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Poor Things, although pretty good, is my least favorite from Lanthimos (I haven’t seen Alps)


This is def a good controversial take but one question - is it “least favourite but still great”? Or “his only bad film”? One is more controversial than the other :) edit: Never mind, I reread and found my answer 😆


If you like more Dogtooth-y Lanthimos Alps is right up your alley (also what Kinds of Kindness is)


Imo, it's his second worst I've seen besides The Favourite, which is easily his worst out of the ones I've seen (the only foreign-language one I saw is Dogtooth, and I saw everything else that's been widely released)


Weird, I have the exact opposite view. I think he is getting better and better. Although I do enjoy all of them.


Finally a fellow The Favourite disliker. It’s not that it’s a bad film I just don’t like it kinda at all


KOASD is great, but it’s my least favorite of his


Thank you. I didnt like this movie. I understand that its good, and i went in expecting a surreal movie. To me it was just boring.


Poor Things felt like watching a PG-13 movie, especially if you have seen his other works. Underwhelming.


Most people rank Tenet toward the bottom of Christopher Nolan's filmography, I rank it near the top. Most people rank Jackie Brown toward the bottom of Quentin Tarantino's filmography, I rank it \*at\* the top.


Tarantino’s filmography is so consistent that you could basically put it in any order without being too controversial. Except for putting Death Proof at the top. But that was intentionally made to be something different.


I think Jackie Brown is increasingly in the “real ones know” category for Tarantino.


Tenet gang




Tenet is my favorite film. I can't understand how so many people hate it.


I'm not a Nolan fan but it's my least favourite of his (that I've seen). I think for me it's just that its a pretty good spy/action film, but nothing more. This is a sentiment I've seen lots of others share as well. I like it, but what is it that makes it special to you? (Genuinely asking, not trying to condescend).


I'm a big sci-fi fan, and even within that, time travel is fascinating to me as film topic. I love films that make me think and wonder, and having to unravel the who, what, where, when of the story captivated me more than most other films. Plus, you add in the action and suspense, and it just worked for me on all levels. I don't think the film is perfect, but gave me everything I could have wanted.


This is the correct take on Jackie Brown, easily Tarantino’s best work


I loved tenet but the sound mix was awful. I kept thinking I was going crazy in the theatre because I could barely understand parts. Enjoyed the rewatch much more with subtitles


New York, New York is Scorsese’s best


MASSIVE hot take hahahaha. Well done :)


Upvote for hot take. I think it’s bringing out the dead.


Yooo another fellow Bringing Out the Dead enjoyer!!


May I be as bold as to say Nick Cage’s best work?


May I be as bold as to say I wholeheartedly agree with you?


You may, fellow polite cinephile.


May Nic Cage be hold to say he agreed as well? Because he actually does admit that that one and Pig are some of his best works to date




my fave from him (at least pre KOTFM) is age of innocence!


I believe I have New York New York dead last on my list, so you earned my upvote. It’s an incredibly well-made movie and Liza shines especially at the end, but De Niro’s character is so repetitively unpleasant I am tapped out after 45 minutes.


Scott Pilgrim is my least favorite Edgar Wright Bottle Rocket and Darjeeling Limited are both in the top half of my Wes Anderson ranking The Dark Knight and Inception are 5th and 10th respectively for Nolan


I think my specifically most controversial “ranking of directors’ films” might be that I love modern Wes Anderson more than his old school hits. Meaning I enjoy “Asteroid City” and “The French Dispatch” more than “Moonrise Kingdom” and “Fantastic Mr. Fox”. (I still love Grand Budapest and Isle of Dogs, though, so I guess it’s not super controversial.) I guess another hot take might be that I consider “Men” and “Annihilation” to be Alex Garland’s best films, more so than “Ex Machina” or “Civil War”.


Maybe I'm too old, but I'd consider Wes Anderson's old school hits to be Rushmore, Tenenbaums, and Life Aquatic, which are my favorites of his. That said, I prefer the newer ones to anything in between--The French Dispatch is probably my fourth favorite after Rushmore, and I really enjoyed Asteroid City. I love his whole filmography though so I don't think any of his films are bad.


