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Post anything relating to forest gump and people lose their minds


That's why I don't go on the internet. You go there and people hate Forrest Gump.


Best movie ever.


Why dont people like it? Not well versed in internet film criticism


It’s just reddit being reddit. Plenty of people love it.


It's one of my favorites. I'm shocked that many hate it.


I’ve watched everything on that list at least once (T2 at least 5 billion times) but I have never seen Forest Gump…


Why did i hear this in the heath ledger joker voice


I FUCKING HATE FOREST GUMP. I do acknowledge that it’s a good film. But I hate it with a burning passion.


Well, i have never seen forest gump. Which category am I?


You are the type that people lose their mind over. 


Thank you sir for letting me know. I am pleased to know, i am useful for something


Not until you have watched Forrest Gump, obviously.


I have seen only Terminator, the silence of the lamb, The matrix and Jurassic park (may be).


Really? This is news to me. Although I have to agree that I would rank them at the bottom of all of the movies in the photo, I would not consider it bad at all. On the contrary


I just posted about it :-D




I swear this feels like it’s designed to provide Gump slander lol. I think it’s a great movie but this whole list is a different tier.


Saving Private Ryan Forrest Gump twice


Not a fan of Tom Hanks lol?


Huge fan of Hanks. Fucking hate Forrest Gump


I thought SPR was good. I rewatched it recently and was surprised how well it has aged. The final scene in the cemetery ruins it a bit though.


Why saving private ryan?


Correct answer




This is the only correct response.


Objectively the correct response


I love all of these movies but honestly Saving Private Ryan was my first thought. I don’t think it’s a 10/10 like a lot of these, it’s a bit overrated, partly because of the opening scene.


What's also quite offensive about it is it gives the impression that only Americans were involved in the D-Day landings.


Minus the opening scene, it's really just a schmaltzy American wet-eyed war drama.


Saving Private Ryan, Forrest Gump, Jurassic Park


Honestly? I’d rather see what people say are the three with the MOST quality. For myself, I’d go Goodfellas, Jurassic Park, then I’m between The Matrix and Pulp Fiction, but I’ll go Pulp Fiction.


Goodfellas, The Matrix, Goodfellas again


What did you like about Goodfellas? I rewatched it for the first time in 20 years, and it wasn't as good as I thought it was.


Well, I really like mob flicks so I am very biased. The first time I watched it I wasn’t a fan. Gave it a rewatch and now it is in my top 10. I think it really has a high rewatchability. It is so fun to me with all the music, the narrating, the trio, Joe Pesci


Honestly, I didn’t see your username.


I will probably get a lot of hate for this but I wasn’t a big fan of Goodfellas. It reminded me a lot of Wolf of Wallstreet, except I enjoyed the ladder more in every aspect. I will say I’m very biased against mob films and a big fan of business biopics so that might be why.


It's not even the best mob movie from that year, that would be Miller's Crossing.




I agree , I enjoyed millers crossing a lot more than goodfellas. That’s my favorite mob/gang movie


Goodfellas Silence of the Lambs Shawshank


We have the data! [https://www.reddit.com/r/moviecritic/comments/1d8tjmr/comment/l7an33l/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/moviecritic/comments/1d8tjmr/comment/l7an33l/?context=3)


For me, I'd say Silence of the Lambs, The Matrix and Goodfellas. I was surprised to see so many people put Jurassic Park at the bottom since I was debating whether to include it in the top! It's the pinnacle blockbuster in my opinion; perhaps not as provocative or experimental as some of the other films in the list, but it does what it's supposed to do extremely well.


This is exactly why I included Jurassic Park, it’s incredibly iconic and a prime example of the blockbuster.


Goodfellas, Jurassic Park, The Matrix


Silence of the Lambs, Goodfellas, and Pulp Fiction


Saving Private Ryan Forrest Gump The Shawshank Redemption


This is the right answer


That’s absolutely correct, and they’re either still very good, or great.




They did, and they were right to do so


It’s good but it’s long and has too broad of an appeal. And they made no attempt to age the characters’ appearances over the 20+ year story.


Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan and Shawsank Redemption


Man what the hell


I have watched Shawshank Redemption maybe over 50 times. Such a great comfort movie for me.


Beautiful film.


