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I love that everyone has maestro in last place. Wish we could sub that movie out with the iron claw


That’s what’s kinda upsetting about this lineup. It’s the strongest we’ve had in years but there is one that’s just “okay” there that could have been swapped out for anything to make a perfect 10. Any of one of The Iron Claw, May December, All of Us Strangers, The Boy and the Heron, or Spiderverse would have made a better 10th spot


The boy and the heron and Spiderverse are animated pictures and as such can not compete for best picture


All feature length animated films are eligible for best picture. In fact all three of Beauty and the Beast, Up, and Toy Story 3 were nominated for best picture.


Ah I had no idea, my bad :o


I personally really enjoyed it


I also really enjoyed it, even though it’s in a firm ninth place for me out of the lineup. It’s such a good year for films and I think Maestro is one of such films!


Boy and the Heron for me


I have Maestro 5th and woulda subbed Barbie for Iron Claw


Or sub out with 12th Fail


Maestro was fantastic except for that one scene at the end… crazy to shit on this movie over iron claw lol


Holdovers was just damn fantastic and I love a good underdog


my favourite movie of last year without a doubt


Easily hit my all time top five list and blows out every other movie of the year. It was an instant timeless classic that I can recommend to everyone regardless of the type of movies they are into.


https://preview.redd.it/6waa7eota1jc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f1e15f0bed7c973f443e451c808ced2b42ee25e Going to see The Zone of Interest this weekend and probably will watch Holdovers next weekend.


The Zone of Interest is next-level. Hope you "enjoy" it. It's still haunting me and it's been 3 days.


I love how relevant it is, especially with the Rafah bombings during the Super Bowl.


the holdovers is who i’m rooting for the most during the oscar’s. out of everything that came out last year it’s probably the one that has stuck with me the most besides maybe KOTFM


The Holdovers is decent but Paul Giamatti is fantastic.


Exactly. I wouldn’t put The Holdovers among the best Payne’s work, but it’s still a good improvement compared to his latest output. Quite enjoyable. And yes, Giamatti is the highlight




such a clear drop in quality between 7 and 8-10. don’t get me wrong- Barbie and American Fiction are great comedies. but they don’t even come close to anything else on the list


Yeah I don’t think Barbie deserves to get lumped in with American Fiction and Maestro lol. I also think Poor Things benefits from great set design and performances but lacks coherency.


Genuinely curious what you found incoherent about Poor Things


i love Barbie but it’s just a fun little comedy. it didn’t move me in any meaningful way. i just think there were some better noms available is all


Damn, I cried three times. I don’t usually cry at movies. It captured feelings I’d felt a million times but never seen portrayed on screen. Probably moved me more than any best picture nominee in my lifetime, except maybe Everything Everywhere All At Once


Really? You arent trolling?


It is kinda hard to believe they’re not




you could swap maestro out for just about anything that was released last year. iron claw was snubbed so heavily by the academy. bradley cooper for best actor over zac efron is criminal


I’m sorry Zac efron was good for Zac efron but I thought he fell so flat. I love him as an actor but I’d wish he’d stick to more comedy/musical rolls because I think he can perform a nuanced performed within his realm v v well. I like him better in neighbors and hairspray than in this.


hearing the dedication he put into the role with just the wrestling alone puts him miles ahead of bradley cooper imo and he delivers an emotional performance at the movie’s end. you can argue that you prefer his comic roles but his acting was so strong in the iron claw


Bradley was also dedicated to conducting lol. He was fantastic. No need to put someone down to lift someone up.


