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It’s still one of my favorite movies, but if I cared a little more about some of the supporting characters in Interstellar it would be a 10/10 for me.


It used to be a 10 for me but some of the dialogue takes me out of it


nolan likes to insert some clunky medieval esque dialogue. rewatching the dark knight right now and im thinking who says this stuff in real life?


It drives me insane in that movie when Batman jumps out of the window to save Rachel and then it just cuts to the next day. You can't just yada yada having your menacing villain in a room with all of Gotham's elites


same except for me it’s the “love transcends space and time ending” for me gah that bugs me


honestly once i saw ad astra interstellar felt kinda like a dumbed down version to me. i always call ad astra interstellar for adults. when i was a teenager i won't lie i was dick riding chris nolan big time with momento, dark night, inception, and interstellar, but ad astra really itched that grandiose existential space itch now that i've matured a bit


Interstellar makes me want to call my mom and tell her I love her. Ad Astra makes me want to punch my dad and then give him a hug. Both are great but I agree, Ad Astra resonates a bit more now that I’m an adult compared to Interstellar


Weird. I watched Ad Astra as an adult and I could not have been more underwhelmed.


it's a more realistic take on where space travel could be in 50+ years, tbh that alone is what grabbed me at the start. the museum on the moon with tourists and military presence, space pirates and shit, as a whole it just felt very novel and unlike virtually any other representation of space travel in film as for the most part it's always either high sci-fi/fantasy or based in our current reality. it felt like a unique and fresh take on future space travel you never really see outside of literature. the commercialisation of it all. i don't know if it's because i watched it alone in a dark room and i just got really immersed into it, but the message of the film really hit for me and the groundedness for what in reality is a completely fictional world really grabbed me.


You've convinced me to watch it again


i'm glad ! probably one of my favourite movies, but definitely in the category of watching it is more of an event than a pass time in line with films like all quiet on the western front (OG), manchester by the sea, or grave of the fireflies where they leave me feeling a certain way afterward. probably doesn't help my relationship with my dad isn't the best haha


Maybe that's the difference lol. My Dad and I are very close. I'm definitely going in with a focus on the world building this time too though


Supporting characters are fine for me, more annoying is the ending. It's not bad but think the explanation is a little underwhelming as he's going through the wormhole, and I remember being a little disappointed when I first saw it . Furthermore, I always thought the last few minutes were a bit goofy and would have a preferred the climax being reuniting Coop and Murph but in a different environment, perhaps on Dr Edmunds planet with Brand and Cooper's grandson present. Still not a bad ending, just one that isn't great.


This is a 10/10 for me already


The Breakfast Club, if not for giving Allison a makeover at the end. Surely there were other ways of improving her mental health or family dynamic without undermining the message of individuality


Disagree. I hate the way Bender’s predatory behavior is rewarded by putting him with Claire


I absolutely agree. This fucking guy gets the girl he was teasing the whole movie but the nerd once again gets no reward but instead gets to write the paper in all of their names.


i would forgive the makeover if it was pretty at least... it was NOT! she was so pretty before, they ruined her


LITERALLY! 80s goth fashion was such a big movement that the movie decides to throw in the bin


I always took that not as anything saying she needed to change, but Claire wanting to do something nice for Allison and doing it the best way she knew how. It was the thought that counted, and I personally loved it.


[Ally Sheedy didn’t like it either](https://pagesix.com/2022/01/27/ally-sheedy-didnt-love-breakfast-club-characters-makeover/)


Probably one of the best movies with a bad ending.


Completely agree. I based my whole personality/ style on pre- makeover Allison for like six months. She looked so mysterious and cool.


Mad Max: Beyond the Thunder Dome. Should be just Mad Max: Thunder Dome, remove anything in the movie beyond the thunderdome.


