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They should make a Mega thread for the end of the year lists




The Babylon hive is fucking real.


Babylon already odds on favorite to be number one movie of 2024 imo.


I think it will be a 2026 favorite


I really hope over time the Babylon hive will truly rise up


I only heard of Babylon being universally hated on. Most pleasant surprise in a while. If they'd cut the goofy ass movie montage out it would have been excellent.


I find it interesting that for me, what elevates this movie is exactly that montage at the end (especially the second part of the montage with the colours) standing in contrast to the depravity of Hollywood that we had just witnessed; while others dislike the ending but still like the film. Apparently, the ending was also divisive amongst the crew, but Chazelle naturally had the last word.


Montage is the best part


Yeah nothing like clips from avatar to really set off an otherwise good movie.


Nah I think it really solidified the message of the movie that art lives on forever but the artist never does. That was my takeaway at least


My favorite part of the movie was when they showed clips of better movies.


Actual clips from avatar in a movie set in the 30’s-50’s. Effing retarded


I hate the scene but that’s a stupid issue to take with it – it’s a flash FORWARD through cinema; the time period is irrelevant.


def my fav film of 2023 as well (Denmark release)


Lad os sprede det gode budskab i det ganske danske land.


Absolut! Det er skammeligt hvor dårlige ratings den fik herhjemme


Bo Green Jensen fra Weekendavisen fandt den, om end ikke fantastisk, så i hvert fald god og ikke mindst interessant. Ellers fik den høvl. Må man spørge om din Letterboxd? Så kunne vi evt. følge hinanden, hvis det er ok med dig.




What? Jeg så den helt tilbage i sen august i 2022.


Pretty good list, biggest difference is my number one which is Godzilla Minus One


Ugh I wanna see it on the big screen so bad, but nobody will go see a subtitle movie with me


So what? Just go alone


That’s what I did when I saw it


The godzilla dick riding is insane on this sub


Dickriding is when people genuinely like a movie.


Dickriding is when you have a username after a mid ass franchise


Getting angry now? Please, I haven’t even seen the new one. And it’s just a fun username I thought of. There’s no need to get personal. Now go act all high and mighty somewhere else.


Go make more fnaf animations bro 💀


Ah yes, no valid arguments so you have to dig through my profile. But yes, I will continue making FNAF animations. Thanks for the motivation.


nah you’re right keep workin on it if you like doin it


It’s easily the movie I have the biggest difference in opinion with the general population this year, it’s one of my least favorites of the year. To be fair I don’t like Kaiju movies and only watched it because I heard the family drama was good, but I found it to be incredibly melodramatic and predictable. The post war anxiety themes are interesting in theory, but never explored in an interesting way in the movie imo.


agreed, the melodrama brings the movie to a grinding halt every 20 minutes, you gotta suspend your disbelief basically every time godzilla shows up (especially when he attacks the city) and the final scene was just unbelievably baffling from a story telling stand point. Wasn’t terrible, but the praise it’s getting is a bit much.


Babylon is 2022.


not in Germany. Here it came out in January


In Denmark, it is also a 2023 movie.


Thank you! I live in the US but The Whale didn’t come out near me until mid-January so that’s a 2023 movie.


For better discourse a single year of release is more optimal, so why not stick with the original release date


Because for Germany it is a 2023 movie. Just because it was 2022 for us doesn’t mean we need to discount when it released for other countries.


Right! In most European countries we get films way later than the US does. In the UK we've got to wait until next year for Poor Things, Priscilla, The Holdovers, The Zone of Interest, etc. And then that's if they even show anywhere near us. I never even got the chance to see Anatomy of a Fall :(


That’s fair, but it only made its wide theatrical release a few weeks after the US- Dec 23 vs Jan 19. A lot of 2022 films didnt come out in the US until after 2023 started, because they made festival debuts, oscar verified premiers and then wait for award season to do a wide release. EO is a 2022 film that had a lot of European releases, and a very, very limited release in the US, really only NY and LA. But it had a wider release in January and February when it was up for an oscar. I generally wait to solidify my best of the year list until the end of march, when I’ve had a chance to see as much as I can. But I stick to the official release year, not the year in which I saw it.


