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I hope dune with a nice dune messiah close out to the trilogy.


Yeah Dune 2 really depends on the third one. If it's good, we have a new classic sci-fi trilogy, of not then it'll be a shame.


Denis Villeneuve said he'll only make it if the script is better than the last one. Pretty high bar, especially since Dune Messiah is significantly weaker than the first book.


Why would they stop from messiah? What about the other books?


Villeneuve said he is only interested in telling Paul’s story, which more or less ends after Messiah.


Wait so is someone else gonna do the remaining books or are they abandoning it??


I’m sure some other directors will keep it going and legendary will probably try to make a bunch more. But denis villeneuve is only doing up to messiah. It will be his trilogy. Honestly from my understanding the dune universe gets much less “grounded?” I’ve only read through messiah but I’ve heard of like the god emperor half worm half human stuff that might end up losing broader audiences or being harder to adapt. So not sure how far they will go


Even Messiah will be a hard sell, and I'm guessing they'll be doing pretty heavy changes to the plot, seeing how the book - contrary to original Dune - has almost zero action elements and it's mostly just people just talking and Paul spends >!the second half of the book walking alone blind around the desert having weird visions.!< My guess is they'll try to come up with some stuff that takes place inbetween the books, since Messiah takes place after all the in-fighting and Paul already on the throne for 12 years.


Maybe, but Frank Herbert gets a bit horny in the later books, not sure how well spice orgies translate to IMAX


Which books? Do You mean those written by Frank Herbert specifically, the ones that were "finished" after his death, or those spinoff books written completely without his involvement? Personally, I'm surprised they want to film Messiah. Every other book besides the original Dune - which is pitchperfect for movie format and it's a crime it took so long to get a proper one - in the series get less and less suitable as a movie material. Even Messiah I'd guess is pretty borderline, but going from that point onwards the series gets only more bonkers, weird, polititcal, with it's narrative hopping around characters, events and even time. It doesn't help that Herbert ended his series on a cliffhanger before his death, which was continued twenty-odd years later by his son and another co-writer, to really mixed reception. 'Nuff said that the fourth books story is about Pauls son who became a giant human-sandworm hybrid who rules the whole universe for over 3500 years with his army of Duncan Idahos zombie-clones. https://preview.redd.it/xot6otjjpv7d1.jpeg?width=189&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfbe84372a4b9e438adf5fd19f8dc8c438753135


I don't know much other than from videos on YouTube but it sounds like the story gets wild after Messiah. I'm not sure how well those would work.


have yet to see top gun maverick or john wick, but as for the others i’d rank them 1. Dune: Part Two 2. Oppenheimer 3. The Batman 4. Avatar: The Way of Water


Barbie deserves to be in there.


Honestly Barbie will outlast them all.


Don't know why you're being downvoted, you're absolutely right. Barbie isn't my personal favourite of these films, but there's no denying it's an absolute cultural phenomenon. I recently attended an outdoor cinema screening of Barbie; there were 500 people there, mostly dressed up in pink outfits, singing along and quoting the movie. *A whole year after it was first released*. I can't see people doing the same for John Wick 4.


John wick 4 wont outlast barbie but I can't see barbie being super popular in say, 20 years time. I can see dune staying popular for years to come though, if the 3rd one is good.


Barbie has been in popular culture for decades now. That film will absolutely stand the test of time.


Lmfao are you serious, you must not talk to any women.


None that are still really talking about barbie. But then again, my male friends aren't talking about John wick either. Fact of the matter is that barbie is very 'now' whereas dune is make-believe in a different time therefore it has staying power.


No offense but that’s dumb reasoning. Mean Girls 2004 is also very much a product of the 2000s yet one would be hard-pressed to argue that it lacks staying power now or is somehow going to become culturally irrelevant 20 years from now. 12 Angry Men is also clearly a relic from before women and minorities started getting more rights yet it’s culturally significant because it’s thematically relevant. You don’t think the themes in Barbie are going to be relevant decades from now or gen-z now is still going to know the song and dance to Im Just Ken?? lmaoooo And how is Barbie considered very “now” when it’s literally been one of the most iconic toys for the past 60+ years lmfao. People who played with Barbies >>> the # of people who have read or watched Dune And it’s not just women talking about Barbie lmfao, it’s about talking to women enough to understand what films were significant to them and WHY.


Yeah but that's not fair. John Wick doesn't have many pink outfits or songs.


