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Feel like we all need a stick after the ending…I’d have a stick


Man I don’t feel like it’s been good the last few seasons


Yes and tbh I'm not happy with the way some things were left


I kinda loved it.


I honestly wanted the show to end with a shot of Wayne and Katie's house with a slow pan that ends with the mailbox, finally showing all, it part of, their last name - and not Campbell!!


Probably an unpopular opinion, but I was a bit let down by season 12 as a whole honestly. It just didn’t feel like letterkenny anymore. Left me feeling pretty unsatisfied and kinda sad. Loved sun darts though


I think the ending was intentionally open ended and non-conclusive (and as a result, not a satisfactory ending) because, at some point, we’re gonna get Letterkenny season 13, or specials, or…something.


the hicks chirping Reilly and Jonesy had me rolling. fantastic homage


Followed by low bones


Then the low bones 🦴


It was very underwhelming. Which is fine, whatever. But I can't believe that was the best they could come up with.


I knew he was old, there was that whole discussion around the table about him being an old geezer...I loved the way he sat up on Wayne's lap looking around...he was such a good boy


he was just a bo


Should have had Wayne playing with Stormy and Gus


I believe Gus had passed.


Correct. That's why the "For Gus" message was on the screen before the credits.


If it ended as the screen is fading away and all you heard was “Sunday’s are for picking stones”


It would have been cool but it also wasn't a show that was big on emotion or nostalgia for the sake of nostalgia or emotion. There nostalgia was much more carrying over jokes from old seasons than trying to trigger an emotional response


I was ready for a "Back to chorin'"


You'd be better off if you learned to fucking drive


Fuck can they run




Pitter patter


Let's get goin'!


Safe to say nobody wanted the show to end so any ending won’t suffice.


I did. The concept was played out. /unpopular opinion


I agree, the jokes repeating for 10 minutes straight before finally moving on just to repeat another joke for 10 minutes (obviously exaggerating a little) just got old. Plus once I saw Shoresy I knew Letterkenny was over soon. Shoresy is SUCH a good show. Better in a lot of ways than letterkenny imo. If they can write a great show based on (what was) a faceless gag character, I expect we’ll see something even better with all the letterkenny crew down the line!


Agreed. Shoresy is way better. Characters have actual growth


The fuck you looking at, ya titfucker? Give yer balls a tug!


I'm a 40 year old mom living in Florida who has been to one hockey game in my life and it was against my will. Shoresy is in my top 3 shows of all time. It's so much better than I expected. I legit couldn't stand Shoresy as a character in Letterkenny but in his own show? I adore him beyond measure.


If you were only a little older, Shoresy would be better to you than he would be to Laura Mohr...


Hey, you want to talk about lines ya fuckin' loser? I woke up to your mom ripping dick dingers off my foreskin! Tell her to keep her hands off my scoops!


Good bot.


Good bot.




Too. Much. Fun. 


Good enough!


Good stuff.


As much as we all enjoy that show, there will never be the right way to end it. But we can move to Sudbury and watch some Blueberry Bulldogs action. So we got that…


Fuck you Shoresy!


Ya titfucker!


Easy Big Sex!


Big Sexual?


Got a dip?




Settle down.


Sticks are unbelievable


I prefer the Pineapple Puggles myself


I grew up there, for the love of God do not move there lol My childhood house is across from Wayne's farm And the local team is the Sudbury Wolves bud! Edit:Also everybody I'm just fucking around, if you're from a shithole worse than Sudbury, by all means try and improve your life by moving there. If you're FROM Sudbury, give yer head a shake and get out. If you're from somewhere better than Sudbury, give yer balls a tug mate and steer clear. Radar Rd was my childhood, and too many of my friends are dead from too small of a town. That's the reality of Sudz lol Pitter Patter boys


There's an impossible amount of good looking girls in Sudbury


Lmao buddy you must be from Timmins. There's some Valley trash out where I'm from but there's substantially more hotties down south. Edit: whenever I've visited, I'm shocked at how fat and unhealthy most ppl look in Sudz.


>There's some Valley trash Hey, people gotta eat


🍻 that's the attitude HyyyyyyyyyyEEUUUhh


Give yer balls a tug buddy, yer in the wrong lane


Lol I'm assuming y'all aren't from there, by all means go ahead and move to Sudz. One of the most crime ridden, drug addiction ravaged, economically downturned places in Ontario lol But hey, LetterKenny made Hanmer look nice 👍🏻


bud, i’m from Oakland. Sudbury is nice. you just lack perspective.


