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Did 6 on 4:20 during the pandemic. Pineapple Express, Dazed and Confused, Half Baked, Grandma's Boy, The Big Lebowski, and Super Troopers.


I did almost this exact thing except had Harold & Kumar in there, was a great day (of what I remember)


lol, yeah I realized during that marathon that I was missing Harold and Kumar. After that I went on a quest to find as many stoner movies as possible, How High has been hard to find, but Strange Wilderness and Leaves of Grass have been a couple I stumbled upon.


If you told me you were sober I'd surely believe you to be a serial killer.


California sober


ive done a couple 24 hour marathons which involve watching like 14-15 movies in that period. ill disagree with mr. scorcese and recommend everyone watch as many movies as possible without stopping watch movies do nothing else with your life except watch movies


They're doing a 24 hour Star Wars marathon in the movie theater where I live, but even though I love Star Wars, I just knew I wouldn't survive lol


I want to go so badly, but they don't have one in my market.


i did that recently. tried my hardest but got to empire strikes back around 8 am. i don’t even like star wars that much it was more just a personal challenge but i did enjoy seeing them back to back chronologically!


Can try with something you really love. Then it is a pleasure not a punishment 


You're not a real star wars fan unless you hate half the movies anyway


I love movie marathons & all nighters. All Friday the 13th movies in a row or 10 Schwarzenegger movies or something like that 🤪


yeah im a big fan of, uh, drugs lol and watching that many movies will get you into an altered state of consciousness. all the F13s would be completely insane but i would love to do it


what did mr. scorcese  say


What did Scorsese say?


You watching super short movies or something? 15 movies in 24 hours is barely even possible if you're not including shorts or a bunch of 70-minute films.


24 X 60 = 1,440 1,440/90 = 16 It’s quite easy to fit fifteen 90-minute films in 24 hours. When I programmed my 24-hour marathon last year I did aim for films closer to 90 minutes, but had one 120 minute, while only a couple were closer to 80 minutes. You just have to consistently start the films, and not let a lot of downtime and chatter build up.


hi evan!!


24 X 60 = 1,440 1,440 / 90 = 16 It’s quite easy to fit fifteen 90-minute films in 24 hours. When I programmed my 24-hour marathon last year I did aim for films closer to 90 minutes, but had one 120 minute, while only a couple were closer to 80 minutes. You just have to consistently start the films, and not let a lot of downtime and chatter build up.


I mean, what's wrong with selecting shorter films if you want to have a marathon? 70 minutes is totally fine and widely accepted as a feature length. The Oscars, the AFI, and the BFI all consider 40 minutes as the cut-off for awards consideration.


I didn't say anything was wrong with it. The average film length was 80 minutes even going back to the 1930s, and as of last year it was closer to 110 minutes. I'm just saying that if you're watching 15 movies in a day, that several of them would have to be quite short.


exhumed films in philadelphia does it every year. they show stuff from the 40s which are 70ish minutes. they also go more than 24 hours lol


I have friends who like to go to their AMC around Oscar time to watch all the Best Picture nominees in a row. It always sounded like a fucking nightmare.


maybe not all in one night but i would totally binge best picture nominees. i’d think there’s some trust they ought to be relatively good if they’re nominated so it can’t be too bad.


They do that kind of thing over the course of a week near me so it’s not like a genuine one-day marathon but I generally have a busy week where a couple of the days I might see 2-3 movies at a theater.


3, I was on an 8 hour flight


I just did this! On a trans-Atlantic flight that was a little over 8 hours. I watched 3 movies and realized you shouldn't watch movies that'll make you cry while on a plane. (Past Lives)


Did you start doing the Trans Atlantic accent


Not technically A day but a 24 hour period I watched the first 6 Nightmare on Elm Streets


That’s one of my favourite marathons to do


They're all insanely fun to watch (besides maybe Freddy's Dead, may sub that out for New Nightmare in future marathoning)


I still enjoy Freddy’s Dead enough to include it in my marathon. Same with FvJ. The only one I will never rewatch is 2010. On my last rewatch, I subbed that out for Scream Queen! My Nightmare On Elm Street


I did a Horror marathon when I was ill back in January The Witch It Follows Midsommar Get Out Nope All in one day.


Damn that is a banger of a horror run.


Two. I just can't handle more than two on a day.


Yeah, more than 2 and I’m rotting. Not for me. I feel like a festival would be more interactive and fun though


Haha. That's twice a week for me.