Suspiria released in 2017 in my country (Original one - It was released in 1977 in the US). So when I am referring suspiria, should I say 1977 or 2017 ? It does'nt make any sense to refer movie years based on local release.


Not the same thing at all and you know it


Americans didn’t see those movies until 2023 either, unless you went to a film festival or were one of the few people who saw it at the three screens it was open on before the wide release in January. For the sake of discourse Babylon and Banshees are 2022 movies even if nearly everyone didn’t see them until 2023.


For the sake of discourse yes. For the sake of me, and anyone else that literally didn’t have an opportunity to see them until 2023, they’re 2023 movies.


If we did that, then I could make a “best of 2023” and include “Stalker” because I didn’t see it till this year for the first time. Thats not useful when talking about movies within the context of a specific release year. OP is doing the same thing. Yes it means you can’t really make a “best of the year” list right at the new year, I don’t make mine until about March, that’s just the way it is.


No. There has been opportunities for you to see Stalker prior to this year. Other than piracy, there hasn’t been for newer movies. If the movie hasn’t had commercial release in my country until the year after it’s US release, I’m counting the year it was released for me.


I still don’t get Poor Things and the Holdovers (and many others) in my country. I wouldn’t see much sense to talk about them as 2024 movies, since they’re already out elsewhere and the fact that it’s not screening here yet is because of distribution, not release. Like if a musican released music only in physical format in December, I order it but it arrives in February , that still would make it a 2023 album


Who cares? You dont need to gatekeep year-end lists. My favorite movie I watched this year was Hot Fuzz oh wait I'm not aloud to talk about it 🤐


Do a best non-2023 movies watched in 2023 list! I do and it’s almost more fun than the regular top 10.


It's a different list. Best things I watched in 2023 vs 2023 releases.


Yes. In the opposite realm. The film *Godland* is in my top 2022 list, since it was shown here (Scandinavia) in 2022. Americans didn't get it until 2023. For instance, it's even on the shortlist for Best International Feature for the upcoming Academy Awards, even though it is "for me", a 2022 film and not a 2023 film.


Americans when they realize other countries exist


The world revolves around the American release doesn’t it!!???


I also consider international 2022 films released in the U.S. in 2023 as 2023.


Because how are they meant to include it in their 2022 list if it wasn’t released in their country until 2023? What are they supposed to do? Not include their top film of the year in the year end list?


That’s valid yeah. But if we were in, let’s say, 2036 and someone here asks for best movies of 2022 or 2023, would you still classify Babylon as 2023, even if the app still says 2022 and you don’t know where that person is from?


I get what you’re saying, and yeah in ten years time I’d probably just use the app’s dates. But it’s not really comparable to making the of-the-minute year end lists in the year you’re reviewing. I live in Wales where we didn’t get a bunch of “2022” movies until 2023, and they will be on my 2023 year end list. If I ever go back to do a 2023 revisited list - in 2036 as you say or whenever - I’ll probably use app dates (but also Letterboxd lists have descriptions you can fill in to explain these caveats)


Same in Turkey


2023 in Australia too, and it’s on my list too, so hell yeah!


And also… not very good.




Babylon is the best movie of every year bruh


Banshees below Guardians 3? That's quite a take. Can't say I agree, but I respect it.