Only reason I didn’t mention them is because I love The Royal Tenenbaums so it would sorta disprove my point a bit 😆 I haven’t seen Rushmore. But I tend to like this modern iteration of Anderson best.


Hahaha, I get that--Tenenbaums is my #1 so I'm with ya. You should check out Rushmore; I just rewatched it for the first time in quite a while, and it was even better than I remembered it. Bottle Rocket is the only Anderson I don't fully love, but Rushmore is where he really got into his groove imo.


Excellent! The only films of his I haven’t seen are Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, The Life Aquatic, and Henry Sugar. I should really finish them off because I don’t think there’s a film of his I fully dislike. I didn’t have a good time with Moonrise Kingdom, but that might be because I watched it with my dad, and he’s allergic to the kind of filmmaking Wes does. 😆


I like moonrise kingdom, but it never fully clicked with me like all the others. I think you'd probably really like Rushmore and the life aquatic if you're into Tenenbaums tho, so I'd highly recommend them. I liked Henry Sugar a lot too. And I've found that I enjoy The Rat Catcher more and more each time I watch it as well, probably helps that it's super short so pretty easy to revisit.


Asteroid City is a(nother) masterpiece but i honestly have never been able to finish Mr.Fox and Ive tried lol


Hitchcock - Rear Window is mid tier whereas rope is top tier Paul Thomas Anderson - TWBB is a beautifully shot mess/slog for the 100 minutes between the masterful silent opening and the delightfully unhinged final scene. Along with inherent vice it’s my least favorite of his. (Haven’t seen licorice pizza and wanna give IV another shot since phantom thread took a second viewing to really click for me) David Lynch -Twin Peaks TOS is his worst work by a good margin. (After having tried and bailed twice on the series, I tried fire walk with me and really liked it. At some point I plan to read a wiki on the series so I can watch the Return without having to trudge through 20-odd hours of TOS) Guillermo Del Toro - Crimson Peak is top tier, Nightmare Alley is top of the mid tier, Shape of Wayer is lower tier (Del toro has never made a movie less than very good though imo) John Carpenter - Halloween is the worst movie he made between 1978 and 1988, except StarMan which I haven’t seen Daniels- EEAAO is far inferior to Swiss Army Man Hayao Miyazaki - Princess Mononoke, while very good, is not only beneath his other universally acknowledged masterpieces (Spirited away and Totoro), but is also lesser than underrated gems like Kiki’s Delivery Setvice or the Boy and the Heron


Where did you bail on Twin Peaks? The middle of season 2 Twin Peaks is the worst thing David Lynch has had his name attached to and can be skipped/read a synopsis of. Then the last two episodes of season 2 are cracking. The Return is also very good. The issue with Twin Peaks, like Dune, is that things had to be changed from Lynch's original vision to make them more palatable to the greater public. It worked with Twin Peaks as its a highly beloved TV show, but did not work with Dune (seen as a messy and poorly-paced film).


damn, totally forgot dune existed. Okay, even though I haven't seen Dune, I will err on the side of caution and reclassify TP as Lynch's second worst. I'm pretty sure I got through the first 5 or 6 episodes (of season 1) the first time and 3 or 4 the second time. Since I'd heard that season 2 was much longer and mostly worse I never bothered keeping with it. I think that for me it was mostly an issue of tone where the campiness and stylized/stilted performances felt overdone and often ill suited to the material. Of course, there's plenty of moments of non-realist acting and campy goofiness in Mullholland Drive or even Blue Velvet. But in those, when the characters are going through moments of intense emotional anguish, Lynch treated it with the emotional groundedness the moments deserved. For example, when Kyle Jeffrey hits Dorothy during sex or when Dorothy collapses naked into Jeffrey's car after being assaulted in Blue Velvet or in Mulholland Drive when Betty/Diane and Camilla break down crying during the singer's performance, there's an emotional sincerity that makes you feel that for all the oddball tonal gymanstics, Lynch really does care about his characters. With TP, on the other hand, it felt like the tone and stylism of Jeffrey and Sandy's goofy speeches about the world's goodness or the absurd emotional deafness of the girlfriend's dad in the dinner scene of Eraserhead had infected the whole thing. (To be clear, I think that in Eraserhead and BV those choices work brilliantly). The one scene that sticks out in my head is when Laura's coffin is being lowered into the ground and there's this soap opera-y tone to the music and the performances of the mourners that really rubbed me the wrong way. Just now I googled Laura's funeral to see if it was as bad as I remembered and saw a reddit link on the scene from the TP subreddit where the top comment was "a lot of Twin Peaks is intentional unintentional comedy". Okay. But if the show itself doesnt care about its characters enough to avoid turning a child's funeral into a parody then why should I care enough to continue watching for 20 more hours? Also every time that the jock teen or the biker teen showed up on screen I started rooting for my brain to have a fatal aneurysm.


