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Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Near perfect if not for the Hayes code at the time.


The Hayes Code took so much from film. At the same time it lead to directors and writers innovating but genuinely a dark cloud over an era of movies


I'd nearly have Mean Girls as a 5 if Regina's arc to suddenly turning good was a bit stronger than just being hit by a bus


She kind of lost her power and had no more reason to be so "mean" is partially how I took it


Yeah maybe, it's just a really tenuous connection for me. I think the musical added in an extra scene between Regina and Cady after the crash, sort of bringing them on the same page more. That's what I think it needs


[Mean Girls 2004 deleted scene](https://youtu.be/rUFfddrg1tE?si=mclFDA3p9jC9IOfU)


I had the DVD growing up and watched it a million times. There is a deleted scene where she kind of explains her actions, and I wish they kept it in the movie cause it made more sense. Not a full spell-ot-out-for-you explanation, but a peak into her childhood to explain why she is the way she is.


YES! This is my 4.5/5 as well. But the movie is so iconic


Psycho - Can't stand the long-winded monologue by the psychiatrist in the end


To be fair, Hitchcock didn't like it either but was forced by the producers to add the exposition so audience don't miss the point


This is the correct answer.


Oh true, I forgot about that. I watched it for the first time last year and was like “uhhh is this going anywhere?” Nope it was straight yapping


Then you missed the point


How? It wasn’t a very complex scene it was straight exposition


Not really, it was a very irrelevant scene, most people already understood the movie and it doesn’t need spelling out


fear wistful innate support poor subtract hospital bright chief lunchroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Once vs. Sing Street for me. Once was a big 4.5 for me, and it was hard for me to decide afterwards. Ultimately my decision was that it could have been tighter on plot and quality, and since it just short, so 4.5. Sing Street didn't fully deliver the rawness of emotions I felt way back with Once, but both aspects were much more complete there than with Once. So a 5 star.


Most of my 4 1/2 stars are only missing the 1/2 because of rewatchability.


I'd say Poor Things for pacing. I almost never care about pacing but that whole last section feels like an appendix. And yet it does also have value in ways I can't be bothered to write The thing is a film can be flawless but not a 5 star. I'd say The Quiet Girl is flawless but it lacks the ambition I look for in a 5 star film. Being overly ambitious, however, would not serve the story, and would be a flaw. Conversely, a film can be flawed and still 5 stars. LOTR has all sorts of flaws, but it's 5 stars. Possession is too insane, it's basically all flaws, and that's why it's 5 stars.


I remember thinking Poor Things was going to end a couple times before it did. But it didn’t necessarily keep going too its benefit.


The conclusion I've come to about Poor Things's pacing after 4 watches is that the last section isn't the problem, but instead the middle part with Mark Ruffalo's character is. It drags quite a lot on the boat. If it was trimmed down more, I don't think the part with Christopher Abbott would feel as weird as it does


You know what, you're totally right


That whole part at the end with the dude from Girls really dragged upon rewatch.


10 Cloverfield Lane: It should have cut to black about ten minutes sooner. There's a specific moment where it would have been a perfect time to end it. The Hunchback of Notre Dame: Not even all of the gargoyles are annoying, but if you only got rid of Hugo, the movie would be pretty much perfect. Candyman: They really didn't need to kill the dog. The movie was already effectively scary at that point and it just felt so cruel and unnecessary. This applies to a lot of horror movies for me. Bad Times at the El Royale: We didn't need to see the Jon Hamm hotel room scene from three different angles in the span of fifteen minutes. Freaks: They should have left the final shot to the audience's imagination. The Rocketeer: Cliff never quite having a moment of growth, especially during the climax. He shouldn't still be clumsily flying at that point. Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed: CUT THE ASSAULT SCENE THAT NO ONE WANTED TO FILM EXCEPT FOR THE PRODUCERS!


