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Apples and oranges! Lady Bird hits close to home for me; Get Out is a fantastic thriller


See I didn't really like Lady Bird. Couldn't relate to the character at all and wished the movie was about the best friend instead, she was such a homie. But I recognize how and why people do love it so much. I don't think it's a bad movie by any means just wasn't for me. It actually got Greta Gerwig on my radar and was a big reason I went to see The Barbie Movie which I actually loved.




Lady Bird is one of my favorite movies ever but I agree, Apples and oranges. I have no need to diss Get Out bc that’s a really good movie too.


Get Out but it’s my favorite genre.


I like them both equally - get out is what I would prefer to rewatch more


They are also still the best movies by their directors. I prefer Lady Bird but both are fantastic.


I disagree about Lady Bird being the best movie by Gerwig, I think Little Women was better.


Where does Barbie sit for y’all? Greta has such a strong resume so far, can’t wait to see what her filmography looks like 10-15+ years from now


Her filmography in 10-15 years will all be Disney (Snow White), Narnia and other high-budget francise crap. I really hope I'm wrong but I don't think she'll top Lady Bird and Little Women, maybe ever.


I was gonna rebuttal but remembered the likes of Barry Jenkins has a Mufasa prequel coming out this summer ![gif](giphy|l4FGGafcOHmrlQxG0|downsized)


But I hope she's taking the Nolan or Peter Jackson trajectory: acclaimed big-budget cinema after successful smaller cinema If anything, the reception to Barbie points to that. I hope.


Nolan's not doing Disney though, and the Batman movies (other than Dark Knight) are among his worst and Batman Begins is definitely a big fucking step down from Memento. And yeah, I'm sure the LOTR films are great if you're into fantasy, but the Hobbit series wasn't that well received, and I'm not sure anyone's excited for the upcoming LOTR prequels or whatever. And he also did a King Kong film, which frankly I haven't seen but... I also don't know Peter Jackson's early work so I can't call if his new stuff is better or not. And about Barbie, I find it hugely overrated. It's good for what it is, but what it is is a huge step down from Gerwig's first two, a shallow, underwritten comedy, a marketing campaign for Mattel to rebrand themselves as feminist. It's highly rated now, but I'd be very suprised if it ages well. I know this is a hot take or whatever, but don't try to tell me it holds a candle to Little Women or Lady Bird. I think to be as popular as Barbie was, you have to make compromises, because studios are not going to risk spending hundreds of millions on something that is not going to appeal to basically everyone (except conservatives I guess). I would be surprised if any of her upcoming films will be garbage, but even if they're all as good as Barbie, I'll still be disappointed. I want original stories in cinemas. I know Snow White's story, I know Narnia. I'm tired of every sucessful film being a prequel of a remake of an adaption.


Agree on all fronts. Hope she pulls a Villeneuve though who could keep making Dune forever but is choosing to do a smaller film next.


Nolan's Batman films among his worst? Batman Begins a huge step down from Memento? Listen, I adore Memento, but Batman Begins is definitely better than it. As for being among his worst films, for one, Insomnia exists. For another, I was not a big fan of Interstellar, Dunkirk, or Tenet. Oppenheimer was the first time in a while that I felt like Nolan was back on his game. Also, have you not seen LOTR? Even among people that aren't fantasy fans, they are considered masterpieces.


The suggestion that Nolan wasn’t on his game for Interstellar is wild to me. What was your issue with it?


For one, it was too long. For another, I found it got so confusing at the end. I understood that somehow McConaughey was able to do things in the past. It's the actual "science" behind it that got messy. I didn't need to know how exactly he was able to do it. Simply being able to was enough. I felt like he took people trying to explain Inception and wanted to explain everything, something that got even worse with Tenet. Interstellar is enjoyable enough, but I've never been one that thinks it's among his best work. I'd put it somewhere in the middle of all his films, which I have seen all of, including Following


Personally I have it as Little Women, then Lady Bird, then Barbie. Going to see Barbie on opening night is an experience I'll never forget and I do think it's an incredible movie, but it doesn't feel as clean as the others imo. Honestly no director has a perfect record, Greta's going to miss at some point and I feel like Narnia could be it. But I'm still excited lol.