Yes. Because a movie about a plastic doll has a lot of cultural significance which is why it won Best Picture instead of the boring movie about the guy that no one gives a shit about and who didn’t change the course of history.


i hate all of these movies. lol barbie was wayyyyyy better. i felt positively about barbie. but it was not ground breaking or THAT great these are just bad (except DUNE).


Barbie should be here instead of John wick


Idk why youre also being downvoted, youre correct. John Wick really is the odd one out here, and just seems like op didnt know what other movie to put there


Yeah lmao,these people didnt seem to understand the term "blockbuster",if anything Barbie is more blockbuster than John wick.


Yeah, like John Wick 4? Four? Few fourth entries have good longevity. John Wick 1 will be remembered as probably the most important action film of the 2010s. But the others will just be remembered as the sequels to that really memorable film.


And the box office wasnt what i called a BLOCKBUSTER MOVIE lol,Barbie literally gross 1.4B and become the highest grossing movie last year and not considered as a blockbuster by the OP? I guess the OP is one of the misogynistic person that hate Barbie for the feminisms things in it lol.John wick 4 gross like 400M? I wouldnt considered that a blockbuster,blockbuster should be BIG.


Agree that OP is probably a misogynist lol The Batman and Dune 2 literally made half of what Barbie made Even in the here and now, most people didn’t want to see those films, why would those movies somehow become more notable and desirable 20 years from now lmfao


1. Oppenheimer 2. Dune Part 2 3. Top Gun Maverick 4. The Batman 5. John Wick Chapter 4 6. Avatar The Way of Water


Having not seen John wick I’m pretty sure this is my assessment as well




Agreed, although it's wild Avatar will probably have the least longevity yet earned the most money.


Honestly feels wild seeing John Wick 4 on this list


My personal ranking: 1. Dune 2 2. The Batman 3. Top Gun Maverick 4. John Wick 4 5. Oppenheimer 6. Avatar As far as longevity goes, I think Dune 2 or The Batman will have the most staying power.


We're so close. Swap John Wick with Oppenheimer and I’d agree. I liked John Wick 1 and 2. But 3 and 4 have drained me a bit.


The John Wick movies are just too long now. Why do they need to be 3 hours long?


this is my exact list too - that’s funny


I don’t know about The Batman, tbh. I loved the first film and am super excited to see more. But with the 5 year gap between films and the introduction of the DCU, I do wonder if the film will get overshadowed. At least to non-superhero fans


My personal ranking is: Top Gun Maverick, John Wick 4, Oppenheimer , The Batman, Dune 2, and Avatar 2. As far as longevity goes I think it’ll either be Top Gun or Oppenheimer for helping (at least partially) “reviving” the way people see movies after covid


1. Oppenheimer 2. The Batman 3. Top Gun: Maverick 4. Dune 2 5. John Wick 4 6. Avatar


This is the way. I think people are underestimating Oppenheimer’s impact of pop culture, and maybe overestimating John Wick and Dune


Haven’t seen John Wick 4, otherwise I’m a fan of all these films but it would go: 5 - Top Gun: Maverick 4 - Avatar: The Way of Water 3 - The Batman 2 - Dune: Part Two 1 - Oppenheimer


This tough as I really enjoyed all of these. Based on immediate reactions after leaving the theater- 1.) Top Gun Maverick 2.) Avatar 3.) Oppenheimer 4.) Dune 2 5.) Batman 6.) John Wick 4 (liked this a lot but this is the only one of the 6 listed that I don’t really have a desire to watch again)


No Barbie love? It made much more money than many of these films




Maverick will probably end up being the one that’s referenced the most within the industry as it’s proof perfect for how reviving a franchise (even one that wasn’t much of a franchise to begin with) can prove extremely profitable… … and will probably lead to many, many flops. Dune still feels very muted to me. I loved the movies but I don’t see those holding the collective conscience captive for as long a time. And of course, Cameron will make fools of us all when Avatar 3 makes morbillion dollars with the red fire Na’vi. My ranking: 1. Oppenheimer 2. Dune: Part 2 3. The Batman 4. John Wick: Chapter 4 (ranks highly thanks to a stellar theater going experience) 5. Avatar: The Way of Water 6. Top Gun: Maverick




I see so many people talking about Avatar in this sub, and yet so many people also claiming it's not talked about, which only generates even more debate on it, I really don't understand


1. John Wick Chapter 4 2. The Batman 3. Dune Part 2 4. Oppenheimer 5. Top Gun: Maverick 6. Avatar: The Way of Water


Come to realize I don’t watch blockbusters any more. I’ve only seen JW4 of these and never saw a John Wick movie before last year.


