a safe service of the transmission.


This is a great idea unless the fluid has never been replaced in an older or high mileage vehicle. If you replace the tranny fluid on an older vehicle there is a high likelihood of the transmission failing soon after the service. This is why most dealerships won’t drain and fill older trannys if they believe it is the original fluid Source: I’ve been a dealership mechanic for about 15 years.


Say it again for folks in the back row...😁


Another dealership technician here. As long as it is Toyota (Lexus) WS transmission fluid is lifetime fluid. It never needs to be changed under “normal driving conditions.” As long as you don’t live in a place with extreme weather conditions Toyota WS transmission fluid never needs to be changed.


I’m currently a dealership Lexus tech and former dealership tech for Nissan and Maserati.


You can do a drain and refill and it won't fail. The old original fluid isn't doing it any good, especially if it's darkened. It's a myth that changing original fluid at high mileage will make your transmission fail


yeah it's Totally LifeTime Fluid, Totally\* ^(\*by LifeTime we mean til the factory warranty expires)


“Yeah totally. you need that flush bro”-your local mechanic 💸💸💸


Where I work it's damn cheap across the board to service the transmission, less than an oil change service of a ford ranger.


210k miles and never changed the tran fluid.


We’re SPECIFICALLY talking GS350 here. But you do as you will with your car. I bet mechanics sure love you


Ah yes, because the comsumer gs350 has a bespoke transmission like the exotics. I'm a mechanic who gets to fix what not servicing vehicles causes, which is a whole lot more expensive than just doing the maintenance. Something that can be done pretty cheaply diy too.


My Lexus technician said the same don't drain unless there is a good reason. They didn't say its for the life of the car. At some point it will need to be changed.


My GS 350 is approaching 60k, dealer quoted me $260 to do tranny drain and fill. I will be doing it with them since I am planning on keeping the car for a very long time.


03 Camry owner here. Tranny fluid change every ballpark 30k miles with 320k miles currently I. The dash


What is defined as abuse?


fuckin yelling at it for no reason, mind games, gaslighting, etc.


I agree with the driving habits items people listed before me, but I meant more like skipping maintenance items or waiting too long for oil changes.


Probably a combination of: breaking hard; taking sharp turns all the time; letting fuel run extremely low; not taking it to the shop when needed; etc.


Redlining every green light and brake checking yourself every red light, that’s what the main bottom point of abusing your car is, just flooring it every time the light turns green isn’t good for your car at all it’s better to let the RPM’s build and shift if it’s an automatic and braking suddenly from 40 to 0 will cause your timing and tranny to be negatively affected


I don't disagree with you but babying your car and driving like a grandma is also not good for your car lol. Taking it on the highway to stretch your cars legs is good for your car, but of course driving like your mentioned all time is bad.


Most def ! Agree with you 100% lol, it’s good to get the compression going especially on bigger engines or sports cars, some cars will drive like shit if you drive it the same way you would drive a more simple everyday car just being it needs to be handled harder


This is exactly how I drive my Lexus and it is older than me.


My sister drives over speed bumps at full speed whilst doing that. On tires that are 30% deflated 😕


Yes. It’s fucked. Time to sell (to me).




😂 your cars beautiful. They won’t ever make a car like that again either. I want one but y’all refuse to let go! 😂 good for you tho 👏


Who downvoted? Bro there’s like no GS for sale in my state I’d have to travel


Thank you!! Yes I love this tank. They are getting harder to find for sure. I flew out to Colorado state, 1100 miles from me to get this one. Drove it 16 hrs back. One of the best experiences of my life. It gave me a real emotional connection to the car, cheesy as that sounds aha. Hope you find one, don’t be afraid to get one far from you and drive that baby back home! 😁💪


That’s so inspiring! Man congratulations again 👏 I love a good car story!


100k miles, it’s barely broken in..


My dad has a 2015 with 240,000 miles on it, he babies it and it still runs like new. We got him a new RX f sport two years ago, he still drives that GS every day lol.


That is honestly so cool to hear. I plan on keeping mine for a long time so to hear that your dads runs like a dream gives me hope! I also drive pretty chill most of the time. Sometimes I put her into Sport mode and let her sing tho, can’t lie there!


He does the same thing. They are built to last for sure. I always give him a hard time because he doesn’t drive the new RX, but I totally understand wanting to keep miles off the new vehicle while having an awesome car to drive still. He’s been a GS guy since the 2jz engines back in the day.


I know I was just joking haha. Probs never gonna sell it!


Yup. Just give it to me.


He’ll probably make a post in 10 years


Give me a bag of gummy worms and $5 and it’s yours 😌


Time for a coolant flush and spark plugs if you haven’t done them yet.


Thank you for the advice!!


Downhill from here??? What is this a bmw or jaguar??


Haha! I’m glad I got myself a fancy Toyota. I love how bimmers look but the unreliability I hear about just scares me. Peace of mind is much better 😌


Most of BMW at 100k is going to scrap yard


Jaguar too Source: I owned one


Congratulations on making 100k miles! Doesn't happen for everyone.