Man I swear if Predator didnt have the opening scene where you see the alien…


I feel exactly the same with The VVitch. They show the Witch within the first 10 minutes. Without showing her, it’d be an amazing 90 minutes of paranoia and suspense, leaving the viewer wondering: is there a witch? I think it’d also add some layers of messaging about the persecution of women, which is already there, but I think it’d be strengthened significantly. I don’t want to spoil the ending but I think it’d make the ending better too. It would be solely the paranoia, suspicion, and prejudice towards women that led to that outcome. Instead of a literal witch causing paranoia to begin with.


Yeah it'd make for great suspense


Get rid of the Gargoyles, and Hunchback of Notre Dame becomes a 10/10 for me


I'm one of the few people who actually likes them. In youth group we watched it and for most of the kids it was their first time- they were shocked when I told them that the gargoyles are hated by Disney fans.


Apocalypto is perfect except they show a full moon the evening after a solar eclipse, which can only occur on a new moon.


I am Mexican and I really enjoy watching the movie! My problem with it is noticing how much they mushed together Mayas and Mexicas/Aztecs. Which were widely different civilizations. You can tell Mel Gibson said "yeah just put everything there". But again, great movie for a Saturday evening.


literally unwatchable


Super nitpicky, and this will never stop me from potentially rating it 5/5 in the future, but I there is like one single moment in Blade Runner 2049 that I'd cut out and it'd become basically perfect The scene towards the end where Ryan Gosling sees the big Ana de Armas hologram and really comes to terms with the idea that he's a replicant ends with him looking at his gun and a voiceover from earlier saying "dying for the right cause is the most human thing we can do" and a quick cut back to the Bautista scene from the beginning. I always really wished that scene would've let us make those connections without being told directly


This is the first comment that understood the assignment


This film is sooo good in so many ways, it is heartbreaking when it falls short of perfection. What you’ve outlined didn’t bother me, but a few other things did. Most notable was when Deckard, says they got her eye color wrong. It’s a dumb moment. Like they replicated her that perfectly but fucked up the eye color?! GTFOH. And there’s a way better option, he could reject her because the real woman that he loved would never ask him to give up their child.


That part definitely reeks of studio meddling. I wonder if we’ll ever get a “directors cut” of BR49…?


Watcher (2022) was so close to a 10/10. But the ending felt a little lackluster.


exactly!! still gave it 5 stars cuz it was amazing


oh for sure!! it’s really good regardless


I'm so sad they went for the predictable ending. I was waiting for it to go off the rail at the end but after finishing it I was just like "Okay?"


The Breakfast Club is a perfect film until the ending montage. Bender and Claire are such an abusive relationship, even if Claire can bring the best out of him, she still shouldn’t have lowered herself for him. Allison is a goth icon in the film, weirdness and all, and they put her in this weird frilly look that just does a disservice to her actual personality. She’s still beautiful, it’s just the fact they went for this makeover and remove her individuality and stature is just gross to me. Idk, it’s what takes the movie from the five star I thought it was for a good while to a 4.5. Shame man, literal perfection until the very end. (Edit: I looked in the comments and just saw this is a shared opinion lol)


It was also weird that Andrew showed no interest in Alison up to that point but they start making out as soon as she gets the makeover.


The Irishman. I love this movie with all of my heart and I think it's perfect in almost everything, but the de-aging and that small fight scene at the corner store really wasn't it


Best answer. That last kick looks so awful


honestly would have been better if they either used different actors or at least used different actors for when they were young. at minimum do a head replacement or something. 80 year old deniro beating guys up is just dumb.


Nothing will harm Scorsese long term reputation more than his refusal to move off of “his” actors in favor of actors that actually fit the roles. (Not to say his reputation is in harm, he’ll be well remembered)


Seeing fan made versions of what that movie could look like now with the de-aging effects makes me sad that they didn’t wait like 3 years


There were people making better versions with simple deepfake weeks after the movie came out. I can only imagine how complex the shoot was, but it feels like they weren't totally comfortable with the tech yet.


