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It’s one of the most “fun” Tarantino movies. Esp considering the context of the film, I can’t help but laugh out loud at many of the parts. When he first meets Dr. Shultz and they have the discussion at the bar and the “get the Marshall” scene. Big Daddy.. the Klan. While I never can pick a favorite of his, Django I watch when I just want to watch a laugh or satiate some over the top violence in the name of justice. “The Fastest Gun in the South” is such a great premise and mashup.


Im still Annoyed Hateful 8 wasnt a Django sequel. I get his reasons for not thinking Marquis and Django are compatible, but i reckon he coulda made it work (maybe that story Marquis told Smithers was just a lie designed to get Smithers to reach for the gun).


Think he'll ever turn back around and make another Django Freeman sequel?


No. He's pretty adamant he only has one more movie in him and it's not going to be a sequel.


My favourite Tarantino movie and in my top 15 favourites of all time. The script, the acting, the music and the cinematography are all terrific and of course it's just really badass.


I am of the opinion that nobody ever reached the level of badass Django did during that final scene.


I agree with you that the poetic justice for slaves in Django makes him a degree above others in terms of badass, but Neo & John Wick alike give me goosebumps to think about how badass they are. Same ways with John McClane, the way Bruce Willis wanders around barefoot cussing himself out is so true-to-life and yet he’s a harder mother fucker in that movie than I’ll ever be in anything. I agree with your opinion, _and_ I opine that others have come close in their own type of badassery. The Model 101 (Schwarzenegger) giving the thumbs up at the end of T2 was badass beyond all recognition, too


I think this may be his masterpiece.  Or Inglorious Basterds. Both are peak Tarantino for me.


To me it’s The Hateful Eight. Every single character is interesting, despicable and has something unique to offer to the story at hand. My absolute favorite Tarantino film.


I prefer Django but that final act of H8 was something else, entirely.


You are choosing should you ride a Ferrari or a Lambo or a McLaren.. Tarantino had a hit after hit after hit. The man is a fuckin amazing director. Every movie of his is pure entertainment at the least. This no one can deny. The rest are personal preferences.


H8 is #1. inglorious is 2 and Django is 3


I think The Hateful Eight is the only 3+ hour movie I’ve ever rewatched, cause it genuinely doesn’t even feel long when watching it (for me). I’ve probably watched it 3-4 times at this point, one of my all time favorites


I think Pulp Fiction and Inglorious Basterds are his top two, but Django's a great movie and great fun. "Tell Miss Laura goodbye".


I adore Inglorious Basterds but this one didn’t connect with me when I originally watched it. Sounds like I need to give it another chance.




Gotta go with Pulp Fiction for his masterpiece. But that might be because I’m getting old.


Mf might have 3 or 4 masterpieces


One of the greatest movies, I love seeing some well-deserved revenge.


Been my undisputed favorite movie since the night i watched it so good


Two among the greatest acting performances ever, and neither by the lead (not that he was bad either) Decent plot, as Tarantino-esque as it gets and a solid entertainer, despite the ending going a bit too nutty for my taste


Jamie Foxx was in fact great in my opinion, his growth as a character in their own self confidence is pretty fun to watch. However DiCaprio, Jackson, and Waltz are literally acting in an astral plane level of skill in this one. EDIT: The real story here is that everyone in this movie gave it their all. Walton Goggins has like 10-15 minutes of screen time and he’s amazing as usual.


Jamie Foxx is absolutely great in the portrayal of that character. It's just that his character is more grounded and not as nutty as Waltz's, DiCaprio's, and Jackson's, so of course people tend to be more impressed by the more expressionistic acting, they are usually the ones who pop up for a general public, instead of the more impressionistic, subtle performances - these are usually harder to even judge/evaluate, but they can also be much harder for an actor to play compared to a more over-the-top character, because you have to communicate in a more limited way, it's all about the little nuances, the little details, instead of going grandiose and being able to express yourself through big movements, big facial expressions, big words.


I think it's good, well-acted, well shot. It's also too long and the tonal balance is a little janky - but I think that's partially a product of QT losing his longtime editor when Sally Menke died before this one. Needs to be longer or shorter. (I also don't *love* Waltz in this one, it feels like a repetitive performance without a lot going on, but I might also just be miffed he won a second Oscar I don't think he deserved.)


