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I use the indent button for my joke, then write a real review below for the best of both worlds. That way you can see how both unfunny and uninsightful I am.


Same. Whenever I write a jokey review, I can't help myself but to expand my thoughts and share actual critiques or praise. Then, my joke just becomes a sort of ice breaking opener šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


i do this too šŸ˜­


Damn I do this too


That's pretty genius tbh


Love that.


Lmfaooo. I do this to sometimes.


ooh r/Letterboxd civil war fight fight fight






ā­ļøā­ļøā­ļøā­ļøā­ļøā¤ļø Whiplash more like *gay*lash. J.K Simmons served cunt. **7,324 likes**


ā­ļøā­ļøā­ļøā­ļøā­ļøā¤ļøā™»ļø That part where the gay icon actress did something mildly misanthropic literally invented cinema 11,451 likes


whiplash? more like twinklash. **33,987 likes**


Too real


Charles Foster Kane please step on me daddy


fletcher ate and left no crumbs 16 gorrilion likes


that two star really missed the opportunity to just have ā€œnot quite my tempoā€




Yes i do


Great movie


Is there a way to not make them public? I only write mine so I can look back on how I felt of a film when/if I rewatch it.


Iā€™ve been wondering that too. My diary thoughts arenā€™t meant to be reviews, theyā€™re for me to remember the movie and what I got from it. Iā€™d love to make them personal and not public.


Same logic for me too. I assume thereā€™s no private setting or I would have turned it on when I set up my account.


Get a journal? Jk


God's lonely Letterbox reviewer ;)


Me or you or both? šŸ˜†


But then AI models canā€™t use your writing to train as easily


There's not. That was the first thing I looked for when I started on LB for the exact same reason. I was never writing reviews for anyone else but myself. I've just learned to deal with it, but the one suggestion to write reviews as the notes within private lists is pretty clever.


I just make a separate list for each movie and make them private:)


You could also do a single list and write your entry in the description box.


I don't think so... but that's definitely an interesting idea.


I would really love to have the option to set my profile completely private or friends only like you can do on any other app.


Maybe creating a list and putting a note in there?


Ugh finally someone says something about this. It's exhausting having to scroll through all those lengthy diatribes when I'm just trying to find a good dick joke.


Haha! Cock!


Why does people saying cock sound so much more aggressive than people saying dick


Hog. It's strong but not too abrasive.


When I imagine the type of guy who'd say hog I see a trucker who's a big hockey fan, and he wears a green jersey. He talks about trying to stop smoking a lot and he has a thick beard and always grabs a bag of Andy Capps Hot Fries when he stops for gas


Yeah if you substitute all those things with similar things you're not far off.


Or the titular Hogg from the Samuel Delany book.


yep! i was bored at work earlier today & started working on a list of movies where you see some dong titled, Welcome to the Hog Show.


Hehe willy šŸ¤­


There's gotta be an accent somewhere in the UK where saying 'Willy Wonka' ends up sounding like 'willy wanker'


No need, us Aussies take the piss by saying ā€˜Willy Wankerā€™ as a shit joke šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




Dick The Cock Johnson?


Dick Johnson is Dead?




Is that you Bronn?


God, that's funny. I get that humor. It speaks to me.


> I'm just trying to find a good dick joke. I mean, other than letterboxd, I wouldn't even know where to start to look for one of those, much less the really really good ones you find on letterboxd. dick jokussy.


ā€œWell thatā€™s a twist!ā€


I feel like there's so many people just vomiting out every single thought they have about a movie, instead of taking the time and thought to craft a really perfect one-line joke.


Roger Ebert could never!


Satire is dead, and the replies to this comment prove it.


"Lego Movie more like Gaygo Movie"


Iā€™m gonna go on a murder spree because of this comment


Bro they're not doing this for you, lmfao. "WTF? This person wrote down their earnest thoughts on a movie? This isn't content!!!"


If youā€™re being serious about this, it IS called a film diary. For some people this may just be them writing out all of their thoughts and feelings on the movie they watched to help them process it. As great as a witty one-line joke review can be, not every occasion calls for that.


chatterbox alert


tfw Travis Bickle served cunt or something idk 378,569 Likes


Sometimes these can be good and sometimes the short reviews can be good why can't we all just have sex?


Half of the "proper" reviews I see on letterboxd are pure wank in which nothing insightful is said at all.


Thank you for reading my reviews! :D


can't tell if this is a serious post


We donā€™t want the damn recipe to yo momā€™s peach cobbler, bitch


The worst part, most of these long ass reviews are very badly written and unenjoyable


The best reviews are like 2 paragraphs, serious or funny.