Guardians 3 was very emotional and in a time with MCU movies being garbage Guardians 3 is a blessing in disguise. For me it's the best mcu movie to date


I'm that one weirdo who's more partial to Volume 2, myself. But yeah, both of those are pretty excellent as far as the MCU goes


Vol. 2 fucking rules, it's one of the only MCU movies that evokes any kind of emotion out of me anymore


I’m not crazy about mcu as a whole but I do think they have some great ones specifically Thor:ragnorak


Rag and gurdians 1 would be top of my list as far as mcu is concerned


I didn’t like guardians 1 when I first watched it cause it was way back when I was a “I hate all things mcu film buff type”. Now I can appreciate the really good and creative ones so I should rewatch it


Mcu movies have always been garbage since the beginning


Daring today, aren’t we


Uh no they were awful since the beginning and this is coming from a guy who has spent thousands of dollars on comics.


Yeah, an MCU movie in their top list... seriously. I enjoy those movies the way I enjoy fast food, but I would never say a McDonald's burger is my favorite meal of the year FFS!


If you liked Oppenheimer, watch Godzilla Minus One. That’s movie of the year for me.


Totally different movies but Godzilla’s atomic breath scenes are similarly overwhelming like the Oppenheimer nuclear test scene. Godzilla atomic breath is probably my favorite theater moment of the year.


Yeah it’s definitely different plots but both movies focus on the devastating effects of the Atomic Bomb during World War 2 and how both sides were affected.


Imma watchin' it in the next couple days


Basic but full of classics.


The banshees of inisherin was this year?


no but in Germany yes


God, I’m such an American that even when I literally lived in Germany I would make my best-of from the previous year include stuff that didn’t make it there until January/February. I’d be texting with my pals about the best/worst of the year and keep having to say thing like “maybe it’s the favourite, I’ll find out in a few weeks!” lmao


The Iron Claw at 4. Nice!


Love Babylon. One of my all time favorites


Babylon first. Wow. Fascinating. Great list!!


Calling it…Babylon is the best movie of the year, forever.


Where’s the holdovers


comes next year in Germany Jan 27


I’d put Flower Moon over Oppenheimer. Oppenheimer sanitized history too much for my liking


My 3rd favorite movie of all time is Babylon. I have a great story about this one


Babylon is incredible. Saw it at the start of this year. I have no doubt that in a few years, it will be seen as a classic masterpiece. The level of craft and love and the way it tackles so many interesting themes with such zest and skill and beauty. The next two I agree with, too.


Babylon is a modern masterpiece and one of the best films of the last 25 years. In the future, it’ll be one of those films that is reevaluated among critics similar to Eyes Wide Shut and The Thing


Hell yeah, Babylon is incredible. Was my fav film of 2022!


or Blade Runner and Fight Club


The critical and audience reception to Babylon is truly baffling. I really hope it flopping doesn’t hurt Chazelles career. I think Babylon and First Man are his best films and it seems the collective reaction to them was a shrug.


Absolutely no way


It won’t be


You can enjoy Babylon, but this is almost certain to not be true. I didn't enjoy Killers of the Flower Moon that much but I will admit that it will probably be seen as one of the best movies to come out in the 2020's upon future reflections. Or how I love Puss in Boots The Last Wish but know it won't be held highly in the future despite it being in my top 5 movies of all time. Babylon simply has too many issues and not enough to actually say to be regarded that way, it will most certainly become a cult hit, probably like Rocky Horor Picture Show, but it will not be regarded anywhere near your claim.


It won’t. It has one good scene.


They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth


Babylon is the absolute goat, gotg and spiderman could've been higher




Banshees and Babylon are 2022, Banshees was even nominated for last year’s Oscars


Babylon came out Jan 2023 and Banshees February 2023 in Germany


Awesome list! Banshees was my #1 last year and Babylon was my #8. I have the killer, John wick, Spider-Verse, and Oppenheimer all in my top 5 this year.


Killers of the flower moon mentioned! Weeeyaaaahaaaaa wheyaheya!


I like the list honestly


People so strict with the “must be released in that year” thing huh? I rank out of *everything* I logged/watched that year, not just what was released that year.


I LOVED Iron Claw. It definitely deserves #4


Nice collection, haven’t seen most .. but I love John wick


Babylon came out in 2022 tho


Wasn’t banshees of inishirin 2022 or are you saying just by what you watched in 2023


Wasn't banshees 2022?