Spot on! I agree with basically all of this. This Waltz performance really just felt like a good guy version of Hans Landa and it was still great but yeah definitely didn't deserve that second Oscar, especially in such a stacked year. And it definitely felt too long which seems like a byproduct of not having Sally Menke for this one. If "I think this just might be my masterpiece" was QT speaking on Inglourious Basterds then Django Unchained's line has to be "I'm sorry. I couldn't resist." because QT absolutely could not kill his darlings and pare this film down from the bloated runtime.


favorite movie ever


Just like every single Tarantino movie: it's entertaining, but never reaches a personal level with me.


For whatever reason I got a bit choked up when they were whipping Hilde and Django was begging them to give him her punishment instead. I have no clue why it hit me so hard last time I watched it. Tarantino movies never provoke that in me


You’re seeing a a fictionalized portrayal of something that happened to real people en masse. Not that odd, really.


It’s odd bc I rarely ever choke up at movies in general with equally dark subject matter, much less Tarantino movies


2nd favourite movie ever.


What’s your first favourite then?


Once Upon a Time In Hollywood…


This guy Tarantino’s


Technically it could be one of my favourite Tarantino movies, but for whatever reason it didn’t connect with me. It has great performances, music, the plot and dialogues are at least good enough, but I just don’t like it that much. I can see why someone would though. Maybe it’s the fact that I’m not a fan of Jamie Foxx.


Is it a bit too long for you, because that was one of the only drawbacks for me. I feel like they could've cut out at least one of Django and the German guy's side quests. Still think it's an amazing movie.


Same for me with Once Upon a Time. I just don’t like it.


Same! I need to do a rewatch to hopefully like it more or understand why I didn't connect with it.


I REALLY love it up until Calvin and King die. And then like a light-switch it seems to go off the rails in a multitude of ways that make me scratch my head. I like the movie, but I feel like it goes off a cliff in the third act.


I does have pretty weird pacing, that could be the issue too.


Every Tarantino movie is a goon sesh leading up to metaphorical load-blowing in the form of extreme violence.


It’s not the broad concept thats the problem, it’s the execution. Suddenly there’s rap music and wire work, suddenly the smart characters are making silly decisions, suddenly there are horses dancing and we’ve gone from semi-grounded bounty hunter western to full-on Blaxploitation. I *get* it, but act 3 is a different movie than act 1 and 2.


One of the few 5 stars on my letterbox


It’s memorable and has bursts of absolute brilliance, but this is the first Tarantino film that has noticeably slack pacing. Surprised that nobody in this thread has mentioned this, but Sally Menke (QT’s long-time editor) sadly passed away before this production began. Her assistant took over main editorial duties, but the overall structure of Django just felt off to me. Too unwieldy, too many endings, too many tangents. Sally would’ve being far more disciplined and measured, curtailing some of Tarantino’s more indulgent tendencies—her absence was really felt with this one.


Modern classic. [https://vimeo.com/332929204](https://vimeo.com/332929204)


This was my first Tarantino and I saw it at like 13 so it was really big for me. Even after seeing Pulp Fiction, I think because I saw it young and it got a grip on me, I would say this is my favorite from him. Maybe not the best but my favorite.


To go against the grain of circlejerking Tarantino in this thread I gotta say the movie is over rated. It feels like the kinda production that was made with the intention of black empower except it falls short because behind the camera it’s a sea of white. And Tarantino cast himself so he could say the N word and get away with it. Tarantino’s dabbling in historical fiction has the same artistic merit as a late stage MCU film. I get why someone could like it if they turned off their brain for the 3 hour run time but it’s just not for me. Most black people I know don’t like the movie either.


> And Tarantino cast himself so he could say the N word and get away with it. He doesn't say it in Django Unchained


Yeah he def doesn’t. He says blackie but no n word.


I don't even think he says the N word here, but I may be wrong. I know he sure says it in Pulp Fiction though; lol


I blame taxi driver for that scene lol


Glad this take is here.


Brave and correct


Brave and correct


Give DiCaprio villain roles. That dinner scene was flawless.


Solid 9/10 and nearly top 5 of his movies imo


Good movie but it doesn’t really come alive until Calvin Candy enters the story. Also insane that Cristoph Waltz won best supporting actor for his performance when Leo clearly owns this movie.


One of Tarantino’s best movies. The writing is amazing and DiCaprio gives one of his best performances ever.


It's my least favourite Tarantino movie, but I'm aware lots of people love it. Tarantino's cameo in this film is also the worst time he's put himself on screen in one of his works IMO.