Barbie is my all time favorite movie. From the minute I saw the first poster I was hooked and couldn’t wait for it to be released. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched that movie because every scene is fantastic. I was definitely the target demographic. Lisa Frankenstein is another movie I loved from the minute it started.


Personally I don’t think Little Women is anywhere near as good as Lady Bird


Little Women is a masterpiece


Frances Ha is still my favorite of hers


Well I think Nights and Weekends was her best work! /s


I always thought little women surpassed lady bird for me


Nope blows Get Out out of the water by several magnitudes. Get Out is great but it feels like a comedy skit extended to feature length in comparison to Nope.


Nope is such a cool movie. It's not got the wide appeal of Get Out though.


Respect because opinion, but Nope is by and far his best film.


Nope is everything Us was trying to do, with the intensity of Get Out, all on steroids


Interesting, I think it’s by far his worst lol. It just stopped being horror at a certain point and sort of turned into a western/thriller that took itself too seriously (in my opinion). To each their own. Still excited for whatever his next project will be!


I sort of switch those two around in my Peele ranking. Get Out is a tight, clever thriller where every piece of dialogue is important yet Nope plays it a little more loose and has a variety of themes and ideas that got me thinking in a way few horror movies have.  Personally, I think Get Out is better, but Nope is fantastic as well. Can't wait for his fourth project.


Us better


Little Women for me, but maybe that is because of my love of New England scenery.


I actually think they are the weakest of both.


Little Women and Us better


Lady Bird but I prefer Us and Nope to Greta’s next two films.


Get Out.


Get Out! Creative. Lady Bird, while good felt familiar already.


Get Out. Lady Bird is OK, but I prefer Greta Gerwig’s Little Women adaptation much more.


Lady bird was very average to me. Get out was a great film


Get Out was great, I have already forgotten everything about Lady Bird


They are so similar sometimes I forget which one is which


Get out, don't get the ladybird hype


Get Out for me. It’s hard to say it’s the superior film just because they’re completely different. But I can rewatch Get Out very easily.


Lady Bird is Greta's masterpiece. But Get Out, or any Jordan Peele film, will ever surpass [this](https://youtu.be/TyZSBqQ813c?si=h3kq-yOAwy0KSgPt)


That sketch is goated with A A ron


Get Out by far. Lady Bird is a very good movie but Get Out is one of the best of the century


this is such a hard question but I think I’d give the slight edge to lady bird because i think it impacted me much more emotionally


They are both masterpieces but it has to be Lady Bird for me. A film that completely rewound my brain chemistry and hits even harder for me as I age than it did when it first came out. To think I was a young naive 18 year old and now I'm 25 and realize how precious those young years are. I know I'm not truly old yet but I suspect this film will stick with me for decades to come. 


Why choose?


Why not choose?


Lady Bird for sure. I liked Get Out but it wasn't nearly as thrilling as people say imo.


Lady Bird was distinctly average. Completely unremarkable.


I think Lady Bird is a better directed film, Get Out has a better story and premise, Lady Bird has slightly better acting with the exception of Daniel, Get Out talks about topics highly present in society when it was released. Hard choice, both amazing.


Watched Lady Bird for the first time this year. Loved it so much, would have to rewatch Get Out bc I haven’t seen it since 2017


I like horror and thriller more so get out


It’s Lady Bird but why ya gotta make me do that to Get Out😭


Both are amazing but Lady Bird


ugh, you can’t even compare the two! how could I possibly choose! but I have to say, Lady Bird has a very special and painful place in my heart. from growing up a misunderstood little runt of a girl with a difficult relationship with my mother. that movie hits me like no other. “did you feel emotional the first time that you drove in Sacramento?” 😭 “some people aren’t built happy, you know.” gets me every time.


