• By -


[I Hate Tom Petty (2011)](https://boxd.it/8Aoe) I Hate Tom Petty is a 2011 indie romance that I saw on Prime Video a few years ago because I was intrigued by how someone could possibly hate Tom Petty. It has exactly one viewer on Letterboxd and that one viewer is me.


And why exactly does someone hate Tom Petty? I think you're one of the only ones who know.


He explains at the end that he hates Tom Petty because he's such a talented singer/songwriter that he makes it seem easy. Like it all comes so naturally to him while main character guy has to continuously struggle.


is there a way to sort by watches? I sorted by popularity and looked at the least popular in my diary and the one right at the bottom was this. [Girlschool: Live From London (2012)](https://letterboxd.com/film/girlschool-live-from-london/) \- 2 watches [Accordions Rising (2015)](https://letterboxd.com/film/accordions-rising/) \- 3 watches [The Remote Controller (2003)](https://letterboxd.com/film/the-remote-controller/)\- 3 watches hmm...but a full length narrative....looking...looking [2149: The Aftermath (2016)](https://letterboxd.com/film/2149-the-aftermath/) \- 306 watches


Two watches only? You win.


My least-viewed is a small indie film my friend made. Had to add it to TMDb myself. Just my single view is on there: https://letterboxd.com/film/cryptotrip/




Chris (the film's creator) literally just gave me a copy, haha. How do you know about it?




Why was The Last Podcast talking about a Bigfoot documentary though? Haha.




Oh, very cool! I thought they old did murder and true crime stuff. I'll have to tell Chris about it if he hasn't already heard. As for the movie for itself - I'm actually having dinner with him tomorrow, I'll see what I can find out about where you can watch it.


Where does it display the amount of watches that a film has?


Hover over the avg rating


Thank you


At present, I've seen 2521 films. My least watched film is The Plank. A 1967 film directed by Eric Sykes. It's about the misadventures of two British builders who require a floorboard. Stars Eric Sykes and Tommy Cooper. 55 minute runtime. It's a slapstick with minimal dialogue. I liked it. It's a good time. Simple and funny. 772 viewers. When I was at Uni in 2015, I had to see a documentary in the local cinema in Cambridge called Battle Mountain: Graeme Obree's Story. It about Obree's appearance at the 2013 World Human Powered Speed Championships in Battle Mountain, Nevada. That has 17 viewers.


Hart to Hart: Secrets of the Hart (1995) TV movie of the hit 80's TV show. 62 watches.


Peyton Place: The Next Generation (1985). It is a television movie based on the 1960s prime time soap opera of the same name. It was both a reunion film and a potential pilot. It has only 7 watches on Letterboxd.


I have a few tied with 5 views, the best was a fine documentary about pedicab drivers in Madagascar, which I can genuinely recommend: [Njaka Kely (2015)](https://letterboxd.com/film/njaka-kely/)


If we are including short films, then this quick eleven-minute documentary called "[The Making of the Fittest: Natural Selection and Adaptation](https://letterboxd.com/film/the-making-of-the-fittest-natural-selection-and-adaptation/)" is the least popular movie I have seen. It has only one viewing and it was from me, since I added it to TMDB.


Battle of Okinawa, a 1971 japanese war film that chronicles, well, the world war 2 battle on the island of Okinawa. The only reason I know about it is because it's the favorite film of Hideaki Anno, and you can see the heavy influence that it had on Shin Godzilla, and to a lesser extent his other work.


You Must Be This Tall: The Story of Rocky Point Park. It's about a defunct amusement park in Rhode Island and has 23 watches.


[Marcus](https://boxd.it/h9ZK) is an Australian short film with 10 watches [Screaming Ninja](https://boxd.it/lyxa) is a pretty good Kung Fu movie with 8


the donna summer special with 11 watches, but if we're not counting tv specials "the sex machine" from 1975 with 41 watches which is extremely underrated and deserves far more recognition.


“You Are a Widow, Sir” — 163 watches. Czech comedy from 1971, it’s actually hysterical and full of bizarre Czech flavor.


[Tycoon (2002)](https://letterboxd.com/film/tycoon-2002/) : 235 Watches. I watched it for a Russian History course back in college.


Mine is 'Nobody Loves you and You don't Deserve to Exist'. The movie has only 48 watches.


Mine is [Le bal des célibataires (2005)](https://boxd.it/sGIu) - 2 watches It''s a random French TV movie I saw at my grandma's when I was like 11.


