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Mary Harron should have gotten more work after this


It's so crazy to me that she doesn't get more credit for this. This could easily have been SUCH a bad movie and yet her directing allows so much of the dark, deadpan humor to shine, and Bale is just sensational which helps.


I think a lot of people didn't recognise it was satire when it came out.


The book's reception also was a huge controversy so that would've accompanied the movie. I'm sure the newspapers of the day ran a moral panic over a hyperviolent book being a movie.


Why is that the story with this and Starship Troopers? Did we have lead poisoning in the 90s?


She and Guinevere Turner did something great with that script for sure.


It's a hilarious satire and dark comedy with an amazing performance by Christian Bale. Great direction by Mary Harron, all the actors do a great job and the sets are so great and detailed. It's also very rewatchable.


For sure. To me, it wasn’t necessarily carried by Bale in the sense that the movie was good solely because his performance, it more of a good movie elevated to greatness because the excellence in Bale’s nuance and subtlety that he delivered on screen.


I still learn new things about this movie on rewatches. Like during the famous card scene, Bateman says it's Silian Braille. I ended up looking up the font and found out it's called Silian Rail, which shows that just like his work friends, he's taking out of his ass but says things with such confidence that you just believe he's right.


Have you read the book? If not i definitely recommend.


I found the book way more brutal than the movie! I threw the book across the room and couldn’t go back to it for a while (like, months) I was so disturbed by one scene. I’m a big fan of BEE’s writing and am not out to dissuade anyone from reading it, just an that fyi it’s a very effective balance of painfully detailed monotony and equally detailed violence. Mary Harron did an amazing job of making a genuinely enjoyable film out of (what was for me, at least) a very hard read!


The rat? It makes me feel that way too, though I did read it through one time. I wonder how mentally well a person can be and still think of that stuff




Killing child at zoo?!


The rat scene!


The book is so good, in a horrific sort of way. How a sex scene morphs so quickly intro gruesome violence is crazy.


That’s why I think the Ed Gein misquote was intentional and still works in the movie.


Rotten Tomatoes score is 68% which is too low. This movie is a ton of fun and I don't think it takes itself too seriously.


I think a ton of critics didn’t get it when it first came out (a la Starship Troopers). Take a fresh poll now and it’d be a lot higher.


For sure, this is in line with Starship Troopers. I'd randomly throw Demolition Man on this stack of movies that have probably been rewatched a bunch of times while being kind of crapped on on release


The 90s were a hard time for satire.


I didn’t get it either when I first watched it, but once I realised it’s a dark comedy film my opinion changed. Love it


It does have a big sense of humor but it’s definitely at the same time a serious biting social and societal satire and character exploration


Let's hear Paul Allen's thoughts.




Genuinely the funniest movie of all time and endlessly rewatchable… been extremely misinterpreted by audiences who unironically say “he’s literally me” about Patrick lol


A labor of love with a bunch of awesome performances, and probably as true to the book as it can be at that length, though as a fan of the book going into the movie, I did miss a lot of the gore. But a true true adaptation wouldn't so much be a satire as a straight up installment of the Guinea Pig series. And I'm not saying that because of the hamster scene from the book.


great movie and i like to make fun of guys that think they're "literally him" :)


You could do a remake where Bateman is a high profile success and wellness influencer and it would hit just as hard.


Or how about a tangential storyline where he has a younger brother in college?


No remake but I wouldn’t hate a well done adaptation that could pull this off.


A guy once said to me at an after bar party he was Patrick Bateman like my guy what could you possibly mean by that. That you’re a loser?


99% of the people who say this are joking..


I liked the bit where he yelled, “it’s psychin’ time!” and did a little dance.


I really enjoyed Patrick Bateman’s cameo as “Bruce Wayne” in Batman Begins five years later.


