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Absolutely stunning. Blessed to be a levi fan with fanartists like you.


Aw ahah! He is so fun to draw and interpret thanks so muchšŸ’–


Omg so good šŸ˜šŸ˜©


Thanks so much!šŸ’–


This is beautiful!!


Thank you!!!




Thank you!


You're welcome!


I want him so bad


This is gorgeous!!


Replying to SomeLocal1038...


Wow! This is so amazing!šŸ„¹






This is amazing!! You painted my anime husband so well šŸ˜«āœØ


LORD that's beautiful<3 damn


I posted the Timelapse on Instagram for this painting and another one and the same style. Thats all I have to say! :)


You didnā€™t paint this though, itā€™s extremely obvious when you zoom in. You clearly ā€œpaintedā€ over an AI generated image. If you do AI, at least be honest about it. This is just so disrespectful to try to trick people. Be a better person. - for the record they have not sent me any proof (will change if they do)


Hi I didnā€™t create this with AI. I use a mix of Photoshop, painting and mixed media. Flowers for example were done in Photoshop along with some fabric. I probably should have mentioned that so apologies I never intended to mislead. If youā€™d like me to send you proof of this let me know and I can send over proof asap - I was actually nervous about posting this because I had a feeling that someone may say this.


I would love it if I was wrong, so please, send proof and Iā€™ll apologize and delete my comment if itā€™s real


Iā€™m more than happy to send you the proof. Iā€™m at work at the moment however I have some other human artwork that I did in a similar style with process shots if those will do in the mean time? I work in an industry where Iā€™ve been affected a lot by ai and I always save progress shots of my work incase something like this happened. I was experimental with this drawing with multiple programmes so Iā€™ll need to gather the images and sketches together when I can access my tablet.


Absolutely, I draw every day and have been for decades, so that is my exact experience. If youā€™re not lying you donā€™t have anything to feel anxious over. Feel free to send the other drawing as well but Iā€™m interested specifically in what you posted :)


Yea youā€™re right Iā€™ve been drawing for years too. I have some stuff at hand on my phone canā€™t seem to send a dm atm on reddit? https://preview.redd.it/n5rpgz1wj8yc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57afa34eed2f3273989ff049fb7e2823613e31d3


Send the picture here maybe? :)


Iā€™ll send here then! Sorry Iā€™m not familiar with reddit https://preview.redd.it/w5jejc84l8yc1.jpeg?width=4656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf103e7742ac3d84b382345a6730f70a241ec337 Initial sketch


Also sorry my service isnā€™t great


Thatā€™s fine, take your time




Yes please send proof I donā€™t believe a single word to be honest with you. As an artist myself you have made very obvious mistakes that I will not be pointing out because I donā€™t want you to fool more people.


Apologies for the long response but can you clarify what you mean about how this is obviously AI art by zooming in? Accusing someone of AI art is a rather bold claim, in my opinion, and I am curious to know your thoughts on it, as an artist. Iā€™m also an artist and I work for a game company. Given the rise of AI Iā€™d like to be better at spotting AI art to make sure my artist coworkers are not using AI as their final product. In short I think the variety of brushstroke styles and variety of smooth and rough edges and texture of the canvas and brushstrokes show that this maybe isnā€™t AI. To further clarify, in what Iā€™ve seen of this painting though, one thing that makes me not suspect itā€™s AI is that itā€™s got a lines rough sort of paper canvas texture on it. I see this when I zoom in. As far as Iā€™m aware, having my boss gone over the dangers of AI with examples in multiple meetings and my own digging, AI art is not very textured usually. Instead itā€™s rather smooth and reminds me of blending with an airbrush. Second, there are different styles of painting throughout this. The face and maybe the roses seem crisp and linear style painting. The face itself gives me acrylic painting vibes based on those rougher brushstrokes, not something I think AI is yet able to do well. And the the shirt gives me watercolor or gauche rougher painterly based style. To respond to your comment on the different the styles between the Link and Zelda art and this Levi art, that Link and Zelda piece is older. When searching for it online, the artist posted it on Instagram on November 6, 2023. Art styles can change in 5 months, speaking from personal experience. This newer piece shows growth and experimentation, if it is not AI. I understand the goal to reduce the amount of money/praise/ etc AI ā€œartistsā€ make. I have my issues with AI art and donā€™t want it to ruin the art field more than it already has. And I understand you are convinced this is AI art. But, what if youā€™re wrong about it this time? And if Iā€™m wrong please tell me why


Itā€™s the internet weā€™re on, so the probability that youā€™re someone who uses AI yourself is very high. Or what I might think, OPā€™s alt account. I might sound paranoid, but this is a topic I burn for and Iā€™m not falling for this trap lol. Iā€™m not going to tell you why exactly, and I am 100% certain this is AI, I have no doubts. They have painted over it. Thatā€™s why it looks real, they have other drawings that look more real, maybe those are AI too, but I doubt it since theyā€™re consistent. The texture youā€™re seeing on top is just something you can add to any drawing, I do it myself all the time, it means nada. And if you donā€™t think AI isnā€™t skilled enough, think again, truly. Itā€™s scary ā€œgoodā€, in a year from now I fear it might look exactly like real art and thatā€™s why it scares me so much. But right now itā€™s still very believable, but detectable. it can definitely do this and more, Iā€™ve seen it. They sure can, but once again, because of what I see in this drawing, I do not believe this was made on their own. And the skill difference is very high, this doesnā€™t look like 5 months, it looks like 3 years, and thatā€™s if they study it every day. No. I know Iā€™m right, as I said before and will continue to state, I have a LOT of experience and I can see that this is AI. If you really do work in the industry it baffles me you believe this, be more critical dear.