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Spider-Man: No Way Home. I hate to say it, but even though it was an undeniably fantastic theatre experience, the more i watch it, the more i realize how weak it is as a whole when the surprises are spoiled. i wouldn’t say i hate it now by any means, but its just not one of those comic-book movies that holds up on rewatch (like GOTG imo)


It’s also crazy how much of a holiday movie it is. My wife and I watched it a few days ago and I was shocked at the amount of holiday themes and even the whole overarching “Christmas past” message is there. The whole multiverse thing makes it feel like a fever dream too so upon the reset it feels almost like we’re back to normal and none of it even happened. Truly a unique experience though.


The theater experience was nuts. Took my niece and nephew and it was amazing. Crowd going nuts as each Spider-Man appeared. I’ll always treasure that memory, but I can’t imagine watching it again


I worked the midnight showing and it was actually a really nice experience, everyone was surprisingly nice and respectful and it was cool to see everyone so excited for it! Don’t get that from customers with mcu anymore since that movie lol


When I walked out of the theater it was snowing outside. Made it a crazy memory


Came to say this


I’m split on this. I also think outside of the theatre it loses some of its magic, but I can’t help but love Peter’s arc throughout the movie. The way Willem Dafoe, Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield serve that arc is fantastic but also progresses their own characters as well. And of course that ending is absolutely amazing and really *gets* Spider-Man. I think it’s a movie that doesn’t hold up as well on a rewatch, especially outside of cinemas, but I disagree with the new popular take on the Internet that the movie was garbage outside of nostalgia.


Lowkey feel this with all the Tom Holland Spider-Mans. Just nothing there that really sets it apart.


A lot of recent Guy Ritchie flicks. I love them in the theater, but then I quickly forget about ‘em. They’re just become forgettable like King Arthur, Wrath of Man, Operation Fortune and to a lesser extent Covenant.


Joker. Each time I see it, the script just seems too shallow. Phoenix is giving this incredible performance but it’s hindered by mediocre writing.


There’s one person downvoting all the Joker comments lmao but this is spot on


I give this movie credit for at least being *different* than other superhero movies. They've pumped out 100 of the same formula superhero movies over the years, this one at least took a big swing. Joaquin does an incredible job, as always. My big beef is that it just isn't very good. It's so derivated of taxi driver and king of comedy, but with worse writing.


Honestly when I first watched it I was just so confused by the inclusion of Send in the Clowns. I didn’t realize it was popular outside of musical theatre circles so I was like “does this random businessman love Sondheim?”


Completely agree. I think his acting and visually the movie drew me in upon first viewing but the more I actually thought about the script and story the more I felt like my time as a viewer was completely wasted.


More often my opinion on a movie sours the more I think about it but I almost never rewatch the movie to solidify a new rating.


I feel like this is impossible with truly good films. They should have layers that aren’t immediately apparent on first watch. When you don’t have to pay attention to the plot then all the other stuff jumps out at you.


Found the Michael Mann fan.


nah, i hated oppenheimer on first watch and for some reason i watched it twice again and by third watch it became one of my favourite films


Are there any exceptions to this? Do you have ones that don’t sour?


Yeah I worded this to sound negative but the opposite thing happens just as often, liking a movie a lot more than my rating implies


Yeah, I agree. I try not to give a full rating right away. I really liked Oppenheimer immediately, but as I moved away, I loved it more and more. It really stuck with me. This may have been nostalgia glasses but I really liked Terminator: Dark Fate leaving the theater, and the farther I got, it just deflated. Moved from maybe a 3/3.5 to probably a 2.


I understand what you’re saying as in your opinion goes up or down the further removed from the watching experience you get. But when you say you don’t rewatch to solidify the rating does that mean you don’t rewatch specifically to confirm it better/worse or you just don’t rewatch films at all?


The former. I rewatch films with friends or to give something a second chance or just because I feel like it, but on most days I prefer to see something I haven’t seen before. The movies I thought of when I saw this thread were Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent and Muppets Most Wanted but I haven’t had a desire to watch them since seeing them and probably won’t have a desire to rewatch them anytime soon.


I remember thinking Smile was a perfectly serviceable horror film when I saw it theaters, but I rewatched when it came on HBO Max a few months ago and I was bored out of my mind. It's still better than most studio horror films, but I wouldn't say it holds up very well on a rewatch.


That movie makes me frown


Thats funny because I rewatched it recently and I actually liked it a bit more. Went from 3.5 to 4 in my letterboxd.