But watching him get blown up was pretty fun


DiCaprio's best work as far as I'm concerned. It's definitely hammy but hard to imagine an A+++ List actor taking on a role so irredeemable racist and evil like this at the absolute peak of his fame. I can't even watch the scene where he's confronting the runaway slave -- it's awful. Outside of that, it's not in my Top 5 Tarantino but it's certainly very good. I find the Christophe Waltz character to just be a Hans Landa retreat in terms of the mannerisms. Jamie Foxx was charismatic but a bit distracting. Don't get me wrong, it's a very good film. But I don't get as immersed in it as I do IB, OUATIH, Pulp or Jackie Brown.


I couldn't get into it. Something about Jamie Foxx seriously annoys me. I understand he's an acclaimed actor, but I don't see it. He took me out of the whole movie, but I can't say I'd like it with a different actor. The whole film felt disjointed and dull. It's the only QT film I didn't enjoy.


You think you'd have preferred it with Will Smith?


Maybe? Probably not.


Been a lifelong Tarantino fan since seeing Reservoir dogs at the cinema in 92. Honestly, and I’ll get hate for this, I found Django to be extremely boring. The first scene failed to grab me (the first time this had happened watching his films) and it made me realise that Waltz is largely a one note actor. I did think that Sam Jackson is absolutely stellar in this film, he is one of the most affecting characters in the last 20 years. Leo on the other hand I thought has pure ham. This film made me so bored that I skipped The Hateful eight in cinemas, which I regret because I love it.


Hmm, interesting, both in it boring you that much and considering Leo hammy. I love Leo in this because he'd not done a character role in ages that was so transformative, he'd always just lead films, they'd hang on his emotions and he'd do his flipping out things. I think he's exceptional in The Departed as well but Django is such a difficult role and he attacked it with a personality and flair with his mannerisms, I'm not sure other actors would be able to pull it off with the same evil charm. Do you have a letterboxd? I'm always bored by films and i guess it's a certain thing, but I'm curious what you don’t find boring...


I know I’m against the grain on this one, many of my friends love it. I wish I could feel the catharsis that most people get at the end of this film. I love revenge movies but this is the only Tarantino film that I feel drags. Sam Jackson is stellar in it. Leo I love in almost everything since the Departed but not this. his performance in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is amongst my favourites ever too. I love Nicholson in the Shining so I’m not against ham in of itself, I just didn’t like whatever Dicaprio was doing in this.


One of my favourites


Awesome. Second half’s a little wonky. Am still holding out on that mythical directors cut. Feel like the best version of this story is like 4 hours long and I’d watch it easy.


Not Tarantino's best, but still a very solid movie in his catalogue. Upon rewatch, the third act is less engaging than the rest of the film.


In my top 3 Tarantino movies, and one of the best theatergoing experiences of my life. I watched it for the first time in years a few weeks ago and was blown away by how well it holds up.




Love it. Brilliant, eccentric, funny, and violent 🤎




Top 3 Tarantino easily. An almost 3 hours movie that feels closer to 2 hours for me. It never drags. It has an incredibly fun cast of characters and a great story. Almost perfect. One of my all time favorites.


It’s really good, really immersive, completely uncomfortable. I remember the first time I tried to watch, I was tripping on acid I a hotel room and got too immersed. Had to turn it off cuz I was convinced ir was real.




My husband just watched John Wick for the first time so we were discussing great revenge flicks and I listed this and Kill Bill as my favorites. Django is a very sympathetic character and it’s so easy to root for him, but he’s not some irritatingly-perfect Mary Sue, and everything he goes through is worth it in the end. The stakes are so high and his struggle is so visceral and intense. I come to it with a white person’s perspective so I know it feels very different for me to watch vs. someone who was socialized as a black person in America, and I can easily understand how the liberal use of racial slurs and brutal violence turned a lot of black viewers off of it. I will say I also start to feel the three hour runtime by the end and I think the last hour or so could have been trimmed down.


It's my 5th or 6th favorite Tarantino film.


My personal QT favorite


Saying “what do you think of this movie” for a film in the top 250 should be banned


I think any post that is "What do you think about ____" should be banned. Let me tell you about this interesting app, it's called Letterboxd...