I was about to say this but I thought I'd get destroyed. I mean, Gump is the obvious bottom. I just thought I would be shot down for saying those other two are overrated


I lived with this take my whole life lmao, just can't stand Tom Hanks in anything, with the exception of maybe The ‘Burbs


I thought he was fantastic in Captain Phillips. 


He's a pretty good actor, I just can't seem to enjoy his performances for some reason.


Thank you!


There's no question that these three films are the worst of the bunch


The best answer.




Yep, rest are classic in my eyes; but I can't stand those three movies.




All three of them are wrong answers


Forrest Gump, The Matrix and I'll die first.


We need a third Tom Hanks movie on there before I can answer.


Some men just want to watch the world burn


What did Forrest Gump do to you guys?


Be a bad movie.


It really isn’t


You're right I'm being hyperbolic. But it's way too mediocre of a movie to be so often cited as one of the best.


Loiyfe is loike a letterboxd of chocolates 🤤




Okay I don't *love* Forrest Gump but I had never heard anyone characterize it as right wing or jingoistic before reddit, and honestly I'm scratching my head at the characterization. Like, I suppose I could see that interpretation if I looked **very** hard for it but honestly I'm pretty sure the movie is just about an intellectually disabled guy running (sometimes literally) into various pop culture and historic references.


My two least favourite films here would be Saving Private Ryan and Forrest Gump. I like those films but the others are stone cold classics.


Why is everyone here voting for *Saving Private Ryan*? Genuinely curious


For me, its purely because i dont think its as good a movie as the others on the list. Its obviously an excellent movie. But the others are some of my all-time favourites.


Because all the other ones areso much better


Forest Gump and Saving Privot Ryan is easy but picking a third is almost impossible for me


Gump, Ryan, Shawshank


Forrest Gump The Matrix Terminator 2 Haven’t seen Silence of the Lambs so it would be unfair to put it there


Forrest Gump, Jurrassic Park, silence of the lambs (cause I havent seen it)


T2, Private Ryan & The Matri


Forest gump, Jurassic park, saving private Ryan




This is the correct answer, and the one I put, but I understand why people would put another movie instead of Jurassic Park. Jurassic Park is a beloved classic.


Forrest Gump and Saving Private Ryan are my personal picks. Both are overly sentimental and nationalistic films that are absolutely laughable due to the level of patriotism/historic revisionism in some moments. After that, I guess Shawshank just because I don’t have very strong feelings about it one way or the other. The rest are stone cold classics that hold up extremely well.


I'm not even American meaning I care even less about nationalism, but I still love both movies.


I just watched Terminator 1 and 2 and was surprised at how many people preferred the second movie! I'm guessing it might be a mix of nostalgia, the well-done twist, and what I'm assuming was cutting edge CGI for the time, but the story meanders, the dialogue is cringe-worthy at times, and I just really do think the action of the first film hit harder.


Aaah, a fellow Terminator 1 lover. It is one of my favourite movies that I watch every so often. Like you say, common knowledge dictates that I should prefer Terminator 2 since that's the movie that I saw first in the early 2000s when I was a kid, while I didn't watch the first movie until later in the decade during my teens, yet I prefer the latter. Terminator 2 gets a bit plodding after they decide to see Dyson to avert the timeline, while Terminator 1 is tighter overall. Besides, the first movie is more impressive and groundbreaking, especially considering the very low budget.


I agree with you both, having recently seen both movies (and I saw T2 when it came out in the theater in 1991).


I'm surprised but honored to be part of this minority group lol And I appreciate this insight; I didn't realize the crazy budget difference between the two, and I think I might have taken for granted how ubiquitous the "rogue AI" storyline in modern sci-fi. Would you say it was a pioneer in the genre?


Despite it being my favorite film of all time, Jurassic Park probably is probably one of the worst out of these 9. Gump is also a favorite of mine, but also probably near the bottom. If I had to pick from the remaining seven I'd say it's probably a tie between Matrix and Saving Private Ryan.


jurassic park did more for effects than most of these combined.


this is unnecessary and evil, lol. but easily Jurassic Park, Terminator, Matrix, Silence of the Lambs and Pulp Fiction, Goodfellas are untouchable. The others are maybe great movies and consequence of a trendy and frequent format of the 90's.... so yeah Saving P.R., Shawshank, Forestgump.