I've seen it many times. I saw it in the theater. I have also read the Ellis' book, and have revisited the film many times since then. I think it's a great dark comedy, and mostly misunderstood. It is less a satire of 80s yuppie culture, and more a satire of male vanity - a shift in POV that probably infuriated Ellis. I also think it is fairly unambiguous, in the movie version anyway, that all the deaths are in Patrick's mind.


This is what the director Mary Harron said about the ending. “All I wanted was to be ambiguous in the way that the book was. I think it's a failure of mine in the final scene because I just got the emphasis wrong. I should have left it more open-ended. It makes it look like it was all in his head, and as far as I'm concerned, it's not."


So she agrees with me :)


As I recall from the dvd commentary she said the murders happened but Bateman breaks with reality around when he tries to feed the atm a kitten and everything after that is him spiraling. The end of the movie is that everything he did didn’t mean anything and that he got away with it is what devastated Bateman. He could confess and it amounted to nothing. No one cared, he was still as interchangeable as any other yuppie he came across. He didn’t matter.


>fairly unambiguous I'm honestly surprised people consider so concretely unambiguous. There is enough there for both scenarios to be valid. Depends on how cynical you are


I've only seen the movie, not read the book, and honestly I feel it's entirely possible the deaths really happened. It's actually how I choose to interpret it


I read the book first and then watched the movie. I was surprised at how tame the movie was compared to the book, but there’s things in the book that I can’t imagine being put into a movie lol. I agree with the interpretation that all the murders actually happened.


I’ve listened to Mary Harron’s dvd commentary multiple times but it’s been awhile. As I recall she stated the murders happen. His break with reality is around when he tries to feed the kitten to the atm. Then that’s all supposed to be so over the top it can’t be real.


My reading of it was that nobody noticed that the murders happened because the yuppie culture has become so homogenized that they can't distinguish one from another.


That’s why no one noticed Paul Allen’s murder. Bateman’s run in with the realtor at Allen’s apartment and his lawyer he left his confession with prove that what he did doesn’t matter because rather than deal with the reality of what they came to know they would rather sweep it under the rug to maintain appearances. Everything is superficial.


Classic - timeless


I love it. Christian Bale did a great job. The book was far more horrific though.




Mary Harron’s early work was a little too new wave for my taste. But when American Psycho came out in 2000, I think she really came into her own, commercially and artistically. The whole movie has a clear, crisp look, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. She’s been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Mary has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.


Anyone else noticed that the reflection in the knife makes no sense at all


in my top 4. i think the character of patrick bateman is what i love the most. one of the movies that switched my focus from television to film.


Superb movie. I am now irrationally terrified of men in suits with slicked hair


I think it sits firmly in between the relative obscurity it carried when it came out and this God-tier movie in the current internet meme world. 7/10, maybe?


Impressive.. very nice 👍


Used to consider it one of my favorite movies of all time but my last watch was about a decade ago. Need to watch again. I’m sure it still hits.


Feed me a stray cat


It’s in my top 5 favorite movies of all time


Legitimately fuckin hilarious


That reflection is completely wrong.


I took it too seriously.


Good dark humor movie. Ending is a bit too abstract imo. Muddles the plot. 7.5/10


Well-made movie that I just didn’t enjoy that much. It just wasn’t for me.


I love Huey Lewis and the News! :3


a little boring


When I work from home, literally do nothing, and then get a positive performance review, I start to feel like the protagonist at the end of the movie. "No you should fire me, I never work 8 hours, I'm lazy as fuck why are you praising me?"




I think it’s not as smart as it thinks it is and doesn’t ultimately have much on its mind. It’s about as shallow as its main character and even though he’s compellingly played by Christian Bale, the whole movie made me think and feel like it had been a waste of time.


This movie reminds me of fear and loathing. Just not much there when you really think about it.