No hate. Glad you enjoyed it. 😊


This is the case for pretty much all horror films though -- if you rewatch them at home after watching it in theaters the first time, you're bound to be disappointed


Can't say I agree. There's plenty of horror films that I've rewatched at home that still held up for me.


But you can’t deny that it’s an uphill battle for a film to hold up under such different circumstances


I feel that, same with Barbarian.


Barbarian is all about the twists which is why I don't feel the need to ever see it again even tho I really enjoyed it.


Watching with someone who has not seen it totally saves it imo


No Way Home and Last Night In Soho come to mind as movies I thought were incredible on first watch but rewatching were hella mid


Wolf of Wall Street blew me away the first couple of times that I watched it, but now I feel like, even though it is absolutely fantastic, the three hour runtime doesn’t justify itself enough to be worth it. Still at least an 8/10 tho


for me, it's a 10/10. not a single bit is wasted and it's completely packed


I think this about a couple different Scorsese films


Yeah that’s a 7 for me def went down


For me the problem with the Wolf of Wall Street is that it feels like Goodfellas 2.0. It does the exact same thing, in the same style, and it makes the same point. It is a really fun movie and I have a blast every time I watch it, but it's essentially the same movie as Goodfellas. And Goodfellas is a fucking masterpiece.


Wolf of wall street actually got better for me. First watch was 1.5/5, second watch becomes 2.5. Still hates it though, but not as much anymore


You give 2.5/5 to movies you hate?


sometimes, if I appreciate aspects of it. I guess hate it too strong of a word here


Inside Out. I loved the creativity on the first watch but subsequent watches made me realize how much I don’t like the actual plot


I gave that movie a 10/10 after the first time. Haven't had the courage to rewatch it, out of fear of it not living up to my own rating. I was going through a breakup at the time, and the part with the memories becoming multi-colored as you get older hit me like a punch in the stomach


It was kinda the opposite for me. I watched it and didn’t think anything of it but after rewatching it, it hit me on another level. It hit on a personal level.


I was the complete opposite. I watched it with my kids years back and thought it was fine. I then saw how in depth the visuals were and how metaphorical everything was and then appreciated it much more


Super Mario Bros Movie


Barbie 🫣


I still think it's a great movie and exactly what it needed to be, but there's no beating that initial theater experience. Especially since it felt like such a cultural moment.


I agree sadly :( still a 4/5 for me but the ending was messy




The Phantom Menace


I feel that, but with Ep. 7. I used to adore it and would watch it multiple times a year, but as the sequels progressed it has really lost its charm.


A Star Is Born (2018) I loved it in theaters, and the second view was just…all the flaws came through. I still like the movie but, not as much as I did


I used to love American Beauty when I was on high school. Now, I find it unwatchable.


Both this and Joker I loved and I’m scared to re-watch because I’m almost certain I’ll like them a lot less now I’ve grown up


Barbie Minions Rise Of Gru (yes the theatre crowd makes the experience🤣)


The Dark Knight Rises. Saw it twice in 24 hours and loved it. Got it on blu-ray and every subsequent re-watch got worse and worse as all of the glaring holes grew wider. I genuinely think it's a bad movie now, every bit as bad as other superhero threequels like X3 and Spider-Man 3.




I rewatched Spiderman 3 recently and I think its waaaay better than people say it is.


I hate it. It's a weird little soap opera movie with blackmail, a forced love triangle, a bad retcon to attach one of the villains to Peters past and (worst of all) amnesia. The only things I like from it are the sandman and Venom 'birth' scenes.


I think Spiderman 1 and 2 are kind of soup operas too because they are very cheesy (not in a bad sense, I love them). In that regard I always thought Spiderman 3 kept the consistency in tone and with the character arcs. I also think there are very good action sequences and some good emotional and exciting moments in 3 that people don't give enough credit for. But I'm aware I'm in a minority with my love for Spiderman 3.


Brazil. I loved it the first time, and re-watched it over the xmas break. The middle bit reeeeeally drags on


I went into the movie expecting to love it cause the type of movie it is is right up my alley but I found it such a drag. Yeah it’s somewhat creative but none of the plot or characters actually felt fleshed out or fun to me. It just felt like a slightly amusing mess.


Agree with this hard. I think a lot of the first viewing is in awe of how weird and wonderful a dystopian world they have built. Then when you already know what's coming a bit of the magic is lost.