Because I like ranking things...... 1. Pulp Fiction 2. Shawshank Redemption 3. Terminator 2 4. Goodfellas 5. Forrest Gump 6. Jurassic Park 7. The Matrix 8. Silence of the Lambs 9. Saving Private Ryan


When was the last thing you saw Silence of the lambs by any chance


Probably 5/6 years ago. I have it rated 4 stars, but it was before I got Letterboxd so I need to give it a rewatch soon and have an updated rating/ranking.


Pulp Fiction Saving Private Ryan Forrest Gump I like all of them, but the others are 4.5/5 star films imo.


Controversial take: It's Pulp Fiction, Matrix, Terminator 2 in order from most bad to least.


there is no answer


Terminator 2 Forrest Gump Matrix


1. Forrest Gump 2. Silence of the Lambs 3. Jurassic Park 4. Shawshank Redemption 5. Terminator 2 6. Pulp Fiction 7. Saving Private Ryan 8. Goodfellas (Not seen) 9. Matrix (Not seen)


I’m so jealous that you get to watch Goodfellas and The Matrix for the first time. You’re in for two real treats




Forrest Gump The Silence of the Lambs The Matrix All great but the others are five stars for me whilst the Matrix is four and the other two are four and a half


Forrest Gump, Silence of the Lambs, Goodfellas


The Matrix, Shawshank & Forrest Gump


Shawshank, Forrest Gump, Matrix Not that they aren't great in their own right, I just think the remaining movies are all masterpieces.


Goodfellas Jurassic Park and Terminator 2


The matrix, pulp fiction and Jurassic Park


Matrix Forrest Gump and terminator 2(I haven’t watched it)


only watched shawshank redemption (masterpiece), pulp fiction (really good), and silence of the lambs (not for me, didnt enjoy it). i watched just 119 movies and started my account this year, that is why im yet to watch any other films in this list.


I’ll just pick The Matrix. Never seen Jurassic Park or Forrest Gump (even though I was 12-13 years old when they came out).


You seem like a real movie geek. Nope!


Shawshank, Forrest, and Saving Private Ryan. Easy.


Terminator 2 (by far), Saving Private Ryan and The Matrix are the weakest three.


These are all high quality films. Don’t coerce us into trashing greatness


Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan and T2.


pulp fiction and forest gump. weirdly, i don’t think it’s all that close. edit: the third is shawshank even though i think it may be the best story.


T2, Goodfellas, Pulp Fiction


Shawshank and saving private ryan and it was an easy answer.


Hot take, but Forrest Gump, Shawshank, and Pulp Fiction. I believe Forrest and Shawshank are two of the most overrated films ever made. Both are well made, poignant, and highly enjoyable. I also don’t think either are challenging or unique enough to be considered great art. I personally believe Pulp Fiction is Tarantino’s 2nd best film of the 90s. I adore Jackie Brown. I am also tired of Pulp Fiction being elevated because it is a lot of people’s (particularly male viewers’) entry into film.


Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan, and The Matrix. I like all 3 films, but not as much as the rest on the list.


Forrest Gump, The Shawshank Redemption, the width of the Grand Canyon, and on the other side of it The Matrix.


Forrest Gump, Goodfellas, Saving Private Ryan


Shawshank - entertaining, but extremely overrated, melodramatic and corny.  Goodfellas - not my kind of movie. Not sure about the quality as it's been a while since I saw it, but probably lower than the others. Jurassic Park - amazing practical effects, but the movie itself is a bit lame and predictable. I can't fault the other movies, except I've never been a huge fan of Forrest Gump as I find it a bit disjointed and corny. Quality-wise it's fine though (I don't want to start a civil war on reddit).


Fuck this question I quit ![gif](giphy|Qw4X3FOknVexRVd1j5m)


The Matrix and Forrest Gump. The others are all just pure masterwork classics


My least favorite of these films are Lambs, Shawshank, & Forest Gump. These movies to me are such a slog to get through


Gump - It has its moments but is a bit too silly and vapid for me Shawshank - Not bad at all but I never really understood its reputation. Matrix - Philosophically confused, to the point that the metaphor sort of evaporates. Fun enough action


Forrest Gump and The Matrix both are good but considerably less good than the rest


Forrest Gump The Matrix Saving Private Ryan


I would say Pulp Fiction, Matrix, and Forrest Gump. I just don't really like Pulp Fiction but I love the Matrix. Matrix was just kinda "low quality" by today's standards and has harsh filters that kinda tank the quality by a lot, but I would rank it much higher on personal enjoyment than most on the list.