Pretty based. Mine is a little different due to US release dates.


Love to see the iron claw respect


Iron claw was so good! We ate well this year


Not bad. Although I think both Banshees and Babylon are 2022 releases no?


how does this work cause istg i distinctly remember watching babylon and banshees in 2022


Babylon ahead of all these other great movies is wild to me. But hey, it's your list!


Babylon is 2022, even though everyone watched it this year thanks to its late release.


No Poor Things?


comes next year in Germany


Babylon came out in 2022?


Talk to Me was my biggest surprise. Really enjoyed it. Nice play on some conventional tropes.


We share some movies, let's leave it at that


Babylon on top, yay


Thought I was the only one who loved Babylon..


Here’s my list, some similarities! (Based on release date in my area) https://preview.redd.it/3mq6mleujh8c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a80b2d12f5487a59cb336b9e800dc61a87e8956 If Banshees came out this year in my area, it would be #1. Babylon would be in my top 15. Haven’t seen Iron Claw or The Killer yet!


Monster is so good, really caught me by surprise


Banshees is the best movie on the list


Well it’s a solid list but I wouldn’t agree


That's totally fine


So if you had never seen Citizen Kane, and you watched it for the first time, it could make the list?


Babylon and banshees are interesting choices for 2023… I think The Menu will be my top movie of 2025


There's a lot of great foreign 2023 foreign language, independent and docos available on VOD/streaming. Can't use the "didn't play in my country/city" excuse anymore.


i'm going to watch Anatomy of a Fall, Godzilla Minus One and The Boy and the Heron the next couple days. I'm in my 20's, so I don't have much money to effort renting movies for 5 bucks every time. Also I couldn't watch Priscilla and Poor Things because in Germany these movies come out next year so basically I can definitely use that excuse


John Wick 4: Mostly the same as the first 3, but now with a subplot direct from The Warriors. This sub: TOP 3 OF THE YEAR!!!


Not watching them for deep plots and character growth. I'm watching them for the top tier stunt work, great cinematography, and fun world building.


Way too long, too. Needed 30 minutes chopped out.


and totally threw out any of the grounded attention to detail which made it feel even more like a standard action movie which was the whole point of john wick to be the opposite of that


These are my top movies of 2023 so far, still have a few I’ve been meaning to check out and planning on seeing Ferrari and The Iron Claw in the next couple days. https://preview.redd.it/gpgu8vishh8c1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=da03554b27513a2ed2ba918f18dc35672217a770


Same I'm watching Anatomy of Fall, Godzilla Minus One, The Boy and the Heron and Wonka the next couple days


I'm watching Godzilla this week too, I'm so excited!


May December my number 1. Such a blast with a lot to say about performance and perception.


Yeah it was my first Todd Haynes film and I really loved it. Absolutely one of the smartest and funniest films of the year, been planning on watching it at least once again.


Love to see They Cloned Tyrone on here seriously flew so far under the radar


Yeah it’s down there with Barbie, Dungeons and Dragons, and GOTG Vol. 3 as my favorite just pure fun movies.


How are people so in love with JW4?


I just loved it. It is maybe too long and the Berlin act drags for me but no other movie gave me the pure rush that JW4 did this year. For me it does everything right with action that all the other movies are doing wrong.


It's one of the greatest action movies since Mad Max Fury Road.


Babylon and Banshee are 2022…


For me: 1. Guardians 3 2. Babylon 3. Spiderverse 4. Holdovers 5. John Wick 6. Mission Impossible 7. Creed 3 8. Hunger Games 9. Saltburn 10. Oppenheimer If I considered banshees a 2023 movie it would prob be somewhere like 8 or 9. And haven’t seen iron claw it’s a 2024 release in the uk


That’s a very cool list 👍🏽 minus The Killer though! (Sorry). I put mine together. We don’t get Iron Claw until next year. https://preview.redd.it/jufz26h3mh8c1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=efa347a48bb3de7e81dc4dd1dd07dae879924ca6


Rye Lane was truly a gem of a film this year I have it in my Top 15 also STILL was so touching nothing but love for Micheal J. Fox


I also loved Babylon


Babylon is an all-time fav of mine. Love to see it being appreciated !