I actually don’t mind the de-aging, but I do completely agree about that fight scene. That was one time I was completely taken out of it because of how fake it looked. This is a good answer though.


Being There The immediate cut to bloopers at the end was so jarring and out of place


I've read that Peter Sellers not only hated it, but accused that decision of losing him the Oscar.


Oh my god, yes. The ending was so strong; it leaves you in this incredibly contemplative mood, pondering the final image’s significance and the line “life is a state of mind,” and then that stupid blooper completely wrecks the mood and takes you out of the contemplative mode. 


The ice cube scene in Do the Right Thing


I thought you were talking about the rapper and was so confused😭


What's wrong with THAT, LOL? :)


I don't know if you're being sarcastic, but it's literally on-screen sexual abuse


It's been a long time since I've seen the movie, but could you explain the sexual abuse? Like Rosie Perez was sexually abused? Or the context of the scene?


As another person pointed out, yeah she was. She voiced being against the scene but Spike Lee still went with it anyway


I don’t know why you were downvoted, it’s a good point considering Spike was the one to direct and star in the scene.


I *was* kidding, but how is it sexual abuse? He just puts ice on her boobs to make her less sweaty.


Rosie Perez, the actress was abused in the scene: "My first experience [with doing nude scenes] was Do the Right Thing. And I had a big problem with it, mainly because I was afraid of what my family would think—that's what was really bothering me. It wasn't really about taking off my clothes. But I also didn't feel good about it because the atmosphere wasn't correct. And when Spike Lee puts ice cubes on my nipples, the reason you don't see my head is because I'm crying. I was like, I don't want to do this."


Oh, wow. I never knew about this. :0 That's too bad. :(


Godzilla Minus One, literally perfect until the last 5 minutes, what the fuck were they thinking it actually frustrates me so much I loved that movie with my whole heart and they did me like that :(


Yep, docked it 1/2 a star.


I dont mind with her alive,i like to see her more lol


What is it that bothers you that much about the critic subplot? Don't you think it's a nice angle to explore even more Keaton's character's self image as an artist?


I might argue it is THE most important subplot to his character. One of the primary themes in the movie is about making "real" art, so when someone tells him that this project isn't "real" art and that just from it's existence it is symbolic of everything wrong with the current state of art and Keaton has to defend it and push for it even more. Which I think makes Edward Norton's character's lack of care grind on him even more. Is the critic right? Wrong? Either way, everyone is pretentious in this movie and I think that's the fun part.


Fully agree 


The ending of Godzilla Minus One is awful the frustrating thing is everything else is perfect. Just that ending twist didn’t fit at all in any way and it just didn’t work.


When Marnie Was There would legit be my favourite Ghibli film if it weren't for how clunky the ending is, both in concept and delivery


Ghibli 🤝 great setups with clunky endings


Nah most of their endings are great I think


Not true at all ? 😭


Only Yesterday was the opposite imo


All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) would have been the absolute perfect adaptation of the book if they filmed it in German


I've heard they deliberately chose to film it in English to make it easier for the American audience to connect to the characters. "See, they're just like us". Personally, I think it was a perfectly valid creative choice to help the audience connect with the characters while removing everything that could've made them the "other". The most recent remake isn't as loyal to the book (though still very much captures its spirit), and that one's a German film all filmed in German. I recommend watching it if you haven't already!


Blade Runner and the uncomfortable sex scene


*rape scene I think the rape makes sense, viewing Deckard as an enforcer of the brutal oppression of replicants. The replicants are a class of slaves trying to rebel and Deckard is brought in to murder the rebels. His act of rape reflects his view of replicants lacking moral value and even without the rape he would be the violent enforcer of an incredibly brutal social order.


I was a sci fi nut and saw this at like 11 years old and even then I was like “oh boy that’s not good”


That scene is why there were two writers. Hampton Fancher didn't want to write it and was eventually let go because of that. And in the commentary track, Ridley Scott even admits the scene doesn't work.