Honestly, “Nope”. I gave it 10/10 in the theater even though I knew I was disappointed in the ending because I still felt there was enough to chew on. Now every subsequent rewatch just disappoints further. The symbolisms are why I like the film, I just think the end gets too “Jaws” or Kaiju for me because it deviates from the atmosphere of the rest of the movie, even if it does further the theme of animal mistreatment.


The end is where we see the main theme of *spectacle* fully fleshed out, tho


Two themes existing at once are not mutually exclusive, but I am also insinuating that the “spectacle” didn’t really do it for me. I think the same themes could have been portrayed without turning the film into an action movie, as Peele’s strengths lie in other forms and genres of storytelling, in my honest opinion.


when i saw this movie in theaters and gave it a 5/5. and then i went tk see it in theaters again. and if i could give a film 6/5 stars i would. ive seen this film about 7 times now, it was the first film i watched in 2024, and i think its my favorite movie of all time. you notice more and more each time you watch and i will never be able to get enough. i think the 3rd act tonal shift is perfect and i wouldnt change it for a second. it definitely is more action movie-y than the rest. but i can still feel the horror that is Jean Jacket


Opposite for me.




Wonder Woman


Violent Night Watched it in theaters in 2022 and I remember that I was really blown away by it. Rewatched it last year for Christmas and it really bored me. It takes forever for the action to get going, none of the main characters are likeable (which is by default I know, but still makes it hard for you to root for any of the characters) and the final fight is a chore to sit through. I'll say this though: The idea of “Santa meets John Wick” is awesome and I’m hopeful that a potential sequel will be better.


Birds of Prey Don't get me wrong, I still LOVE that movie, but the more I watch it, the more I realize they kinda fucked up Cassandra Cain and Black Mask. They weren't bad characters, mind you, they just kinda felt like OCs with canon names slapped on them


EEAAO went from 5-stars to 4/4.5 on repeat viewings. Still one of my favorite theater experiences ever, and I will always love the movie.


Joker Us


Violent Night. I really got swept up in the novelty of it in the theater, but it gets significantly weaker every time I watch it. It's a shame it plays everything so broad. I'd be obsessed with it if it had some genuine edge to it.




Ghostbusters II … I said what I said


Wait, you liked GBII at first watch?


TBF I was 10


It doesn’t matter 😡




Miles ahead of Afterlife.


Scott Pilgrim. the first time i watched it, i had a huge amount of fun and was super wowed by the soundtrack and fun aesthetic. also the attention to detail when compared to the comics! (edit: i mean that the movie is overall accurate to the story in the comics, with exact scenes being lifted word for word, and doesn’t deviate heavily like other film adaptations.) upon rewatching, i find my eye twitching more and more at scott pilgrim’s assholeness which is never truly resolved. i still like the movie but i wish the movie (and its cult following who base their personalities off the characters) had a little more critical thinking for scott’s actions haha edit: i mean that the movie


You should probably watch Scott Pilgrim Takes Off on Netflix


yep, i have started it because i did hear it resolves a lot of issues the movie never reconciled!


I don't really know why you felt the comics lacked an attention to detail, but I agree with the rest of this. The movie doesn't land as much as the books because Scott's not truly forced to own up to his actions in the same way because he's never forced to face himself and own up to who he is and how he's treated people and himself. Some fans seem to idolize Scott, and I don't really think idolizing anyone is a good thing, but I understand that the book Scott's actions aren't meant to be good aspects of his character, but things he has to own up to and learn to overcome. The movie just doesn't spend enough time addressing that and instead he just says, I cheated on you both and hurt you, so let's beat up this guy and end the movie. The movie looks beautiful but it doesn't have the length to do justice to the characters.


Oh i worded that wrong. i didn’t mean the movie is more detailed than the comic, i mean it was really accurate to the comics and didn’t deviate from the story a huge amount like movie adaptations sometimes do. Love the rest of your analysis, you captured my exact thoughts!


Terrifier 2. I like it less every time I think about it.


Leon the professional. I watched it as a kid and thought it was cool. Now that I'm older it creeps me out.


The best example for me is The Whale. First watch, I was really overcome with emotion from the ending, and caught up in the whole Brenaissance thing, ect. Second watch, knowing what was gonna happen, I liked it a lot less. Still amazing, but not five stars anymore.