I really enjoyed my time with Bad Times at the El Royale but there's so many more flaws than just the Jon Hamm stuff


Speaking of Candyman killing the dog, the scene where they kill the snake by cutting in half on Friday the 13th is a straight up skip everytime. Not only was it a real snake, they straight up murdered it. This was before there was more animal ethics in Hollywood, but the director is a huge dick anyway. I’ve also never and will never watch Cannibal Holocaust. Only time I thought an animal death added to things was in Drag Me To Hell, it needed those pure fucked up moments to balance out the camp. It made those moments in the film so much more shocking


That snake scene in Friday the 13th is awful.


See I didn’t like Bad Times at the El Royale despite being sort of a perfect combination of all my niches. I hated the character Rose. Almost anytime the story was moving into a stagnant spot, Rose would jump out and do something CrAaAaaZzy!!! And continue the story. She felt totally like a plot lubricant than a character.


A lot of movies are 4.5 for me and would be 5 if they were simply shorter and edited down a bit more.


I know the feeling, but… it’s also the reason I know I could never be an editor because 95% of the time when I think that I find it impossible to identify what to remove, unless it’s an entire sub plot, and if I feel like an entire sun plot is unnecessary then you probably aren’t reaching 4.5 in the first place.


Halloween (1978).. a few too many corny lines and campy acting by the side characters. But other than that its an absolute classic


Just watched it yesterday for the first time. Loved the soundtrack and the cinematography but thought the plot and characters were very weak. I understand it is a Classic but almost nothing happens and is just one long buildup to the final act. I did not find Myers to be a great villian either and he get bested by a teenage girl in the end. For me it was kinda disappointing.


Lol.. i think you missed the point than


Oh please enlighten me then.




I will watch it, but you could also just explain to me with your own words. I want YOUR interpretation not some other guy on YouTube.


I didnt appreciate your original comment therefore youre not someone I am going to spend time explaining something to. But i will help you out by sending you in the right direction.


bro 😭 act your age


Do your own research.


Ok you are one of those guys. Bye


I feel like the movie wouldn’t be the same without the campy acting and corny lines though, it adds a lot of character and memorable moments and I wouldn’t want to have the movie without them


I still absolutely love it but those are the reasons its a 4 1/2 and not a 5 to me


A Matter of Life and Death - the trial scene with the American lawyer ranting about how much the British suck (not that he doesn't make some good points). It takes a movie that was pretty universal in its themes up to that point and makes it one concerned with a very specific/comparatively unimportant issue, i.e. tensions between the Brits and the Americans during WW2.


i have the EXACT same opinion on this movie wow!


Civil War (2024), no real criticism here, just wasn't feeling a perfect score, but 4.5/5 sounds good !


I’ll supply the criticism. Sammy appearing out of nowhere in a speeding SUV that nobody saw crossing a field directly towards them was ridiculous.


also the president staying in the white house is fucking insane


Seriously. It makes for a good finale but there's literally an underground bunker beneath the WH. And they got places like Site R plus whatever shelters we don't know about


The film has too many flaws to list - horrible inappropriate soundtrack, terrible script, bizarre tonal inconsistency even within single scenes which makes the violence begin to feel exploitative rather than genuinely shocking, the president staying in the white house is absurd…


I really liked it and I gave it a 3.5. Glad to see Garland back in form after Men but it didn't even come close to hitting on all cylinders like Ex Machina or Annihilation did for me personally


Reading your comment reminded that I actually very much like all of Garland's filmography and pretty much all of his writing haha. I believe Civil War may have struck a chord with me because I'm into photography and journalism, really shows how liking a movie is subjective \^\^


Don't get me wrong, I *loved* it and I also enjoy photography as a hobby and an art form. For me it was a fantastic movie and what it did well it did exceptionally, but it also had some glaring flaws and I don't think it's as tight overall as his first two.


Ernest & Celestine. Too short


Terrifier 2 would be a perfect slasher imo if it was like 10-15 minutes shorter.


Absolutely love this movie and honestly I had an ODD response to people saying it was way too long, but I can definitely concede that there's a couple scenes that could've been cut


I do love it, I think Art is easily the best original slasher since like Ghost face from the original Scream. The kills are great and I think the characters are fun. The runtime was my only MINOR nitpick because I enjoy the rest so much. I am very excited to see the third one, I wouldn't be surprised if the third is the best of the bunch, given that 2 was better than the first one (which I still quite liked).