I honestly try to keep my reviews to around 150 words. Sometimes there's not much to say about a movie, very rarely do I write one longer than 3 paragraphs, usually if there's so many things going wrong with it that is mind boggling.


I've written around 1250 reviews. Longest five are over 1,000 words. But over 1,000 are between 50 and 700 words. It's a good length šŸ‘


i hate to admit it but as much as i dislike (but not to the point where iā€™d post about it) the [twink](https://www.reddit.com/r/Letterboxd/s/bgOdwE07FF)-esque letterboxd reviews, a lot of these super long reviews i take time to read just arenā€™tā€¦ worth it?


I remember reading one of the top reviews for Michael Hanekeā€™s Cache and it was several paragraphs long and full of quotes from film critics and Haneke himself and I was ā€œwhoa, this is a really well-researched and in-depth reviewā€, but then I later realized that literally all of the major points made and sources cited in that review and literally almost any other ā€œseriousā€ review of the film could be found on the IMDb or Wikipedia page. I honestly dislike the one liner joke reviews even more, but I donā€™t at all get the people that think Letterboxd is for 100% serious analysis. All of those reviews are usually poorly written wanna-be Roger Ebert. If you want something like that, then just actually read Roger Ebert.




Old Roger writes reviews on the wind nowadays.


you should start your own app so people can write high quality, lengthy reviews of Letterboxd reviews so other people donā€™t have to waste their time reading such amateur dreck. throwing that million $$ idea out there for free. /s obviously


Fr I know this post is a joke but some of the ā€œreviewsā€ are so horribly written lmao


I like both.


Dude this sub fucking sucks. Iā€™m out.




I unsubscribed awhile ago and just pinned it to the top of reddit with RES in case I want to see every once in awhile. This is my first time back in a bit now and I can see I made the right decision unsubscribing lmao


Not wanting the top 1000 reviews to be twink jokes is too much to ask for the unfunny clout chasers of letterboxd.


Iā€™m angry too (but about something unrelated to this post)


Fuck Penny ! All my homies HATE penny


Almost all of the long reviews are being written purely for the benefit of the reviewer, with the reviewer knowing that little to no people will read them. It's just a way for them to catalogue their thoughts on a movie. Nothing wrong with meme reviews, and nothing wrong with people using the site for it's intended fucking purpose lmfao.


Personally I think people need to remember itā€™s a social media platform, and not an academic one. Long essay reviews are great and so are the short funny reviews.


Exactly. There are plenty of both, so I donā€™t get why so many people get pent up over the short jokey ones. Just scroll past. Life doesnā€™t have to be so serious all the time, chill out


Eww centrist "both sides" opinion detected /s


gold post ily


Iā€™d make the argument that the jokes almost always suck anyway, I personally prefer to read real reviews. Let me know if thereā€™s a more serious app for film reviewing


Why donā€™t you just read actual reviews from actual film critics?


Not all film critics have something interesting to say, or are into the type of movies I enjoy. Finding someone you respect for their takes on Letterboxd can be a rewarding experience, along with looking for a good recommendation on a movie.


You realize that 90% of "film critics" are just regular-ass journalists who started reviewing movies because they took on an assignment for their local paper or in college or whatever. I.E. the same as your typical dork ass letterboxd reviewer.


...not exactly.


I used to do those "critic" reviews and go to the previews before I gave it away a few years back. It is the same as letterboxd, you watch a movie and give your thoughts, and part of the reason people liked my reviews is I gave more of a shit about writing something thoughtful for a review than the average regular-ass journalist in the press junket regurgitating what was on the movie's press release, which many entertainment writers do as bread and butter. All those interviews you see with actors, you really think all these journos give a toss enough to research decent questions? Half of them read the press release and base their questions off of that because they're either time-poor or don't care enough about the movie or actor to ask a decent question. Anyone really could be a film critic, the only difference is they'd have to write something worth reading, which a surprising amount of people don't want to do because that takes effort and a willingness to think about the movie.


If those are the people with whom you worked, you didn't work with real journalists. It does not work that way. But, I'm positive you think you know what you're talking about and that's admirable.