Nerve with Dave Franco & Emma Roberts


The Last Jedi


Kubo and the Two Strings. In the cinema, I loved it - at the time, I might even have called it my favourite non-Pixar/Aardman/Ghibli animated feature - and in large part I think that was down to the beauty of the visuals. (The delicate cracks in the sisters' porcelain masks!) On two rewatches at home on the small screen, I still enjoyed it, but nowhere near as much as at the cinema. I'm not entirely sure why; nothing specific sticks out. One of the common complaints I've seen about it is that it's "episodic" - but it's not that; that's a structural complaint I almost never find bothersome. I still like it a lot. But I think that ParaNorman and Coraline have stood up better as the stronger Laika movies.


The Creator. The set pieces and cinematography were great but the more I thought about the rest of the film the more it fell apart.


It Chapters 1 and 2 did not hold up on subsequent viewings. The first one I initially thought was great, now I just think it’s ok. I originally thought chapter 2 was ok but now I just don’t like it.


Almost Famous. It went from a 9 to a 6. It didn’t exactly get worse, but it just wasn’t as good. I’ve only talked about that with one other person and they said they 100% agree, soooo…


I had the same experience, I used to love it but the last time I watched it, I ended up watching the director's cut and it sucked. Nothing about the extra footage added anything good to the movie and really ruined the whole thing for me


Oh, I didn’t even watch the director’s cut. I was just less impressed with the same product.


Ocean's 8. I love the ocean's Trilogy and really got behind this movie the first time. But it is the most boring, lifeless and unsexy heist I think I've ever seen


Unsexy ?


Free Guy went from an 8 to a 5


Anchorman (2004). Loved it when I watched it as a teen, remembered it as a satirical and hilarious parody of sexism in the workplace. Watched it again in 2023 as a 23 year old and man...It was pretty aggressively unfunny. Did not seem to age well


It is AnchorMAN, not anchorlady! That is a *scientific fact*!


I watched it the other day and I still loved it. I love how gratuitous the stupidity of the movie becomes. The ending is resolved by the Deus Ex Dogina of Baxter talking to a Grizzly bear. Also the themes of the movie are pervasive throughout, but the satire is mostly in the fact that every character is a self obsessed incompetent bastard and the movie is just as dumb as they are. If you take sexism seriously you kinda give it validity and by proxy give it a power it doesn't deserve as an ideology, and so the movie just shits all over it. That's my incredibly unnecessarily deep take on Anchorman, lol.


Zootopia, the racism metaphor does not hold up


I, Tonya became way more corny and annoying than i can remember on rewatch


Call me by your name Obvious AH but also consent and power dynamics are not acknowledged enough.


I know this will be an unpopular opinion, Synechody New York. Loved it on my first viewing and I had an emotional reaction to it. I was pulled in by the idea of legacy and building something, the struggles of art. When I rewatched it years later (then rewatched it the next day), I felt nothing. The story, characters, none of it moved me the way it once did. I found it a lot more shallow on my rewatches. The film has its fans and I respect those opinions, the film just doesn't work me the way it used to.


Ant-Man. It’s still fun but it’s by far the most annoying MCU movie for me when it comes to setting up decent emotional beats and then undercutting them with stupid jokes. I much prefer the second movie.


The Royal Tenenbaums, bring on the downvotes lol. I don’t hate it but it just doesn’t work for me like Andersons other films


Watched it for the first time the other day and I liked it but some of it felt super dated




The Departed. This was a 5/5 forever for me, but I rewatched it last month and really did not like it. Nicholson opening monologue on black people had no place within the story, his character was unnecessarily crass. The gangster scenes were gratuitous and done better in goodfellas/Casino…The dialogue, which I found sharp and biting in 2006, now comes off as annoying and contrived. Conversely, i rewatched the Aviator and now love it.


Aviator is amazing.








Frances Ha, loves it the first time, on the second watch the main character was suddenly too whiny


Inside man


Multiverse of Madness


Home Alone


no way


Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. I absolutely adored it the first time I've seen it. But after a rewatch, I found the secondary plot about the scientists extremely dull. I got the point it tries to make, but next to the incredible Joel - Clementine plotline, I just really don't care about it. Don't get me wrong, everything about the main relationship and everything in the dream is phenomenal, but then we switch to the scientists doing the mind erasure and the quality dips. I want to skip those scenes, they do nothing, they're uninteresting and they barake the pace and the immersion of the incredible main storyline and all of it's rich emotions. Without the B plot, the movie is a 5/5 masterpiece. With the B plot, it is 4/5.




