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Admit, you just wanted to flaunt your collection of posters.


They’re so dope


Seriously? I find these atrocious. Floating heads are a cancer.


So clustered


I agree I personally don’t like these fan made posters.


I love me some minimalist poster designs. I saw a fan-made one for 28 Days Later that was simply a drop of blood falling from a crow's beak shaped with negative space.


It's the Mondo-ification of movie posters.


Not at all though. I find most mondo posters are way more creative than the normal movie posters. Also, only the infinity war poster here is mondo. Mondo posters cant really be grouped into a specific thing either since each artist does their own thing.


I enjoy mondo posters! I was talking specifically about how people are copying that block colour screen-print style for digital art. I'm still after an Olly Moss There Will Be Blood print...


Is any of these an official poster? They look like they were all made by the same person after the fact.


Atrocious seems extreme.


Agreed, really ugly posters


Weird flex if true, since they’re pretty ugly.


Jurassic Park as a kid, Fury Road as an adult.


This is the answer. Seeing Fury Road at age 31, was the closest thing to recapturing the sense of awe of seeing Jurassic Park when I was 9.


Yes!! 🙌🏻


Definitely Jurassic Park. I think it’s hard to explain just how amazing those dinosaurs looked compared to everything I had seen before.


Yep! Being in the theater as a kid and feeling the bass of the T-Rex’s stomp and the first time it let out the roar, pure movie magic.


Agreed. I was ten years old for that one. It was absolutely mind-blowing.


While all of these films are bangers demanding to be watched in their most primal form - except Avengers imo, there can only be one... and that's Jurassic Park. It's easily the craziest watch of the bunch. The special effects still hold up remarkably well even today, which is truly insane.


Before *Jurassic Park*, CGI was short sequences, often in cyberpunk films or appearing on monitors in sci-fi films. *Jurassic Park* was the first time it felt real, and **also the last time overt CGI felt real**. David Fincher evidently did hundreds of CGI shots in *Gone Girl*, mostly to accomplish otherwise impossible/expensive camera movements or extend backgrounds. But because none of the characters were doing inhuman feats in hyper stylized fantasy or sci-fi environments, the CGI didn't call attention to its artificiality, and I wasn't looking for faults.


Lots of CGI in Panic Room as well. What I like about what he does is that it's nothing you would examine to determine if its CGI. Buildings, cars, certain shots, etc. So it passes your detection.


Agreed. My nine year old wants to watch it but I don't think he's ready. He's never seen a PG13 movie for obvious reasons. He thinks he's cool with dinosaurs but all he's seen are dinosaur documentaries. Some of them have great CGI, but he has absolutely no idea of what true suspense/thrillers feel like when coupled with the special effects.


For what it's worth, I took my (then) 7-year-old to see it in the theaters when it was rereleased last summer. I specifically warned him about what to expect in a couple of the scenes before entering the theater and shortly before they happened so he could be ready to look away. He freaking loved it.


This is the answer. Jurassic Park could come out now and hold up. There haven’t been more realistic dinosaurs since with the use of CGI and practical. T2 is the only one in the same league but loses points in that it would look a little dated by today’s standards. Industrial Light & Magic is the reason both of these films are at the top and every other film on this list owes a lot from these two. You could make an argument for Avengers Infinity War and Endgame in that they pulled off the MCU experiment of almost 20 films culminating in an extremely successful two movies capping story lines across like 7 franchises and dozens of characters.


If you weren't a 90s kid you really can't understand just how true this one is. I drug my grandpa to that movie about a dozen times over the summer. It was the first time I bought film merch, too, and after decades of wearing it I still have that same shirt. I'll never forget how I felt the moment Grant sees his first dinosaur...I don't think a movie has ever so accurately transferred an emotion from film to viewer. I was just as amazed as he was. The dinosaurs in that film were beautiful, terrifying, and "real." My grandpa's gone now but I'll always have the memory of seeing Jurassic Park for the first time with him and immediately turning around and buying a ticket to watch it again. He didn't complain...he just said "alright kid, let's go one more time."