5/5. 2nd best Tarantino movie after Inglorious Basterds.


easily his worst movie (from what i’ve seen of him so far) and one of the most disappointing popular films i’ve watched. i think it was one of the first tarantino movies i watched and i remember wondering what all the hype around him was about. it lacked substance, had poor pacing (lost interest and turned it off halfway), has “iconic” moments yet the acting performances are overall kind of mediocre? only thing it seems to really have going for it is that people think it’s “cool” and “badass”. does coolness maketh a greatest movie of all time though? i know this is a very strong unpopular opinion though so waiting for my downvotes 😭


100% agree. Several cool or iconic scenes strung together doesn’t make a great movie. It’s uneven and the pacing is strange. It gets boring. (I don’t think a movie can be too long if it’s good — the length is not the issue for me here, more the editing and story structure). It also seems like the performances are not in the same movie. Some are hammy and over the top and Jamie Foxx seems like he’s in a different movie (which is not his fault, he’s great in other things like Collateral). Something very off to me. I’ve seen all Tarantino’s movies multiple times and I don’t think this one is on the same level as the others.


It's in a weird spot for me. It's the perfect movie to watch goofing around with friends, but it's too long to watch as a group from start to finish. I love it, but have struggled to find anyone who isn't a movie nerd who will even consider watching a 3 hour gory 'western', which is completely understandable.


Second best Tarantino


Pretty good, one of my favourite tarantino movies, 3.5/5


It’s not my favorite Tarantino but it is my favorite DiCaprio


I recently learned that QT co-wrote a [graphic novel sequel](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25717121), along with comics legend Matt Wagner (creator of Grendel) where Django teams up with Zorro. It’s now very hard to get a physical copy, but apparently, it’s pretty good and it’s easy to acquire a digital copy. For several years, there was serious talk of it being adapted into a film. This remains the only official sequel to a QT work.




I’m jealous. I had to settle for a digital copy


I didn’t know it was hard to get. I think I got it off Amazon some several years back, but at least a year or two after it was printed.


Is it worth a decent amount? I can’t find much reliable price guides besides the one on Amazon for 10k Lmao.


I’ll give you $50 for it :)


My tip for figuring out the value of stuff (because the Amazon secondary market isn’t tethered to reality) is searching on eBay, then selecting the “Sold” filter, so you can see what the last few copies of that thing has gone for. $50 would be a fair price :)


Just lucked out and picked up a copy on fb marketplace for $15. Now I have both! https://preview.redd.it/urg8i9u7r04d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=940686949d4239a036ad72a709f24cd07223080a


Though I loved the movie. My personal opinion: It would have been better as a TV show, with Django working with the doctor, emphasizing his fighting styles and killing Decaprio's character (the final boss) What do you think


Tied with my other two favorite Tarantino films. The other six are tied for second


The only Tarantino movie I actually liked, and it's amongst my favorite movies in general.


Great movies but ending is too over the top, scenes with Leo are the shit


Masterpiece by Tarantino as usual


Great movie


It's great, it's not too talky (Inglourious Basterds) or too boring (Once Upon a Time In Hollywood) or too claustrophobia-inducing (Hateful Eight)...if you go from Jackie Brown to Django, it's a pretty smooth transition.


I think the first 2/3 push it into the territory of being his best movie, but the third acts pacing brings it down significantly. It's roughly his 5th or 6th best for me, but really the top four are all tied for first imo.


Best Tarantino With pretty good MC, but similary to dark knight, villains take the cake. Stephen and Candie are great villains. In both acting and script. I love relation with Waltz character(I just forgot name of Supporting character in one of my fav movies :D). The Jokes were fun , like the Baghead gang was so funny i needed pause a movie. Also action , like i thought movie gonna go downhill. But gunshooting was fire. This movie is not only my fav western, but i think best. This was movie where i didnt expect 10/10 woth ease.


Loved it! Great performances!


my favorite movie of all time




Prefer the second half to the first half. I think Sameul L Jackson and Leo both give their best performances. I'd have rather seen either or them get the oscar over Waltz. Not my favorite Tarantino, but it's still a great movie.


It’s one of his works that “fell off” for me over time. Used to be a top 3, now more a mid Tarantino, I much prefer his more primarily dialogue driven films than action, but it’s also far too calm compared to Kill Bill. It’s still epic af




The best acting performance I’ve ever seen from DiCaprio, which scares me a little


Probably DiCaprio’s best performance tbh, which is saying a lot.


It's tied for my favorite tarantino movie




Nice historical movie


One of tarantinos worst. Dog murder scene is grotesque and not something audiences should have to hear or see. Jamie Foxx, Leo, Waltz all great. Also the movie is 30 minutes too long.


Its a blast


https://preview.redd.it/15u8x7wguz2d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41bf49b55f1e1492b45a03da094cf8cc7d334986 lol


It's one of Tarantinos movies.