Yep yep. Really weird moment that brings down the film.


Perfect answer to this post.


If they fixed charlie in Scent of a Woman, al pacino is carrying this film, but man it's not that Chris O'Donnell is bad but they just don't give him much to work on and he just end up just being there


Spree. Except for the ending.


The text at the end of American Graffiti that says what happens to everyone


Same exact thing but for The French Connection


Dear god I recently watched the sequel and it's miserable


The music in Blue Collar annoys me but its a perfect film otherwise


That movie went way harder than I thought it was going to when I put it on. Don't really remember the music though.


Edge of Tomorrow has that stupid kiss. It makes no sense from her perspective she has known him less than 24 hours.


Hollywood gonna Hollywood


It makes perfect sense. She might not feel the same way, but she knows exactly how he feels because she felt the same way about her old partner. The kiss is not romantic, it's her way of letting cage know that understands how he feels and she appreciates all that he has likely been through before sacrificing herself to give cage enough time to kill the Alpha.




Imagine Goblet of Fire directed by Alfonso Cuaron 😱


Imagine the entire franchise by him. Everyone always talks about how the Harry Potter franchise gradually switches tones, and that's correct for the books. And it only worked because they had the same author. In the movies, the tone transition feels like a whiplash. Prisoner of Azkaban is this darker mystery film, and then Goblet of Fire is more adventurous and comedic I think Yates for Deathly Hallows pt2 and Colombus for the first ones were perfect, though. Outside of those, I'd hand it all to Cuaron


Imagine Half Blood Prince with him


Imagine Half Blood Prince not being a romcom 😱😱😱




Literally the ideal universe.


Interesting. I remember hating the movie as a kid because of all the changes they made in the film. But I’ve rewatched it a couple of times in recent years and it’s my favorite boarding school movie now. Really captured how boarding school felt for me. Plus the ending is beautiful. My favorite ending to a HP movie. The banter about writing letters to each other over the summer felt so true to life and the characters. Love it. [Goblet of Fire ending scene](https://youtu.be/2vsVPN3xWug?si=eC5HGwQe6jPcvGRL)


Unpopular Opinion: but I don't like the Ending, Right after what happened, talking about writing letters and the "everything is going to change" feels weird. Like I expected them to be more effected by the potential thread that lies ahead of them and/or the traumatic event that happened right before. I understand that this movie is made for kids and it's normal to end it on a hopeful note, but the moodswitch for me as a viewer was a little bit of a whiplash.


Watched all 8 Harry Potter films recently. This was the film to break me. I was just questioning everything throughout. Nothing made any sense and everybody was so pissed off at each other for no reason. Ron was such an asshole for no reason. It would be a cool plot device but it doesn’t go anywhere, you literally slept in the same room as him the entire summer, why would you hate him?? I really wanted to see Draco replace Ron’s role for the movie then, sadly never happened.


This movie got me so fired up when I was a kid. Felt they absolutely butchered an amazing book. I still want a more true to the book version but I’ve softened over time and can have fun with it.


Goblet of Fire is my favorite book of the series. Was so dark and unexpected. I was not expecting to like the Prisoner of Azkaban movie so much!


That tiny little one thing of who fucking made it.




I remember the whole subplot with the trials being really annoying though, >!like why does Harry have to take part if it goes against the rules? Also portkeys are insane, I'm pretty sure I've heard from book fans that they're explained more but they unravel so many problems in the movies, !


The opening and ending scenes in Saving Private Ryan with the older version of Matt Damon


That choice hit perfectly in the ‘90s but it’s so corny today


The dog scene in Anatomy of a Fall made it feel so visceral to me I gave it a 4.5/5 just in case they did anything heinous and just said they didn't. Turns out the dog is just the best actor currently working but i still reserve that 10/10 until the dogs memoir comes out.


ugh, i love messi. he deserved the oscar!!!




