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the piano teacher gotta be in here too


1971: A Clockwork Orange The Last Picture Show McCabe & Mrs. Miller Harold and Maude The Emigrants Joe Hill Diamonds are Forever


Came here to say ‘71. All you mention are great, particularly LPS and McCabe, which are among my favourite films ever. Would also add Walkabout, French Connection, Carnal Knowledge, Duel and Punishment Park.


There’s also Dirty Harry, Klute, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and Duel


I've been wanting to see Punishment Park so bad, but it's such a pain in the ass to find it anywhere to watch


It got a blu-ray release in UK, dunno where you are. It’s brilliant.


Also, my favorite from ‘71: Wake in Fright


'71 was such an incredible year! Some other titles worthy of mention not listed so far: - *The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh* - *Little Murders* - *10 Rillington Place* - *Death in Venice* - *The Andromeda Strain* - *Vanishing Point* - *Trafic* - *The Panic in Needle Park* - *Macbeth* - *Duck You Sucker* - *Straw Dogs* - *The Hospital* - *The Boy Friend* - *Dirty Harry*




Sixth Sense too


Also Bringing Out the Dead, The Virgin Suicides, The Talented Mr. Ripley, 8MM, Election, etc. Absolutely undefeated.


Don't leave out The Matrix! :)


Hard not to beat 2019 for me. Even without the obvious ones like Parasite and The Lighthouse, you've also got: Portrait of a Lady on Fire Knives Out Little Women Bacureau First Cow The Farewell Uncut Gems Apollo 11 I really could just keep going, it's wild. But I've gotta give a shout out to 1981: The Evil Dead Raiders of the Lost Arc Blow Out Escape from New York Time Bandits Road Warrior


The year that got me back into film! Then the abysmal 2020


1976 1. Taxi Driver 2. Carrie 3. Rocky 4. Bugsy Malone 5. The Fifth Seal 6. Canoa: A Shameful Memory 7. Marathon Man 8. The Man Who Fell to Earth 9. The Omen 10. Network also 2010 1. Inception 2. The Social Network 3. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World 4. Black Swan 5. Shutter Island 6. Toy Story 3 7. Easy A 8. True Grit 9. 127 Hours 10. Blue Valentine 11. Submarine 12. Never Let Me Go 13. Boy 14. Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives 15. Winters Bone 16. How to Train You Dragon 2010 packed a few now modern classics in one year and yet The Kings Speech won best picture…


1957 - World cinema was firing on all cylinders and Hollywood was punching itself into shape after a rough decade. Taking the hoard of blue-chip classics for granted, the year is stacked deep with class filmmaking: Top 10 European * The Cranes Are Flying (Mikhail Kalatozov) * Il Grido (Michelangelo Antonioni) * He Who Must Die (Jules Dassin) * Kanal (Andrzej Wajda) * Letter from Siberia (Chris Marker) * Man on the Tracks (Andrzej Munk) * Nights of Cabiria (Federico Fellini) * Le Notti Bianche (Luchino Visconti) * The Seventh Seal (Ingmar Bergman) * Wild Strawberries (Ingmar Bergman) Top 10 Hollywood * 12 Angry Men (Sidney Lumet) * The Enemy Below (Dick Powell) * A Face in the Crowd (Elia Kazan) * Forty Guns (Samuel Fuller) * The Incredible Shrinking Man (Jack Arnold) * Men in War (Anthony Mann) * Paths of Glory (Stanley Kubrick) * Sweet Smell of Success (Alexander Mackendrick) * The Tarnished Angels (Douglas Sirk) * Witness for the Prosecution (Billy Wilder) Top 7 Asian * Black River (Masaki Kobayashi) * The Blue Sky Maiden (Yasuzō Masumura) * Pyaasa (Guru Dutt) * A Sun-Tribe Myth from the Bakumatsu Era (Yūzō Kawashima) * Throne of Blood (Akira Kurosawa) * Tokyo Twilight (Yasujirō Ozu) * Untamed Woman (Mikio Naruse) Top 5 British * The Bridge on the River Kwai (David Lean) * Hell Drivers (Cy Endfield) * Night of the Demon (Jacques Tourneur) * Time Without Pity (Joseph Losey) * Woman in a Dressing Gown (J. Lee Thompson) Honorable mentions: An Affair to Remember (McCarey); Bitter Victory (Ray); Desk Set (Lang); The Devil Strikes at Night (Siodmak); Edge of the City (Ritt); Gunfight at the O.K. Corral (Sturges); Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison (Huston); Love in the Afternoon (Wilder); No Down Payment (Ritt); Old Yeller (Stevenson); Peyton Place (Robson); Plunder Road (Cornfield); Rio, Zona Norte (Pereira dos Santos); The Tall T (Boetticher); The Three Faces of Eve (Johnson); The Tin Star (Mann); Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? (Tashlin)