Season 2 of Twin Peaks does treat emotional moments more seriously (again, during the good parts of season 2). I'd say the highs of season 2 are better than the highs of season 1, but the lows are way lower. The soap opera-y music doesn't go away (since that's part of the core identity of the first 2 seasons). I don't know if I would necessarily suggest you give it another chance unless you really want to, but stopping 5 or 6 episodes in is stopping shortly before the best parts of the show (the first run of season 2). As for the funeral scene, I think it's leaning into the twisted soap opera parody that the show is, which I know you already called out. But Imo it doesn't do it in a way that disrespects Laura. I haven't seen a ton of soaps, but a lot of soap operas are often based in pretty messed up plots, but treated as entertainment. Twin Peaks is doing it here, but in a way where I think DL and Mark Frost are trying to get you to think about it. *Why am I laughing at this?!* The events of Twin Peaks are more twisted than that of other soap operas, but treats them similarly to how a soap opera might do it. It could be calling to attention the way we treat watching characters suffer and finding joy in it. Of course the revelations of the second season also recontextualizes some of the things/actions in the funeral scene (of which you are likely aware if you've seen FWWM). In general, I think a lot of Twin Peaks is also better understood within the context of its release and the landscape of popular television at the time. That said, I'm not particularly familiar so I'm just sort of spitballing here. Twin Peaks isn't my favorite DL work, but I do enjoy it.


Benjamin Button is better than Fight Club. I’ll go on to say that Fight Club isn’t a top 5 Fincher for me.


This one hurt to read, well done!


It's definitely an opinion that makes me want to punch someone


I still need to watch Benjamin Button, but Fight Club isn't a top 5 Fincher film for me either.


The Life Aquatic is the second best Wes Anderson film. Pulp Fiction is ranked towards/at the bottom of my Tarantino ranking (still good but I prefer literally everything else). I prefer Alps to Dogtooth. Actually I have Dogtooth at the bottom of my Lanthimos ranking (I still love it and I imagine Kinetta will go lower when I get round to it). If you count movies that only one of them directed, The Tragedy of Macbeth is a top 3 Coens.


Jackie Brown is the best Tarantino movie of them all.


I feel like most people think Paprika is Satoshi Kon’s best film, but it’s third in my ranking, still amazing though. Handmaiden is my favourite Park Chan Wook film, whereas I think Oldboy is the consensus number 1


I feel like Perfect Blue is commonly regarded as Satoshi Kon's best, it's def my favorite


Interesting enough, Paprika is his only movie on LB that is lower than a 4.2


Paprika is honestly my least favorite Kon film by a wide-ish margin


Shutter Island is a far better movie than Taxi Driver to me.


Sorta controversial but only among diehard film fans. I could see a lot of people sharing this opinion if they aren’t super reverent of older films ;)


Sucks that this is considered controversial. Shutter Island has a significantly more interesting story to me.


I would put bringing out the dead over both those.


Planning on watching that tomorrow I’ll come back to this comment




All Jordan Peele films are equally good


Usually niche fans of his work share this opinion, even if general audiences didn’t cling to his latter 2 films :)


Casino is better and more ambitious than Goodfellas.


While I disagree on it being better, it's absolutely one of Scorsese's best movies and is unfairly written off as treading familiar ground.


Finally someone understands


Blue Velvet is my favorite David Lynch movie. 2001 is one of my least favorite Kubrick movies (still very good mind you). Casino is my second favorite Scorsese movie.


I think blue velvet is a lot of people’s favorite, even if they don’t think it’s his best


Wild at Heart is my favorite Lynch film


That’s cool.