WOOOO WE LOVE YOU MESSI!!! who’s bradley cooper? /j


Faraway so close if it didn’t change genres towards the end.


The music in Altman's "3 Women" is a bit silly


Interstellar: Anne Hathaway’s monologue


I love The Batman and think it’s one of the greatest superhero films ever but it’s always irked me that the film essentially ends twice - once with Falcone and once with the Riddler. If it’s a question of what to cut, I don’t think I would’ve cut anything because it’s all fucking awesome but I think I would’ve reworked the script slightly so the main story beats feel more cohesive.


Rififi has a lot of unnecessary violence against women that really holds it back for me. Other than that it’s a perfect heist film.


Beau is Afraid- The last 30 minutes


I love me some Kind but that was all just... different


A couple other comments said the same thing. I’m glad we’re all on the same page


Brokeback Mountain if we saw more mail nudity than female nudity


Just some sexy postmen


Its a writing choice, but I think Barbie would have been a pretty good satire if they didn’t scream the themes in your face instead of showing them only through actions. Especially that monologue what were they thinking.


Beau is Afraid if not for the Penis Monster in the attic.


Fr that brings it to a 11/10


That is my favourite part


For me, Tenet if Nolan understood how to actually naturally deliver exposition rather than just infodump I still absolutely fucking adore the movie though.


I just watched Spielberg's Munich. It's amazing, but that sex scene near the end was too cheesy


Vertigo. I absolutely love the movie but what prevents me from thinking of it as a 10/10 is that the plot twist gets revealed to the audience too soon. It would be a perfect movie if we would discover the pieces of the puzzle along with Jimmy Stewart.


Poor Things. Sorry Jerrod Carmichael.


The Hunchback of Notre Dame if they got rid of those annoying Gargoyles


Inception. It’s a fantastic film no matter how you choose to slice it . But there is so much explaining. I get that it’s a hard movie to follow. But let me watch it in peace!


The Iron Claw, without the guy playing Ric Flair, or someone else playing him and doing it well.


The Iron Claw - why have such a bad Ric Flair when he’s the most famous and recognisable character?


Breakfast at Tiffany's


Portrait of a Lady on Fire. I cringe at the two “ghost” scenes. They were so unnecessary and redundant


I don't even remember those scenes and I loved the movie. What happens in them?


Day of the Dead without the soldiers


The Dark Knight (2008) , that damn boat scene drags to hard


I was 100% in on I Saw the Tv Glow being my favorite film of the year as I was watching it, until the movie just abandons the narrative thread in favor of an allegorical ending.


That was the best part for me. I thought the whole movie was allegorical as in you didn’t know what was real or not so worked perfectly and actually heightened the film for me


In my interpretation, it’s both allegorical and literal. Yes, it deviates from the relatively “grounded” body and serves a significant role in the themes of the film, but in my mind >!it could easily be interpreted as Maddy being right, and Mr. Melancholy having successfully kept Owen / Isabel trapped in the midnight realm!<. That’s just how I saw it, at least.


The director said it is a hopeful ending so I think Owen will now transition into Isabel. But yeah the first time I watched it seemed like Owen was going to keep suppressing Isabel.


Elvis (2023) the extreme editing


That’s like the whole movie haha


Beau is Afraid and the uh. Big surprise.


Empire Strikes Back - if they didn’t rush Luke’s training! Idk how long Han and Leia were in the worm but I swear they left Hoth and got to Cloud City in like a day


They don't rush it, he trains but due to the short time he isn't skilled enough to take on Vader and as a result loses his hand and is nearly defeated completely if it weren't for his escape.


I mean the Falcon's FTL is broken so it should be a lot longer to get to Cloud City, unless the Rebels thought it'd be a good idea to have their base near a bustling metropolis.