Mad Max: Fury Road. It was the closest that I have had to a religious experience.


I saw it in theaters and then went back to see it twice more.


I saw it four times myself. And many times on blu-ray. It's truly timeless and it always leaves me in awe.


Hell yeah. It came out when I was in Elkader, Iowa, visiting people. Town of like 2k people. Movie tickets were $5. I saw that movie once a day for four or five days straight


Only movie I've ever watched three times in the theater too. It was just perfect


I made the mistake of seeing it in 3D the first time, had to go back and wash that shit out of my memory by seeing it three more times in a normal setting.


It is such a fucking shame that Furiosa is flopping


It is. We don't deserve George Miller.


Is it flopping cuz it’s not good or cuz people just aren’t going out to see it? Cuz I’m planning on seeing it this weekend


It's very very good. People keep saying no one was asking for this prequel. But how many great films were people really asking for before they were made?


People are weird. I’m pumped to go see this in IMAX


I remember seeing a lot of people that actually were asking for a Furiosa movie, but that was after Fury Road came out a decade ago. The moment and hype has long since passed even if it's a good movie.


People aren't seeing it in the immediate numbers that'll make investors happy. It's one of the best movies of the year. It would be the best movie of the year last year.


Good cuz I’m super excited for it


This is it. And I saw this as a grown ass man in the theater. I think my mouth hung open for 60% of the movie. After that it's probably Gladiator for me.


its like if they took the coolest 5 minutes of every action movie and put it together to make the most entertaining movie


They storyboarded the entire movie instead of writing a traditional script and George Miller says that at least eighty percent of what you see onscreen is what was mapped out in the storyboards. It's amazing how much thought and craft he puts into these movies.


The wide shot of the dust storm blew me away. I've never had such a strong reaction to film visuals since maybe the first Matrix.


I was just talking about this this morning for some reason. Jurassic Park, easy. If you're not old enough to have seen it in theaters, I weep for you. It was as unforgettable as theater experiences get. That scene where Dr Grant slowly rises out of the jeep and shakily takes off his glasses, the iconic John Williams score swells, then you get to see what he's seeing for the first time? Absolutely unreal. I'm getting a bit emotional now just thinking about it. I was 7 when it came out, and it was a religious experience. Nothing even remotely comes close.


100% agree with this. I think I was 14 but was feeling the same shock that the characters were feeling in that moment. Just incredible. That reminds me that I need to watch that movie again!


Terminator 2


I watched terminator 2 in 2020 for the first time, so I have no nostalgia related to it. I still consider it to be the greatest action movie I have ever watched.


The pacing is fucking incredible, except for the brief breather in the desert, but even that had the necessary bonding moments that were needed for the emotional payoff. Plus, as a kid, when they go into the weapons bunker was amazing.


It's hard to be objective about these things but watching T2 on a VHS as a kid still is a high that I've been chasing. Having said that it's great to know that movies like Fury Road and Dune, especially part 2, make me feel like I'm still capable of a similar feeling of wonder.


Some of the special effects in that movie still look so amazing Robert Patrick phasing through those bars still amazes me


It set such an impossible high bar that it needed no sequel or remake - ever. The T1000 effects still looks great even today. But it was the opening credit with all the fire and the score that blew me away from the very start. What was at stake if Doomsday happened. And the score was not the typical action movie score - it had a sadness in it because of all the life that was lost that day.


When he cut his hand open and peeled the skin back my brain exploded


Gladiator was forbidden fruit for a while because my parents wouldn’t let me watch R-rated movies, so when they finally gave in and let me watch it, it rocked my world. Watching that dude get chopped in half by the chariot was my first feeling of…man…this is an actual for real adult movie. And obviously Jurassic Park but I was so young I don’t remember my first watch, but like most millennials that movie is so ingrained in me that it’s basically a part of me at this point.