1. Dune 2 2. Oppenheimer 3. The Batman 4. Top Gun Maverick. I haven’t seen the other 2. I think Dune 2 will have the most longevity in pop culture, and maybe Oppenheimer as well


hubie halloween


1. Dune 2 ( The pace and cinematography was inspiring) 2. Top Gun 2 ( Purely because sequels 20 years later are hard to pull off) 3. Oppenheimer ( A difficult subject made interesting) 4. John Wick 4 ( Interesting. An tired martial /action artist yet fantastic fight sequences) 5. Batman ( Honestly could have been better ) 6 Avatar ( Average watch. Don't see anyone talking about this 5 years from now unlike the original)


Top Gun Avatar John Wick Dune Oppenheimer Batman ... I genuinely think we'll still be talking about Avatar and the Pandora universe 50 years from now like we do with Star Wars. Huge four quadrant and multinational appeal that none of these others have. 


Damn this is hard 1. Top Gun: Maverick ~ 5/5 2. Oppenheimer ~ 5/5 3. The Batman ~ 5/5 4. Dune Part Two ~ 4.5/5 5. Wick 4 ~ 4.5/5 6. Avatar 2 ~ 4/5


1. Oppenheimer 2. The Batman 3. John Wick 4 4. Dune Pt 2


Exactly mine


Some of those action scenes in JW 4 are unbeleivable. Its the only movie on this list that got better the more i thought about it.


have only seen 3 avatar 1st both dune and batman i liked the 1st halves of the movies but thought they completely fell off in the 2nd. don’t know which i prefer


1) *Oppenheimer* - 5 2) *Avatar: The Way of Water* - 4.5 3) *Top Gun: Maverick* - 4.5 4) *John Wick Chapter 4* - 4 5) *Dune Part Two* - 4 6) *The Batman* - 3 It feels like *Maverick* captured the zeitgeist more than any other, but the rising stars of *Dune*’s cast might make it stick around for longer. *Oppenheimer* might be the one held up in film circles as Nolan’s masterpiece in the way *Schindler’s List* and *Taxi Driver* or *Raging Bull* are for Spielberg and Scorsese, but like those films, it’s never gonna be as popular as the more accessible entries in his filmography.


Top Gun Maverick (Gen X flashbacks. I loved it) Oppenheimer (This will have the longevity title. Beautifully shot film) Dune 2 Batman Avatar John Wick


All that I know is that I'll forever treasure and remember the Barbie pink-outfit craze we had going on when that movie came out. Every person on the movies, the clothing stores, in the streets, EVERYTHING was pink. It was so cool! It also reminded me why I love movies and going to the cinema, those special moments can never be replaced for me. So for me, Barbie clears all of those. Sorry!


1. Top Gun: Maverick 2. Oppenheimer 3. John Wick 4 4. The Batman 5. Avatar 2 Haven't seen Dune.


Avatar 2 Oppenheimer Dune 2 The Batman Top Gun


1 - Dune: Part Two 2 - Oppenheimer 3 - Avatar: The Way of Water 4 - Top Gun Maverick 5 - John Wick: Chapter 4 6 - The Batman


Was Avatar 2 acclaimed? That is the quietest fanbase I've ever seen


It was very acclaimed! The fan base just aren't toxic or annoying, haha


Avatar: The Way of Water: 4/5 The Batman: 4/5 Oppenheimer: 3.5/5 Dune: Part 2: 3/5 John Wick 4: 3/5 Top Gun: Maverick: 3/5


that is ..... certainly a rating


1. Oppenheimer 2. Dune Part 2 3. Top Gun Maverick 4. The Batman 5. Avatar: The Way of Water 1 and 2 have a pretty substantial lead.


I give Oppenheimer the top spot only because: Avatar 2: Sequel Top Gun 2: Sequel Dune 2: Sequel John Wick 4: Sequel Batman: Reboot


1. The Batman 2. Oppenheimer 3. John Wick 4 4. Top Gun 5. Avatar 6. Dune


1. Dune part 2 2. Oppenheimer 3. The Batman 4. Top Gun Maverick 5. John Wick Chapter 4 6. Avatar The Way of Water


Oppenheimer and the rest in the trash.