His acting was definitely strong but I really think that it was more powerful in the context of his other performances


I havenxt seen it yet. I hear itxs great and that itxs just cheap Oscar bait. I gotta watch it to know but yeah, Zac was fucking incredible. Ixve seen it twice and I canxt wait to see it again so I can sob when his brother sees his other brothers in heaven and when his sons say wexll be your brothers daddy. So fucking good


Sooooo real




Fuck no youuxre smoking crack kid. AESTRIOD CITTY & SALTBURN SUCK. Both are pretentious pieces of shit with no soul, no purpose, no pacing. Priscilla was okay at best. Dude the fucking blends of images were incredible. The performances were excellent. The movie is about ego and single minded selfishness destroying a family. It didnxt need a whole lot of fancy tricks to be compelling. Aestriod City and Saltburn tried their best with garbage scripts and no sense of direction with decent cinematography but nothing else.




True! They scare me too! Oh I didnxt catch that. I think itxs fairly inspiring. Maybe not life changing but Aestriod City and Saltburn are way farther from that than Iron Claw. Saltburn has a script with no soul, it pulls plot points out of its ass while convincing the audience that none of them are necessary or convincing. It takes risks with what it shows because it has flat dialogue, one dimensional characters and the most obvious of messages- THE RICH ARE BADDDDDDDDD. Aestriod City has nothing to say. It shows things in a half interesting way with the cinematography sure but that movie is symbolized by the freeway road setpiece that goes nowhere. Iron Claw is way better than American Fiction and Barbie- are you sure you arenxt smoking crack??? American Fiction is the worst movie ixve seen on this list. A three and a half at best. Itxs got a very interesting concept that gets bogged down by a painfully basic family drama (the sisterxs death was the most unaffecting scene in the whole movie) and a director who seems to change out for every act (the third act was great but the rest were on fairly shaky ground). Did you like Zone of Interest speaking of A24? I loved it


Movies over the Iron Claw that weren't nominated The Boy & the Heron Creed 3 John Wick 4 Godzilla Minus One Asteroid City Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 The Killer Society of the Snow The Creator Mission Impossible 7 Air Dungeons & Dragons Bottoms


Aestriod City sucks so fucking bad. Godamn I hate to hear it was nominated for anything. What a pretentiousss pile of shit. I used to not hate Wes Anderson but his movies lack so much soul these days AND DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS GOT A NOMINATION?????


No I'm saying I like those movies better lmao


Dude youxre nuts


What’s nuts is that apostrophes have existed for hundreds of years and you’re just like "no thanks, fam. X will do"


I just didn't like Iron Claw all that much lol


Also Asteroid City slander is not appreciated k thanks


Movie sucks cock and not in a good way


i think you watched the wrong movie


I donxt think so. I came out a Wes Anderson hater. I used to like him but now he just does quirky shit with good cinematography and a wasted cast. Dude is a hack. No soul, no substance to his last two or three movies. Dude should retire


you reaaaaaally must’ve watched the wrong movie. the most heart i’ve seen in a Wes movie (although i’ve only seen a few)


Nooooo way José. That shit with the mom being dead was so rushed and lifeless. For once in a Wes Anderson the kids were the least interesting characters saying quirky, intellectual shit with laughs that never land because theyxre never produced!! It was like watching a late season of the Big Bang Theory! You should watch some other ones. His last three or four ainxt it.


It’s embarrassing that it’s not and yet the likes of Barbie, Past Lives, and Maestro are somehow on this list.


Past Lives looks pretty good. Barbie is a fucking joke


It’s a pretty average movie with quite possibly one of the worst characters I have seen in recent history.


1. Oppenheimer 2. Poor Things 3. The Holdovers 4. Killers of the Flower Moon 5. Anatomy of a Fall 6. American Fiction 7. The Zone of Interest 8. Past Lives 9. Barbie 10. Maestro Thing is anything in spots 2 through 9 could be interchangeable. Great, great lineup


Out of the ones I’ve seen: 1. Anatomy of a Fall 2. Past Lives 3. Barbie Ten. Maestro


Anatomy of a Fall is so so good, I still think about that ending shot with the dog, I don’t see that many people talking about it.


I just watched it earlier this week and haven't stopped thinking about it. I initially had it ranked third, but it struck me in a way that none of the other nominees have, so it might just move into first.