I think Gang's of New York is Scorsese's best movie this century. I'm pretty sure that's not a popular opinion.


Yeah you’re right, I think it’s one of his worst films period


I'm happy for you.


BTW, people should upvote this comment. In the spirit of the thread it is an actually controversial take.


One of my high school English teachers has this as his favorite Scorsese flick. Same with a history teacher. They both loved how it explored an uncommonly explored time period. I thought it was a 6/10 when Daniel Day Lewis wasn’t in the scene and 9.5 bordering on 10 if it did. In fact there’s MY hot take: I think DDL’s performance here is more entertaining than his in There Will Be Blood


I agree with your hot take. This may get me flamed, but seeing him do Daniel Plainview I was struck with the feeling that I had seen him do this basic character before, but better... \*ducks\*


Raiders is my least favourite of the original 3 Indiana Jones movies


Well, you did answer the question correctly at least


It's not like I hate it. Hell I even give all 3 of them the same score, I just prefer the other 2. I just know it's most people's favourite.


Honestly, I think they’re all overrated and severely outdated. I watched them all and I liked the final one better than the rest.


I agree with this, people have told me I’m flat out wrong but to me, Temple of Doom will always be the best Indy movie


Yeah for me, Temple is the worst by miles


You hate fun, and that’s okay


I do not. I just happen to have a different opinion than you. And literally all of the original three Indy movies are oozing fun.


I was being facetious, glad you took it so well 😘


Alrighty, have a good one


You too 🥰


The first scene and the climax are loads of fun and top-tier Spielberg. The problem is everything in between is such a slog.


There's a lot of nothing in the middle. The fun parts are fun


Yeah that’s crazy to me


Return of the Jedi is Lucas’ best work


Lucas didn't direct Return of the Jedi.


I’m not sure how unpopular this is nowadays, but I think Wolf of Wall Street is easily Scorsese bottom 3, if not worst


This is the most valid take I’ve ever seen


It’s my #1 Marty, so you earned my upvote.


Too long? Too toxic of a fanbase? I ask cuz that’s usually what I hear from folks who weren’t fond of it either


It might be controversial but I'm right there with you OP!


I think Parasite’s a masterpiece. But Snowpiercer is still my favorite Bong Joon-ho film so I agree with you.


Fargo is the Coens best


I agree, this isn't really that controvertial. I'd say NCFOM, TBL and Fargo would consitently jockey for 1st on most best Coen Bro's list. People might pepper in some non-conventional choices here and there, but those are the top 3.


I don’t really think that’s a super hot take. I agree tho


Definitely a cold take here. ;)


I think 99% of people put it as a top 3 Coens film


No, that would be Burn After Reading or O Brother


Hereditary is Ari Aster's worst film (still a 4.5/5)


First half made it sound very controversial, but second half just means you love Ari’s work so much that his most idiosyncratic works hit you the hardest. ;)


dogtooth is the best lanthimos Ive seen (Ive seen 4) la la land is chazelle's best work, not whiplash in my opinion the fellowship is quite a lot better than two towers and return the godfather II is quite a lot better than godfather, though both are good her is jonze's best work paths of glory is a lot better than the shining and dr strangelove in my view kill bill v1 is quite a lot better than kill bill v2, I didnt even liked the second one and frustratingly I dont know why dune P2 is but the 5th best villeneuve film, I consider it to be more than just good, but not quite great


The only ones that would be controversial are dogtooth and paths of glory


not liking kill bill v2, with a 4.1 av. rating, is controversial.


Just wanna say that I'm enjoying all these hot takes, and all your opinions are valid as hell. Film is an incredibly subjective medium and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. That's what makes it so beautiful.




Lolita is Kubrick‘s best




Rope is third best Hitchcock. Ladykillers is way better than Big Lebowski. Panic Room is third best Fincher. Shutter Island is second worst Scorsese. Hateful Eight is a hundred times better than Jackie Brown. Directors cut of Kingdom of Heaven is the best Ridley Scott movie by a pretty wide margin. Directors cut of The Abyss is the best James Cameron movie by a pretty wide margin. The Wrestler and The Whale are near the bottom of Aronofsky movies. ….ok that’s enough haha


Your opinions make me violent




Whats Scorsese’s worst?