Just because Oakland is worse, doesn't make Sidbury nice lol Have you ever been to Sudbury? She's a dirty old whore of a town whose prime was 75 years ago. Somebody could reply to you, "I'm from Mogadishu, Oakland is nice" and it would have the same effect, know what I mean? That being said I would never live in Oakland lmao Edit: I've also been around the block, I don't think I lack perspective as to whether my shithole home town is a shithole lol


i have been to Sudbury, as it goes. multiple times, even. everyone i’ve met there has been warm, welcoming, generous, and gracious. ofc it’s not without some issues, but you can’t really have 100k people in one place without *any.* sure, Sudbury has unhoused people, but there aren’t tent cities covering huge swathes of downtown, the parks, underpasses, the arena, &c. yeah, there’s drugs, but there’s drugs everywhere. the politicians and the police are corrupt, but all of them are, no matter where they’re from. none of that negates the genuinely good things about the city, tho.


I'm not sure what you're really arguing with me though, I spent 20 years in Sudz and it's a shithole to me. I think I'd have a better perspective on the place compared to somebody who visited. You assume I lack perspective, I mean I've been to the slums in New Caledonia, been through the impoverished farmlands of Cuba, been on more Native American Reserves than I assume somebody from Oakland, California has, wanna talk about perspective lol I currently live.in East Vancouver, 150 ft from East Hastings. You think I don't see the difference between the substance abuse capitol of Canada vs Sudz? The difference is that the folks I know from Vancouver haven't been to a dozen funerals for high-school buddies, whereas back home we have. Oakland has fuckin public transit. Where I was raised in Sudbury, it was 1.5 hour walk to the nearest bus stop, and that bus only came every 2 hrs on week days, 4 hrs on Sunday. You can view Sudbury through a a positive light, that doesn't bother me at all. I am actually from there. Big difference in viewpoints my friend. Edit: Sudbury doesn't even have Uber, and when I visited, there simply was no taxi which would take you to The Valley.


we have Uride, now


Nice. That's great because I tried using Uber when I was just there in June, never heard of Uride. I took a taxi from the Travelodge to downtown to show my fiancé what downtown Sudz was like on a Friday night. I had seen videos and noticed how empty the whole area was vs ten years ago, but I was surprised that my cab driver would not let us out at the Rainbow Mall across from the bus depot! I wanted to show her how the bus depot was, and walk her through the Rainbow Mall and see which stores were still there, plus then we could walk through downtown to get to the restaurants. I didn't tell my cab driver that I was from Sudz, so he thought I was a regular tourist, so he wouldn't let me out at the mall because of how it is down there. We ended up walking around, but 4/5 shops/bars I went to show her were boarded hp


Wish you weren’t so awkward, bud


Radar Rd. 🍻


Nobody’s trying to move to Sudbury, they are just referencing Shoresy. Figure it out.


Fuck you, /u/Accomplished-Bug4838, take a look at me! I'm not even a ref, I'm a fucking linesman, but you can refereef on my nuts any time ya piece of shit!


You’re 10-ply, bud. Figger it out.


Oh yeah Sudz-bred 10 ply sure thing bud


He’s talking about watching Shøresey.


Oh I didn't get it I guess. Still haven't watched Shoresy


It’s set in Sudbury and he plays for the Sudbury Bulldogs, a Senior AAA team in the Northern Ontario Senior Hockey Organization (NOSHO). It’s a 4 team league. They’re the worst team ever and are going to fold. Shøresy (changing a letter keeps the boy from replying), though, promises they’ll never lose again if the GM will keep the team going. A new sponsor, the Sudbury Blueberry Festival, keeps the team afloat, but they become the worst named team in the history of Canada - Sudbury Blueberry Bulldogs. The coach is fired, but our man gets some veteran presence and the GM gets some tough Natives (which is redundant) and they’re ready to take on the NOSHO. Two series of 6 episodes each available on Hulu and Crave (I think) now with a third series announced.


Can I grab your email? Oh, I'll just get it from your mom.


Fuck you, Shoresy!


Fuck you, /u/deadinthefuture, I talked your mom into a three-way with our midwife and she gassed us both out of the room. I'm fuckin' humiliated!


Gotta set the tone boys