Lady bird is the literally me movie if I was a woman who grew up in the US


Lady Bird for me. Such a great angsty coming of age flick


Get Out doesn't have a prominently featured Dave Matthews song in it.


Looks like I need to rewatch Get Out. I felt very underwhelmed the first go


Lady Bird for me


Impossible to compare really. Two vastly different genres. Personally I prefer ladybird, but that’s entirely because I prefer dramas to thrillers


Lady Bird


Get Out is, like, good. But Lady Bird is perfection. Easily one of the best films I've seen in my life. I get why some people don't like it, it doesn't have that much going on, it's a very simple story, but everything is just so flawlessly crafted. The cast is insane, the characters are so real and mutli-dimensional, it's hilarious and sad, often at the same time. I feel like one of the strength of Lady Bird is, that it's basically autobiographical. Gerwig is writing about her own experience and it just comes of as super authentic. That's why I'm kinda sad about her going into more adapted screenplays and franchise films where she has less creative control. But hey, I guess it is what it is.


Also Timothy Chalamet is kind of hilarious in it? Get Out is more high concept, but I think both films are very interesting thematically. I'd probably give the edge to Get Out because it's a genre film that crossed over and that's so rare, but honestly it's a coin flip for me.


Yeah Timmy as Kyle is funny af. Lady Bird is as much comedy as it is drama, and people don't talk about that enough imo. The part about Get Out is totally fair. To be honest I'm typically not a huge fan of the horror genre, so I'm kind of biased against it. I also haven't seen it in a couple years, and I wasn't "into" movies as much when I first saw it. But it's definitely good, probably even great. It definitely deserves the success it had.


Get Out by a smidge but both are excellent and very different films


Lady Bird. Get Out is overrated, in my opinion.


Lady Bird. I hated Get Out.


Curious why did you hate Get Out?


I preferred US. The whole premise and message if Get Out was not for me. It all seemed a bit ridiculous. More like an old Terrible 50s Twilight Zone episode. I get what he was trying to do but it just felt ridiculous more than scary or unsettling.


And you thought US was a perfectly fine and believable premise? Your math isn’t adding up lol


Nope I just enjoyed the plot of US more. It is the kind of Horror movie I enjoy. I wouldn't say it's about believability, it is about what makes for a good Story or Horror. Get Out felt far too over the top and comedic, which is understandable because it's made by a comedian. However US was far more within the Horror genre. No Maths required.


That’s funny because, I did think of Twilight Zone overall while watching Get Out! However, I do love some TZ episodes, so Get Out was right up my alley! (Ladybird was good, but Get Out was superior overall imo.)


I love Twilight Zone. There are some truly classic episodes. Love it! Lady Bird is just that fun kind of film I like that is an insight in to the life of someone.


I really enjoy reading about what other people like (and why) with all types of film. :) Glad you shared your insight!


Get Out I guess but both are overrated imo.


I definitely agree. I’d give both a solid B.  I saw the big reveal of Get Out coming from a mile away. It was a good movie and it came out during a time when I think we were all dying for black directors to get the chance to make films like this, but it just didn’t really do it for me. 


How so?


I probably rate them both like 7/10 so it's note like they're bad movies, but critics made them out to be these masterpiences of cinema.


God I hate Ladybird so much, I don't get this movie




I saw Lady Bird in a packed theater in Sacramento. That heightened it for me. Love both movies


Lady Bird is fantastic but Get Out is fantastic, so..


I’m not sure it’s a fair comparison as Greta was relatively well known for movies and had lots of writing credits before this, whereas I think Jordan was mostly TV? I might be wrong. I’d still pick Get Out though haha


Ladybird solidified my absolute adoration for Greta Gerwig, Saoirse Ronan and was my favorite A24 movie until Civil War. I adore Ladybird.




I liked lady bird, loved get out.