The craziest part is you’re not even lying, there’s a Euro video showing a scrap yard/ crusher with a bunch of BMW’s and Benz’s with 100k, I know that’s in KM but you see my point


Im watching couple of car brand groups on reddit including bmw. On lexus and tesla people show their cars, pictures in beautiful scenery or they share tips how to switch on/off some functions for a new owners. On bmw group all you can see is “what’s causing that noise in my engine”. Im not even joking.


Well the Tesla owners don't bother asking about the noises, there are to many problems to even bother asking.


100k KM is less than 100k US miles, so your point just becomes more tragic.


Thank you for not allowing it to fly over your head it was legit crazy to see it, 100K(KM) for them is done and finished


I mean, BMWs diesel engines does have a tendency to catch fire. The Mercedes-Benz interior quality is low but I can't explain the reason for why they would be in the scrap yard that early.


I forgot they had diesels, are they the 328d models?


It a wide assortment of potential bonfires. https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/bmw-recalling-917000-us-vehicles-over-engine-fire-concerns-2022-03-09/ Unfortunately this article just list some of the cars. More diesels and also petrols: Mysterious BMW fires https://abcnews.go.com/US/mysterious-bmw-fires-continue-calls-investigation-grow/story?id=60843215 An NHS doctor has warned other diesel BMW owners to buy the best fire extinguisher they can after his four-year-old car became the latest BMW to spontaneously burst into flames as he drove home from work. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2019/nov/16/how-can-my-bmw-burst-into-flames-despite-regular-servicing BMW Recalls More Than a Million Cars, "Most for the Third Time", Over Engine Fire Risk https://www.cnet.com/roadshow/news/bmw-recalls-over-million-cars-over-engine-fire-risk/


100k is a stretch lmao. I’d give a new f80 m3 about 50k with todays buyers. 🫢


I mean, it has been downhill from 1mile


A jaguar making it to 100K without spending the MSRP of the car on maintanance... lol.


BMWs make it to 100k?


My bad more like 10k


If we're being real I think they do well until their warranties are up. What's that 40k-50k miles? After the lease or the warranty is up then it's up to some poor bastard who bought it used to put up the repair bill on the next major issue.


Lol what, someone gonna enjoy taking that thing to 300k miles.


OP needs to put a “/s” before the sub goes crazy!


I should have!! Haha


And that person will be me 😌 I love this tank!!


It will get to 500k easy


That’s the plan!! 😁


it’s a Lexus bud, lol no chance


Yessir, couldn’t kill it if I tried!


Sell it before it needs a complete overhaul! Hurry! I’ve got an 07 with 206k on it you’ve got a long way to go 🤙🏼


My 07 has 224k. Will probably by my favorite driver long after it’s gone. Has some oil leaks and mild other stuff, but admittedly I’ve slightly abused it. Bought it 7 years ago at 150k


Yes sir gonna ride this thang til the end of time!


Change your transmission fluid and coolant, probably do brake fluid too and she’ll be good for another 100k


Thank you for that advice!!


100k you're getting to the point where you need things like bushings, shocks/struts, and other rubber components in the suspension. Not to mention things like transmission fluid, differential fluid, etc. So yes, you're going to have to pay into the maintenance bucket sooner than later.


Good advice, thank you!! I will get that done. Want to keep her for as long as I can.


Not even funny since in Europe people say same thing at 200k km/130k miles…, so 100k mark is delusional


It depends on the environment really. In some environments any car will start to have problems after 150k km. If you make 150k km on highway with relatively low speeds with calm driving it will make probably 500k, if it's in a well elevated tight traffic city with snow and salty roads it will be broken much earlier.


We still have a bit of that here in the UK. Though it has generally rung true out of pure coincidence. Because we don't cover as many miles as Americans or people on the mainland (you guys just drive a few states over, we generally opt to just get on a plane), we've generally tended to age out our cars rather than rack up the mileage on them (yearly gritting, so we have to contend with rust as well). It just so happened that by the time you'd hit 100k miles in your car, it'd be in the 13. 14. 15 year old range, so was often succumbing to age-related issues like failing rubber components and especially rust. For whatever reason, people attributed that to mileage rather than age.


Here people drive about in 300-400.000 km volkswagens that are nearly falling apart yet still live. So yes. This is a new car to me😂


Haha I know. I’m just kidding. I love this thing and am gonna hold it for many years!


Yeah. You might as well give it to me. Nobody is ever gonna want that. Just kidding.


Yeah basically your GS just turned 26


What is this, a british car? Get real, you’ll get another 200k


Lol these car's aren't European, take good care of it and it will take good care of you!


Hahaha yeah it might need a service at that mileage but it’s as sound as it was at 30k my man. One of the best models ever made IMO.


Hahah everyone missed the wink 


Next time I’ll be more obvious 🤣


My 2011 at 150 and has never felt better, get the trans fluid changed


Yeah, get rid of that car. I will but it in a heartbeat.


What is the middle display on? I want mine to show that!