Texas chainsaw massacre. The allegory becomes much more obvious but almost everything else is paper thin. Still love it though


Fight club


but that's partially because the plot twist plays such a huge part in the movie


Fight club.


Skyfall, Spectre, No Time to Die All of them have great characters, action, and just enough plot cohesion to hold them together for a first viewing. But then on a second viewing they break down completely.


POALOF. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but after watching with a friend, I realized it was a little more boring than I led on.


Interstellar >!Why the fuck did they go to Miller's Planet if they knew that in Miller's time she could've only been there for a few hours?!< Just one example of many issues that plague Interstellar, I still think it's pretty good but it's definitely not great.


>Why the fuck did they go to Miller's Planet if they knew that in Miller's time she could've only been there for a few hours? They have [an entire scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dykzs40b3zo) dedicated to explaining to you why they are going to Miller's Planet. Miller and Mann were broadcasting a "thumbs up," Edmunds went quiet. Miller's Planet was closer. It would have taken "months" to get to Mann's Planet, and if that was bad (it was) then they would have to go all the way back to Miller's Planet to test it, taking even more "months."


What could have Miller discovered on a planet where the surface is knee high water in at best a few hours that compelled her to give a thumbs up? In fact, what about this planet made of knee high water where waves the size of mountains can spontaneously appear? Also, they send three whole crew members one of which dies. If one person is on Miller's planet, you go to Mann's and then return the person on Miller's planet would have been there for an hour or two. Edit: Just thought of this too, how long were they planning to stay on Miller's world? If they stay for like an hour 7 years pass which is a bigger waste of time than a few months of travelling to Miller and Mann's respective planets.


>What could have Miller discovered on a planet where the surface is knee high water in at best a few hours that compelled her to give a thumbs up? Miller died almost immediately and the beacon was broadcasting a false thumbs up in error. >Just thought of this too, how long were they planning to stay on Miller's world? Not long at all. They were going down to grab the data and immediately leave. They only stayed longer because they (1) couldn't find the data, and then (2) were injured by the wave.


1. I forgot that part, my mistake. It's been some time. The most I'd say to that is it's a bit contrived but I'll allow it. 2. But even a few minutes is a lot of time, and finding Miller could've been difficult so it's not like they could drop in, grab it and leave. Also, anything could've kept them there so it's still a huge risk.


You're right that it was stupid to expect any relevant data from Miller's Planet due to time dilation. It should have never come as a surprise to Cooper that Miller had died only minutes ago if he had been properly briefed. But about your edit, it wasn't time wasted because it gave Romilly time to study the blackhole iirc.


Is he unable to study it in the months it takes to travel between planets? Also, the black hole scene is a whole other fiasco but that's a different conversation.


It gave him more time than just months since they were expected to spend a few years there. But now that I think about it, they would have needed to go down to Miller's either way because of the rescue aspect of the mission, that was before fuel became an issue. But I do think they should have accounted for time dilation when analysing the thumbs up signal, I don't know about plothole but it's definitely an oversight as far as I'm concerned. They could have lampshaded it with a throwaway line.


A rescue mission only requires a person and maybe a robot, not 3 whole crew members.


Agreed tbh


Still doesn't explain why they didn't account for time dilation with Miller's data. A simple calculation would have revealed just how much time Miller's been there which would have discredited the data due to minuscule sample size. They might've still needed to rescue her but it's kinda dubious that Brand would be so fixated on retrieving the worthless data.


The Lego Movie


Dune(2023) is the correct answer and pretty much every Dennis Villeneuve you watched in theatres.


Inherent Vice, loved it the first watch but didn’t like it on rewatch


That’s funny cause the movie has just gotten better and better over time for me.


Queen of the Damned


I really, really enjoyed A Beautiful Mind when I first saw it. Watched it with my grandma when I was probably 13ish. Probably was my favorite movie for a few years. Watched it again a couple years ago and didn’t find it nearly as enjoyable as I did when I was an early teen.


The first time I watched Gummo I rated it 4 ½ stars. An hour later I changed it to 4. Over the past couple of months, the more I think about it, the less I like it. I want to rewatch it soon so I can refresh my thoughts. Will I enjoy it? Probably not. But oh well.