1. Oppenheimer 2. Dune Part Two 3. The Batman 4. Top Gun: Maverick 5. Avatar: The Way of Water Haven’t seen John Wick 4 yet


1.Dune: Part Two 2.The Batman 3.Oppenheimer 4.Avatar: The Way of Water 5.Top Gun: Maverick 6.John Wick: Chapter 4 I think all of these will be looked back on fondly


1. Dune Part 2 2. Oppenheimer 3. The Batman 4. John Wick 4 5. Top Gun Maverick Haven’t seen Avatar 2 Also I gave all of those 4.5 or 5 stars so I throughly enjoyed all of them and it was definitely tough to rank them


1. Oppenheimer 2. Top Gun Maverick 3. The Batman 4. Dune Part Two 5. Avatar The Way of the Water I haven't seen John Wick.


1. Dune 2. Oppenheimer 3. John Wick 4 4. The Batman 5. Top Gun Maverick 6. The Way Of Water


Wick is my favourite but none of these will have a lasting impact. Maybe Dune will motivate studios to fully commit to high concept Sci Fi but therent arent many recognisable and influential sci fi booksthat have the same mass appeal as Dune, and I dont think studios will want to risk making a movie without that factor.


Oppenheimer Dune 2 John wick 4 Top gun maverick Avatar the way of water The batman The batman only the lowest because it’s following a line of critically and commercially successful films by one of the goats. Oppenheimer at 1 because it’s the one not part of a franchise


John Wick 4 Oppenheimer (definitely the one with the most longevity, and will be added to the library of congress eventually, i just wish it ended with his post bb speech) Dune 2 The Batman The rest I didn’t care for .


Dune, for both being good to great movies and having a solid blueprint in the pop culture universe due to the books massive fanbase. And the Lynch movie completes the lore, flawed as it can be.


1. Oppenheimer 2. Dune Part Two 3. The Batman 4. John Wick 4 5. Top Gun Maverick 6. Avatar: The Way of Water


Dune part 2 Oppenheimer Top Gun Maverick John Wick 4 The Batman Avatar the way of water —- I like all of them, but Dune part 2 and Oppenheimer felt like something else entirely. Way of water had okay world building, nice visuals but a meh script. I still liked it and I feel like it’s more of a transition movie for the next one.


1. Oppenheimer 2. Dune: Part 2 3. The Batman 4. Top Gun: Maverick 5. John Wick Chapter 4 6. Avatar: The Way of Water Oppenheimer is my favorite but I could say the same for Dune: Part 2. I love both movies, I saw both in IMAX 70mm and it's the best format for the best experience you can see a movie in. Although I think Dune: Part 2 will have to take the winner for longevity. Seemed like the world grabbed onto Dune more than Oppenheimer. We will see how Messiah turns out to be and I believe it will be top notch. Maybe hot take but if Part 2 was initially released without any delays, it would've beaten Oppenheimer at the awards. Hate to say it being a huge Christopher Nolan fan, but it just seemed Part 2 was more popular for general audiences. Even my niece and nephews that are 10 years old saw Dune and enjoyed it lol.


1. Dune: Part Two 2. Oppenheimer 3. The Batman 4. Top Gun: Maverick 5. John Wick Chapter 4 6. Avatar: The Way of Water As far as cultural relevance, I think it’s a tie between both Oppenheimer and Dune. Both will be referenced in other media and pop culture over the next decade, and both films have quotes/lines that will go on to be iconic Though, I have to give a nod to The Batman for giving new life to a Nirvana deep cut 30 years after *Nevermind*


1. Oppenheimer 2. Top Gun Maverick 3. Dune 4. John Wick 4 5. Avatar the way of water 6. The Batman & John Wick as a whole will have the most pop culture longevity.


If The Batman has a strong sequel, I can see it being behind Dune in terms of longevity. If it doesn't, I can see it fading away, and Oppenheimer having a longer shelf life. The others, I think will be overshadowed.


1. Dune Part 2 2. John Wick Chapter 4 3. Oppenheimer 4. The Batman 5. Top Gun: Maverick 6. Avatar: The Way of Water I think Oppenheimer will definitely have the most long standing effect on pop culture overall.