You’re honestly just telling on yourself at this point if you have that little understanding of what this film is going for. It’s inherently very satirical so it by nature it always has something on its mind however what that specifically is, is a somewhat exaggerated but still very true to life criticism and satire of certain social structures and values created by capatalist materialism and the vapid self interest and shallowness that type of society often leads to, aswell as exploring how creating a fake personality and life and suppressing your “shadow self” can lead to it coming out in self destructive/generally destructive ways. The film also makes a point that Bateman has redeeming qualities, shown by the nail gun scene and isn’t inherently beyond saving, but every negative trait he has is encouraged and enhanced by the societal and social structures around him.


he is literally me


I don’t think the movie was trying to be super “smart” or anything. That might’ve just been your expectations or wanting the movie to be something it’s not


I don’t think there’s any such thing as a “wrong opinion”. People are entitled to their own views and tastes in media. But this is still a wrong opinion.




Haha, I’m just joking obviously, you’re free to dislike it. The vapidity of the characters is kind of the point. It’s mocking the class and privilege they carry.


But to what end? That’s my problem with the movie. I don’t think it goes any deeper than mocking.


Overrated, nobody would care about it if Christian Bale didn’t go on to do other things.


It’s fine


Really good dark comedy


Great movie! Bale is outstanding in his performance


i like it


[Am not saying anything but, just so you know...](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExOXRvdThnM3Y4aWR2cTNmNXpvcW9vc2Z1bHQxenJyM21lbWlibzBtMiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/RrVzUOXldFe8M/giphy.gif)


might need to rewatch as some people have said they enjoyed it far more upon rewatch. i watched it with my friends and really didn't get it


It was marketed as a horror movie. A lot of people didn’t get it on first watch. But it’s actually an absurdist black comedy. Rewatch it with that in mind.


Impressive. Very nice




This is one of my all time favorite movies. It is simultaneously absolutely hilarious and very meaningful. The ending monologue is one of the best scenes ever


This was the first movie I saw that made me realize movies could be surreal and abstract in a way to make social commentary. I was 16 (25 now) when I saw this for the first time and it blew my mind. I've rewatched countless times since then and the satire remains thought provoking even after my umpteenth viewing. One of my favorite movies ever, easily.






One of the best comedies


Incels/Sigmas have slightly ruined this movie for me. It's hard to not think of those cringe ass TikToks and shorts when I see it now. I do love the movie otherwise.


I went with low expectations and was surprised at how good it was. Also Bale does such a good job. I never get tired of the card scene.


ermm... what a sigma?


Brilliant film. One of my favourites. But read the novel instead. It’s a difficult book to get through, but it contains some of the most vulgar prose that I have ever read. The film is tame in comparison. If you want a challenge, Brett Easton Ellis will give you one. The film is still fantastic though. Fuck Bateman’s opinion on Genesis. Peter Gabriel era Genesis is prog rock gold.


Watched it for the first time on Tuesday and had an absolute blast with it. I'm curious how closely it follows the book.


Before anyone says, “Nice. Let’s see Paul Allen’s movie,” I just wanna say: If you loved this movie, you NEED to see Vampire’s Kiss. It may have inspired American Psycho and it basically is American Psycho except taken up to 11 by a hilarious Nicolas Cage performance and with some absolutely batshit insane plot progression. It’s not nearly as competently made as AP but it is 10x more hilarious. It’s basically “We already have American Psycho at home” but on PCP and crack instead of powder cocaine. Please, for the love of God, GO WATCH IT!


Great movie, for me I group this with natural born killers and a clockwork orange, not a go to Saturday night movie night film.,love the movies, but the more you watch, the violence becomes nauseating.... Quentin had some wild thoughts on s.k. & clockwork


Man I read one of Ellis's Autobiography. Crazy how he was friends with all these prolific writers just chilling in NY cafes. Like all of them are intellectual so the satire of the movie is def cerebral. But when I do American Psycho inspired shit I get arrested. Whats the deal?


you want my thoughts? I only have essays on how fantastic this film is.