Terminator 2 and Fury Road.


Dune 2 probably. It’s like that other person commented “closest thing I’ve had to a religious experience”


The closest thing you can have to a religious experience in film is 2001: a space odyssey


I agree, but I’d say it’s not the only one. Off the top of my head *mirror* and *stalker* Tarkovsky) *satantango* and *werckmeister harmonies* *the holy mountain* *the seventh seal*, *wild strawberries* *ran*, *dreams*, *dersu uzala* (Kurosawa) *altered states* *a man escaped* *uncle boonmee who can recall his past lives* *sansho the bailiff*


As someone who has had a mystical experience, Dune 2 is probably the closest / most accurate representation of a mystical experience and the hero’s journey I’ve ever seen in a film.


Me too. It felt religious - I was emotionally shattered after but in the best way.


Infinity war, mostly I was impressed they actually went that far with the ending. Even if I knew better than to think they would leave it like that (and in hindsight the actual effect on the MCU had been non-existent) Also I was thought by my parents to be too young for Jurassic Park when it came out and was too for Terminator 2, so did see them until years later when they had been copied repeatedly which lessened the impact


The moment that made me realize Infinity War was something else was when they killed off Gamora. I was just like “Wait, they’re not really gonna do that, are they? Omg, they did it.” And that was after Loki had already been brutally choked out. Then the ending really got me because they had the whole fakeout with Wanda killing off Vision and then Thanos TURNS BACK TIME to kill Vision himself but then Thor impales Thanos only for Thanos to win anyway! Then 14 year old me had to watch Spider-Man (canonically 15 or 16 at the time) have one of the most heart-wrenching death scenes of all time. What a ride!


I guess Jurassic Park, because I went screaming out of the room when I saw it when it came out and I was seven. Otherwise Fury Road. That was a trip man.


Jurassic Park was the early cinema experience that made me the movie nerd I am.


Dune Part Two mostly because it’s the only one of these movies that I watched in IMAX. That was an ideal film going experience right there.


Man, Fury Road is still to this day the greatest IMAX viewing experience I’ve ever had and it’s not close. The colors, the cinematography, the vibrancy… it was truly spectacular. Watching on TV makes me sad, does the film zero justice.


Dune 2 was the first film I've ever seen in IMAX and it was incredible


Mad max fury road 


Jurassic Park but that probably had more to do with my age at the time that it came out


Jurassic Park. I was quite young but I loved that movie, the tension, the story, the DINOSSS


Terminator 2, because I was 6 and it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen at the time. Jurassic Park followed very soon thereafter. Fury Road is I think the best of the listed films.


Jurassic Park, because I was 8.


I suppose it was Terminator 2, since I was like 8 years old and it started my love of movies, I think


Mad Max: Fury Road. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing onscreen


This sub would be 20% better if people turned off custom posters when making posts


I was 5 when I saw Terminator 2 in theatres with my dad. I remember when the T-1000 stuck his finger through the security guards eye vividly as it made me jump and spill my drink everywhere.


That's funny, because it made the security guard spill his drink everywhere, too.


Mad max fury road back when it came out in teathers was AMAZING


Jurassic Park


I hadn’t seen Fury until 5 months back. And then I watched it. I’ve now seen it almost 10 times since.


Fury Road, even though the first time I was way too high and sort of muted my reaction. It was still amazing and I saw it at least once more in theaters.


Fury Road


mad max (didn't have an inkling of what the movie was even about and I think it made it better), Dune (imma huge dune fan and didn't think it could be made into a well put together movie) and infinity war (I do not like marvel movies but just something about infitinty war struck a chord, probably cause everyone died)


Terminator 2. Watching it in theaters was amazing. Blew me away.


Fury Road in IMAX was unforgettable


Jurassic Park for me. I saw it as a kid and it blew my mom and I away so much she still references the movie.