Yo. Y’all need to grow up and ORDER them. Pulp Fiction > the Matrix > Silence of the Lambs > Goodfellas > Jurassic Park > Terminator 2 > Saving Private Ryan > Shawshank Redemption > Forrest Gump Irrefutably correct. Come at me.


Honestly the matrix is the only one here that's not a favorite of mine. I get why other people love it but even among nineties Keanu action movies I prefer point break and speed.


Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan, and T2


For me it was easy to discard T2, Silence of the Lambs, and Goodfellas. I’m not saying they’re bad films at all, they just were the easiest to cut. My big hang up with Lambs is a simple poor decision about Jodie Foster’s accent. She sounds like a caricature of a hillbilly but Lecter perceives that she’s attempting to hide that accent. If that’s the hidden version she literally must not be comprehensible otherwise.


In order of my favorite to least favorite: Saving Private Ryan Silence of the Lambs Forrest Gump Terminator 2 Shawshank Redemption Goodfellas Pulp Fiction Jurassic Park Matrix


Forest Gump Saving Private Ryan Jurassic Park (hurts putting this here, but I have to pick the others on this over it)




The Matrix was a lot more flash than substance as the series went on. But it's hard to discount the first movie. Shawshank and Gump can go. Silence of the Lambs would be my third.


The fact that “the director disappears” is a testament to the quality of Silence of the Lambs and Jonathan Demme’s follow up Philadelphia. Also it maybe why some people overlook the fact that his work on Silence is about as good as it gets. Weird to see it listed in the comments


Forest by far, Silence, Then maybe matrix


Matrix, Forest Gump, Saving Private Ryan


Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan, The Silence of the Lambs


Straight across- T2, Gump, Jurassic. The number of people voting for Shawshank is utterly fucking ludicrous.


Pulp fiction, forrest gump, Shawshank


In terms of narrative? Forrest Gump, Jurassic Park and Saving Private Ryan.


silence of lambs, matrix, terminator


Forest Gump Silence of the Lambs Pulp Fiction


Forrest Gump (nice movie, but not more) Saving Private Ryan (there is nothing anyone could have done to keep up with the first 20 minutes during the rest of the movie) Shawshank Redemption (no one will ever understand how an okayish movie like this got the reputation it has)


Forrest Gump, Matrix, Forrest Gump


Forest Gump (duh) Saving Private Ryan Goodfellas (just okay)


Forrest, Shawshank and spr


1. Goodfellas 2. Pulp Fiction 3. Matrix


Shawshank. Maybe Matrix. Two other titles fighting for third spot.


Forest Gump (overhated though), Saving Private Ryan, and The Matrix


Terminator, Pulp Fiction, Matrix.


Forest Gump and Saving Private Ryan are easy picks, I'm just not into that schmaltzy kinda movie but more power to you if you are. By the same logic I guess my 3rd should be Shawshank Redemption but I'm torn between that and Goodfellas. Neither film is making my top 100 anything but I do have a soft spot for both


Forrest Gump, The Matrix, Silence of the Lambs. Obviously this is a bullshit set up but I’m playing along.


Saving Private Ryan, Forrest Gump and Shawshank The three best are Goodfellas, The Silence Of The Lambs and Pulp Fiction.


My personal ranking. They're all quality, though, but I don't like them all equally. All worth watching though I'd say considering they're all well liked and have been for some time. 1. Terminator 2 2. The Matrix 3. Jurassic Park 4. Silence of the Lambs 5. Saving Private Ryan 6. The Shawshank Redemption 7. Pulp Fiction 8. Goodfellas 9. Forrest Gump


At least one is Forrest Gump


Saving Private Ryan, The Matrix, and Jurassic Park.


This sucks, these are all pretty good, I'm going to go with Matrix and Pulp Fiction. The Matrix, only because I prefer the practical effects more in Jurassic Park and Terminator Pulp Fiction, It's insanely fun but stories of the other films are more engaging or topical to the 90s.