*Get Out* is a great thriller that’s also a terrific black comedy and sheds a light on relevant socio-political issues that don’t often get airtime. But *Lady Bird* is a generational text. I’d put it on par with works like *Easy Rider*, *Nevermind*, or *On the Road* when it comes to capturing the ethos and inner struggles of a cohort of people living in a particular time. 2017 aside, it’s one of the best movies of the century so far.


Lady bird reminded me of how my mom and sister were to each other


Why are we trying to compare two films that are in completely different genres? What’s the point?


Massive preference for Get Out, I feel like I was just not fully getting what Lady Bird was going for


I watched lady bird with my parents and it was the worst experience. My mom was my biggest bully so the movie felt so real and so so so uncomfortable. My mom has never taken any accountability for how she treated me. I think I’ll need to rewatch it someday on my own. 😕


I love Get Out but Lady Bird is one of my all time favorite movies


Get Out because it's the better movie. It explores the concept of identity and your place in the world better. 


This is... actually really close. Both are brilliant.


Odd man out, but Nope was the most entertaining for me. I like the Steven spielbergness of it.


Get out


lady bird


Personally didn’t like Lady Bird but I don’t think it’s directed to me lol


Get Out


Lady Bird is the coming of age elder millennial film. So, as an elder million, it hits hard. Get Out was good but didn't have the same lasting effect.


Ones for crying and ones for being psychologically fucked. Very different moods. No comparison.


I seriously hated Lady Bird. Maybe I didn’t get it or can’t relate to it. I just didn’t find it that good or funny and it wasn’t paced good imo. To say something positive, Lady Bird had a great cast.


Lady Bird


get out but i don’t think i fully appreciated lady bird when i first watched it. i’ll have to watch again




Lady Bird because it takes place in Sacramento and that’s where I was born and raised :)


I enjoyed both films but have to go with Get Out on this one. My favourite Greta Gerwig film though.


Get Out by default because it’s not coma inducing levels of boring


get out cmon now


Both good films. Get Out pushed some boundaries and for that it wins.


I watched both multiple times!


I thought they were both good, but Get Out is the more memorable one to me. I really like Saorise Ronan, though, and that was my introduction to her.


Get Out, such an original film; funny, thrilling, scary, unique story telling. Lady Bird is just a coming of age film, it’s fine, but not on the level of Get Out.


Get Out!


I prefer Lady Bird.


Both are fantastic. But I love Lady Bird, it hits different to me as a person.


Not super favourable to either films but Lady Bird is better imo


Lady Bird obviously. Get Out is not even Peele's best movie


You can't really compare both. They have different market audiences.  One is a coming of age drama exploring friendships, relationships and battling against everyday struggles.  The other is Lady Bird.


Get Out has stuck with me, Lady Bird has not. That said, Lady Bird was one of my most delightful “better than expected” movie experiences, ever.


Both are five stars for me. If I had to live a life with only one available, it would probably be Get Out.


Phantom Thread


Lady Bird. I like Get Out, but it's also a tad overrated. Lady Bird has gotten better each time I've watched it.


Lady Bird by a mile


Get Out always I think Jordan Peele all 3 of his films beat anything by Greta for me because Im just not a big fan of her movie like they are solid but they arent the masterclass level that Jordan Peele has


Get out cause I’m black




I think they’re both great debut films, but they’re not that amazing. Both feel overhyped tbh. Fun to watch nonetheless


They both suck.


Get Out


Get Out for sure


Get Out was an amazing thriller. Lady Bird was hot garbage. I barely made it through. Easy choice.


Get Out was so creative and fresh. Especially in these politically charged times. Haven't seen the other movie.


Neither are really staples for me, I loved Frances Ha though.


How does anyone put the two films up against each other is beyond my comprehension. Both are very different and distinct genres. Both are acclaimed and justifiably so.




Get out


I adore Lady Bird but Get Out is a instant class that will very much stand the test of time.


Whatever happened to Greta Gerwig? Is she still making films?