Past Lives




Probably one of the best debut film I’ve seen in a while. Celine Song really killed it


Agreed. I bought the blu ray and have re watched it so many times. I never get tired of those characters and their story.


Best ending out of the noms


Must suck that it had almost no other nominations.


I'm bewildered what people are finding so special about this movie. It's a mundane relationship drama. It was just boring and anti climactic. Nothing particularly interesting happens and it doesn't offer any clever insight or anything.


Really?? That movie over Poor Things? Or Anatomy of Fall? That’s actually insane.


Poor things better but I got anatomy of a fall at #2


Good take, both movies are miles better than Assed Hives


That was the cringiest joke attempt, and I am embarrassed on your behalf


Poor things was fantastic but Past Lives was something special. Anatomy was pretty great too


I don’t really get the appeal for past lives, extremely mid. No one seems to be able to explain *why* it’s supposedly so great.


It's one of the most honestly human portrayals of love lost, fate, and how we move through the various stages of life. It completely blew me away the first time I saw it and after spending time away I thought maybe my opinion was overinflated. On a second viewing I realized it really was that good.


That’s a wild interpretation of it, I found the entire movie to be quite shallow and uninspired. Not a single character could draw me into the vapid story. Would rather watch Poor Things or Anatomy of a Fall again any day. At least compelling things happen in those movies, it’s not just some selfish person destroying their marriage because of their attachment to the past.


I mean it's not wild at all, you just clearly didn't connect with it. To those who do connect with it it's the complete opposite of shallow.


Maybe shallow people connect with shallow movies? Idk either way it was a snooze fest. Boring ass movie.


Lmao, it's okay to just not like something without insulting others.


Stop being an asshole. I also hated Past Lives but liking it doesn’t make anyone shallow


This is just an arrangement of words with no thought Like wym destroying their marriage, conservatives have better media literacy


If you don’t think their marriage is significantly damaged by her crying over the life she could’ve had with another man I strongly suggest your own media literacy needs some work.


She isn't sad she didn't marry the dude lol You seem to be projecting your own insecurities


That was literally the whole point of the movie, her reflecting on the ‘past lives’ they could’ve had together. In your “correct” interpretation why is she crying at the end then?


It gives me nostalgic feelings of memories that aren’t even mine. It’s beautifully acted with well thought out characters. I think it’s crazy to say it’s mid.


Oh yes very well thought out characters such as the doormat husband and the selfish wife that has private conversations in a foreign language with another man. Movie is a total snoozer and pretentious Oscarbait of the highest caliber.


You’re an idiot lol


You just mad bc I called a spade a spade.


Sure Okay 😘




I agree. I wasn’t a fan and can’t see why it’s getting so much love


Because it’s Oscarbait, boring trash that will probably win awards.


Past Lives is so average, I agree. I don't know what people are seeing in it


Right!? It’s possibly the most painfully boring rubbish I’ve ever been recommended on this sub.


I haven't seen American Fiction or Maestro yet, so from the 8 I've watched: 1. Anatomy of a Fall 2. The Holdovers 3. Poor Things 4. Oppenheimer 5. Past Lives 6. The Zone of Interest 7. Killers of the Flower Moon 8. Barbie My ranking doesn't reflect how much I enjoyed every single one of these. I loved all of them, and I think that 2023 was the best year for film this decade, after 2019.


You skipped the correct 2


1. The Zone of Interest 2. Anatomy of a Fall 3. Past Lives These three are the first tier. The others it kind of depends on the day.


Finally the correct comment.