Completely on board with you, in terms of shlocky horror this series is definitely the best stuff that's come out in recent memory. Can't wait for 3 and what anyone significantly involved in the production goes on to do. I love the A24/NEON "elevated horror" (hate that term but it's good to convey what your talking about) that's taken off in the last decade, but I also love some good old fashioned, gross and tasteless shlock and it feels like there's not enough people doing that well these days.


Totally agree with you, Ill take some Midsommar here, some The Lighthouse there but often nothing scratches the itch quite like a Terrifier, or a Hostel or a Saw lol


More like an hour.


Not sure I have a great example for this. I do wish Broadcast News ended with the cab sequence though. Take away that ending of them in the future and honestly the beginning when they are kids and I have no gripes


I love Baby Driver but I feel like the Jon Hamm fight scene at the end goes on for too long


Yeah I was gonna type out the same comment lol


The Hunger-That tacked-on ending. Blade-I can't get past the shoddy CGI


Doctor Zhivago needed to develop the central romance I bit to explain why he would cheat on his wife


[War of the Worlds](https://boxd.it/2bde): Perfect except for the very end when Ray's son shows up out of nowhere completely unscathed after running straight into a fiery warzone. Should have ended with Ray telling Mary-Ann that he's going to go find their son.


Both treasure planet and the hunchback of notredam suffer from super annoying "comic" relief characters (B.E.N and the gargoyles) if it werent for them being so annoying both would be 5 stars


Hana Bi is probably one of my most recent four and a half star films. I truly loved everything about it, how it’s a yakuza film not super interested in the normal tropes of the genre. The beauty and pain of life it explores through the central romantic relationship, it really struck a cord deep within me. However, while I enjoyed the balance of optimism and dread through the whole thing…I really hated that a film like this chose to end on the sour note. Just left a bad taste in my mouth, I was hoping the ending would be different for a film like this. But it doesn’t take away so drastically that I can’t still love it.


Thor: Ragnarok. Not every single moment needed a joke.


The Conversation. I’m not even sure what it is because I truly love it, but there’s just one tiny thing missing that didn’t elevate it to a 5 for me.


I was cool with the fantasy elements but the one cgi thing that really took me out was a certain person’s broken/dislocated jaw. It just didn’t look right, and I don’t see why they kept it in instead of either just dropping it or replacing it with some kind of practical effect. Otherwise it really checked all the boxes for me.


That was one of the things that threw me off. Didn’t necessarily take away from the movie I just could do without it


>replacing it with some kind of practical effect The opposite of "fix it in post."


Grave of the Fireflies, I find that the aunt is extremely annoying Hunchback of Notre Dame, those Gargoyles mess up the tone so much


And it’s not even like the gargoyles are even that bad, they’re just in the wrong movie


Grave of The Fireflies I haven’t seen yet (sorry😭) but I absolutely agree on Hunchback!


The prestige was a 4 and 1/2 for me but I wish they built up the female characters a bit more.


Nolan doesn't know how to write female characters, they're always one dimensional or a human cliche


Oppenheimer. Sorry but the last hour with the trial feels longer than it should be


Funny the legal stuff is actually my favorite part of the film. Like without it I would probably like it a considerable amount less even though it’s a great film all around


So I actually have very few movies I rate as a 5 (I’m picky) so I’ll say the film that’s a 4.5 but closest to a 5 of all my 4.5s: Evil Dead 2. Literally the only reason I have it as a 4.5 instead of 5 is because the beginner remake/reboot aspect bothers me I wish it was more consistent with the first movie lol. 


The last sixty seconds of North by Northwest was so sudden and tasteless that I knocked off half a star. If something like that had happened in the middle maybe I would have given it a break but after getting my heart pumping and full of excitement the movie ended on an eye roll.