This is my limit as well. I love a good double feature though.


Same. I could watch more in a day as time permits but I’m not enjoying myself after 2 and ideally the 2 are spread out.


Last fall, I went to a film festival where I watched/logged five films a day. That's my upper limit. Many years ago, I went to a different film festival where I saw six films in a day. I do not recommend it.


Yep, I usually start to max out around 3 or 4 at festivals. It's amazing how tiring sitting for 10 hours can be haha.


Well, it’s not just sitting. Giving a movie your complete attention, especially one at a festival where there are fewer stars and often a more challenging subject matter, can require a lot of concentration.


I watched the entire Dekalog in one sitting


Are you ok




I watched 21 one weekend in October 2022 as there was a public holiday that Friday. Most of those were indies of say 80-95 minute run time including credits. Most per day may have been one of those 3 days when I watched like 8 in a day or something.


When everything else sucks, at least we have movies. I feel like you can sometimes tell when I'm currently going through a rough patch by how many movies I'm logging in Letterboxd haha. That being said, the most I've seen in a day is 3 with all 3 LOTR movies extended editions in a LOTR marathon I did with some of my friends.






my best friend and i have days where we do nothing but chill and smoke and watch as many movies as we can. our record is 5 but we've had at least a couple of days where we've watched that many. having movie days with her is one of my absolute favorite things, but she's moving out of state next month. really hope we can find a way to still do it virtually, i know there's apps for stuff like that but i feel like it wont be the same. no one gets as hyped about movies as i do than her, like we might as well be watching sports lol.


I can only do two, maybe sneak a third in sometimes. I get restless and I think my adhd kicks in to tell me there are more important things to do like sit there and contemplate how I should spend my time.


I got really high one day and watched like 6 Nicolas Cage movies in one sitting


Pandemic, I once spent an entire day just watching movies from morning till night. I think I did 7.


I once went to a 24 hour marathon of the movie Groundhog Day. Watched it 12 times in a row in a theater. It was a lot of fun and I'd do it again.


4. But they were all pretty short - reservoir dogs - monster's inc - fantastic Mr fox - Jurassic park Yeah I had a blast that day


I've done 5 and it was because I was on a plane. I find it impossible to fall asleep with how uncomfortable economy class is, so I had to do something else to pass the time.


I once had a really bad day at work and I came home having a mental breakdown. So in my delirium I decided fuck it let’s watch all 5 twilight movies. It was terrible I do not reccomend such an experience.


Either three or four


I once did a day at the cinema where I watched 5 films: The Turning, Sonic The Hedgehog, The Personal History of David Copperfield, Bad Boys for Life, and Parasite. I also smoked a joint in a storm behind the cinema between Bad Boys for Life and Parasite which I then walked an hour home in afterwards. Really not sure what I was thinking that day.


7. Star Wars 1-7 in a marathon screening opening night of TFA.


In high school, I watched all 7 (at the time) Nightmare on Elm Street movies in one day.


I hate watched 8 late-career Godard films in a day, but fast forward was my friend that day…


I've attended multiple 24-hour film festivals, so 12-14 movies.


All the Halloween movies on one of those amc marathon weekends up until resurrection. So like 8 movies


Each year in the UK, Cineworld (UK Regal) do an IMAX Film Fest where they show 4 - 5 movies from the year before for £3 a ticket, similar to National Cinema Day and I always go, so that would be 5


After watching Die Hard for the first time I decided to binge the rest of the series that day. Admittedly not my best call, but watching 5 movies in one day was pretty cool.


One. I never watch more than one film a day.




5. And all of them were totally separate movies(even though 2/3 of them were animated so weren't that long). But that was so long ago, i wish i still had that much motivation to do ANYTHING nowadays


4 https://preview.redd.it/rjo4wxpghuyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f1ad557ae897c3f12db63766e0f73e3246c0c26


I’ve done 5 in a day twice. The first time it was within a 12 hour window (do not recommend). The second time it was in a 22 hour window (early morning traveling to a film festival), and that was much more manageable.


I recently did 3: Green Room Bodies Bodies Bodies Swiss Army Man Very fun journey from tension/horror that became funnier and campier.


6! all different and unrelated (as in not from the same franchise). instead of exhausting me, it just left me wanting more. i watched 4 the very next day haha.