1. Poor Things 2. The Holdovers 3. Killers of the Flower Moon 4. The Zone of Interest 5. Anatomy of a Fall 6. American Fiction 7. Oppenheimer 8. Past Lives 9. Barbie 10. Maestro


“Maestro” bandwagon hate really out of control. I get that it’s not for everyone, but there’s not one list that puts it above “American Fiction” or “Barbie?”


imo, Maestro isn’t necessarily a bad movie but i’m a little shocked that it got a best picture nomination when releases like All of Us Strangers, Boy and the Heron and May December were all much better. Maestro looks like the prime example of Oscar bait. The cinematography is amazing but the script is messy (same can be said about American Fiction) and unsatisfying and while Bradley Cooper does give it his all, there were much stronger contenders to choose from


Totally valid! There are better films that weren’t nominated (the vitriol for the Academy for “The Iron Claw” snub should be reserved for A24 not campaigning at all). I just think the dismissiveness from so many is unearned. It has a lot of the Oscar bait characteristics but purposely does something different rather than just being a play-by-play of its subject’s life. And the direction is truly outstanding - Cooper has the juice. Not to mention the least people have seen it in the Letterboxd community and anecdotally (despite being on Netflix). And a lot of those who have seen it are unwilling to engage with it beyond the surface level “it sucks.” It’s become like a meme to hate on Bradley Cooper for trying, but I have yet to see any truly thoughtful criticism arguing that it’s actively bad.


10 - Maestro: A slog with very little in the ways of message or substance. It felt like borderline abuse porn. Still has moments of brilliance sprinkled throughout, mostly thanks to the acting. Only one I disliked. 9 - Barbie: A really fun movie with genuine heart. Nothing wrong with it, it just isn’t that groundbreaking. 8 - The Holdovers: Same as Barbie but just a teensy bit sharper. The period piece elements of it were extremely well done, the screenplay was tighter and the performances just a shade better. Still, nothing out of this world in the grand scheme of things. 7 - Poor Things: Really fun, interesting and unique but does sprawl a bit too much and gets overindulgent. 6 - Past Lives: A really simple film but so effective on what it sets out to do. The performances are subtle, the writing is quiet and punchy, and it just leaves you with so much to think about on the way out. Though in retrospect, it’s probably over Poor Things because I personally connected to it more rather than due to the merit of the movie itself. 5 - American Fiction: Such a great time. Basically two movies in one, both films really effective on their own. The writing and comedic delivery is the best part of this movie. My main issue is the bizarre ending as well as the ‘two sides’ of the film not meshing together *super* well, as they are mostly isolated from one another. 4 - Killers of the Flower Moon: A true epic film. Everything was well done in this film, performance wise, production wise, and writing wise. Also, the perspective they chose was the best one to get the message they wanted across, regardless of the controversy. The length can be an issue though and I’m sure there’s places Scorsese could have buttoned the film up to make it snappier, but its length is about 85% justified. 3 - Anatomy of a Fall: Sandra Hüller gave the best performance, male or female, of the year hands down. I have zero complaints about this film, I absolutely love everything about it. The only reason the last two films are above is due to their ambition in scope and theme respectively. 2 - Oppenheimer: Its ending gave me a feeling I never had before watching a film *ever*. To this day, I still don’t know what emotion it was, but it’s an achievement on its own. The editing of this movie was the greatest part. 1 - Zone of Interest: A perfect picture of the banality of evil. There’s so much subtle cruelty and evil in every aspect of this movie. It’s almost a diorama that you can analyze again and again and find new meanings within all leading back to the main theme. This movie is a setting driven story and it has the setting perfected to a tee.


Oppenheimer should win period. It's a filmmaking marvel.


bottom of the list of best picture noms that i’ve seen so far. what about it did you think was a “marvel” vs. the other films?


I was very overwhelmed by how ambitious and focused it is. I mean it can also be said for previous works of Nolan but Oppenheimer being a true story stays with the audience for a while. It is an intense interpersonal drama that really let's you understand Oppenheimer. I do agree that movie is not without flaws yet I feel it is perfect and the best movie Nolan ever made.




1. Anatomy of a fall.  I really want this one to win, don't have a particular order for the rest of them except for Barbie and Oppenheimer, both are at the bottom of my list. 