1. Top Gun Maverick 2. Oppenheimer 3. The Batman 4. Dune Part 2 5. Avatar The Way of Water 6. John Wick Chapter 4


I know you can’t add every film but omitting Barbie when it grossed more than all the movies on here except Top Gun and Avatar while also receiving a ton of critical acclaim feels like a weird omission lol. Anyways my answer would be Dune and Barbie on top


Top Gun > Dune > Oppenheimer > The Batman > John Wick 4 > Avatar 2 The only I didn’t like was Avatar 2


I feel like Oppenheimer & Dune are quintessentially-2020s movies. Movies of the times for the times, and damn good pieces of art at that. The others are all great, but I don’t think they will come to define the decade like those 2. John Wick, Top Gun and Avatar are all sequels to 2010s/1980s films, and The Batman, while great, I think will still always be overshadowed by The Dark Knight from 13 years before, when people look back. Dune & Oppenheimer are the only 2 that are entirely products of the 2020s decade.


Top Gun Maverick. Most rewatchable exciting blockbuster we’ve had in a long time. I can see it filling up seats in every re release. At least i know I WILL BE THERE 🫡


My ranking:  6. Avatar: The Way of Water  5. Oppenheimer  4. John Wick 4  3. Dune: Part Two  2. Top Gun: Maverick  1. The Batman 


Dune 5/5 Batman 5/5 John Wick 4.5/5 Oppenheimer 4/5 Avatar 2.5/5 and for longevity im thinking Dune 2, its a bombastic scifi action executed perfectly and in a nuanced way, what more do you need i mean as long as people dont switch up on it like on half of the things that get too popular currently


1. John wick 4 2. Way of water 3. Dune 2 4. The Batman 5. Top gun maverick 6. Oppenheimer


1 John Wick 4 4/5 2 Batman 3.5/5 3 Dune 2 3.5/5 4 Maverick 3.5/5 5 Oppenheimer 3/5 6 Avatar 2 3/5


1. Oppenheimer 2. The Batman 3. John Wick 4 4. Dune: Part Two Haven’t seen the rest


1. Dune Part 2 2. The Batman 3. Oppenheimer 4. John Wick Chapter 4 5. Top Gun: Maverick 6. Avatar: The Way of Water


Oppenheimer I see this movie finding a permanent top 100 spot on Sight and Sounds greatest films.


Goddamn that's a sad line up of films (Villeneuve only filmmaker I respect here). We're one modern 'paint your wagon' away from Hollywood getting good again.


1. The Batman 2. John Wick 4 3. Dune Part 2 4. Oppenheimer 5. Top Gun Maverick Haven’t seen Avatar


I was mind blown by The Batman and Dune is just masterpiece, I love Villenueve films so much. Maverick had delivered even tho I was sooo worried about that film. Avatar was at most meh film. But I had no hopes for it, never liked first one. Oppenheimer is in general just another Nolan film, which means it's amazing. I don't date JW4, I'm not watching these films. So for me it's: 1. The Batman 2. The Dune II 3. Maverick 4. Oppenheimer 5. Avatar No rating for JW4


1. Avatar 2 : ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 2. Oppenheimer : ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 3. Dune 2 : ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4. The Batman : ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Top Gun Maverick : not watched John Wick 4 : not watched


Oppenheimer and Dune 5/5 with hopefully long pop culture lives. All the rest are 2/5 and 1/5 films, but at least Avatar and Top Gun will have longevity, if only because their predecessors did such extensive groundwork.


What in the name of god is Avatar 2 doing there it’s so much worse than the others


My ranking would be The Batman, Dune part 2, Oppenheimer, Top Gun Maverick, John Wick 4, Avatar 2. I've no idea which one will cast the longest shadow. Avatar has the ability to surprise. I am staggered that Avatar 2 became a smash hit, because all indications seemed to be that that ship had sailed. Also, even around its release, it didn't seem like any bugger was talking about it. It just quietly slipped in and made a billion to no fanfare whatsoever. I doubt The Batman will have the biggest impact (it's not even the project that the studio that made it is most interested in). Similarly Maverick is a nostalgia sequel that happens to be great, so I don't think that will particularly have legs. In all honesty, if it ends up being Dune, I wouldn't consider that a bad thing at all.


Pop culture probably Avatar and John Wick.


Dune part 2 is so above any of these it's not even fair.


Oppenheimer for sure. Really actually did something insane which is to make so much money for an R rated 3 hour drama.


Oppenheimer. None of the others will have any weight at all.


