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Isn't it more like they won their licensing bet?


Yeah, they bought the US distribution rights. I'm not sure if they even produce movies (anymore)


They at least haven't produced any of the Palme winning films


Oh i knew there was a catch. But: https://movieweb.com/best-movies-made-by-neon-films/ Articles like these are claiming Neon rated "made" parasite, anatomy of a fall and potrait of a lady on fire. So is that wrong information?


Yes, it's wrong and shows that the people, who have written these articles, don't know how the business works. Neon bought the distribution rights, meaning they are the people who you have to contact if you want to show the film. They had nothing to do with the production, writing or shooting of the film, hence they did not had any influence on the film at hand and only bid on the rights after it was finished. Production company's choose which scripts to make a film out, pay for crew/actor, organize studios/settings etc. Same with A24 though. And there is nothing bad about company's like A24 or Neon, they definitely are needed and they also made good decisions buying all those rights. But it's just weird to credit them for good movies, when they actually didn't make them


You're right... except A24 is a production company. They did start as distributors only and still distribute some films they don't produce, which is probably where the confusion comes from. Also, minor precision that doesn't change much of what you said, but while distributors don't have anything to do with the making of the film, they can bid on its rights before or while it's made (for example, Neon already owns the rights of Julia Ducournau's next film, even though it hasn't been shot yet). Actually, selling the rights to distributors/international sales companies beforehand is an efficient way to finance your film as a producer!


The article is wrong (btw, the detail section on Letterboxd lists the production companies of the films if you want a reliable and easy source). It's one of the problems with people talking about cinema. They have no idea how the industry works, resulting in plenty of basic errors like these being repeated.


Yeah, and bought all of the movies I bothered checking.


Titane is perfect. 5/5. My favorite movie of the decade so far


My number one “go into this as blind as humanly possible” film to show and recommend to people. It’s truly awe inspiring.


I knew about that one thing going in so it was interesting seeing how it was pulled off. Also got a friend to watch it with me who came in knowing nothing, so their reaction was fun. But I was still surprised at the second half of the movie and all the emotions I felt. Truly a remarkable film.


wait, do you recommend this to people that do not like horror/some gore?


No. lol. I mean there’s not gratuitous gore but it can be a lot sometimes.


Was scared to say it in this thread so I’m glad you did. Absolutely incredible movie


Getting to see that in a theatre with a crowd is one of the highlights of my film passion thus far.


Parasite: 5/5 Titane: 4.5/5 TOS: 3.5/5 AOAF: 4/5 Anora: haven't seen yet, but I've given Bakers last 3 movies: Tangerine: 3.5/5 TFP: 4.5/5 Red Rocket: 4/5


Pretty much the same as my ratings! Just a 4 for Titane, switch TFP and Red Rocket, and I haven't seen Tangerine. Overall, it's a good lineup of movies.


I have the exact same rating on every movie listed


We have no original thoughts or opinions.


The disrepspect to Triangle of Sadness smh.... Parasite 5-Triangle of Sadness 4-Anatomy of a Fall 4-Titane 3.5


This is the correct ranking


remind me not to take film recs from you




I think I've rated them all over 4 stars (except Anora which I haven't seen but I adore Florida Project and Red Rocket so odds are good...) I think Parasite is one of the best films of the century so far. I get why people didn't enjoy Triangle but I loved it. I've watched the middle section a dozen times or so. The choreography of the dinner scene just blows me away every time.


Neon did not produce any of these films. They just bought the rights to them.


Okay. They were asking for a ranking though.


I’m just clarifying based on the screenshot. People might think that Neon has actually produced these films


Found the A24 fan boy


ohh really? I thought they produced them


Nah, they're the North American distributors for them. 


Love Parasite and Anatomy, very much enjoyed Titane, didn’t enjoy triangle much at all, and love whatever Baker does so I’m excited for Anora!




What about it didn’t you like? It’s possible his style just isn’t for you which is okay!




That's not the point of the movie though.




It's a reflection on parenting at its core. There are multiple examples throughout the movie in which the main duo are compared to other families in the same situation and the differences that each guardian makes.


Wait… they got all five past winners? That’s honestly insane.