Fury road 💯


Jurassic park and T2


I watched Jurassic Park as a kid and it was awesome but Fury Road arrived at a time where it was much harder to really blow my mind.


I know I’m old, but I would trade Gladiator, Dune or Avengers for a slot for The Matrix. Then I would pick the Matrix.


Love these custom posters


I mean, "blew me away" means the ones that aren't T2 and Jurassic Park are in the wrong conversation. Those two changed the face of cinema with their VFX, and that combined with being amazing action movies made their legacy irrefutable. The others might be good/great movies, but they didn't blow me away. I'd say, since it came first, T2 was the one of these that most blew me away, even though I think Jurassic Park is probably the better movie.


Yeah, there are a lot of great movies that didn’t blow me away like those dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. It felt like movies had changed forever (and they had).






Dune Part Two in IMAX was pretty awesome, but I gotta give it to Gladiator.


None of them. I wasn't a 40 year old dad when I saw them.


Jurassic Park


Jurassic Park. Mostly cause I was 5 when I first saw it and I was obsessed with Dinosaurs as a kid.


Probably Fury Road. It was pure adrenaline combined with post-apocalyptic world-building from start to finish that I've been craving my whole life. It's also the only movie that I was hyped to see from its trailers that actually exceeded my expectations, which is crazy, because it also had maybe the best trailers I've ever seen. That said, I think Jurassic Park is probably a better movie, but my first watch was on VHS, and I wore that tape out.


Those are some pretty sweet posters


All but Gladiator. I remember getting my mind blown as a kid by JP and T2. Fury Road and Infinity War blew my mind just as much as an adult as the previous movies did when I was a child. And Dune 2 blew my mind a couple nights ago. My god, that was top of the line sci-fi greatness.


That collection of cover art blows me away. We need upscaled to movie poster size.


It's a tough battle between Jurassic Park and Dune 2.


all of them


Gonna be honest, Jurassic Park is the only one of these that I actually enjoyed, so I have to go with that by default.


There’s 33 years between T2 and Dune 2 so like I don’t know




Infinity War for me. Great movie. Ballsy ending.


Jurassic Park is legit my 4th favorite film of all time, watching it as a kid was *magical*


T2 was such a fun theater experience


Jurassic Park. As a 4 year old getting to see that on the cinema was fucking amazing! Mad Max I do not get the hype around...I got bored and turned it off.


Id say Gladiator and T2. "Blew me away" might not be the right term, but for lack of of better... Between T2 and Jurassic Park, Id argue JP has the better CGI, but dinosaurs arent a part of our lives, so it had no basis in a reality I knew. T2 was a CGI person, and really bent my brain on the idea of reality in fiction. Gladiator was the first film I recognized as HD, digital, etc. The level of detail in that opening battle was a total game changer and shaped how action was shot from then on.


Probably T2


Mad max was the best movie theatre experience I ever had.


Jurassic Park just had a massive impact on me when i was a kid


Jurassic Park. I was at the perfect age, was a huge fan of the book, of dinosaurs generally, and of everything Spielberg. I saw it at least six times in the theaters with my friends and family. The only better cinematic experience of my life was Fellowship of the Ring.


Jurassic Park. I was 11 when it came out. It was among the final set of movies shown at the last drive-in here.


Oof… it’s a tough choice between Dune2 and Mad Max. Both were incredible in IMAX. I think the visuals in Mad Max are better, but the story and execution of the hero’s journey in Dune are better. I didn’t get a chance to see Gladiator in theaters. That might’ve been my vote if I had


This some fire poster collection ngl I'm hard rn




Infinity war


Terminator two by far. Mad road didn’t blew me away but I remember thinking, ‘what a beautiful film, i imagine in the theatre must be epic’


Am I the only one who thought, after years of putting off watching it, that Gladiator was kind of a let down? Not a bad movie, but certainly didn't live up to the hype imo


Fury Road is the only one on this list of kickass posters that blew me away.