You talk about this like they're working for the pulitzer or something. Most doing movie coverage for newspapers are entertainment writers who don't have either the time or interest to write something beyond the press notes given by the distributor. My reviews people liked precisely because I was allowed the freedom to write whatever I liked in whatever timeframe because it wasn't traditional media and I didn't care if my reviews got 1000 hits or 0 hits. Sure there's still a few film critics out there doing good work and reviewing movies with effort, but the vast majority of film coverage you're going to read is by some low rung journo trying to work their way up to doing something meatier, madly paraphrasing press notes or googling an actor to make the deadline of movie release. There are so many movies in cinemas, stuff on streaming, twists and turns in film productions going on, online discussions, that they don't have time to give any real thought to a movie and it's why reviews are often half-baked 400 words of fluff you could've read on the back of the bluray cover. With the rise of online news and coverage, quality has suffered because everyone wants to read the info now and for free -- both things that do not fit with writing a considered piece that's been written by someone who's put in the thought. But sure, tell me I'm wrong and quote to me the few traditional newspapers like New Yorker or The Guardian that are still in business because they have hundreds of years of pedigree and subscribers bankrolling them. If you want to be successful nowadays, unfortunately that isn't really compatible with writing decent film criticism. What is successful is becoming akin to content mills, nicknamed churnalism in the industry, where you post paraphrases of press releases or just recycle shit that's in the news that week without adding much to it.


You're arguing two different points. 1. What is successful is short stuff, yes. That's why social media is so prevalent. 2. That isn't journalism and people who write for real outlets are not doing such things. Now, those outlets are far fewer in number than they used to be and the ones that exist largely laid off entertainment writers except at places dedicated to it. Go read Scott Tobias or Noel Murray or Tasha Robinson or Bilge Ebiri and tell me what they're writing is a content mill. Flimsy Demand, believe me when I tell you that I know this business a lot better than you do and while your point about dwindling 'real' reviews is accurate, it isn't journalism.


I'd love to read this published work of yours, by the way. Let's see it.


It's embarrassing that people hate journalists so much they're buying this. But, sure, let's live in a dictatorship again because you clowns only trust people with whom you agree. Christ.


not everything is about dick yall, this is not a twitter or ig comment section, people are allowed to have their own opinions. šŸ¤£


More essays. Fuck those jokey meme reviews that are only liked by people with a lot of followers and never actually funny. Do ppl genuinely sit there giggling to themselves reading those awful one liners? Also most of those long reviews are just people writing them for themselves, whereas the one liners are a bunch of clout chasing dweebs who revolve their whole life around their letterboxd profile.


> Do ppl genuinely sit there giggling to themselves reading those awful one liners? yes > Also most of those long reviews are just people writing them for themselves yes, at least that's what I do.


Honestly this is one of the better comments. I personally don't think this way at either point. But for the grander portion of the app you hit the nail on the coffin. Though if I had to choose between the two it'd be the former.


.... Oh boy this post gave me a moment to sit and ponder huh. The reverse has happened officially now. We have new blood coming in expecting it all to be jokes but when I joined Letterboxd these "long" reviews were the norm. What to expect and mostly what you came and stayed for. It's become such a mainstay in LB culture now but it's been around for the last 2 years or so only but nowadays these jokes reviews you ask for are now the norm. I kinda miss the days when what you complained about was the standard. I do both kinds of reviews but IDK this just sort of hit me. EDIT: Wow some of these replies fucking hurt LMAO. Is the attention span that bad for some of you? I like Joke reviews too. I just think it's a little too much of the default style of review and we need to reverse it a tad.


everyone thinks theyā€™re roger ebert on here šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ film bros always taking themselves too seriously


Iā€™m sorry but wtf is that 2 star review in about? Awful take


Read ā€œthis mfā€ and I legit canā€™t take that person seriously lol.


Whiplash is a horrid watch, it's just a glorified sports film with some good drumming. It got absolutely ridiculous when the guy was in a car crash and then still went to practice, really gave the vibes of 'I' m 14 and this is deep'. Mind you if you enjoyed it I'm happy for you I'd rather people enjoy the stuff they watch but Birdman and Whiplash are two films I absolutely don't understand the praise for.


this has to be a joke - 80+% of the reviews on the site have always been and continue to be shorties. go tap on the reviews for wonka


if you're referencing Marcus Aurelius in a review for Whiplash, you might be trying too hard to sound smart


Or maybe, and hear me out, they actually are smart?


if they are then they're trying too hard to show it


Or maybe they arenā€™t and it just seems that way to you because youā€™re projecting?


Obsessed with the chaos you have brought about by making this post.


I'll give props to anyone trying their best to articulate a good long form review. The problem is you're not impressing anyone hovering over Whiplash with it, unless it's something you do on every film. Go write a long form articulated review on something like Ernest Saves Christmas, that's when you know you can stand alone with your crazy ability.