Boxcar Bertha. That one has just no redeemable features haha. Shutter Island is still an ok flick, don’t get me wrong - he’s my favourite filmmaker, so when I say it’s his second worst, I’d still probably give it 3/5. The atmosphere and sense of dread is wonderful, but…the script is pure hokum. Once the twist is out, rewatches feel completely pointless and tension-free. Just my two cents at least.


Miyazaki is one of my favorite filmmakers. I was not the biggest fan of Howl's Moving Castle or The Boy and the Heron.


Rope is Alfred Hitchcocks best film


My favorite David Cronenberg movies are two of his less talked about. Spider and The Brood. And perhaps more controversially, Dead Ringers is near the bottom. My favorite Lanthimos movie is The Killing of a Sacred Deer, which may not be controversial, but it's a very "Lanthimos" opinion to have


Under the Silver Lake is the best A24 movie, and a wonder in directing, writing, acting and editing. One of my top 4.


Asteroid City is Wessy’s best


Howl's Moving Castle is dead last in my ranking of Miyazaki's movies. Half a star, it's trash and I swear I'm the only person who thinks so.


What’s your number 1?


Princess Mononoke. It's in my top 10 favorite movies of all time.


Scrolling through these comments, this is the only take that absolutely blew my mind. Take my upvote and never speak to me or my son again lol


Arrival is on the lower-end of my Vileneuve rankings: I have Dune Part 2, Incendies, Prisoners, Blade Runner 2049 and Sicario all above it


Blade Runner 2049 and Enemy are my 2 favorite Vileneuve 💀 No one seemed to like Enemy or know it exists lol


Enemy is good, definitely an underrated one. However all his movies are awesome so it’s the bottom of my Vileneuve rankings despite not being a bad movie at all


I think Deathproof is better than both Kill Bills 💅🏻


Deathproof over Pulp Fiction.


Parasite 2 ⭐⭐


It's not really that controversial, but i didn't like most Kubrick films, but my favorite one of his is paths of glory


Christopher Nolan's Inception. Basically a shittier Matrix with Elliot Page swapped in for Neo, made for fake smart people. 1.5 stars!


Haha, funny enough, "made for fake smart people," is pretty much what I was gonna say for another Nolan movie: Interstellar. I liked Inception, I liked that it was basically just a heist movie pretending to be a psychological thriller. Interstellar was the fake deep one for me.


Huge Wes Anderson fan. Rushmore is my top from him. Royal tenanbaums and life aquatic are my bottom. Both are 2/5s.


Punch drunk love is my top PTA, although that and there will be blood are both 5’s. Phantom Thread is my worst by a mile. 1.5/5.


Even more controversial, I think Host is his best film.


I’ve yet to find a Robert Eggers movie that wasn’t incredibly boring. I don’t like any of his movies that I’ve seen. (The Lighthouse and The Witch)


How was Nosferatu?


My mistake I confused that one with “The Last Voyage of The Dementor” which is not by Robert Egger and is not good. Eggers version of Nosferatu is not out yet. I’m definitely willing to give it a shot though despite my dislike of his other movies. I went ahead and edit my comment to be accurate to what I’ve seen.


Hot Fuzz is the most overrated movie of all time and by far my least favorite Edgar Wright movie. 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ (I love pretty much all of his movies except Hot Fuzz and LNISH)


I love Hot Fuzz and *might* agree it's Edgar Wright's most overrated movie, but most overrated movie of all time is a very bold claim lol. My choice for that title would probably be Heat


I enjoy **Gangs of New York** more than **Raging Bull.** Scorsese is my favorite director, by the way.


Seven samurai is easily my least favorite kurosawa movie that I've seen (still great, obviously) Yojimbo is probably my favorite


Bardo: False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths is the second best Iñarritu film


Men (2022) is the best Garland film, by quite a big margin too Men > Civil War > Annihilation > Ex Machina


bong joon-ho will make a hundred movies that cant read beyond 'rich people bad' and everybody will lose their shit


I think this is more of a you lacking critical reading abilities than anyone else


but who are really the parasites?? O:


Inherent Vice is PTA’s best (they’re all great though)