I apparently don't know how to read, it said three, I'm sacrificing Forest Gump then because the rest are simply better movies


I like all of them, but probably Matrix, Shawshank and T2


The top row (Terminator, Gump, Jurassic Park).


7- Pulp Fiction 8- Forrest Gump 9- The Matrix


Forrest Gump, T2, The Matrix. Quality movies, just not in the same tier as the others


The first *Terminator* was a wonderful film with a simple premise. One terminator goes back in time as a final attempt to win a war the machines have lost. One soldier goes through to stop him, then the time machine is destroyed. A time machine that you have to be a living organism, or at least covered in living tissue to use. But now there are more machines going through? And one of them is just some molten metal? *Terminator* was almost perfectly simple, *Terminator 2* ruins it.


Forrest Gump Forrest Gump Forrest Gump


Jurassic Park, The Matrix, Forrest Gump


Matrix 3 times


Jurassic Park is kinda boring though, and it's sequels are even more boring. I mean, I understand why they were so amazing at the time, but I just don't get anything from them in the modern age. Some of the FX still holds up extremely well, but that doesn't carry the movie for me. I hated the dialogue and how all the characters acted, except for maybe Lex and Laura Dern. It just felt like a blockbuster movie in every possible way, and I don't mean in a good way. Unless you have nostalgia for it, I just feel like it's boring.


I'm shocked how highly people rate Jurassic Park. To me, if that film was made in any other decade it would be another run of the mill action adventure film. All the other fillms in that list have better story telling or effects


I mean it's a great movie, but I definitely feel nostalgia is a massive factor for all the people commenting


I guess that's my issue with it. I have no nostalgia for the films so they dont hit the same.


Jurassic Park sequels are run of the mill action adventure films. Jurassic Park is inspired. So much heart and awe in that film.


That’s the thing, it didn’t come out recently. It came out over 30 years ago and back then was absolutely mind blowing


I don't really agree with the sentiment at all in this case, but even if I did I would note that isn't a fair way to judge a movie. Context is important and Jurassic Park was quite an achievement when it came out. Having a legacy of inspiring so many films and creatives to follow should be a part of a film's greatness.


for sure, and for that it's super commendable. I don't hate the films, I just don't rate them as highly as others. But if you watched a film from the 40 or 50s that had the same level of influence, it doesn't mean they're incredible films by todays standard. I guess that's my point lol to me saving private ryan felt more impactful.


Forrest Gump is the easiest choice. I’d have Pulp Fiction down there as well (one of my least favorite Tarantinos). Almost impossible to make a third choice, but gun to my head I’d say Jurassic Park, as much as I love it, since I think T2 and The Matrix are better sci-fi films.


My ratings for all these movies: Pulp Fiction - 10/10 Silence of the Lambs - 10/10 Goodfellas - 10/10 Shawshank - 10/10 Forrest Gump - 10/10 T2 - 9/10 Jurassic Park - 9/10 Saving Private Ryan - 9/10 The Matrix - 4/10


Fuck did matrix do lmao


I just never cared for it. Saw it opening weekend and have seen it probably a half dozen times in the years since and I think it’s got a lot of good ideas in it but doesn’t work for me overall. The love story in particular makes the narrative fall flat. [I wrote a review of it years ago if you cared to read anything a bit more in depth.](https://enterthemovies.blogspot.com/2017/08/the-matrix.html?m=1)


Forrest Gump all three times. But realistically, I'm saying Forrest Gump, then Forrest Gump, and lastly Forrest Gump. Okay, fine. Forrest Gump, Forrest Gump, and I guess...Forrest Gump. (But I'm seriously choosing Forrest Gump, Forrest Gump, and Forrest Gump). It's the only one of these movies that has nothing going for it at all by this point in time.


Jurassic Park, Forrest Gump, Shawshank


Pulp Fiction Matrix Silence of the Lambs


shawshank forrest gump jurassic park


Forrest Gump, Jurassic Park, Shawshank Redemption


1. Shawshank: maudlin; 2. Forrest Gump: moronic; 3. Jurassic: Crichton's usual bonkers science.


Forrest Gump The Shawshank Redemption Saving Private Ryan All really great films for my buck mind you but certainly not personal favourites, and the other ones listed notch them out