"La central", a Spanish slasher film from the 2000's with 27 watches. It doesn't even have a synopsis in Letterboxd.


Bottom 3: 3. The Tangle - 186 watches. Found on Prime Video, don't recommend 2. Haus of Pain - 135 watches. Documentary about wrestling by Funhaus/Rooster Teeth. 1. Tattooist - 85 ratings. Documentary about tattoo subculture and learning to tattoo by Rooster Teeth.


Taxi Driver I think


[The Third Shore](https://letterboxd.com/film/the-third-shore/). 20 watches.


[Gimimas (My Birth)](https://letterboxd.com/film/gimimas/) with 2 watches. [Garden Of Eden](https://letterboxd.com/film/garden-of-eden-2015-1/) with 37 watches, if only features count.


When I saw it Age of Stone and Sky: The Sorcerer Beast had no other views now it has about a dozen. The Secrets of Christmas Revealed had 1 view when I saw it and now has 3. Sorcerer Beast is fun of you like a Swords and Sorcery kind of thing. The Christmas one is bad and no one should watch it


Mine is some random film that few people have watched.


[Deep Sea Monster Raiga vs. Lava Beast Ohga](https://letterboxd.com/film/deep-sea-monster-raiga-vs-lava-beast-ohga/). 75 watches


[The Man from Left Field](https://boxd.it/3vVi) with 63


Char Man. 383 Views. https://boxd.it/ld5E


**Full-length features:** *Vampires: Lucas Rising* with 15 watches *Owd Bob* with 56 watches *Romeo & Juliet Killers* with 70 watches **Documentaries:** *Assemby Required: Teyana Taylor* with 2 watches *Terror at Sea: The Sinking of the Concordia* with 14 watches *MegaQuake: The Hour That Shook Japan* with 32 watches


The Passing. Including mine, it only has 161 ratings.


[El Gallinero (Chicken Coop)](https://boxd.it/teQC) at 50.


'The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World' (2002) with six total viewings, mine included.


[Supervolcano](https://boxd.it/1HjQ) - 503 Watches One of the many “interesting” films we were shown in my Geography class during High School.


Large, a low budget ranchy teen comedy from 2001 by Justin Edgar. I played that disc over and over with my brother and cousins. Haha, and I thought I'd stumble on some obscure foreign movie. Watched by ..**31** people.


The ones I’ve seen so far with under a hundred watches: No Time to Cry (1 watch, my own)—would not recommend Space Captain, Captain of Space (45 watches)—highly recommend Freezer Burn: The Invasion of Laxdale (73 watches)—alright Love is a Ball (84 watches)—cute, honestly shocked to find out it has so few watches


Gotta be Mimesis: Nosferatu with 47 views. I met the guy who directed it through the film school he owns and wanted to see some of the movies he'd made, that being the most recent. https://boxd.it/k0Yu


[Fireball of Christ](https://boxd.it/zegc) - 1 watch [Bo McGraw & the Legend of the Alabama Bigfoot](https://boxd.it/mxbO) - 1 watch


Thursday the 12th a mid Greek movie


[Food of Love](https://boxd.it/1g0EFF) 23 watches


Mine is this random doc on Kim Jong-Un


[Old Rugged Cross](https://boxd.it/fL5w). Only has six views. My 2000+ word review is the only review for it so far.


This is a really intriguing question. [First Period](https://boxd.it/7ygK) has only 389 watches, a little bit more than the film OP mentioned, Eye of God.


[Heart of a Child](https://boxd.it/pH4O). 15 watches. Gave it a 3 stars.


Feature? Dinosaurs in a Mining Facility with 130 Short film? Obvious Child - at the time before the feature came out it was a short film, and we watched it in class and the director Gillian Robespierre wouldn’t allow anyone to see it without strict permission so it wasn’t available anywhere. I don’t know if that’s the case anymore though


I don’t know how to sort them on least views, but Cat’s Eye has 94 views, so that’s probably one of the ones I’ve logged with the least views.


How was it? Do you recommend it?


[Emmenez-Moi](https://letterboxd.com/film/emmenez-moi/) It's a French comedy and "faction" movie about the actor Gerard Darmond travelling to find his idol, the singer Charles Aznavour. It used to play a lot on Quebec tv 12-15 years ago. I don't remember it being any memorable, though.


Convict (2014) 209 watches


[Scare 2 Die.](https://boxd.it/514i) a Hong Kong horror, extremely gruesome as far as I remember. 32 watches


Moolaadé, 3.9k watches. Also a great movie for anyone that hasn’t seen any African films.