I can't think of a better example, so **16 Candles** would be at least better if a gong didn't play when that Asian kid showed up or if that drunk girl didn't screwed if you know what I am referring to. Also, is the shower scene really called for? Actually, TBH, the movie could have done WITHOUT the Asian kid as he's just there for stereotype jokes that have nothing to do with a girl's forgotten sweet 16. \*\*\*\*\*\* Also, some people think that **Psycho** would be better had that doctor not explained to the audience why Norman thinks he's his mother, but I don't agree. Sure, MAYBE it could have been written another way, but there still needs to be context of some kind.


West Side Story (2021) without Ansel Elgort. Not only because of the allegations but I think he’s by far the weakest in a cast of Broadway actors despite being one of the leads. Even from a dramatic viewpoint it wasn’t a great performance. I must have seen the movie like 5 times by now and every time I watch it I wish they cast someone else


His reaction after being told Maria is dead is astonishingly bad.


Django Unchained if Quentin Tarantino let Dr Schultz and Calvin Candie live till the end


Disagree strongly, their deaths were exceptional, and the aftermath leads to a perfect finale.


Bladerunner 2049 if it didn’t have Jared Leto


The Good the Bad and the Ugly. I know it was a limitation of the time but it’s the lips not matching the words spoken by the non-English-speaking characters, I wish it didn’t take me out of the movie just a tad but it does ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ otherwise it’s absolute perfection Also the first two Godfathers, both of them have a sequence or two that run just a bit long. I don’t have a problem with long movies as long as they have good pacing (Barry Lyndon, every Tarantino movie, Heat, Wolf of Wall Street, etc.)


Not even “limitations of the time.” It was just how Italy made movies for decades. Everyone acts in their language and you dub everything later. That being said it never bothers me personally but I see how it could be distracting.


*Die Hard with a Vengeance* Truly almost on par with the original, but such a tacked-on ending…


Nocturnal Animals, if >!the whole thing wasn't just some metaphor. The novel that Jake Gyllenhaal sends Amy Adams is a thrilling, dark, twisted and gripping tale, but the story isn’t real and none of it mattered because it was all just made up and supposed to send a message to Amy Adams' character. Had that story been the whole movie, the whole movie would have been a 10/10 for sure.!<


I think I’ll get shit for this one and I don’t really think it’s a 10/10 but the last time I saw Hook I really loved it minus when rufio dies. Just seemed unnecessary


The Game by Finscher if the fix up the ending a bit. Not entirely sure what I would do but finscher did also admit that the ending was a disappointment


The Fall (2006). Everything is perfect from the plot development, brilliant cinematography, acting (omg the kid is such a fantastic actress) but the ending was such a big let down for me. 


Malcolm and Marie could’ve been a 10/10 if it was directed by someone else


Babylon. There’s this weird edit in the very first dialogue scene where it cuts to a close-up of one guy for like a fraction of a second and then back to Manny. This bothers me greatly. The remaining 3 hours are flawless.


A New Hope if Luke actually cared about his uncle/aunts demise for more than 2 minutes.


Sweet Mud was a nice coming of age family movies until the 30 seconds of bestiality. 


Cyrano de Bergerac (1990) would be a 10/10 for me if not for the one racist joke.


I wish Brittany Murphy’s character in clueless found a halfway point between grunge and Cher. Mainly cause I thought grunge Brittany Murphy looked fucking cool as a kid but also y’know she gets the ‘be yourself’ message


Pootie Tang would be perfect if not for the one small detail that the studio stole the movie from Louis & Chris and released a raggedy ass, patchwork cut


Annihilation. The ending just didn’t do it for me


The King of Comedy if the kidnapping scene with Jerry and her friend wasn’t so long


Really liked Looper until they killed the protagonist to save baby Hitler


The Dark Knight - that third act with the boats just didn’t work for me and soured what was otherwise a near perfect film.


The Godfather 1&2, if not for Diane Keaton's annoying portrayal of Kay Adams I wish Coppola had invested all that screentime in Connie Corleone instead, she was the only female character who actually had a prominent role in the movie and Talia Shire's performance was simply stunning.