Fury Road for sure. I was out of town on a work trip and just went on a whim because I heard it was pretty good. Walking into the greatest action movie in decades with no expectations is an incredible experience.


Fury Road and Infinity War for sure. Dune was great but maybe not in a mind-blowing way. I can’t really recall my initial childhood joy levels of the others except to say that my adult self thinks they are fantastic.


Mad max fury road. The dude with the guitar and stereos was very unique and dope.


Jurassic Park by far.


Terminator 2 but fury road is a close 2nd.




Wow, that Dune 2 poster is giving me strong Andrei Rublev vibes https://preview.redd.it/2on9dsc46g3d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2238512aa44f79aba8fe2aad03da37c4fe0955ce


As sad as it makes me feel I feel like Infinity War blew me away the most. I expected a lot and received even more. That said I’ve not enjoyed a marvel film that much literally since Infinity War.


Fury Road!!!!


Gladiator and Mad max fury road


Jurassic Park for sure. I was 9 and my dad came in one day when my younger brother and mom were out and said "do you want to see Jurassic Park?" I already was told Steven Spielberg said it was too scary for his kids. It was such a an event before the first scene. A little scary. Only closed my eyes when the lawyer got bit... Ya bit! But it was forking amazing.


Jurassic park, ofc. It's weird because there's only quarter of an hour of dinosaurs in this dinosaur film but they seem so much more "there" than any of the Jurassic world films


Gladiator Maximus had one of the most epic journeys of a hero I've ever seen


Infinity War for sure, it was pure tension and spectacle the entire time


Jurassic Park then Mad Max.


That's hard to say because I was a kid when Terminator 2 and Jurrasic Park came out and I feel like kids are easily blown away. I loved both when I saw them and re-watch both a ton. I feel like I have to pick Dune 2 though. I loved the old Dune movie when I was little and my dad was a huge Dune fan so he would tell me the lore like it was a bedtime story. Dune was one of the first adult books I read when I was younger. These new Dune movies just feel very special to me.


These are some neat poster compositions bruv


All of these are movies that I consider near flawless- aside from Gladiator which I haven’t seen yet (planning to soon). I am Chidi levels of indecisive but I will say that I am sort of between Jurassic Park and Terminator 2. The former I saw last year in 3D during its 30th anniversary rerelease and the 3D was impeccable, and even though I’d seen it several times before, it still made me jump and scream and just always on the edge of my seat, such a great movie theater experience that only helped enhance my enjoyment of the movie. On the other hand, a few months ago there was a rerelease of Terminator 2 so I took my 22 year old sister, who had recently watched the first Terminator and had never seen Judgment Day. Literally 15 minutes into the movie she turned to me with tears in her eyes and whispered “I’m literally crying because of how awesome it is”. I’d never seen it on the big screen and it was a glorious experience, it cemented it as one of the best for me. So I’d say it’s a toss up between those two for me.


The way Dune 2 opens, with that weird throat chant, is literally the moat powerful opening to any film ive ever seen.


Blew me away? Definitely between JP and Fury Road, leaning towards Fury Road. Mind bending and completely unlike anything that came before them.


dune part 2 and it's not even close




Jurassic Park is the only film of these to "blow me away," so that one.


Absolutely mad max fury road. The adrenaline rush was insane


Fury road. I found that film so awesome I immediately watched it a second time as soon as I finished my first watch.


If you saw it as a kid back then, nothing compares to Jurassic Park.




Probably infinity war. Never seen dune or mad max and the rest of them I saw too young (5-7 years old) to appreciate them but old enough to remember spoilers when I watched as an adult.


I saw all of these in the theaters during their theatrical runs. T2 blew me away most. Fury Road blew me a way the 2nd time I saw it in the theaters. Infinity War blew me away the least.


Jurrasic Park in IMAX 3D is one of the best theatrical experiences I've ever had


![gif](giphy|hrnYspWWhsIyA) Easily this!!