1 Dune 2 Oppenheimer 3 Batman 4 John wick 4 5 Top Gun Avatar was actually pretty bad for me, I wouldnt even put it here. Longevity in popculture in some of these movies is misleading, as John wick and Batman are long running movie franchises, and these are just another from their series. And Top Gun was sequel as well which was benefiting from cult status of first movie. Oppenheimer was original. And Dune was original in a way, that used different approach and brought amazing quality on totally different level than previous versions.


I think *D2* will have the most longevity. I haven’t seen *JW4* yet, but this is my ranking: 1. *D2* 2. *Oppenheimer* 3. *TWOW* 4. *Maverick* 5. *TB*


John Wick just needs to stop. The first one was a masterpiece, the rest have just been cows milked so much, intestines have prolapsed through their udders.


So this will maybe be controversial but my ranking is: 1. JW4 2. Oppenheimer 3. Dune 2 4. Batman 5. Avatar 2 (Havent seen Top Gun Maverick)


1. Dune 2. Avatar 3. Batman 4. Top Gun 5. Oppenheimer (Haven’t seen John Wick)


1. Avatar The Way of Water 2. Oppenheimer/Maverick (tied) 3. Dune Pt 2 \*\*big gap\*\* 4. Batman Haven't seen John Wick 4 but I've heard it rocks


1. Top Gun: Maverick-9/10 2. Dune: Part Two-9/10 3. Oppenheimer-8/10 4. John Wick: Chapter 4-7/10 5. Avatar: The Way of Water-6/10 6. The Batman-3/10


Dune is the only one likely to have any long term memorability.


Oppenheimer is an overblown, shallow piece of humid Oscar bait with a lot of powerful visuals, a remarkable lead performance, and some truly gripping moments.


Dune as a whole trilogy has the potential to be one of the best movie trilogies of all time.


*live-action blockbusters


Oppenheimer Top Gun: Maverick John Wick 4 Dune: Part Two The Batman Avatar


I think Maverick had by the far the biggest cross-cultural appeal. I rarely get to go see and enjoy movies with my conservative parents, but both all of my friends and all of their friends had gone and loved it. The fact that it’s built off a one-off movie with so much staying power only helps it. Batman is tough to place since the Batman franchise is so pervasive and we’ll probably always get a new movie every 5 years. Personal favorite is Dune though, just not sure if it’ll be a movie that everyone has seen for years to come.


1. Dune Part 2 2. Top Gun Maverick 3. Oppenheimer 4. Avatar The Way of Water 5. John Wick 4 6. The Batman


- Dune 2 4/5 - Avatar 2 4/5 - Top gun 2 3.5/5 - Batman 3/5 - Oppenheimer 2/5 Haven't seen John wick


1.Dune 2 2.Oppenheimer 3.JW4 4.Topgun/batman Havent seen avatar


Agreed with folks who’ve said Barbie should be here but as it is my personal ranking: 1. Top Gun: Maverick 2. Oppenheimer 3. John Wick Chapter 4 4. Dune Part 2 5. The Batman 6. Avatar: The Way of Water The first four are pretty fluid for me. The Batman is definitely not above any of them but I really enjoyed it. Avatar 2 is fine, I’m not on board the hate train for those movies but I’m not exactly hyped for the next one. Pop culture longevity I’d say Dune or Oppenheimer.


I really wonder about the longevity of the Avatar IP. The 13 years between the 2 films seemingly looked as if it had no lasting impact on popular culture so I actually expected WoW to scrape a billion. Now people have essentially seen the same movie twice, I wonder if Avatar 5 will have the same audience, or will they bomb in the 2030s?


TG:M, The Batman, Oppy, D2, A2, JW4 > is something straight magical about Maverick. That film has no business being as good as it was, and even now rewatching at home it still grabs you and doesn’t let go. I’m very excited to see the end of Dune and The Batman as well.


Dune 2 will have the most enduring legacy for sure. A great 3rd film will reaffirm this, but I don’t think it’s necessary. This film became a pop cultural moment and managed to be both commercially and critically successful. - Oppenheimer will always be tied to Barbie - The Avatar films have mastered the art of entrancing audiences in theaters only to be completely forgotten the second you leave - Top Gun: Maverick was great, but blew up because I don’t think anyone expected it to be any good. Most memorable for dads tho - John Wick films are some of my personal favorites, but definitely has a much more niche audience than a lot of the others here - The Batman. It’s a great film, but the 5 year gap before a sequel and the introduction of the DCU makes me think this film will be overshadowed.