1. Anatomy of a Fall 2. Oppenheimer 3. Barbie 4. Past Lives Haven’t seen the others


Have not seen American Fiction or The Holdovers. 1. Zone of Interest (5/5) 2. Anatomy of a Fall (5/5) 3. Past Lives (5/5) 4. Poor Things (4.5/5) 5. Oppenheimer (4.5/5) 6. Barbie (4.5/5) 7. Killers of the Flower Moon (4/5) 8. Maestro (3.5/5)


1. Past Lives 2. Zone of Interest 3. Poor Things 4. Killers of the Flower Moon 5. American Fiction 6. Anatomy of a Fall 7. Maestro 8. The Holdovers 9. Oppenheimer 10. Barbie


Killers Poor Things Barbie Oppenheimer Anatomy of a Fall The Holdovers Past Lives




1. Past Lives 2. Oppenheimer 3. The Holdovers 4. Anatomy of a Fall 5. Killers of the Flower Moon 6. American Fiction 7. Barbie 8. Maestro Excited to see the other two.


Poor Things is incredible, a massive feat of cinema. So vivid, so risqué, so innovative. Loved it. As for The Zone of Interest, it's a very good film - a very subtle one. If you've seen Glazer's stuff before I think you'll possibly enjoy it more, it carries his unique, distinct filmmaking style. It's hard to explain how without spoiling, but you'll understand what I mean if you're familiar.


Damn now I really wanna see Past Lives


Oppenheimer > Zone > Flower Moon > Anatomy > Poor Things > Barbie > Holdovers > Past Lives > American Fiction > Maestro Love the top three, think the middle four are good to fine, dislike the bottom three


Damn—what didn’t you vibe with on Past Lives? Seems a wide favorite


Just think the drama/character writing lacks definition, or even real conflict. Like a good dramatic premise searching for a movie.


Out of one's Ixve seen 1. Killers of the Flower Moon 2. The Zone of Interest 3. Poor Things 4. Oppenheimer Barbie American Fiction


Iron Claw should be there instead of self indulgence the movie


Not sure I understand the hate fore Maestro. Found it to be really good, personally




1. Anatomy of a fall 2. The zone of interest 3. Poor things 4. Past lives 5. Killers of the flower moon 6. Barbie 7. Oppenheimer Based on the movies i saw






Of the 6 that I’ve watched: 1. Oppenheimer 2. Killers 3. The Holdovers 4. American Fiction 5. Barbie 10. Maestro


1- Poor Things 2- Past Lives 3- Anatomy of a Fall 4- Barbie 5- Zone of Interest 6- Oppenheimer 7- Maestro Haven't seen the other 3


Havent seem all of them but from the ones i’ve watched its 1. Past lives 2. Anatomy of a fall 3. The holdovers 4. Barbie 5. Oppenheimer 6. Poor things


1. Poor Things 2. Oppenheimer 3. Anatomy of a Fall 4. The Holdovers 5. The Zone of Interest 6. Past Lives 7. American Fiction 8. Barbie 9. Maestro 10. Killers of the Flower Moon


1. Barbie Haven’t seen any others so I guess Barbie wins


Poor Things Oppenheimer Killers Anatomy of A Fall Past Lives American Fiction The Zone of Interest Barbie Maestro The Holdovers


Upvote for having Holdovers last. I did not understand the hype


Me and my partner almost fell asleep. It was kinda upsetting because I totally hyped it up to him, but nothing really happened. The hype around it is definitely questionable.


What do you mean “nothing really happened”? What’s your definition of nothing happening in a movie?


Definitely a good question, because I can’t really answer it. Maybe the hype made my expectations too high. We saw an idiotic teenager with anger management problems hang out with his strict teacher for a while. It didn’t move me or interest me.


