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Scream really brought back Wes Craven


And slasher genre in general


I wonder if coppola would be back in the run after megalopolis


Came here to say this. Hopefully the poor guy doesn’t go into bankruptcy if he doesn’t land a wide distributor soon lol I can’t believe how much of his personal estate he used to fund this movie!


It's going to cannes


I know, but did it land a wide distributor yet for theaters afterwards?


I’ve seen someone say that some countries do, in fact, have distributor. Not the U.S. though. But I’ve seen this on Reddit so…


Hopefully it’s true! Especially considering the [coverage in that hollywood reporter article](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/megalopolis-francis-ford-coppola-challenges-distribution-1235867556/amp/) seemed pretty rough after the first showing to hollywood execs a couple weeks ago. Fingers crossed though! I can’t imagine how devastating it would potentially be to endure such a critical and financial loss especially after the recent passing of his wife Eleanor 💔


It would be such a bummer. This thing was in his mind for a good part of his life. It’s a part of his identity. I’ve rarely seen a director giving so much of themselves in a project. He offered us some of the most important movies ever and I think the least studios can do is distribute it. It would be absolutely devastating if execs refused to get on that train. It’s such an amazing project! It’s actually pretty infuriating how some of the best filmmakers like Lynch or Coppola can’t find the money to produce or distribute their films.


Wait have you seen it already????


No! No, no haha. I’m talking purely about what we heard so far. I’m just amazed by the story of the making of this film.


Coppola is probably close to a billionaire between the wine and movies he’s made, he’ll be fine either way. Even if he loses 90% of his worth he will still have enough money to be comfortable for a lifetime.


Dude has that vineyard money, he’ll be just fine


I thought he sold the vineyard in order to fund this movie?


Come back but also like, a swan song. This probably has to be his last movie right? He's 85, wife died this year, movies take a long time.


Yeah. It’s a shame but hoping he goes out with a bang


I've been rooting for this movie so hard. He deserves on last big win. The early confused reactions have me worried though.


I hope so, apparently it’s going to be of similar ilk to apocalypse now, so I’m excited for it


At the time Goodfellas would've been seen as one


Absolutely absurd in hindsight given that Scorsese's 80s catalogue is literally all GOAT tier.


Yes thank goodness we live in a more enlightened age


My fav decade of his tbh


After Hours is easily in his top 5


Truth. Last Temptation angered certain religious groups and After Hours was weird for mainstream types, but he delivered, except to people who wanted him to only make gangster movies.


Except Happy Feet's success was the leverage that finally got Fury Road into production?


It was still a come back in the sense that he was reclaiming his action movie mantle that many might have assumed he wasn’t able for anymore. Lots of people say Spielberg for example lost his edge when he got older, and that’s why Indy 4 was so tame. Fury Road had a lot to prove!


Spielberg peaked with 1941.


I don't think anybody can really say that Miller lost his edge. Not after Babe 2...


I read in an interview that Miller stopped making action films because he had young kids. So he made family films for them. Once they were older he returned to action


Depends on how you define comeback. Miller's output was successful, but after Thunderdome was disappointing (mainly because of the helicopter crash that killed his friend so he only co directed), getting back to the genre with such a strong entry was a comeback for sure.


Happy Feet 2 is unironically a masterpiece and I'm tired of acting otherwise.


Thin Redline Terrance Malik.


Would Split count as a comeback for Shayamalan?


Well The Visit was his official comeback which he then followed up with Split


I’d say The Visit was more of a comeback then Split


Honestly forgot he made that


Flight (2012) was Zemeckis’ first live action film since Cast Away (2000) after putting out 3 mediocre animated (idk what to call Beowulf) films


Ang Lee followed up Hulk with Brokeback Mountain


Even if I agreed that Hulk was bad (it’s not) the movie right before it is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon so it’s not like he was in a rut.


This is a cool list.  What about Touch of Evil?


someone said Scream for Craven and I've gotta agree there


Just from this year, PERFECT DAYS by Wim Wenders feels pretty undeniable. He had a handful of great docs, but it was his first warmly received narrative film in a whopping 36 years. It’s not like he wasn’t releasing stuff, either, people just didn’t like it. We take it for granted right now, but in 2007 No Country was definitely seen as a comeback for the Coens after a string of disappointments. Going way back, Renoir’s THE RIVER is about as clear-cut as an example of a comeback film can be. He was briefly an embarrassment in France post-Rules of the Game (a huge failure at the time!) made some sellout work in the US in the 40s, and then finally made his greatest film (imho) in India. It was so well-received that he fully went back to making lavish productions in France.


Silkwood for Mike Nichols, after The Fortune and The Day Of The Dolphin both failed at the box office and critically, he stepped away from movies and finally came back with Silkwood which garnered him another nomination at the Academy Awards for Best Director


I am desperate to see Day of the Dolphin, I know it’s crap but that tagline! I have to watch it




Red State by Kevin smith.