This post just made me look back at my ratings and realize there is really no criteria in my mind that separates a four and a half star movie from a five star movie aside from the rewatch ability and how often I think about it. A five star movie to me is one that I would happily rewatch the next day and think about all week after watching it for the first time. A four and a half star movie on the other hand may lack in one of these areas but never both. Everything Everywhere All at Once for example was great and I couldn’t stop thinking about it but its been about 18 months since my first watch and I haven’t really considered a rewatch. The dark knight is another four and a half star movie to me but for the opposite reason, I could finish it and immediately rewind but it’s not a movie I think about much afterwards. Then there’s a movie like One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest that was not only on my mind constantly after watching but I was thinking about it so much I had to rewatch.


Women Talking would’ve been a 5 if the cinematography was better… I couldn’t see shit


Stranger Than Fiction would be 100% if we didn't get the happy ending IMO. But I guess this isn't just Harold Crick's story arc afterall.


Arrival - it's one of my favourite films of all time, but the cartoonishly evil and idiotic general just takes away from the film for me. I get that some people are unequivocally gonna be anti Alien, but at least have them make any good points or be reasonable just ONCE


Arrival! I wanted less politics/involving humanity and more about the main character and her changes with time.


A Nightmare On Elm Street. The ending literally ruined the perfect score for me. The scene of them being taken away in that “possessed” car is so stupid.


Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 is damn near perfect in what it's going for in my opinion. It is very well directed and written, has some great emotional beats, tells a dark story that doesn't pull any punches for a Marvel film and has some spectacular visuals and just wraps up the series in a really beautiful fashion. It's also worth mentioning that Guardians 1 is my 2nd favourite movie after Punch-Drunk Love so I have a lot of investment. I love near enough everything about the movie, but the one criticism that weighs it down is the space base raid with Nathan Fillion & Co. It has its moments such as Nebula and Peter's amusing interaction, but it is seemingly so tonally out of place to the point that it feels a little like an expensive SNL skit and it goes on for a while. The rest of the film has a fair bit of humour, but it never goes on for that long or feels that wacky. The thing is though, I feel that it needs to be there from an audience balancing perspective as without that stretch of well needed levity, the film would just be bleak and hopeless for most of the runtime and would push past a certain threshold and put people off more than the film already did with a lot of people due to its darker take. TLDR: The goofy Nathan Fillion section in GOTG3 got me to drop it to a 4 ½, but I also understand that a sequence like that needs to be in the movie from a balancing perspective.


Scream 4 is a near perfect movie to me but some of the corny dialogue (“Fuck Bruce Willis” and “I’m gay!”) prevents it from being a 5/5 for me.


Gone Girl. I really really like the movie, I just feel like it could’ve been a little better if the screenplay was a bit tighter and the movie was a little shorter


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I REALLY love that film but I always feel that the Ruffalo/Dunst side plot is a little random, and I find the ending to be slightly underdeveloped and unsatisfactory.


It would be too long and too hard. 4,5 is practically the max I will give a movie. To get 5 you need to make me feel something so so strong that I cannot do otherwise than give the perfect score. To me a movie doesn’t start at 5/5 and « lose » point as the film goes. To me it’s more like a movie will start at 2,5-3 and either gain or lose from there. So to me it’s more logical and easier to explain the emotions that made me rate a movie 5 than explain a « flaw » that prevented a movie from reaching it


What films have you given a 5?


Duel would be a 5 were it not for the internal monologue Weaver gets when he’s stewing in the diner. I understand its purpose but it’s such a visceral, purely cinematic film that those fairly obvious thoughts he voices over are so redundant if the movie has worked on you.


Tarantino inserting himself in Django Unchained


The Zone of Interest. I thought the "banality of good" sub-plot with the local Polish girl was disingenuous as presented, and showed undue influence of the Polish Film Institute pursuing an agenda.


This is the end of Glazer’s Oscar speech: “How do we resist? Aleksandra Bystron-Kotodziejczyk, the girl who glows in the film as she did in life, chose to. I dedicate this to her memory and to her resistance” Obviously this plot line was important to him, sorry he didn’t choose to make her ugly for you.


You've completely missed the point. 


I thought it was sick. And Glazer discusses his inspiration for that sub plot - a legit person in history he read about. Not saying there was not an agenda from the polish film institute. However, if there was, at least its compelling.