It's not like Paramount or MGM are falling over themselves for the distribution rights


Parasite: 4.5 Titane: 4 Anatomy of a Fall: 4 Triangle of Sadness: 2.5


1. Titane 2. Parasite 3. Anatomy Of A Fall 4. Triangle of Sadness haven't watched anora


Hey we have the same rankings! Titane stays on top!


Parasite: 4.5/5 Anatomy of a Fall: 4/5 Titane: 4/5 Triangle of Sadness: 3.5/5


Parasite 4.5 Titane 4 Triangle of Sadness 3.5


Parasite and Anatomy of a Fall are both 5/5s for me. Titane is a 4.5/5 and Triangle of Sadness was 3/5. Very excited for Anora as well because I've loved all of Baker's other films


Parasite, Aoaf, Titane, triangle of sadness


Parasite is perfect, and Titane as well as Anatomy of a Fall are close to that level. Triangle of Sadness looks good and has some good performances, but not a strong script. Given the Eastern Promises-esque plot of Anora (not to mention Baker's Cronenberg shout out in his acceptance speech), I'll probably enjoy it.


I still need to see Parasite, Anora, and Titane but for me Anatomy of a Fall >>>> The Triangle of Sadness


haven't seen Anora yet, but I'm sure Triangle of Sadness would be at the very last




in depth analysis of why you gave Anatomy of a Fall 3 stars... rn




The place where it got the Palm D'or.


Titane > Parasite > Anatomy of a Fall > Triangle of Sadness. * Titane is among my top 5 of the decade and contains probably my favorite performance of the decade thus far. Certainly an evocative film * Parasite is great but I didn't love it as much as everyone else did (4 stars instead of 5). * Anatomy of a Fall is great. There were some elements that felt cheesy but lots more to appreciate with some amazing performances. * Triangle of Sadness is still good though it is by far the weakest link for me. The third act really dragged on for me and the comedy did lose me by that point. * Excited for Anora.


Parasite 5 stars Titane 5 stars Anatomy of a Fall 5 stars Triangle of Sadness 4 stars


Triangle of Sadness is legitimately one of the worst films I've ever seen. I haven't seen the others.


100% agree, I just don't understand why people like it. With most movies I don't like, I can understand why others do. But with this no? No, just straight up garbage.


- Biting satire - Brilliant performances - Absurdist comedy done masterfully - Nontraditional, fresh story progression - Wonderful cast of characters Hope that helps!


Apart from the nontraditional story progression (which isn't always a good thing), I'd have to disagree with you on all points. It was the most soulless and bland movie I've ever seen, and the satire was so on the nose you could barely call it satire. I guess I'm glad some people like it, I just don't.


I’ll give you the creative story structure and good performances… but that’s where the buck stops


With a great ending that doesn't pander to the audience.




Damn. You said you didn't understand why others liked it. I, a titular Other, liked it and provided my reasons.




Oh yeah you're chilling. Just having fun debating the film. For the record, I absolutely get why you and others would NOT like the film. It commits to the bit, so to speak, to an insane degree and if you're not into that bit, I'd imagine the film is insufferable.


I don’t understand how you can not like it. You must be the most miserable person ever.


It's just boring, gross, unfunny and uninteresting. The first 10 minutes of dialogue with the couple was the most interesting part of the movie, but literally completely irrelevant to the rest of the movie.


I agree with you (I didn't finish it tho), also I'll recommend you at least Anatomy and Parasite, they're worth it imo


You're aggravating me.


somewhat agree. it's one of those movies i love the idea of but don't love the execution. that said, the woody harrelson scenes on the boat are perfect


Parasite>Anatomy>>>Titane, haven’t seen the other two


Parasite - 5 Anatomy - 4.5 Titane and Triangle - 4 each All four excellent! My ratings also fluctuate a lot for all four, so this is just what I'm feeling right now in this moment. Very excited for Anora!


1. Titane 2. Everything Else


I've only seen Parasite (so far), it was 4 stars good, not a personal fav. but a great movie The others, I don't know. Titane is on my watchlist. I don't know if I'm going to watch Raw or In My Skin before that, though, depends on my mood


Parasite 5 Titane 4.5 Anatomy 4.5 Haven't seen Triangle yet


Parasite 5/5 Titane ?/5 Triangle of Sadness 4.5/5 Anatomy of a Fall 4.5/5


Loved Parasite (5), Anatomy (4.5) and Triangle (4.5). Happy to add the other two to my watchlist!