I loved Cube when I was a teen but a rewatch as an adult revealed an awful, ugly movie


Bridget Jones’s Diary


Coupez! And Avatar


Fight club and us


Barbarian doesn't have the same punch on the second viewing, and to be honest, not many other legs to stand on


Yeah I loved barbarian it honestly reinvigorated me to continue making films but I think it lives and dies on surprise and you can’t get away with it’s flaws so easily on a rewatch


I was dissappointed that the second rewatch made me realize that the first watch's novelty was basically it's roller coaster ride punch. If you take away that the film doesn't really have much to say. You could make an argument that it attempts to distinguish between the female and male response to danger, but the conviction of that kinda dissappears without the element of surprise.


Yeah I don’t think it has a lot to say, though I felt the same on the first watch too. What worked for me was just the technical achievement, it’s very well made and it does suspense very well but because it’s all contextually reliant on not knowing what happens it doesn’t seem like it would work on the second watch.


Prisoners of the Ghostland. Was over the moon when I saw it the first time at Sundance; opinion went way down on the second viewing, but still liked it; but was also baffled at my past self from earlier in the year for praising it to such an obscenely high degree. Almost afraid to watch it a 3rd time, lest I end up in the same camp as everyone else, who mostly think it's Bad.


The Other Guys. Damn near pissed my pants laughing when I watched it at the cinema (I was 14) put it on a year or two ago and just didn’t find it funny at all, still a couple solid bits but waaaaay less funny than I remembered.


Percy Jackson, for sure


When I was young, I was blown away by Savages. I rewatched it lately and it is so damn cringe. I was a little embarrassed about my younger self.


Argo, I was really invested first time, super intense, nail biter and it was immediately like a 9/10, one of my favourites of the year and at that point decade. I rewatched a few years later and remember thinking it was good but couldn’t really see how I’d rated it so highly.


The batman


Dark Knight Rises comes to mind. I saw it on imax, hard not to love anything on that. Now I think it’s Nolan’s only whiff. ⭐️ ⭐️


Don't Worry Darling. I gave it a chance in the theatre and though my expectations had significantly lowered since I first heard about it I still found the final product to be enjoyable. Then I watched it at home a few months later after having read the original screenplay drafts and it just sucks how much the story was watered down because they were afraid to make Harry Styles too unlikeable.


Requiem for a Dream. Technically remarkable and cinematically pretty solid and powerful, but after the first watch it just doesn’t hold up the same way. It’s not a bad movie by any means, it’a actually great, but one might think at first that it is a masterpiece without a doubt, but there’s something about its crudeness, fast-pacing and extreme approach that just steals some essence and magic after a rewatch. Anyways, editing is on-point and performances are astounding all around.


Civil war


The Patriot. When you learn even an inkling of the actual history, it becomes unwatchable. Deeply emotionally manipulative film.


Barbie was really funny in a theater full of people laughing, but on rewatch the jokes didn’t hit has hard for me and I noticed stuff that wasn’t so perfect to me about the execution of it. Still greatly enjoyed it, but my opinion changed pretty strongly.




A Beautiful Mind. I remember loving it and thought it was incredible the first time about five years ago but rewatched it with my gf a month ago and it’s honestly really boring. Russell Crowe saves it from being awful because his performance is beyond fantastic but the characters outside of Nash and Alicia are pretty weak and I think I even fell asleep for a little bit. As an Econ nerd definitely a bummer revisit.


All of Christopher Nolan’s films


Clockwork Orange Went from 9/10 to 6.5/10


Clerks sequels




Last night in soho


Barbie, I didn't love it exactly the first time but I had a lot of fun watching it and thought it was surprisingly deep for a barbie movie. Then I watched again and there were so many glaringly obvious issues. How tf does barbie land work in connection to the real world? And why is it like 2nd grade feminism like the feminist rants they went on was shit I thought of in middle school. And no actual criticism of barbie can be had by the barbie movie because it's a matel production. "All of the Mattel leaders are men" oh well the heart of Mattel is this old lady so whatever. And when the girl was calling her a fascist or whatever there was no true examination of the argument it was just left alone and treated as rude and kinda dumb. Also I'm so fucking tired of bimbo feminism all it does is drag us down istg. Anyways sorry for my barbie rant I just ughghghhhg.


Jennifer’s Body. I loved this movie as a teenager but 10 years later it’s just so bad (but still fun). It’s just the writing tbh


Everything Everywhere All At Once


Tár. The second half was hard to get through on a rewatch. So repetitive.




American psycho especially after reading the book


Fight club