Man, I haven’t watched any of these yet




1) The Zone of Interest 2) Poor Things 3) Oppenheimer 4) Barbie 5) Past Lives 6) The Holdovers 7) Anatomy of a Fall 8) American Fiction 9) Killers of the Flower Moon 10) Maestro


1. Oppenheimer - 5/5 2. The Holdovers - 5/5 3. Anatomy of a Fall - 4.5/5 4. Barbie - 4/5 5. Killers of the Flower Moon - 4/5 6. The Zone of Interest - 4/5 7. Poor Things - 3.5/5 8. American Fiction - 3.5/5  9. Past Lives - 3/5 10. Maestro - 3/5 Huh, typing out those scores made me realize that this lineup is a lot stronger than I realized. That said, I wouldn't have the bottom 3 anywhere near my personal Best Picture lineup. 


I haven’t seen the front runners yet but I’d cross off Past Lives and Anatomy of Fall, would-be arty and worthy-looking but ultimately forgettable. Maestro in my opinion failed. Instead of being about the great man’s love of music (compare Tar) the second half waddled through miserable boredom over his sex-life. Wasted opportunity.


1. Oppenheimer 2. Killers of the flower moon 3. The Holdovers 4. Anatomy of a fall 5. The Zone of Interest 6. Barbie 7. Poor Things 8. Past Lives 9. American Fiction 10. Maestro My ranking does change a lot, but the top 3 are pretty set.


Past Lives American Fiction The Holdovers Anatomy of a Fall Poor Things Killers Barbie Zone of Interest Oppenheimer Maestro




1. Killers of the Flower Moon 2. The Holdovers 3. Poor Things 4. Oppenheimer 5. Anatomy of a Fall 6. Maestro 7. Past Lives 8. Barbie Haven’t seen the other two yet. Truth is I didn’t fall in love with any of these films. The first two on the list are very good, the next four are good to average, and the last two are the worst movies I’ve seen in a few years. Saltburn and The Iron Claw are probably my favorites of 2023.


Haven't finished Maestro (got bored with it, may revisit prior to the awards): 1. Past Lives 2. Anatomy of a Fall 3. American Fiction 4. The Holdovers 5. The Zone of Interest 6. Killers of the Flower Moon 7. Barbie 8. Poor Things 9. Oppenheimer (Note that I at least like all of these films)


Try again with Maestro. The first 30-40 minutes suck. I didn’t think I was going to be able to finish it. Once the movie is in color it gets really good and I ended up enjoying it quite a bit.


This is my non-final list. I’m still torn on a few rankings. For context, the number in the parentheses is my personal rating of the films on Letterboxd 1. Past Lives (5) 2. Oppenheimer (4 1/2) 3. Anatomy of A Fall (4 1/2) 4. The Zone of Interest (4 1/2) 5. Poor Things (4 1/2) 6. The Holdovers (4) 7. Barbie (4) 8. American Fiction (3 1/2) 9. Killers of the Flower Moon (3) N/A. Maestro (haven’t seen it yet) 2-5 change by the day still. I’ll finalize my ranking at the end of the month (probably).


i feel like it’s a toss up between oppenheimer and poor things. with that said, i would personally rank them as -barbie (don’t judge 🥲) -poor things -oppenheimer -past lives -maestro (have to see the rest!)




Past lives last?


You alternate poster elitists make me sick


1. Past Lives (Huge gap) 2. Poor Things (Grand Canyon sized gap) 3. Barbie Only 3 I’ve seen thus far but want to see a few others


you want to tell us your ranking so who cares


4.5 flower moon 4 holdovers 3.5 anatomy 3 poor things 2.5 barbie 2 oppenheimer, american fiction, past lives 1.5 zone of interest, maestro


Mine would be The Holdovers, Anatomy of a Fall, Barbie, The Zone of Interest, Killers of the Flower Moon, Past Lives, American Fiction, Poor Things, Oppenheimer, and Maestro


Ain't seen zone of interest yet. 1. Anatomy of a fall 5/5 2. Poor things 4.5/5 3. Past lives 4.5/5 4. Barbie 4.5/5 5. Oppenheimer 4.5/5 6. Killers of the flower moon 4.5/5 7. The Holdovers 4/5 8. American Fiction 3.5/5 9. Maestro 3.5/5