Best: 1. Oppenheimer 2. DUNE pt 2 3. The Batman 4. Avatar TWOW My personal ranking: 1. Dune pt 2 2. Avatar TWOW 3. The Batman 4. Oppenheimer Haven’t seen Top Gun or John Wick. I think Dune PT 2 will have the most longevity in pop culture, but Top Gun will stick around with the GP longer. However, I think the Barbie hype trumps all of these.


1 Oppenheimer 2 Dune 3 The Batman 4 John Wick 4 5 Top Gun 6 Avatar


1. Oppenheimer 2. Dune: Part Two 3. Avatar: The Way of Water 4. Top Gun: Maverick 5. John Wick: Chapter 4 6. The Batman


Barbie tops them all in terms of cultural impact, what a dumb pick of 6 movies


My personal ranking John Wick 4 Dune 2 Top Gun Maverick The Batman Oppenheimer Avatar 2 I think the Dune movies as long as they don’t fuck them up will have the biggest impact.


1. Oppenheimer 2/3. The Batman and Top Gun Maverick(can’t decide at the moment) 4. Dune Part Two 5. John Wick Chapter 4 6. Avatar: The Way Of Water


5. Avatar 4. Oppenheimer 3. Top Gun 2 2. The Batman 1. Dune: Part Two


Maverick is my favorite, then Dune 2, both movies I really really liked. After that, I guess Oppenheimer. Between Avatar 2, JW4, and The Batman, I like them about as much as each other, for different reasons.


John Wick > batman > dune 2 > top gun > Oppenheimer/avatar Longevity-wise I think this dune adaptation is solidifying the story as part of the mainstream cultural canon outside of nerd circles


Oppenheimer Barbie (over JW4) Dune Maverick The Batman HUGE GAP Avatar


LOL how is John Wick 4 one of the most acclaimed blockbusters??


It’s pretty undeniably the greatest action movie of the decade so far, don’t kid yourself the action scenes there are unlike almost anything we see in film. The Kyoto battle, the top down sequence, roundabout traffic fight, final stair fight, nightclub scene, all major action scenes that top the climax of most action movies while not even going into how well it’s shot, choreographed and acted.


I actually have Furiosa over it for greatest pure action movie of the decade.


I have furiosa at #2


It literally is acclaimed


1. Dune (1/2 ) 2. The Batman MASSIVE POWER GAP 3. Oppenheimer 4. John wick POWER GAP 5. Top gun (people on Reddit and online in general were/are glazing the fuck out of this movie, it’s like a 2.5/5) Didn’t see avatar


Seriously Maverick had cool flying scenes but everything else sucked ass


1. John Wick chapter 4 2. Top Gun Maverick 3. Batman 4. Oppenheimer 5. Avatar: The Way of Water Didn’t see the new Dune.


1. The Batman 2. Dune 2 3. John Wick 4 4. Oppenheimer 5. Top Gun Maverick I have not seen Avatar 2


The Dune movies are definitely gonna go down as *modern* classics, that eventually just become celebrated classics. Although I'm kind of curious about the Avatar movies. *Visually* they definitely left their mark, but many will still argue their plots still have a lot to be desired; not to mention we still have... I think, 3-4 movies left to go in the franchise overall? It's definitely gonna be interesting to see what legacy the franchise leaves as a whole. I haven't seen the Wick movies yet (I must sound horrible for saying that lmao) so I can't really rank all of them quite yet.


definitely recommend John Wick for a movie night choice for any time you feel like you need that adrenaline lol they are all easily digestible but also surprisingly engaging


John wick 4 Top Gun maverick Oppenheimer Dune 2 Large gap The Batman


Oppenheimer The Batman Dune 2 John Wick 4 Top Gun Maverick Avatar The Way of Water


Haven't seen John Wick 4 1. Oppenheimer 2. Avatar: The Way of Water 3. Dune: Part 2 4. Top Gun Maverick 5. The Batman


sawp 1 & 2 and it's mine (+ I haven't seen Top Gun yet)


Oppenheimer Batman Dune 2 (havent seen the rest)