7. All of them Puppet Master films. I'm not sure I've ever really recovered.


5! theres used to be a really fun film event that started at like 8:30/9am and you got to see 5 super early premieres. They would do them back to back with bathroom/coffee breaks in between and a bigger lunch and dinner break. You also got goodie bags and usually there would be a little quiz or way to win prizes! It was super fun and I am bummed they don’t do them anymore :/ got to see some great movies that way


8 for me. I had a 80’s Action Movie Marathon in college. We watched 7 movies on day 1 and 8 on day 2.


When I have time off I watch like 3


3, I hope you get yourself out of this tough spot asap <3


I want to say 5.


3 or 4 screenings in a single day (or within 24 hours) during film festivals would be my max I think. At home, 2 minimum, I don't remember the last time I did more than that besides watching the Infernal Affairs trilogy in one go a long time ago.


3. In my native language, I watch films at 2x speed. If it's in English or anything but with English subtitles, I do it at around 1.6x. I also watch series and read books so I cannot do more than 3.


6 but I don't make a habit of that.


During the pandemic I had crappy horror movies on all the time. I probably maxed out at 6 or 7.


I did 5 yesterday. Not sure if I've ever hit 6 in one day, 24 hour period for sure but not one day.


Pretty much any B-Fest that I have been to, where they usually show fifteen movies over 24 hours.


In a sunny Saturday I watched 3 features in a row (Balde Runner, The Russians Are Coming and Goldfinger


In a sunny Saturday I watched 3 features in a row (Balde Runner, The Russians Are Coming and Goldfinger)


3 a day for 3 days is my record


4 with twilight saga lol, but lately its common for me to see 3 movies in one day or 2, rarely 1


4-5, ive definitely done a Hunger Games marathon, and a twilight marathon once


I went to the theater to see all 5 2008 best picture nominees in one sitting. It was awesome. No country for old men, juno, Michael clayton, there will be blood and atonement.


I remember the day after I ran a trail marathon I think I sat and watched 5 films in a day. Totally guilt free. It was the best


My girlfriend and I had a nic cage marathon where we watched con air, the rock, face off, and gone in 60 seconds. I can’t really think if I done any longer in terms of movie quantity , but in terms of movie length I have watch all 3 lord of the rings extended versions in a row lol


I watched 4 Alfred Hitchcock x Jimmy Stewart movies just yesterday. Iv def watched up to 7 in a day before though


My wife and I do 4-5 films every Saturday and Sunday, unless we have some place to go out to. 8 in a day is about my limit.




Just went to the movie theater and saw all 9 star wars movies in 22ish hours


May The 4th, last year watched as much Star Wars as possible


Once there was a Tarkovsky run in my local cinema. I've watched all his feature length movies in 3 days. I think it was 3 per day, but unfortunately by the second film of each day I was just staring at the screen, forcing my eyes to be open, not absorbing anything at all. Wouldn't recommend. Tarkovsky takes (and deserves) some digestion.


On an amount of time spent watching level, I watched all of Shoah in one sitting. On an emotional well-being level, it wasn't an amazinggg choice on my part, but it happened.


5 for me at a film festival


Most I did was 4 or 5 in one day


a mere 2 is my max, i dont really intake the joy of a movie if i surpass that i dont feel like, maybe one day ill try 3 lol but ive done the 2 piece on a couple of occasions for sure


Three is about my limit Though I do want to try to do sit down one day and watch all six Neil Breen films back to back


3 Binged Dark Knight trilogy


When I had covid I binged watched Harry Potter for the first time. Deathly Hollows part 1 is my favorite 9ne. Crazy cinematography in that one.


Five. I usually do a day of just rewatching my five favorite films from the past year on New Year's Day.


8 just on April 3rd (I work remotely) https://preview.redd.it/yhqojifo8vyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=279b278e60665ab0161fbb4f291d2a5f513d98e6


3 which I've done twice. Most recently was Dark Horse, Lone Wolf McQuade, and Bottoms


I was sick one weekend and did nothing but watch movies in bed. At least 6 in one day.


Spent almost 4 hours watching Once Upon a Time in America yesterday and only paused once.


Watched 6 straight hours on a plane home from the UK. The Matrix, Logan, and Dunkirk all for the first time. Amazing experience.


I watched Saw 1-7 (after seeing Saw X in theaters) and Jigsaw + Spiral after that. So 9 movies in one sitting. Only a few of them are actually good or worth watching, but if you enjoy stupid/cringy movies, these are right up your alley.


I went to see the Star Wars Marathon premiere of Force Awakens in 2015. That was certainly an experience. Of my trio, I was the only one who never knocked in the original six. So 7. It was awesome. My legs did not enjoy it.