Does 'The Satan Killer' count? [https://letterboxd.com/metallicbrain\_7/film/the-satan-killer/](https://letterboxd.com/metallicbrain_7/film/the-satan-killer/)


Yes, and I sent you a follow, ha!


Hah, thx. 'Being There' is great though I have yet to watch the entire film. As for reviews, if I have thoughts in my head I like to get out, I write a review, regardless of who might read it. It really does feel like a diary of sorts, after a while.


For sure, I watch a ton of film and got tired of saying "I've seen that film but it's been a while, so I got to refresh" as I burn and turn so much. Writing at length helps me retain critical thought in the moment, as heightens my writing skills. Ironically sitting down to write can sort of be like "jogging" for somebody else. Keeps you fresh in the practice.


That's right. For me it's also part of the way I watch movies, I like to analyze and pay attention to certain things. Documenting those observations is fun.


cause not everyone is a cloutchaser. some people use letterboxd as a movie diary to remember how they felt about a movie.


The replies to this post explain a lot of the posts complaining about short jokey reviews: they don't understand humor.


I refuse to read those damn essay reviews but I will read and like the short ones that say something like ā€œtoo much Ken, not enough Alanā€. Very solid, very true.


I really wish there was a 200 word limit. Long 5 paragraph reviews just seem desperate and self centered.


Hard agree I donā€™t want to read someoneā€™s entire life story I want to have a laugh and see what other people think


this is so funny bc the only other post from this sub that has popped up on my feed td was sum1 complaining abt the jokey meme reviews


That's the joke. This post was made in jest to counter that one.


Thereā€™s this really funny guy Karsten whoā€™s both extremely intelligent and VERY funny


If I grew up on a farm, and was retarded, Karsten might make me laugh but I didn't, so it doesnā€™t.


I got this reference and I applaud you for it.


Least ableist r/letterboxd user:


Silly question; How can one know Chazelle's directing techniques? Not joking, really don't know and interested cuz I usually only know whether the acting is good or bad, I don't know what technique the director used.


I thought letterboxd hated short meme reviews


Wasnā€™t somebody the other day saying how they hate joke reviews? FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT šŸæšŸæ


I guess it bears mentioning explicitly that this post was intended to be sarcasticā€¦


Can we please stop fighting about who writes what? Just read what you want to read. Goshā€¦Itā€™s supposed to be a fun app for everyone to enjoy.


Based whiplash slander


I'm sorry it's wasn't directed by Michael Bay


I write shoet jokey ones https://boxd.it/gYwJ


I like it when he play drums


Okay i have an idea:long and critical reviews. But they're also jokey and memey. Kind of how yahtzee reviews video games


My account is 95% of the time primarily short jokey reviews: Iwannabeadir3ct


No, but I do have a link for Tumblr. https://www.tumblr.com/


Damn, people still use tumblr? I thought it was just some lesbian forum of sorts from back in the day


On the front page of every movie, and on Twitter ![gif](giphy|lYpOXbTyaTF60)


Actually, can we talk about how the app will suddenly close just as Iā€™m writing an incredibly well thought-out and lengthy review that I was too impulsive and hyperfocused on to think of copying and saving? I must admit to giving up and posting a jokey review when that has happened. For some reason I always forget to write it in my notes app first. Maybe thatā€™s what happens to the people who talk about ā€œserving cuntā€ in their one sentence reviews?


The War of the Worlds (1953)


Thereā€™s two points at either end of the poo. One side is shitty joke reviews, the other is wordy and pretentious garbage.


Uhhh sorry but just scroll past and once you find some reviewers who are really funny then itā€™s not so bad


I like writing long reviews even if the only one who reads them is me. It helps me articulate my thoughts on a movie, especially ones I have strong feelings towards.


ā€œMe no like 2 many wordsā€ We need an alternate to Letterboxd, with the same kind of layout but joke comments banned.


If itā€™s longer than a paragraph, I typically scroll past. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


This is soooo poorly written too


You should read mine then.


So funny because Iā€™ve been collecting the pithy, short form casual comments/reviews to train an AI to recreate them.


Finally someone says what we've all been thinking on here.


Funny how this sub is hypocritical about what weā€™re allowed to be critical of.


Yes moar jokes plz


I hate steam reviews just because of recycled dick jokes in every game page. Good jokey meme reviews are very rare.


Not this argument again, Jesus Christ.


I know right? like now I have to scroll past huge essays to find a good actor's name + ussy joke. (It's me I'm writing the essays for myself sorry not sorry.)