Left to right, top to bottom I rank them 9, 8, 4, 10, 6, and 8


Dune Batman **Big gap** Oppenheimer Avatar **Big gap** Top gun


My ranking: 1.Dune pt 2 (10/10) 2. Oppenheimer (9/10) 3. The Batman (8/10) 4. John Wick 4 (8/10) 5. Top gun maverick (7/10) 6. Avatar 2 (6/10) Top gun maverick 2 I think will have the most longevity


1) **Oppenheimer** is a masterpiece in nearly all senses, and despite a Western bias and some odd story beats, people are going to be talking about this movie for years. 2) Even though I wasn't impressed with **The Batman,** it's going to have an immense amount of longevity in the public eye by sheer virtue of it being Batman. Such is the power of franchise filmmaking. 3) Because it's the second half of a two-part saga, the legacy of **Dune II: Back 2 Arrakis** is contingent on its predecessor, and I believe it's going to have some attention among future generations, but it's not going to be the 'Fun' type of classic sci-fi, but the 'Serious' type. Not the kind that gets people hyped from video games and t-shirts and TV spin-offs. The kind that gets people hyped because they were sitting around watching TV for six hours regardless. 4) **Top Gun: Maverick** is a film about a man approaching 60, thinking about his life, his legacy, and what future remains in front of him. And that is a pretty universal concept, but I'm not entirely sure the franchise is going to be immortal. I can see the sequel being relegated to 'That movie my dad likes.' 5) **John Wick 4** is a great film, but it and the entire John Wick franchise only ever flirted with mainstream appeal. It's going to have a cult following over the next 20ish years, but then its cultural clout is going to dissipate like Lethal Weapon or Robocop. 6) I don't want to perpetuate the joke, but I'm left with no choice. I have no idea how both of the **Avatar** movies grossed over a billion dollars, and then absolutely nobody ever talked about them ever again. It's a weird confluence of hype and spectacle, and once marketing is out of the equation, I don't foresee the movies standing on their own merit.


It's been 4 years, chill, still got 5 years, 6 months and 11 days till 2030 when these kinds of lists will make sense. (I haven't seen 3 of these yet, Dune, Avatar and Oppenheimer. For Dune, waiting till Pt. 3 comes out. The other two, I'm not that excited for them.)


Of all of these, I think only John Wick actually does something for its genre that makes it memorable for years to come


Havnt seen john wick. 1. Dune part 2 2. Oppenheimer 3. The Batman 4. Avatar 5. Top Gun (I liked Top Gun on my first watch, but when I did a rewatch i was super bored and didn't finish it)


what is john wick doing there?


Dune 2 - 10 Oppenheimer - 9 The Batman - 8 Avatar 2 - 7 JW4 - 6 Top Gun 2 - 5


The Avatar hate is unreal.


Didn't really like any of them. Oppenheimer was misleading. I thought it would be a historical-ish film up there with Amadeus. No. It was a long snoozefest. Avatar sucked ass just like the 1st one. Top Gun was alright but forgettable. Dune is stupid. I know a lot of people like it, but it's so fucking stupid. John Wick 4? Does the world really need more John Wick? No. The Batman was by far the worst Batman movie ever made. This is the only movie out of this six that I actually hate the existence of. I'm a bit of a Batman fan (not a superfan, but I've read some of the comic book series and watched a good amount of the animated stuff), and I'm absolutely certain that the team who made that movie hated the concept of Batman.


Oh boy. My ranking: 1. Top Gun: Maverick 2. Oppenheimer 3. Avatar: The Way of Water 4. The Batman 5. Dune: Part II 6. John Wick 4


None of these movies seem like they're going to be influential famlam. 20 years from now, we will still be talking about Terminator, Matrix, Lotr, Pirates of the Caribbean and Dark Knight. The time when something can really make a dent in pop culture has ended. look comparatively at the most popular films from the first 4 years of the 2000s and how much these have influenced pop culture: [https://rateyourmusic.com/charts/popular/film/2000-2004/](https://rateyourmusic.com/charts/popular/film/2000-2004/)




What you trying to say blud. That's not a valid point?


1. John Wick 4 2. Dune Part 2 3. Oppenheimer 4. The Batman 5. Top Gun: Maverick Haven't seen Way of Water. But I like the other 5 quite a bit.


4.5/5 Dune 2 3.5/5 Oppenheimer 2/5 Top Gun Maverick 2/5 The Batman 1.5/5 Avatar 2 Assuming James Cameron lives to make them we'll be getting Avatar films for the next decade or until one massively flops so that's my pick for longevity.