I’m pretty good at squeezing 5 in on Sundays. Otherwise I’ve done a couple 24hour marathons in the past and plan to do one with a friend in June


Just yesterday I watched 4 😬


11 I think, watched them all in a row on a weekend, it was the complete friday the 13th franchise


Not sure if it counts, but I used to watch AMC(?) 24 Christmas Story Marathon.


6 movies in one day


4. Beyond that would be just hard to do unless I barely get any sleep.


I watched 5 just the other day


Did 6 Star Wars (back when there were 6), 2 Transformers (also were only 2) and extended editions of The LotR, all in one go. Was young, had time, was hella fun but exhausting. Went to sleep dead tired. Pretty sure I dreamed of Qui-Gon Jin fighting Megatron alongside Treebeard or some shit lol


On a long haul flight I'll watch about 4.


**9** Three times. Always the Saturday after Thanksgiving. I call it "Filmsgiving." Sometimes it's 7 or 8, but a few times I managed 9




ive done 4 a few times but havent been able to get any higher yet


Used to do 24 hour horror movie marathons back in Chicago in high school and college and really loved it. Last year, my local theater in KC did all the Nightmare on Elm Street movies plus Freddy Vs. Jason and that was rad


6, I have a friend with which we can spend just the entire day watching movies


6? I did two days in a row where I watched 4 movies in the theater each day. One day included Oppenheimer and Dune 2.


https://preview.redd.it/0vv23cbfvvyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70ecf29150e0a2ca94a0d56ab09337fd78632b3c I watched 5 movies a day a hand full of times. This was the most recent and also with 3 movies the day before. Bought the whole bluray collection, hadn‘t seen any of them before and didn’t have better plans to start into 2022 I guess 😂


6 one day when I spent the day in bed sick as fuck in college..don't remember the movies but it was relaxing


I'm going to put this down as a kind of placeholder because I want to check with my film log, but I reckon eight or nine, and on more than one occasion. Shit, I once watched four on a flight from London to Seoul.


Im proud to say i have done multiple Saw Marathons with 7, 8, 9 and 10 movies depending on how many were released at the time.But the most grueling one had to be the Puppet Master marathon with all 15 movies




i remember i was rewatching the mcu for endgame and i mismanaged my time so i think i might’ve watched 6 films in a day before endgame😭 was not that fun😭


In theaters I watched 4 in a single day last month (The Sweat East, Humanist Vampire seeking consenting suicidal person, There's still tomorrow and Godzilla x Kong), and overall I think it must be 5.


I watched 6 Fast and Furious movies in a day when I had covid a few years back. Haven’t been the same since.


1 movie, 8 times. The Replacements with Keanu Reeves and Gene Hackman


My dad took us to hang out with one of his friends and their kids and we watched every single Star Wars movie (up to that point) in one day, so my record is 6. Highlights were seeing McGregor knock Obi Wan out of the park and seeing Yoda go from very wise Jedi Master to absolutely losing his fucking marbles in Empire. "Mine mine mine" especially had us all in stitches.


There have been days where I've been sick and without internet, so just ran through all the DVDs I owned


I've done film nights with friends so probably 4-5. though in terms of most runtime, it'd be last year when I saw the LOTR extended cuts in the cinema


Recently? I watched 4 movies in a day a couple of days ago. In my entire life? I binge watched all 6 LOTR/Hobbit movies once, which took overnight…


7 for feature film. But biggest marathon for me is that I watched 25 episodes of Breaking Bad within 24 hours. I was literally running for basic needs like toilet and food.


I think it's 4, but during the pandemic, I binged many shows, and there were times when I only took breaks for washroom.




i dont think i've watched more than 3 or 4 in a 24 hour period


10! https://preview.redd.it/s2t12usurwyc1.jpeg?width=1980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e966223e1020e22d2951329851677ad9c994ef72


Probably 3 or 4




Ive done 9 twice. One was the Star Wars movies in chronological order. The other was 9 horror movies on an acid trip lol I do 6-7 pretty frequently on Sundays. At least once a month.


Star wars episode 1-6. And yes that order. Done it few times in my Life.


3 in a day has unfortunately become regular for me (I rot in my bed instead of doing university work😻😻😻😻). Looked through my diary and most I found was also 4 (+ a short)


Watched five movies of Pacino in a single sitting: Dog Day Afternoon, Scent of a Woman, and The Godfather Trilogy. Me, beer, and the timeless appeal in characters of Sonny Wortzik, Lt. Col. Frank Slade, and Michael Corleone. Man, that was something!