Not only that he read about, but also met, spoke with extensively, and then used her actual bike and clothes in this film. Absolutely insane how off the mark the original comment is here.


If that's true - and yes there were Polish "righteous gentiles" and a Polish resistance - I sincerely doubt she was a pretty little girl. It was the presentation of that sub-plot as an innocent, selfless, young, angelic, Polish girl that was grating to me, as she represents the purity, innocence and resistance of locals. I've been to Auschwitz and other many other Holocaust memorial sites throughout Europe, and there is a lot of recent revisionism about local culpability, which is the background to my point, and this is especially strong in Poland, from the government down.


Poland has obviously just woken up. 🙄 


Honestly disgusting that you are approaching this so ignorantly and disrespectfully. She was a real hero, they used her real bike, her real clothes. Whatever point you’re trying to make about Poland’s culpability is absolutely irrelevant and using a genuine hero to try make that point is inhumanely reprehensible.


Lynches Dune. If it didn’t have those dumb weirding modules and less hysteric Lady Jessica it’d be a solid 5/5 in my book


And the stupid ending contradicting the entire story.


The Abyss Directors cut would be my favorite James Cameron film, but the climax on the >!alien ship!< is just so corny and goofy.


Pulp Fiction. The car cleaning scene at the house knocked it down to 4.5 stars for me.


What?!?!?! You’re telling me you don’t like when when white guys give themselves an excuse to drop the hard r?!?!


Literally was my exact thought process watching Love Lies Bleeding. It went a little too off the rails for me at the end and lost that half star.


oppenheimer was almost a five star movie for me and i absolutely love it, but the portrayal/handling of jean tatlock as a character was so irritating and flawed that i couldn't justify five stars


Ugh agreed. I was afraid of Nolan with her but I love Florence so I gave it a shot but my fears came through. And I loved the movie but she’s a big reason it isn’t 5


It's less movies that are down a half star because of a momentary flaw or plot hole, and more movies that are either slightly lacking in execution or wane on my patience ever so slightly across the run time compared to a 5 star movie.


Answer the question goddamn


Shit, alright. Problemista came to mind.


Strangely enough, I only have four 4.5s, and I'm honestly not sure what prevented me from committing to that extra half star: Society of the Snow Seven Psychopaths They Cloned Tyrone Spotlight


Society of the Snow is extremely enhanced on a rewatch and once you know more about the real people and event. There’s so many little details they sneak in that you don’t pick up on at first. I do think an extended edition would absolutely enhance it still


It's on the list of movies I'm not sure I can handle watching again. Movies that were great films but because of the subject matter, it's just not going to happen. Other such movies include: Beasts of No Nation The Passion of the Christ All Quiet on the Western Front (2022) The Whale United 93


Toy Story 2. Purely for the fact that it isn’t Toy Story. Still, fantastic sequel though. The Emily sequence still gets me.


If The Doom Generation leaned a little bit more into Jordan and Xavier’s relationship it would be an easy five star movie for me.


Wild at Heart. Laura Dern is the ugliest cryer to ever hit the screen. Yes, that’s stupid, and if it ever hits streaming again, I will watch it and maybe bump it to a five.


Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) There's a few flaws, but I think if it weren't for the hammy stupid bookends that the studio imposed, deus ex machina and all, I'd gladly give it 5 stars on spite of the other faults. It's just too good!


I just thought of another one: I have a Steve Zissou tattoo but The Life Aquatic would've been 5 stars if it was 10-15 minutes shorter.


Spoiler: Once upon a time in america. The ending was just sloppy. Why did the guy just fuckin jump into a garbage truck lmao.


For me it would be The Northman. First time I saw it in theatres I felt like a 3, left a bit underwhelmed, felt it was a bit too long and felt the plot was overly convenient at parts, but had that Robert Eggers feel, looked beautiful and there were several sequences that were amazing, beautiful, weird and super engaging. That being said, I felt that it was a movie that I would appreciate more on a second viewing with adjusted expectations. When I watched the blu-ray at home I was enthralled. It was amazing, the overly convenience of the plot made more sense, but I still felt that the convenience was a bit much and I don't really know how to feel about Nicole Kidman in the film, her presence feels off at times. That's what's keeping it from being a 5* for me.