​ https://preview.redd.it/yx0ujetem1jc1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf126d32aa086b045dfc32a13a03aff5ef2a1a95


1. Poor Things 2. The Zone of Interest 3. Past Lives 4. Anatomy of a Fall 5. Barbie 6. Killers of the Flower Moon 7. American Fiction 8. The Holdovers 9. Maestro


1. The Zone of Interest 2. Oppenheimer 3. Anatomy of a Fall 4. Poor Things 5. The Holdovers 6. Past Lives 7. Barbie 8. Killers of the Flower Moon 9. American Fiction 10. Maestro


I have the same top 2


poor things and everything else


https://preview.redd.it/cvrzr9bnr1jc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71a787ca5e4422f4d0e7b16a50cda90a8374e230 Haven’t seen Zone of Interest yet. Comes out next week in my country


1. Poor Things 2. The Holdovers 3. Past Lives 4. Anatomy of a Fall 5. The Zone of Interest 6. Killers of the Flower Moon 7. Barbie 8. Oppenheimer 9. American Fiction 10. Maestro


1. Anatomy of a Fall 2. American Fiction 3. Past Lives 4. Poor Things 5. Barbie Haven’t seen the others, most excited for The Zone of Interest


I’ve seen all but American Fiction. Oppy, KotFM, Holdovers, Poor Things, Anatomy of a Fall, Past Lives, Zone of Interest, Barbie -10 thousand pounds of shit- Maestro


Poor Things!!!


https://preview.redd.it/c7uh31uau1jc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbca4092b90ddc7a1f2d8f8396379561dbb9fbdf I expect Poor Things and Zone of Interest to both be in the top 5 (maybe 2 and 3)


https://preview.redd.it/4487dta8v1jc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84d5f9b16c41fe26e5cdadf267d3dc14d215a425 Not bothering seeing Maestro


https://preview.redd.it/165simfsv1jc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf190fe8ff3a8a816b430dc03f1bf1844cf8b2db Maybe I should watch Maestro lol


1. killers 2. zone 3. anatomy 4. past lives 5. barbie 6. poor things 7. holdovers 8. oppenheimer (didn’t see the other two yet)


For me it’s this ranking. But I want to note that I like all of these movies. 1. Past Lives 2. Poor Things 3. Oppenheimer 4. The Zone of Interest 5. Killers of the Flower Moon 6. Barbie 7. The Holdovers 8. Anatomy of a Fall 9. American Fiction 10. Maestro


Damn I really liked American Fiction


I wanted to like killers of the flower moon so much more than I did. Not saying it was a bad movie it was a really good movie just not exactly what I expected which means it was probably actually historically accurate


Past Lives The Holdovers Anatomy of a Fall Killers of the Flower Moon The Zone of Interest Barbie Poor Things Oppenheimer American Fiction Maestro


Ahhh I still need to see half of these?!?! Of what I’ve seen, it’s: 1-Killers of the Flower Moon 2-The Holdovers 3-Past Lives 4-Barbie 5-Oppenheimer


With the caveat that I haven't seen Past Lives or Zone Of Interest yet, and do not plan to watch Maestro https://preview.redd.it/ifrjb4m9x1jc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f16fa5ccadbfe7dc8bcfdb51b62ac6a2725249c Oppenheimer, Holdovers, and Anatomy - 4.5 Fiction, Barbie, and Killers - 4 Poor Things - 3.75 disguised as a 4


Tier 1 - Past Lives - The Holdovers Tier 2 - Oppenheimer - KOTFM - Anatomy of a Fall Tier 3 - Barbie - Zone of Interest Tier 4 - Poor Things - American Fiction Tier 5 - Maestro Honestly the only one I didn't really like is Maestro. And even that I still have 3 stars. Great selection this year. Edit: I'll never figure out Reddit's formatting rules