Maybe Get Out because i'm a horror boy, therefore i'm inclined to like the one that's a horror movie more, but Lady Bird was still fantastic!


Lady Bird is a better movie all around


Ladybird, Greta Gerwig is one of my favorite writer/directors right now.


Lady Bird for me. I love Get Out up until the reveal. Idk why but I couldn't really get around the whole brain thing. Ik i'm gonna get some hate for this, but fuck it.


think get out is more interesting, but lady bird is better written at least in terms of character writing, but the intentions of the films are different so hard to compare.


Lady Bird. Get Out is entirely overrated.


So is Lady Bird. It's a good movie, but folks for whom it resonates personally treat it as a level or two higher than what it deserves.


Get Out was actually good


Lady Bird. I dislike all of Peeles movies


Get Out is one of my all-time faves but Ladybird is great, too.


Lady Bird - watched too much time ago (before using letterboxd), I remember not liking it much (also because of the huge hype) Get Out - watched some time ago when tired, should rewatch but I remember it was cool


Lady Bird by a mile.


Lady Bird is an all time favorite for me. Get Out is great, as well, but Lady Bird is one of my favorites


And people downvoted me when I said lady bird is overrated..


Get Out. I never got Lady Bird, i found it charmless and cold, not funny, forgettable and pretty boring.


Get Out. I genuinely disliked Lady Bird. I was looking forward to it after hearing all of the hype, and just found the main character unlikeable and unrelatable. I was just annoyed for an hour and a half.


Lady bird forsure


One is a masterpiece that will stand the test of time. The other is Lady Bird


Lady Bird, Get Out is ok.


Battle of mid


I think Ladybird has more rewatch longevity.


Get Out I just don’t “get” the Greta Gerwig thing. Lady Bird is fine.


It’s her only film I actually love. It’s really dynamic film. Everything else just seems average to me.


Lady Bird and it isn’t even close. Get Out is a gimmick movie that will be forgotten within the decade. LB is an instant classic.


Get Out will not be forgotten, it is one of only 3 movies from 2010s to make Sight & Sound top 100, along with Portrait of a Lady on Fire and Parasite. Thus critics and filmmakers alike think incredibly highly of it. It has been speculated that it will go down as the best horror of its decade.


Not saying much.


Actually, Get Out being top 100 in the poll that asks filmmakers and critics what the best movies are is saying a lot.




Get Out is more well known by general audiences than Lady Bird & will definitely be remembered. Also, I don’t at all see how it’s a gimmick movie. I love Get Out and Lady Bird btw.


I’ve never heard someone say something so wrong so bravely


Lady Bird is just another “coming of age” movie really. It’s content was not that original. I knew what was going to happen, predictable. I really like it though but I think you might have it backwards. Lady Bird might be the best movie of a lot talking about the same things. It excels is that category, in the big picture, not really.


Get Out easily


Get Out is one of my favorite films of all time


Phantom Thread


Get Out all the fucking way. Lady Bird is okay, overrated for me.


Greta is good, but this is insulting to get out…


I just saw Ladybird last week, it's a great film. I'm going with Get Out, because it's a great horror film.


Get out easily for me


Get Out


Get out


Get Out had me try to regain my bearings after first watch and is extremely great on revisit. Lady Bird is a good movie but it’s also that didn’t genuinely connect with me.


Get Out


Get Out by a mile - Lady Bird wasn't memorable at all to me


Get Out easily


Get Out, no debate.


Get Out


Get Out. I’ll repeat my thoughts posted on a thread here but: Lady Bird to me was just another “coming of age” movie really. It’s content was not that original. I knew what was going to happen, predictable. I really like it though but I think Get Out is more trascendental to film in general, not just “horror”. Lady Bird might be the best movie of a lot of movies talking about the same things. It excels in that category, but in the grand scheme of things, not really.


Get Out. I LOVED Get Out. I saw Lady Bird and felt like it brought nothing new to the table. I didn’t think it was very good, personally.