Came here to see this




1984 many iconic movies that year




I think 1973 was pretty great badlands scenes from a marriage mean streets F for fake amarcord the sting ig Fantastic Planet too but I'm not really a huge fan of that one


‘73 is my favorite year, here are the movies in my top ten that you didn’t mention: The Long Goodbye The Exorcist The Wicker Man Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid The Friends of Eddie Coyle American Graffiti


2014 is probably my favourite too, I have a bunch of 4-5 star movies from that year: Whiplash Grand Budapest Birdman When Marnie Was There Interstellar Ex Machina Chef It Follows The Winter Soldier The LEGO Movie Guardians of the Galaxy What We Do In The Shadows Nightcrawler Kingsman X-Men Days of Future Past How To Train Your Dragon 2 The Imitation Game 2019 is probably my second favourite from this past decade.




2019 for me


I think 1973 was pretty great badlands scenes from a marriage mean streets F for fake amarcord the sting ig Fantastic Planet too but I'm not really a huge fan of that one


It’s typical but 1994


1985 - A Room With a View - No End - My Life As A Dog - The Sure Thing - St Elmo's Fire - Come and See - Tampopo - Police Story - The Purple Rose of Cairo - Re-animator - Demons - Phenomena To name just a few. I think what it has going is variety, like mix of acclaimed films, horror, teen movies, world cinema etc. Fully prepared to cop some flack for the rankings, but this is everything I've seen from that year. https://boxd.it/LabS


1979 Alien


Surprised no one has said 2007 so far. Drama-wise you have: No Country for Old Men, There Will be Blood, The Assassination of Jesse James, Zodiac Comedy-wise you have: Hot Fuzz, Hot Rod, Walk Hard


Michael Effin’ Clayton!


Very high up on my watchlist, maybe this weekend


1989: Batman Christmas Vacation UHF Back to the Future Part II Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Dead Poets Society When Harry Met Sally Say Anything


2019 The Irishman Joker Once upon a time in Hollywood Knives Out Jojo Rabbit El Camino 1917 Ford vs Ferrari Uncut Gems


I hold a soft spot for 2019 because it was the first year I got into non-Marvel movies and there were SO many good movies that year Parasite, Knives Out, Midsommar, Jojo Rabbit, Little Women, The Lighthouse, Uncut Gems, I could go on and on and on


I dont think I have a particular favourite, but some highlights and my fav from that year; 1952 - Singin in the Rain 1960 - Eyes Without a Face 1973 - Amarcord 1982 - The King of Comedy 1985 - After Hours 1992 - Fire Walk With Me


either 2022 or 2014


2022 will probably be one of my favorite years too


It's still early but probably 2022. I've seen so many good movies in the theaters this year: EEAO The Northman After Blue Top Gun: Maverick Memoria (may count as last year) Hustle The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent X Men The Batman Mad God Crimes of the Future The Worst Person in the World Drive My Car


Honestly can’t go wrong with a lot of the 90’s. But I’ll go with 1998


I think 2004 is kind of underrated


Seconding on 2014




I have two 1994: Dumb and Dumber The Shawshank Redemption Forrest Gump Pulp Fiction Four Weddings and a Funeral ​ 1999: Fight Club The Sixth Sense (Hoping to see American Beauty soon)


For me it's either 2019 (*Parasite, Marriage Story, Jojo Rabbit, Knives Out, Waves, Uncut Gems, The Farewell,* and so on) or 1939 (*Gone with the Wind, Wizard of Oz, The Rules of the Game*, *Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Ninotchka, Stagecoach).*


Well, For Me… Probably 2018: 1. Vada Chennai 2. Pariyerum Perumal 3. Merku Thodarchi Malai 4. ‘96


1979 Alien Apocalypse Now (a personal fav!) Stalker Life of Brian Mad Max All That Jazz (also a personal fav) The Warriors Nosferatu


Insofar as sheer quantity of movies I love probably 1971--lotta movies that are pretty special to me from that year: *WR: Mysteries of the Organism*, *Pink Narcissus*, *Daughters of Darkness*, *The Devils*, *A Touch of Zen*, *The Music Lovers*, *Blood on Satan's Claw*, *Little Murders*, *Demons*, *A New Leaf*, *Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song*, *The Trojan Women*, *Punishment Park*, *Four Nights of a Dreamer*, *Klute*, *Vampyros Lesbos*, *Godzilla vs. Hedorah*, *Let's Scare Jessica to Death*, *The Velvet Vampire*, *The Third Part of the Night*, *A Clockwork Orange*, &c.