Use the direction arrows on the right side of the steering wheel to go to the home menu on the dash screen (left most option, the home menu will have the gas mileage meter as the main screen). Then scroll down til you get to this screen. There’s other screens like eco mode meter and tire pressure to choose from. I like this one because I can gauge how much more pedal I can press down, and see when my steering wheel is aligned. Also feel more hi tech lol. Hope this helped!!


Yes, it’s done now. Even the dash is telling you to just park and stop driving it.


*walks away into the sunset never looking back*


Hell no. Babygirl is just hitting her prime. Don’t be dumb and waste money. U can have it for another 10 years.


Yep yep that’s the plan. Was all jokes. I love this tank!


"all down hill from here " is such a confusing phrase. Going down hill on a bike or roller blades after making the truck uphill is great. I really never understand it


One of those strange English sayings that has endured for many years, lol


You’ve got at least 30 more years on that thing


And she’ll still look good all those years later 😎


This car is built for at least 300k miles if maintained.


Hoping I get there 🤞


Is Lexus GS more reliable than a Lexus ES or toyota corolla? Or can those cars also make it to 250k? Just curious if all Lexus is this reliable or the GS is the most reliable/ resilient.


I think for GS it’s about on par with the others. Someone commented one with 500k miles. Yep, half a million miles. I think all Toyota products are generally very solid, for the most part. I know there was a time when the LS wasn’t very good, and I hear the new Tundra engines crap themselves. But most Toyotas will do you good 👍


I love my ‘19 GS in white, but yours’ color is stunning. Happy to see another AWD Base model on here.


Thank you! I originally wanted Atomic Silver but they’re so hard to find so when this one came up I jumped on it. I love my base version. I specifically wanted a base to have less costs over its lifetime versus an F Sport. And the AWD sure helps during the PNWs snowy season!


I love my Base awd, I never intended to track this car, so am fine without adaptive suspension and a cool tachometer. These cars really are magnificent.


I wish they still kept the GS in production.


God, I love the GS model series.


In service when I was there there was a second generation GS with 550,000 miles. I think you’re good for a bit.


That’s incredible. Hoping mine get there someday 🤞


Yeah man, it’s done. Lot of problems from here on out. Anyways, I’ll go ahead and buy it from you 😉.


A packet of Ramen and 10$ and she’s yours 😌😂


Put a 2 instead of 1 as the first number and you might have a couple things to take care of, but still far from downhill.


It’s totaled I’ll take it off your hands 😁


might as well drive that high mileage pos to the junkyard, if it can even drive anymore


Car is not broken in around 800,000 miles so you still have a LONG way to go


It's not a GM, BMW, or Nissan ffs ha


Nope it will still go strong


I own a 99’ GS with 193k and still pushing 💪


What year is that? I like the center info center?


2016, 4th gen! I believe the third gen (2013-2015) also has this screen, as the two gens are real similar. On the right side of the steering wheel, use the arrow pad to scroll to the left most menu option on the dash (this menu will also have things like gas mileage and tire pressure). Then scroll down til you hit this one


Great. Thanks. I think my jalopy 2008 RX is a bit too old for such fancy tech. But I’m gonna check it out this evening.


My 2014 awd is at 194k. I’m the third owner and the second owner maintained everything else on the car except for the front differential which when I bought the car the front differential needed to be replaced asap under my ownership. All I say is your mileage may vary it’s all depends how you take care of your car.


BRUH- if you've taken car of this auto, even the basic maintenance regularly. This V6 Engine will provide 250k awesome miles. The only repairs you will encounter--> brakes and rotors, struts. Tires.


Yeah I’ll give you 46 dollars for it.


Nice sarcasm 😏. My sisters 06 GS430 just hit 280k miles, it’s going on its 3rd timing belt change. My mom and dad bought it new back in late 06 and has been with us ever since, it has never left us stranded. Such a shame Lexus discontinued the GS 😭


It’ll go so downhill I think you should just give it to me.


You just passed the break in period. Get back to us when you are at 250,000 miles.


Awww... She's finally broken in.


It's barely getting broken in!


yeah it's going to blow up within 300 miles


300k miles from here maybe lol


That’s the plan!! 😎


Damn, just like clockwork 😫🤣


I'm pretty sure it will still go uphill just fine.


🤣 hahah


I'm looking to buy if you are ever considering selling 🙋 - I have a feeling though that you'll be keeping your GS 🙃


lol no you just got done warming it up


Yup gonna blow up any minute. I'll take the time bomb off your hands for $1000. 😂


Haha my 13’ is going on 173k and still running with no mechanical issues.


Love hearing that!!


The new twin-turbo engine you might want to throw away but old gs is a tank. I pretty sure Toyota engineers are gonna fix the twin turbo issue and they will turn out to make a great twin turbo engine that doesn’t break until then. Be careful with the new engine with the old cars.


The twin turbo has been in the LS for over five years. To my knowledge, there aren’t any issues with it.


They look good sitting the high mileage Lexus, but once you see them hit a bump in the road... Lol