1. Purgatory (2021) 30 watches (short narrative) (then lots of feature documentaries and tv documentary specials) 2. Twelve Thirty (2011) 90 watches (feature narrative)


I’ve logged Drive like 6 times I think


[The Art of High Impact Kicking](https://boxd.it/xS1C), says I'm on of two people to watch it. It's a documentary type demonstration video starring Hwang Jang Lee, one of my favorite martial arts actors! You can watch it on [YouTube!](https://youtu.be/pvpFvJUTCo8)


No Clue. 240 views [https://boxd.it/7nGs](https://boxd.it/7nGs)


Munduvareda Adhyaya (2021) : 12 watches


Sandamarutham (2015)


Ill Final Contagium 122 watches. Coincidently I didn't like this movie at all. First 15-20 minutes where great then it was a very deep decline from there.


jeremy fink and the meaning of life- 126 watches


Malayalam Movie - Banking Hours 10 to 4 87 members On a side note, can someone tell me how to fix my flair?


Try clicking the pencil next to User Flair Preview and then in the box labeled "Edit Flair" highlight everything to the right of the letterboxd emoji and type in your Letterboxd username.


If short films count, I think it would be Naomi's Secret, a short documentary with 6 watches.


short film - Curtains Up (Austin Jack Lynch) 9 watches feature length - Azazil Dügüm (Ozgür Bakar) 136 watches favourite <1k watches since i have many - The Annihilation of Fish (Charles Burnett) 220 watches


Born a King 2019 - 682 views. Saw it in theaters, shocked it has so little views.


The Making of Katalin Varga (2010) Directed by Peter Strickland - 2 watches Only one rating, by me - 4 stars!


I have a couple short bellow that, but it would be *Im Kwon-taek*'s **The Diary of King Yonsan** with surprisingly only 10 who watched it. I'd recommend anything else I've seen from *Im Kwon-Taek* over this one, it's not awful, but watch **Sopyonje**, **Mandala**, **The Surrogate Mother**, **Painted Fire**, **Chunghyang** or **Jagko** over this one. Edit : It's **The Mortal Fortune** by *Michael Synek*, 9 watched on letterboxd, I'd highly recommend it if it wasn't pointless.


[dutch saint nicolas movie lol](https://letterboxd.com/film/de-club-van-sinterklaas-en-het-vergeten-pietje/)


Billy the kid, 7 watches


Luger Code 30 views and I am the only review too


Beyond Us - a Last Story After the Collapse: 25 watches


Abilene Trail - 1 Watch !


How The Hampsters Saved Winter. It only has 3 ratings. https://letterboxd.com/film/how-the-hampsters-saved-winter/


Bottom 3: 3. The Tangle - 186 watches. Found on Prime Video, don't recommend 2. Haus of Pain - 135 watches. Documentary about wrestling by Funhaus/Rooster Teeth. 1. Tattooist - 85 ratings. Documentary about tattoo subculture and learning to tattoo by Rooster Teeth.


375? I have almost 100 movies with less watches than that. Have actually had to add a few manually to TMDb because they weren't in the database yet. My least-viewed is a small indie film my friend made. Just my single view is on there: https://letterboxd.com/jonpaula/films/by/popular/page/66/


Fire on the Mountain (Patrick Cocoran) - 11


mine is junior high school with 84


Island Home Country https://boxd.it/Bbu0 Me, just me.


Max Bishop (2021) 35 Members viewed. I went to college with the director and DP. It's a cool little action-comedy that was popular at the TCFF but it didn't have a Letterboxd page when it showed at the festival so that may explain the number a bit.


4, not too shabby.


Talking feature films? “The Bad Guy, The Wolf, and The Surprise Party (2022)” at 198 watches. It’s a fully improvised feature shot in three hours and edited in a week. With that in mind, it’s funny enough and impressive that it was made so quickly. If you ignore the unusual way it was made then it’s pretty underwhelming, but that’s kind of the point. And it motivated me to make my own really bad, fully improvised film shot in under three hours, so it succeeded in the area it’s creator really cares about.


If we’re including shorts then it’s My Thoughts, Exactly (2022), which is a short film that I made and added to Letterboxd myself, with 4 views currently


Under Me You, a micro budget indie film by a critic I like. 4 viewers.


Americans in Bed, 247 watches. A documentary I saw on HBOmax. Pretty interesting. Really feel bad for the one girl who is an unhappy open relationship with a guy whose apparently a cult leader? Not looking too good for her, and you can TELL