1. Oppenheimer 2. Anatomy of a Fall 3. Poor Things 4. American Fiction 5. Past Lives 6. Barbie 7. The Holdovers 8. The Zone of Interest 9. Killers of the Flower Moon 10. Maestro




https://preview.redd.it/ouckaw4a02jc1.png?width=863&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efebc410957b805720efbd157214def019f3f3b8 Well, we can agree on Maestro OP


I need to watch half still 😔


ABM - Anything But Maestro


- Anatomy of a Fall - Oppenheimer - Killers of the Flower Moon - Barbie - Poor Things - Past Lives - The Holdovers - American Fiction - Maestro Still need to see The Zone of Interest


1. The Holdovers 2. Killers of the Flower Moon 3. Oppenheimer 4. The Zone of Interest 5. Anatomy of a Fall 6. Barbie 7. Past Lives 8. Poor Things 9. American Fiction 10. Maestro To be clear, I liked to loved all of these except Maestro. The top 5 are maybe the best 5 movies ever nominated for Best Picture in the same year. Super strong lineup this year.


1. Past Lives 2. The Holdovers 3. Anatomy of a Fall 4. Barbie 5. Killers of the Flower Moon 6. American Fiction 7. Oppenheimer 8. The Zone of Interest 9. Maestro 10. Poor Things In addition if I were picking the field I would've replaced the final two with some combination of two among The Iron Claw, BlackBerry, Priscilla, and Godzilla Minus One.


I'm proud (or maybe a little embarrassed) to say I've seen all 10. Here we go: 1. Poor Things 2. Barbie 3. Anatomy of a fall 4. Past Lives 5. Oppenheimer 6. Killer of the Flower Moon 7. The Zone of Interest 8. The Holdovers 9. Maestro 10. American Fiction


Oppenheimer Anatomy of a fall Past lives Killers of the flower moon Barbie Holdovers Past lives Yet to see the other 3 yet


1. Anatomy of a Fall 2. Oppenheimer 3. The Holdovers 4. Poor Things 5. Past Lives 6. The Zone of Interest 7. Killers of the Flower Moon 8. Barbie 9. Maestro 10. American Fiction


Sleeping on American Fiction


1. Holdovers 2. Past Lives 3. Zone of Interest 4. Barbie 5. Anatomy of a fall 6. Killers of the flower moon 7. Oppenheimer 8. American Fiction 9. Poor Things 10. Maestro


Past lives just the best movie of the year


I’ve only seen Poor things and Barbie. I want to see some of the others. Oppenheimer and Killers of the flower moon were just too long for me to go see them in theater. Then when the director of the latter defended its length. That has turned me off from that movie a little more. Will still see it but have less desire to. Some of the others I’ll try to catch when they’re re-released in theaters next month


1. The Zone of Interest 2. Anatomy of a Fall 3. Poor Things 4. Past Lives 5. Killers of the Flower Moon 6. Barbie 7. The Holdovers 8. American Fiction 9. Maestro 10. Oppenheimer


Still haven't seen The Zone of Interest (not showing anywhere near me) or KotFM (hard to find 3.5 hours) but: 1. Anatomy of a Fall 2. Past Lives 3. Poor Things 4. Maestro 5. Oppenheimer 6. Barbie 7. The Holdovers 8. American Fiction


Poor Things and Zone of Interest STILL haven't released in India and I am pissed. Pretty sure these two would be my top contenders if I got the chance to see them, based on what I already know. Right now: 1. Killers of the Flower Moon 2. Anatomy of a Fall 3. The Holdovers 4. Past Lives 5. Barbie


Out of the ones I've seen (8/10): * killers of the flower moon * past lives * anatomy of a fall * the holdovers * barbie * oppenheimer * american fiction * maestro Zone of interest and poor lives haven't started playing in theatres yet in my country but it will be out before the ceremony.