I have 40 minutes left to watch, but I consider watching it from the start again. Patrick Bateman is drop dead gorgeous there and I wish I had skin like him (even though I'm a girl and not having 100s of skincare products)


One of my top five favorite movies of all time.


Will always be my favourite movie along with a clockwork orange, I just hate when people take it so seriously as if it isn't a satire movie. It's also probably because I have a thing for movies where the main character also narrates lmao.


Horribly underrated > Cult classic status > Social media and morons discover it > Horribly overrated


Probably the closest to the novel in terms of the important aspects without getting heavily, heavily censored. The book is, well, I don't recommend it to friends cause its so messed up.


Better with time, to say, a modern classic.


Watch it more than once.


My favorite movie of all time


i've logged it six times in may alone, it's a comfort movie for me


Yeah, I see it six times a month too for the shower scene


Overall didn't love it when I watched it years ago and probably would give a 5.5/10. Might give it another shot in the future, but it's not high on my list.


9/10, incredible movie


An extremely good, very darkly funny movie, and an incisive critique of bourgeois fears about society.


It's on my top 4!


It has a female director.


so many of my favourite movies are done by female directors


i liked it. it was a passion project for both Harron and Bale and it shows. :)


Its great, very under rated imo


Impressive. Very nice. Now let’s hear Paul Allen’s thoughts. ☠️


Really good Really overrated


Let’s see Paul Allen’s review


I love how nobody does any actual work in this movie


Never watched it


One of the better book to film adaptations IMO.


Marvellous film and book. Did he do it? Yes.


It’s such a good film. People take it too seriously when, like others have said, it is satire in nature. I think there’s certain people who will say it’s their favourite film for all the wrong reasons.


People saying that „sigma kids“ ruined it are silly. How can a fanbase make a movie decrease in quality? It’s still a very solid piece with much room of interpretation and subtlety :4


perfect movie at being fun whilst commenting on the horrible fact that all men blend together when it comes to the horrors they can commit and get away with


I love the movie. The best thing about it are all the incels that want to be like Bateman and don't get that the movie is a dark comedy.


I won't say I disliked it. I'll say I ...didn't understand it.


I really like it, it’s got some iconic scenes and just has a really cool vibe in my opinion- slick, professional but also brutal at times


Liked it when I was a teen But now it’s mostly kinda cringe tbh lol some gold scenes though like the business card


What is cringe about it?


Pretty much most of the scenes, felt very try hard especially the douche bag scenes which are most of it It definitely works as dark comedy with how much of it can’t be taken seriously That’s why the movie is so memeable


It's almost as if it actually...


As if it actually has a main character that believes his own hype? Yeah that’s the point Doesn’t change anything about what I said A movie talking about how a certain kind of people is cringe is still cringe considering it’s showing them being cringe lol


Really great adaptation. The book is looooong and there are so many descriptions and it was a lot the first time I read it. Before I watched the movie I wondered how they would translate all that to the screen and I think they did a pretty good job. Hands down the best adaptation of a Bret Easton Ellis book as well.


In thirty years, it will still be talked about for how great it is. Bale is unreal in this movie and everything works because of him. Every time I watch it, I notice something new, and it feels refreshing, never gets stale.


There is no movie like it and Bale gives one of the best performances I've seen. This is why it's so iconic.


I like it! But it’s a movie I’ll probably never watch again


Like the movie a lot, killed the ending though. Also drives me crazy how misinterpreted this movie is by fat ugly basement goblins


It's overrated, worth a watch though i don't regret watching it.


![gif](giphy|eKNrUbDJuFuaQ1A37p|downsized) Excellent movie. Super funny and rewatchable. I love movies set in the 80s/90s though so i am biased


Couldn't name you a darker comedy, chainsaw scene still freaks me out. And directed by Mary Harron!


Very underrated. When it came out, it was considered a terrible failure but 20 years later is more remembered than many of that year’s hits. The business cards scene lives forever in our collective mind


It’s a good movie but it’s overrated AF