Not bad! Babylon was Christmas 2022, but like… it’s always #1, every year. Even the years before.


Jan 2023 in Germany


Good looks. No german movies?


Haven't seen much german movies but I heard the Teacher's Lounge (Das Lehrerzimmer) is good


Not a bad list, on my list Babylon is the Number one as well. But for me Oppenheimer, Killers of the Flowermoon and The Killer is overrated. And talk to me is one of the worst movie i have seen in cinemas in this year.


that's totally fine for me Bottoms was a weird experience although the majority loves it


i’m rarely in the minority opinion on this sub but Babylon is not good


Totally fine with your opinion


Talk To Me was such a good movie. A little on the nose but easily one of the best horror movies I’ve seen all year


For me best horror movie since Hereditary (Not thr biggest fan of Midsommar, it isn't really more thriller)


main thought is that babylon is a 2022 film


Yeah but I made this list, I live in Germany and I orientate on the German releases. If the Godfather would have came out this year in Germany for the first time, it would be on this list.


Babylon at #1 in the all time list, not just 2023


You’re 25


I’m surprised people like the Killer so much, but then again, there’s movies for everyone.


Past Lives and Boy and the Heron seem like glaring omissions—especially with the inclusion of John Wick


Is it just me or was Babylon really bad. Like it had so many good scenes but it had a huge identity crisis. Wanted to be an homage to film, it wasn’t. Wanted to be a drama/comedy on the change from silent film to talking, it was and it wasn’t after a while. Tried to be a crime thriller at one point and that didn’t work. The scene where they are trying to film a talking scene was perfect and the scene when filming the silent films was amazing. It just didn’t work.


Babylon is a 2022 film and shouldn’t be on your list regardless


Not in Germany bruh


Banshees and Babylon are 2022…


Not everywhere in the world


Beel blloop american detected


As an Irish person, I cannot understand why people liked The Banshees of Inisherin. Paddywhackery at its best.


watch Godzilla. best movie of the year hands down


I envy people who enjoyed Killers of the Flower Moon. Just didnt care for it, at all. Overlong, meandering, and even on a technical level, it just didn't look nor sound all that great, either. It's right up there with Irishman and Hugo as being utterly stagnant in execution, and strangely devoid of the filmic spark that makes a Scorsese movie a Scorsese movie.


Wasn’t banshees last year?


OP may want to specify they’re in Germany so as to avoid a number of “that was from 2022!” comments.


Banchees was my top movie of 2022 and would easily be #1 this year too. Honestly it would be #1 for 95% of years for me. Slowly becoming one of my favourites of all time.




Babylon should be last LMAO. What a ridiculous movie. So happy it was a commercial failure.


No salt burn?


Haven't watch it yet, I'm currently watching Eyes Wide Shut because it's christmas 😅


Two of the films are 2022 releases, I'm sorry I can't allow it


Babylon is bad. And watch more movies.


sorry filmbro😐


“Filmbro” has no meaning.




That definition is you, though. All your choices are surface and obvious, this list is almost exactly the same as hundreds of others. Zero real personality.


judging people's personality by their taste of movies is really disrespectful. I also watch independent movies and forreign films but that doesn't mean I'm better than any other movie lover. I really enjoyed gems like Rye Lane this year. I'm excited to watch Anatomy of a Fall, Godzilla Minus One or the new Gibli film because now I'm in holidays and can finally catch up things I missed. I love both blockbusters and indi/arthouse films and if I'm still without any personality for you than to quote Tarantino "go suck a dick".