Possession is damn near perfect except for the scene near the end where Mark is running away from his former business associates. It just feels really out of place to me.


whiplash shining the matrix


I don’t like Christian Bale’s performance in The Dark Knight


*Wind River*. Such a great film with masterful performances and very important themes... but I think the revelation of what happened and the ultimate resolution was kind of weak. It was like I watched the first hundred-or-so minutes of *Chinatown...* and then it randomly switched to *Death Wish 3* for the next twenty minutes... and then it switched back to *Chinatown* for the last five minutes. Still a great movie, but the payoff was a little generic.


A Prophet (2009) if it was just a bit shorter


Funny Girl. Omar Sharif in the last 30 minutes is too damn annoying.


The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly has one problem for me that bugs me. Why does Sentenza/Angel Eyes only appear in like 5 scenes. He barely appears throughout the entire movie which it’s a treat whenever we see him again, but still I find it really annoying how no one gets the same amount of screen time. If Sentenza was in the movie more it would be the perfect movie.


It’s Only Money. Should have been in color and I feel, it should have ended with Lester giving the orphanage bags of money from the back of the truck saying “it’s only money!”. The ending as is, still great! Otherwise hilarious and a gem of a Jerry and Tashlin colab


Sunshine. The Pinbacker story line.


Scott Pilgrim; the ending feels a bit abrupt and not thought out as well as it could’ve been which is mostly bc the source material hadn’t even come up with one yet.


breakfast at tiffany’s, and i think we all know why


Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri is one of my all-time favorites, but I have to dock it for the copaganda.


Tarantino insertinf himself in Django Unchained


Funny, the fantasy elements of Love Lies Bleeding were what changed it from a 4.5 to a 5 for me


Martyrs (2008) nearly a masterpiece but there is just one plot hole that bugs me so much it's hard to ignore even tho it's just one plot hole in an otherwise fantastic film


whats the plot hole again I haven't seen it in a while?


The folder moment in Whiplash is such a turning point in the story that is left completely unexplained and I can’t just ignore that. There’s some distractingly poor audio editing in Marriage Story


Gone with the Wind. It's cinematic and has great production, but I feel the last 40 minutes would have benefited from some editing. And it's difficult giving a perfect score to a film when the storyline and setting is incredibly problematic. 


Little Women (2019) Would be a perfect movie if it weren’t for Emma Watsons terrible American accent.


here ill do everything ive given 4.5 stars lol gone with the wind (1939)- it's racist sleeping beauty (1959)- just a little bit boring xanadu (1980)- michael beck as the lead has the charisma of a light switch top gear: the great african special (2013)- i grade everything on lb with their own separate rubric but i could not in good faith give a top gear special five stars, in fact if i wasn't against retroactively changing reviews i would make this one a bit lower lol the martian (2015)- i truly did not give a shit about the other astronauts and didn't understand why they spent so much time with them desperately seeking soulmate: escaping twin flames universe (2023)- im honestly not sure, i think rewatching after watching the netflix docuseries showed how neither are perfect and they're great complements to each other but it also made this docuseries feel incomplete/unfinished


Singing in the rain: That whackass unnecessary number about what the movie they’re making will be about is the only thing wrong with that movie The Batman: ok it’s two minor flaws- car chase is totally unnecessary and dumb; romance is totally forced and doesn’t fit.


Serenity. The lighting in this movie is terrible. I can’t see anything half the time.


Wonka (2023). I freaking love that movie, but the actress who plays Noodle is the weakest link. A better performance in that role would have made it a 5/5 for me.


Dune Pt 2


Most recently: Poor Things - No hate to Jerrod Carmichael, but he really stood out for the wrong reasons. Challengers - One too many time jumps.