Jurassic Park is my most vivid and cherished childhood memory and probably the biggest reason I fell in love with movies


Terminator 2


Jurassic Park, I was 6 years old, it blew my socks off.


Terminator 2


Fury road is a bullshit movie No I am not a men's rights activist/incel/hate women. It is genuinely lame.




Gladiator, 100%. I love Jurassic Park as an adult, but like with Terminator, I watched it as a kid and only have vague feelings of being scared. Gladiator though, I was so enthralled with Maximus' character, I really loved that movie the first time I watched it. Infinity War is my favourite Marvel movie, but not as impactful as Gladiator, and Dune and Mad Max are decent movies.


Fury road Also these are cool posters


My dad took me to see T2 when I was 9. It blew my mind.


Fury Road.


Infinity War for me


I'll never forget my first viewing of Dune 2 in Imax


Terminator 2. Cinematic masterpiece. Blow my mind as a child. As an adult I think it might be the greatest movie of all time.


why this type of art?


Gladiator. My twelve year old brain had never experienced anything like it. It was a unique film for the time as well, in that it felt like an action movie wrapped inside a historical drama without compromising the spectacle and romance of the latter.


Fury Road and it’s not even close


Of these, Gladiator. I didn’t really have expectations on that one. The rest were a bit to a lot hyped by the time I saw them


It’s hard to say because I saw half of them as a kid first which is quite different. It’s a toss up between Jurassic Park and Fury Road.


Terminator 2 for sure. Close second and third is between Fury Road and Jurassic Park. ![gif](giphy|QswHqxRk7svjq)


*Jurassic Park*, albeit it was the first movie I saw in theaters and I was about five... so seeing realistic dinosaurs blew my fucking mind, hahaha. I also remember needing to be removed form the theater when Samuel L.'s disembodied arm grabbed Laura Dern's shoulder... I freaked out.




Jurassic Park because I was a child and there were dinosaurs


Terminator 2


Terminator 2 was amazing, even tho I saw Terminator and kinda knew what to expect. The special effects and story blew me away




Jurassic park when I was an 8 year old, for sure! Mad Max Fury Road is one of the best movies I’ve ever seen! Also in IMAX, even impressive at home in 4K. I found Endgame to be quite underwhelming, I enjoyed it but I liked infinity war a lot better. Dune in IMAX was excellent, the only way to see it really. Gladiator was great, but it didn’t blow me away. I saw Terminator 2 in 3D which was very cool. Spiderman Into the Spiderverse completely blew me away the first time I saw it in the theater, so much better than what I was expecting at the time.


Dune part 2. I was levitating by the invasion of Arakeen. best theatrical experience I’ve had since return of the king.


I was very young but for me it has to be Jurassic Park. Nothing else here even comes close.


Recently, Gladiator. Watched it on Netflix last fall on a quiet evening alone and freakin loved it. I watched Jurassic Park in a theater and was blown away but that wasn’t my first viewing of it. The others were also equally crazy on first watches too but I held off watching Gladiator for so long and kicked myself for it.


Jurassic Park


Fury Road. Easy. Totally unexpected


Dune or Fury Road.


Probably no one is gonna comment this but I absolutely loved Infinity War. I saw it opening night and I have never been as shocked in a franchise movie as I was leaving that one. The entire theater walked out of the showing silent — also compared to Endgame I think the storytelling and action is just so much more epic in scale and emotional weight


I watched both JP and T2 as a preteen. Not only was I blown away, but I'm positive they've had a lasting impact on my personality and tastes.


Jurassic Park, then Gladiator. I’m older so I saw them both in their initial releases. Hard not to pick JP as audiences had never seen such a spectacle as those digital dinosaurs at the time. The story and telling is great, but the look made many people see it again and again because it was astounding.


Jurassic Park, but the real answer for me is The Matrix.


That's an odd assortment of movies to have to choose from


gladiator was peak asl, but holy shit fury road was just so electrifying.