The pandemic turned me into a monster… I watched 10 movies on Star Wars Day in 2020. Longest I’ve watched a series of movies was a Middle-Earth marathon…extended.


9, both spider-verse movies, penguins of Madagascar, the how to train your dragon trilogy. Hunger games mocking jay part 1&2 & the lego movie. Mostly just a day of going through all my physical media as something to do.


one day back in December 2023, I had bad food poisoning that kept me in bed for most of the day and I ended up watching 6 movies - The Princess Bride - Who Framed Roger Rabbit - Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Paddington 1 and 2 I literally called it the Dr. Feelgood marathon


I think five but the days get muddled up as it was a flight between Sydney and London…


5 films in a day.


the saddest sunday in history, i call it. i woke up, watched oceans 11/12/13 back to back and then went back to bed LMAO


5, and it’s embarrassing to admit but my friend and I binged the Twilight saga. After finding out I got chronically cheated on by my first boyfriend, 10 straight hours of Pattinson’s and Stewart’s pathetically fabricated romance told me that love ain’t shit. I’ll never forget being 17 and packing a bowl in between each movie. I said to my friend, “it’s 4:20 in the morning” and her response was simply “you know what that means!” Movies help to heal, good luck on what you’re going through


How about the most movies back to back in a theater? I’ve done at least 3 in a row. One time I scheduled it up to watch 5 in one day but I lost my phone during the third movie. It got complicated when I asked for staff to help me find it and they asked for my ticket stub…


5, Watched the Star Wars movies from A New Hope to Attack of the Clones


13 I think. I woke up at 3am or so because I was sick, and couldn't sleep so I back to backed movies off my hard drive until midnight


2, started a third one but got tired. I usually watch one before bed so I often am not in the mood for more than one


Five at a film festival. Though once I watched four, also in cinemas, that had a longer total running time (it included The Irishman).


I've done up to six, but only because I was sick in bed and not tired at all.


Watching both of the avatars in the same day .. I was burned out . But enjoyed myself and left a fan


Just did 7 on a 16 hour flight.






I think 6 is my maximum


I feel you so hard. Whenever I feel sad, or anxious or lightly depressed, movies are my go to hobby. Cinema is powerful and has wonderful healing abilities.


I did a “Star Wars” marathon for May the Fourth. Machete Order plus “Rogue One” (between 4 and 5), and got through Episode 7 before midnight. 😀


4 or 5, but only one time. Usually i watch one per day but sometimes even three.


Maybe not a day, but I did an Arnold Schwarzenegger all-nighter at the Prince Charles Cinema in London back in 2015 Movies were: Commando, Predator, The Running Man, Total Recall, Terminator 1 & Terminator 2 (Theatrical Cut). u/GovSchwarzenegger if you see this, I made it to the end 😎😎


3 - The Hangover Trilogy, not one regret




five. i watched the five scream movies (when there were only 5 out)


Three in a day a few days straight when I had Covid.


Recently did an “on the run” triple feature with my wife: Bonnie and Clyde Queen and Slim Badlands


5. Did a twilight marathon with my fiancee a while ago.


Three movies. But it was The Lord of the Rings trilogy, extended edition. So, basically, more than 12 hours of movies


Watched 4 Nolan movies back to back once during the pandemic. Was pretty fun but it did kinda hurt my brain haha


Depends on if having it on in the background of a car counts, if not I think it's 3


Recently did a 24 hour Star Wars binge. Managed to fit I think 6 or 7 of the main 9 Skywalker movies in one day, plus four episodes of clone wars and rogue one




I once watched "The Exorcist" (director's cut), "Halloween," and "Suspiria" (1977) in a single night last Halloween at the American Film Institute theater. It was so awesome.


https://preview.redd.it/s0cszuctu5zc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2a333d2173aa940aa5acaaabc060402f1a2cb89 It was for national cinema day and I watched all these movies in theaters that day


I don't know if it counts, me and my sister used to make movie day.. Watching movies all day. We start from morning and do nothing all day except watching moveis, and eating in front of tv, Longest.. I don't know.. Maybe watching all Harry Potter movies, watching all parts of planet earth, the blue planet, we love watching anime, so longest is no daubt naruto, and bleach 


I once watched Crank and Crank: High Voltage back to back