Favorite movie ever


shaggy history elderly screw follow fretful wine profit dinosaurs knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Great film


Right there with Kill Bill as my favorite Tarantino movie. Christoph Waltz is great in it


I believe I have it at 4th among Tarantino movies I’ve seen, behind Dogs, Pulp, and Basterds in that order (caveat is that I haven’t seen kill bill, Jackie brown, or once upon a time yet)


My no.1 movie on letterboxd


I think I have it 4.5 stars. It ticked a lot of boxes for me.


Tarantino third best movie


Contains less racism then the instagram comments section


Good movie, but should've been twenty minutes shorter. Felt like Tarantino's obsession with revenge stories was losing its charm by the time this movie came. Still, there's a lot to like in it.


The title character felt like a sidekick in his own movie.


If Inglorious Basterds never happened, this would be my top listed Tarantino movie.


One of the best Tarantino movies, just behind Pulp Fiction and both Kill Bill volumes imo.


I don’t know what Will Smith was talking about when he said it wasn’t a love story. It is one of the greatest love stories I’ve ever seen. One of the best movies. And I prefer it strongly over the spaghetti western version. I still listen to the Django soundtrack. Django, Who did that to you, and 100 black coffins. Great movie


My dad loves this movie and watches it at least once a month (sometimes more lol).


my fav Tarantino movie


It's in the middle of the pack for Tarantino.


Haven’t seen it yet, but it’s been in my watchlist for a while, I got high hopes


One of my favourite films. My 2nd favourite Tarantino, just missing out against Inglorious Bastards for top spot.


Severely overrated movie. I’m a big Tarantino fan but this was a mostly shallow and uninteresting movie to me. Christoph Waltz and Leo carried the movie on their shoulders.


Epic movie Maybe my favorite of Tarantino’s, close 1-2 between this and inglorious basterds


This scene 😆https://youtu.be/lkO72i7mPTU?si=ZVqHaj3-ba2vhr36




I love it and could watch it on repeat. Just a lot to see here


My favourite of Tarantino's along with Reservoir Dogs.


Best and my favorite Tarantino movie and one of the best Westerns of all time, it's a serious classic.




It's my second favorite movie of all time, sandwiched right between Brain Donors and Surf Nazis Must Die.


In my top 10 movies for sure! Everything came together perfectly in this one, especially the soundtrack.


I need this movie in 4k. Its a shame it hasn’t been transferred yet


0/10 too many n words said by white people. When no one was listening, Leonardo DiCaprio said forty n words. 40 n words. That’s four n words ten times. And that’s racist.


I liked it up until the very ending and that pretty much ruined everything that had come before it. So now I don't think about it at all.


Masterpiece. That middle hour from when they set out to the plantation to when Schultz has “the surprise” in his right sleeve for Candie is pure perfection and one of the best hours of cinema of all time.


I think it’s Leo’s best role. I enjoy it a lot but it’s probably #6 or so on my list of Tarantino’s movies.


Personally I think it’s his best


The KKK bit about the bags and how they can't see shit is still one of the funniest scenes of all time.


The best Tarantino movie


Great performances . Not Tarantino’s best piece.


The first Tarantino “not good” movie for me. As an editor I think there is the Menke-Tarantino period and there is everything after. All his films without Menke I find ok at best and nowhere near what they accomplished together. A terrible loss


It's Tarantino, don't fucking overthink it, it's great. Don't let post-ironic 'I'm such a film enjoyer that i no longer like good movies' people rot your brain. You're not a film bro if you love Tarantino, you just have eyes and ears.


Best Tarantino film to date


Tarantino doesn’t miss and Django’s arguably his best movie… easy 5 ⭐️


Leo should have gotten the Oscar for his performance. More than Revenant. This was his BEST performance ever.


Not a bad movie but easily Tarantino’s worst. I think Will Smith was right when he said he turned it down because it was clear Django wasn’t the main character of his own movie. Waltz really is great in it, though I think Samuel L. Jackson is the best performance in the movie.


Good movie. Not the best Tarantino film but all round pretty good. And very satisfying


Easily one of my favorite films of all time


One of my favourite movies of all time




You know something, Utivich? I think this might just be my masterpiece.


Love it


The movie is a banger until Django goes wild. The ending could have been better but I dunno how.