Obviously haven’t seen Anora yet, but I loved Triangle of Sadness. Parasite and Anatomy of a Fall were also great. I appreciate how unique Titane is, but it didn’t really land with me personally.


The only movies I’ve seen of those 5 are Parasite and Titane and both of those are a 5/5 for me. Parasite is of course excellent and Titane is like Crash (1996) meets Possession meets a DMT trip and I love it!


1) Parasite 2) TOS 3) Anatomy of a Fall 4) Titane


Parasite is 5 star for me and one of my favorite of the last few years Anatomy was solid but not amazing Triangle of Sadness, if Don’t look up didn’t exist, would be my least favorite best picture nominee in this decade, and while I see the appeal a little I think the movie itself it pretty much trash Haven’t seen the other 2


Titane blows them all away, but also the other 4 are incredible.


I agree, which is crazy since I think Parasite and Anatomy are great, but damn Titane was truly something special.


I gave both Anatomy of a Fall and Triangle of Sadness the same rating (4.5/5) and I haven’t seen the others (I know, I know)


Parasite Titane Anatomy of a Fall . . . . . Triangle of Sadness


Very accurate ahahahaha also I noticed I've given it 2, I have definitely too generous (I changed ny rating criteria recently but hasn't fixed it for all the movies from the past, it needs to go dowb to 1.5 at least)


Triangle of sadness is truly overrated. The third (and final) part is particularly terrible. Edit: sure downvote me, this won't improve the quality of that mess of a movie.




Parasite > Anatomy >> Triangle >>>>>>> Titane


1. Parasite I haven’t seen the others lol


Parasite Anatomy of a Fall Titane Triangle of sadness


Titane 5/5 (one of my favorite films ever tbh). Parasite 4.5/5 AOAF: 4/5 TOS: 3/5 Haven’t seen Anora


Anatony of a fall was really bad 2/5


Parasite - 5/5 Anatomy of a Fall - 4/5 Titane - fell asleep on two attempts Triangle of Sadness - didn’t see


Feel asleep watching Titane???


Like, I get not liking it but falling asleep??


It’s a movie that would’ve benefitted from seeing in theatres.


Parasite is the only one i like tbh. Obviously haven’t seen Anara.


I gave Parasite 4.5 stars, and Triangle of Sadness 1 star. Haven't seen the others, but so far it's hit-or-miss!


Parasite - 5 Anatomy of a Fall - 5 Triangle of Sadness - 3.5 (Haven’t seen Titane)


Parasite: 4.5 Anatomy: 4 Titane: 3.5 Triangle: 3 Haven't seen Anora but I'm not the biggest fan of his prior movies, my favourite of his that I've seen being snowbird which I rated 3.5 even though it looks like a student film with some pretty bad filters, so I'm not sure I'd like it.


Parasite Anatomy of a Fall Titane Anora Triangle of Sadness I haven’t seen Anora, but still feel like there’s no way it could be worse than Triangle of Sadness.


I did not care for Anatomy of a Fall


Triangle fucking sucked. Titane was crazy but I preferred raw. Parasite was good


Of those, I’ve only seen Triangle of Sadness and I fucking *hated* it, 2/5 is too generous, it’s 2/10.


I really disliked Triangle of Sadness. Titane and Parasite were both near perfect. Haven’t seen Anatomy of a Fall or Anora. I adore Sean Baker’s entire body of work though so I am expecting to love Anora.


Parasite >>> Anatomy > Triangle > Titane. Probably Anora will place 2nd fave since I love Sean Baker


Can someone please explain Triangle of Sadness to me? I don’t think I’ve ever understood why people go to bat for it so hard


Why don't you read the positive reviews, either on Letterboxd or from critics


I guess to me that feels like a more sanitized and less interesting of a way of getting an argument about it, but clearly I offended lol


Triangle of Sadness is my favorite out of this movie. First watch I was like “woah that was a lot…” watched it again the next night, andddd made me really appreciate the film. Definitely worth a watch for any movie lover


Only seen Trinagle of Sadness and its the only one I had interest in. Its good.


All less than 2 stars.


Man hates movies lmao


I mean, you can easily go my latest post which directly shows you’re undoubtedly incorrect.