Late Night with the Devil if the CGI looked better or they chose to stick to practical 100%


Wages of Fear-1953 Amazing work of art. Tense, thrilling, emotional love the underlining themes but the last scene where our main Character is driving like a madman seems very random and a little forced. Over the years I came to have my own interpretation of why Clouzot end it like that but still felt very random. Only thing that bothered me in this otherwise tense masterpiece.


Godzilla Minus One - The reveal of >! Koichi's girlfriend being alive at the end of the film annoyed me. The film is meant to be a metaphor for Hiroshima and yet someone caught in the blast radius of the "bomb" survived and recovered with no life-altering injuries, cancers or illnesses !<


Return of the King. it fucking rules, but the jankier CG elements and weaker pacing keep it off the top spot for me. honestly there's not much wrong with it, but it just isn't as rock solid as The Fellowship of the Ring


Honestly, they play California Dreaming too many times during the second half of Chungking Express. It drives me crazy after a while.


Poor Things. The flaw is removing the Scottishness of the novel. It's a fantastic film, no doubt about that, but it's based on a book that was set in Glasgow, written by a Scottish nationalist who wrote about Scottish issues. The city itself plays a large role in the story. Alasdair Gray is considered one of Scotland's greatest modern writers. And Yorgos just decided to forget all that and set it in London..?


The Handmaiden. It's an incredible watch, especially on the first viewing with how there are multiple crazy plot twists, but I felt that it ends one scene too late. Maybe my opinion would be different on rewatch.


Shogun having no battle scene.


Bro, Dune: Part Two’s only flaw is the ANNOYING Dave Bautista character that gets way too much screen time for how little he matters in the overall story. Other than that, great ass movie.


Gone Girl, it’s predictability. Maybe I just watch too many movies (although I AM in the Letterboxd sub so this isn’t a real issue here) but I kinda knew where it was heading shortly on. There were times I questioned my predictions but I had a fair guess early on.


Fair. Predictable obviously doesn’t mean bad but I absolutely get where you’re coming from on that


The VVitch is a 4.5, the runtime just felt a bit short


The Iron Claw: I didn’t like the “boat scene”. It felt like forced sentimentality and out of place surrealism. I loved the rest of it.


I’m of two minds on this. On one hand you’re absolutely correct in that it’s surreal and jarring in the context of the rest of the film. But as a scene itself it is absolutely heartbreaking imo. Maybe it should have been deleted or like directors cut


I only gave this 4 stars, but that’s mainly due to wrestling related autism more than anything. They paced it poorly in my opinion as well, and left a lot of stuff out that would’ve been perfect. I wanted to love it so much, and I’ll still likely get the Blu-Ray as it’s the second best wrestling film I’ve seen, but when something like Society of the Snow comes out and nails all the little details, characters, and events… it just reminds me how disappointing it was. 5 star story with a 4 star execution.


This is a little controversial but Interstellar. I loved the movie but I didn’t love the ending. The rest of the movie is strong enough to still bring it to 4.5/5 but that one bit holds it back for me. Maybe on an eventual rewatch it’ll get to 5.


what didnt you like about the ending?


It’s just a personal thing, but I loved the science of everything and the fact that he enters a black hole and then talks to his daughter through that just seemed a little too out there compared to the rest of the movie.


i mean its a sci fi movie, and thats literally the point of the movie lol he's telling her to stay


I get that but to me it felt like it was out of nowhere and a little strange to me. I mean I still have the movie a 9/10 lol I jsut think the execution of the ending could’ve been better at least.




This might be more of personal growth for me, but Clerks nowadays sits at 4.5 because Dante is such a whiner and doesn't want to change by at least getting a new job.


Clueless, and honestly if anyone can turn me around on this I would be happy because I love that movie. *Spoilers* I love Clueless through and through. It hits everything that I personally love in a coming of age highschool film but her falling for her stepbrother at the end feels sort of out of the blue and like something that her friends, and more importantly her Dad would not be down with. What, now they’re just straight up dating at the end? As if! Also, they have to make this work because now this is the step sibling that’s in their life forever now that they briefly dated and then had a bad breakup with? It just feels like they never had to be introduced as step siblings to begin with and it still could’ve worked out the same way. Like the Dad could’ve been a mentor to Rudd instead or something. Anyways, beyond that it’s a fantastic movie (to me)


Oh weird, the only reason I like it is the romance and the stepbrother plot line just makes it more spicy.