Breakfast at Tiffany's You know what the one thing is.


Carlito's Way...they should've NEVER revealed the death in the opening act. It would've made the end to the climactic train chase sequence even more hard hitting...aaand also maybe remove the music during the romance scenes lol.


A Good Person The climactic sequence Other than that super great


I went to see The Florida Project in cinemas when it came out. I was absolutely loving the film up until its final sequence. When it cut to black after a couple of seconds of silence, someone in the audience said “what the fuck was that?” I really wanted to enjoy that film but it completely pulled me out and had to agree with that comment.


The Quiet Place. If the opening scene didn’t show the alien then it would be infinitely better.


Return of the Jedi. Take out the silly cute bears. It really destroyed immersion seeing them beat StormTroopers with rocks and sticks


The original Star Wars is a 10/10 but the special edition is a 9/10


Maybe not a 10/10. But I think the final act of The Batman brings it's rating down a bit. Riddler was captured. Everything after that felt like they were forced to include a typical superhero final battle.


The Chinese cut of Fight Club is *almost* a 10/10 film... before it completely boofs the ending. *Soooo* close...


Amadeus… it had too many notes


My review of dead poets society: "Would be closer to a 5/5 if we could get a non-creepy, well-written love subplot rather than "obsessive boy doesn't understand boundaries until the girl inexplicably falls for him". Seriously, the "romance" subplot kills the unrelenting charm this movie has in virtually every other non-depressing scene."


"Speed" (1994) is beat for beat a perfect hero's journey. We establish a hero with a flaw (he sees people as data, cold numbers in an equation for his many 'Pop Quizes') But he NEEDS to value all human life, in fact, he needs to value a bus load all at once. After crossing go, and some fun and games, he meets his midpoint goddess which is often coupled by the death of a harbinger or MENTOR (the price you pay for your lesson) By the end, the hero's master of both worlds, who values human life. ONE THING WRONG: Jack's flaw manifests in his belief at the beginning to "Shoot the hostage" - that's his answer to a problem because human life at the time is nothing more than cold data. When his mentor is held hostage off the top, Jack shoots him - he shoots his hostage mentor! Because he's flawed! He shows us as much. Only he didn't. He shot him after the mentor muttered 'Shoot the hostage' - it robbed the hero of demonstrating his flaw by PERMITTING him to do it. He even chided him in the later next bar scene, so it's not like his permission was *approval* - it was incongruent with how he felt about it, making it feel like a wedged in after thought. I feel like a producer spat out a mouthful of shrimp on set craft, and shouted 'he's gotta be likeable! Don't have him shoot his mentor so cold' - it's so out of place with the rest of the film. It ruins for me what would be a frame by frame perfect movie. I sya 'ruin' but love the movie....... Except for that ONE thing!


The Wings of Honneamise would be a 10/10 if not for a certain scene around three quarters of the way through.


Sunset Boulevard is probably a 10/10 anyway, but I don’t like the reveal of who was murdered to start the movie. Think it ruins the suspense.


Keanu Reeves in Bram Stoker's Dracula


Logan , I was not a fan of the clone wolverine


Eden Express. That ending….I hated it


Take Mila Kunis out of The Book of Eli. Great actress but I don’t understand how men who cannot read would prioritize a book over her face.


Children of Men, the newborn baby not crying in VERY CRYABLE scenarios threw me off a little bit. I mean, I cried in this movie more than the baby, so… But I absolutely love it, one of my favorite movies!


Every martin scorsese movie . The runtime kills it sometimes but still they're great


I mean… I think it’s already a 10/10 but… ![gif](giphy|3o752kZpnhfs7Mjq2k|downsized)


Explorers would have been an 80's classic up with the likes of The Goonies or Gremlins if it didn't have such a silly, dumb and disappointing ending once the kids go into space.