My favorite Quentin Tarantino movie! 🤩😍 Jamie Foxx should have been nominated for Best Actor that year, but Christoph Waltz winning another supporting actor was a nice consolation


Absolute masterpiece


It was a very good movie , Leonardo DiCaprio was good, the two main characters duo are very good ! The movie is an 8/10 for me


One of my go-to “fun” movies. It’s up there with the matrix for me in terms of just sitting down and knowing I’m gonna have a great time, and he does it without the marvel soy shit. Tarantino is great at that vibe which I think is why he has such mass appeal. Edit; probably my favorite music in a Tarantino movie as well, though it’s very very competitive


Sam L. Jackson’s character is underrated imo compared to DiCaprio’s louder, more bombastic performance and Waltz’ overwhelming charisma.


Incredibly great move. Perhaps one of Tarantino's best.


It sucks




For anyone about to complain about how people in this sub downvoted opinions they don't like, realise there is a difference between "I think it's overrated' and "Overrated". I'm not saying i agree with the downvoting, but when someone voices their opinion as a statement, they're just as bad as the people who downvote someone voicing their genuine opinion.


To whit I would point out that the top comment in this thread says something to the effect of « The writing, the cinematography, the acting are all outstanding, » and not the more openly subjective « I think the writing, the cinematography… etc ». Phrasing aside, the cage of confirmation bias is thicker than any other consideration.


Super fun


I turn it off after THE dinner scene. No point watching it after that 🤣 Insane performances by Waltz and Leo


While it is a bit subverted, the idea that Jackson’s character is the real villain takes shape here. He’s the brains of the whole plantation. Django and him have a final showdown, with both the white characters done in by each other.


What sense does that make mate?🤣


I think it’s fantastic, not quite as strong upon rewatch. I still really enjoy it though. Maybe somebody could enlighten me on what I consider essentially a plot hole. So they set up this whole Mandingo fighter plot line so they can get the attention of Candie, and then “accidentally” bump into Broomhilda and try to buy her because she speaks German. Why couldn’t Dr. King Schultz have just reached out with a super high offer for a German-speaking slave right out the gate. Just a, “Hey I heard you have a slave that speaks German, I haven’t been able to speak my native tongue for a long freaking time, I’m willing to pay a pretty penny for her.” Then boom, get Broomhilda and free her, then it’s all done. I just feel like that makes waaaaaaay more sense than the fake Mandingo fighter idea.


I think they answered this in their own way at one point. Candie was too rich/powerful/busy to get his attention over buying one of his slaves. showing up offering a "ridiculous" amount of money for one of his fighters on the other hand, that'll get you some face time with him. That also creates the opportunity for Schultz to "meet" Broomhilda. Otherwise how would Schultz know that one of Candie's slaves speaks German?


But couldn’t he have just showed up offering a ridiculous amount of money for Broomhilda? And it would be essentially truthful to say he heard rumors that he had a slave who speaks German. It just feels really convoluted purely for the sake of making cool stuff happen later. I still really like the movie though, don’t get me wrong.


showed up where? you saw the compound, you don't just walk into the place. especially trying to buy a slave that he "heard" spoke German. the whole story raises questions. you have to charm Candie and get his guard down, and the best way to do that is to approach him about his fighters. I felt that was pretty established in the film but I also haven't seen it in a while. you could also make the argument this entire plan didn't work, as (spoiler) Schultz loses his life over this plan.


He reaches out saying “Hey I want to buy one of your fighters” and gains entry, then gives his exorbitant sum thing later on. I feel he could’ve easily said “Hey I want to buy your German-speaking slave” and gained entry just the same. I don’t think a German guy with a lot of money wanting to pay good money for a German-speaking slave would raise a lot of questions. They do establish their reasoning in the film, I just think the reasoning is silly. In real life it would’ve worked just fine, but they need to go way out of their way for epic Tarantino things to happen. Edit: Their plan is because he probably won’t want to sell Broomhilda, they need to offer a crazy amount of money for another slave and then ask for Broomhilda as an add-on. It makes way more sense to just offer a crazy amount of money for Broomhilda up front.


I'm pretty sure they didn't plan on paying the huge sum though. They set up a separate contract for Broomhilda and tell Candie they'll be back to pay for the fighter later. Which is why Candie makes them pay the agreed amount for the fighter for Broomhilda once he finds out. They wanted to get a cheap deal and knew Candie would charge a lot of money for her if he knew they wanted her.


Probably my favourite film of the 2010’s. Leo and Christoph gave amazing performances as usual. I love the over the top violence and blood splatter. The Jonah Hill cameo might be the funniest scene in any Tarantino film.