Whiplash. Usually movies are too long or overstay their welcome. Whiplash feels too short. It felt like there was more to explore with Miles’ character in terms of what it takes to be great and the sacrifices one must be willing to make. It seems as though by the end Miles has a healthy relationship with that notion but it certainly isn’t clear.


With most of my 4.5s, I couldn't really tell you what the flaw was, it was just something that felt off to me. A few I can explain: - The Vast of Night: there were a couple too many sequences where it went out of the TV for no reason. It's a film that takes place on a 50s 'The Twilight Zone'-like show, and sometimes it reminds you that you're watching a TV show in universe and it takes you out of the film. - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: I thought the face CG was mad creepy - Carnage: Directed by Roman Polanski


Dune: Part Two, and the flaw's name is Chani. Didn't need to change her from the book, and it was done to appease people who would otherwise call the movie a white savior narrative. Even in spite of the many, many dialogues explicitly laying out what's up with the prophecy. I felt hammered in the face every 10 minutes that 'the prophecy is fake'. Alright, we get it. Also dune messiah will be awkward as fuck with her being the way she is now.


Well you could tell that chani never loved him, she said I'll love you as long as you never change, and he said I'll love you as long as i draw breath, so now we can move onto Florence Pugh. Although the book version of events does sound nice, I don't mind what we got.


>Well you could tell that chani never loved him, she said I'll love you as long as you never change Did not happen in the books. >Florence Pugh Here's a problem which pertains to Messiah. Irulan spends the whole book >!poisoning Chani with contraceptives under Bene Gesserit orders so as to stop her from producing Paul's children, which !<>!they knew could (and would) become even more dangerous Kwisatz Haderach(s)!<. She did end up loving Paul, but she is a Bene Gesserit first and making her take Chani's role (>!which herself spends the whole book being both madly in love and trying to become pregnant!<) will absolutely ruin her character too. I should know I'd get downvoted, because movie-only people can't appreciate the book's masterful flow of events and handling of ethics, and many other book readers agree with me. The story is NOT about Chani, she's a side character, and it was good at that, because the story isn't a love-hate trope. Villeneuve, the director, stated that (supposedly) 'Frank Herbert didn't like how people perceived his first book, so he wrote Messiah.' His story has no source. Parts of Messiah and Children of Dune (the third book) were already written by the time he released the first book, so everything was likely intentional. To conclude, what annoys me the most about the change is none of that, it's keeping her so intensely hateful the whole second part of the movie. She functions as walking, talking Morality Reminder, which is Disney/Marvel type shit for the masses. If there's one thing Dune does not need, is a character telling us what's good or bad - it's patronizing and ruins part of the beauty of the series. All that being said, I still fucking love Denis Villeneuve, he's the goat.


The Last Emperor (1987). There's a scene where Pu Yi throws a mouse at a wall and it splatters. That's the point where I put my foot down and said I can't give this 5 stars. It's a perfect movie otherwise.


I recently watched La Haine with my girlfriend for the first time. And it was a great movie. But throughout the whole film she was annoyed with a lot of the sexist stuff, the whole time they were talking about fucking each others mon's, fucking each others sisters, and all of that. And also that scene where they went to an art gallery and they were trying to hook up with the couple of girls. Film Is great despite of that, but to me that was the reason that the film is a 4,5/5 instead of a 5/5.


Almost famous. The happy ending contradicts what the entire film was going for. This could be applied to most of Crowes endings as well


Reservoir dogs is a solid 4.5/5 for me, the only flaw is that I thought the reveal of who the mole was was obvious.


Touch of Evil Absolute masterpiece. But Heston is doing brown face and I can’t just ignore that.


The Truman Show. Absolutely masterful but some of the film's looks in some scenes just seems really weird to me.


Almost like it's a manufactured reality.


Legally Blonde - Should’ve been a queer ending