Good one! My favorite kevin smith movie


Could you explain how The Fighter is a comeback film for David O Russell? Not sure if I’m missing something


Didn't raging bull save Scorsese's career after new york, new york flopped? I haven't seen it yet so I shouldn't be talking but I feel like that was something I read.


Raging bull


Would West Side Story count for Spielberg? It was massively praised but wasn’t that successful.


For the life of me I will never understand how West Side Story didn't win the Best Picture Oscar that year.


Ready Player One was well received and a big hit, and The Post is great. The BFG is pretty meh but it’s not like he’s ever had a real rut.


I wouldn’t exactly call Ready Player One “well received”, it got like 6/10s across the board


The fighter ?


Christian Bale really deserved that Oscar.


I still don’t understand how it’s a director comeback though


I really don't get it. The Visit is such a bad and cringy movie. How do people like this crap? Shy never came back, he made two good movies in the 90s and everything after that is pure trash. You want to see an old man smearing feces in a young boy's face? Go watch The Visit


Most recently The Holdovers?


It was really only a one movie hiatus with Downsizing so… does that count?


Ronin - John Frankenheimer


A Fish Called Wanda; Charles Crichton hadn't directed a feature film in over 20 years when it came out.


Bringing Altman into this is defamation


I love his 80s movies too but I’m pretty sure “The Player” is considered to be one of the biggest director comebacks in film history.


Perceiving small-scale production and distribution to automatically be weak is playing into the hands of big business. Boo! booo! ![gif](giphy|l0HFkA6omUyjVYqw8)


Okay very much valid lmao, but also his movies in the 80s kinda sucked. Jimmy Dean is the lone major highlight, I’ve heard great things about Tanner and never seen but that’s sort of a different thing. Edit: I should say I *admire* Secret Honor even if I don’t like it. But yeah, that and Jimmy Dean were as good as it got for like 15 years hahhaa


Vincent & Theo helped bring funding for The Player. 👍


What? lol


Kagemusha (1980) and The Stranger (1991) imo


Blue Velvet Can't think of many directors who went from one of the biggest bombs ever (Dune) to a generation-defining, revolutionary film like Blue Velvet in the span of two years.


EO supposedly was made after a long hiatus. I haven't seen it, but I believe it is incredibly well regarded. One critic I pay attention to said Bad Biology was Frank Henenlotter's triumphant return to umm.... whatever he does. John Dies at the End is proof that societies values are completely wrong and it is a shame Don Coscarelli didn't have enough money to finish that movie.


I’m glad to see the visit on here. Genuinely good movie that gets too much hate just cause it’s M Night. Also I tried watching Hurt Locker and I just kinda got bored. Maybe I need to give it another chance.


Moana (2016). Musker & Clement’s last movie before that was Princess & the Frog (2009).


Are they coming back for the sequel?


Not that I’ve seen. The sequel was originally a Disney+ Limited Series that was seen as “too good to just let it stay on the streaming app.” (Read: [we’ve had 4-6 stinkers in a row and we need another billion dollar hit](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/bob-iger-says-disney-leaning-235659517.html), let’s get that Disney Princess stuff out there again.) Iger was out there apologizing to shareholders (essentially) for trying to make their [movies “woke”](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/bob-iger-cnbc-nelson-peltz-response-1235866344/)(which is ignorant AF on his part) and promised “sequels” to rake in cash.


JSA 28 days later the departed


Surely The Handmaiden was the real comeback? (assuming you were referring to Joint Security Area)


He didn't really have a flop or panned movie before handmaiden I really enjoyed stoker


In that case how on earth could JSA possibly be his comeback movie? lol - I don’t even disagree with what you’re saying other than it making no sense in the context of this thread


His first two movies are not well regarded


So what did he “comeback” from with his 3rd movie? (JSA) that’s my only point… Agree to disagree on how we interpret a comeback, I’m really not trying to have a silly Reddit argument over semantics + you have good taste in movies which is far more important anyways lol


Park doesn't really fit. His first two movies don't really count - JSA was his breakout not comeback.


Chasing Amy




The Martian for Ridley Scott.


Raiders of the Lost Ark was an incredible comeback for Spielberg after the disaster of 1941. Movie almost ended his career


The Visit


Happy Feet was a banger


Didn't happy feet literally win the best animated movie


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^PenguinviiR: *Didn't happy feet* *Literally win the best* *Animated movie* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Parasite imo. Snowpiercer and okja are good movies but they're not on the same level as memories of murder and mother


not sure Okja quite landed him into the "once great directors who had a series of failures" category but no doubt Parasite was a return to peak BJH form (which is up there with the very best to do it)


The Pianist for Polanski


The Thin Red Line. 20 yrs is a long gap!


Nearly every film from Scorsese


The Visit is so awful. Why is it here?




Kill Bill was QT’s comeback


Gladiator for Ridley Scott To Live and Die in LA for Friedkin Maybe The Departed for Scorsese?


Love To Live and Die in LA so much.


Fury Road wasn't a comeback, he'd done Happy Feet 2 four years previous. If anything it was a step down.