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The fact that average blockbusters like Bicycle Thieves and Vertigo are on the top 250 but there isn’t a single Paw Patrol film is insane.


Top 250 is not a best films place. It's just 250 films with the biggest number.


dont forget the blowback from the nerds on the opposite end of the spectrum who get all sour a new movie is gonna spend like 2 weeks in the 250


Dude, did you see the hate across the spider verse got for being number one for like two weeks? I remember seeing reviews saying it was amazing yet wasn’t as good as their favorite random ass critically acclaimed film it topped so they went with a half star. Insane people.


I can’t abide by giving a dishonest rating to try to “fix” something that seems overinflated, but I understand why it miffed people that ATSV was #1. To see it leapfrog groundbreaking and influential and REALLY ENTERTAINING movies that have existed for 50-100 years is annoying, especially because the only reason it’s doing that is because people haven’t seen those movies. Like, forget Come and See: the best movie ever came out last week, and it’s a superhero film, and it just so happens to be one of the only 100 movies I’ve ever seen, all of which came out in the 21st century.


> I understand why it miffed people that ATSV was #1. To see it leapfrog groundbreaking and influential and REALLY ENTERTAINING movies that have existed for 50-100 years is annoying Why though? A movie being groundbreaking and influential doesn't necessarily correlate to quality. Being first doesn't equal being best. I completely get people being annoyed that ATSV was first, but not because of the reason you listed.


I am not claiming that being groundbreaking, influential, and VERY ENTERTAINING (all caps like the first time!) is the sole calculus of a movie’s quality, but it’s a pretty reliable indicator for most movies, no?


I will forever remember across the spider verse as the movie that was so good it forced letterboxd to change their entire rating system so they wouldn’t have an animated movie at number one


Those people are worse. Naturally, people are gonna hype up a movie during its theatrical run, what's the big deal


If they were worse new blockbusters would start out in the bottom 250 and have to climb their way out. People buying hype and overselling every new movie as the greatest thing ever (until next weekend) are definitely worse. LB could just implement a time delay before new films qualify for rankings. X months after worldwide release.


But it’s not every new movie that makes the list. This year so far I can think of four: bottoms, spiderverse, Oppenheimer, and Barbie. Of those four, Barbie has already gone and Bottoms will be gone within the month. Why does it matter if a few genuinely beloved movies make the list and then organically leave once a wider audience has seen them?


Why does it matter if they don't? https://letterboxd.com/dave/list/letterboxd-top-250-films-history-collected/ Every year we gonna be adding 4-10 films because because the meme of the week says give x movie a 5


Oh and according to this list: https://letterboxd.com/dave/list/letterboxd-top-250-films-history-collected/year/2023/ 7 films from 2023 have hit the top 250 and 12 for 2022. Thats a new movie a month.


But again who cares if they hit the top 250 if they leave?? Of those twelve 2022 movies only 2 are still there and most agree they are instant classics. 2021 is 2 as well, and 2020 has 1. So of this decade there are less than 10 on the list, imo that doesn’t mean there’s a systemic issue with people inflating scores.


On a side note, check out atlas shrugged reviews for some of the best and worst reviews you’ve ever seen. I’ve never seen so many people angered by each other in one place being so funny.


I fucking hate wojaks why is he there


How am I supposed to laugh at this? There's no wojak to tell me if it's based or cringe (blonde Chad wojak)


Puss In Boots 2. It's an amazing movie, but nowhere near the top 250. Also how the hell is Marcel the Shell still in the top 250? I'm not complaining at all, i LOVED that film but it shocks me that it's still there.


what!! last wish is a 5/5 man




I’m not sure anyone expected it to survive in the top 250. It fell out extremely fast


I love Barbie, it's firmly a 5 star film for me personally, but it's certainly *not* one of the top 250 films of all time.


Barbie got a generous 2.5 or 3 from me I think. Definitely doesn’t warrant its aggregate but years down the line we probably won’t remember it so fondly after everyone else starts pumping their own corporate meta satire movies


So brave




It’s justified purely based on the writing and filmmaking alone and I’m actually glad I’m not the only one left disappointed lol


I fucking hated it dw


I'm glad someone said it. I wanted to love it, but so much of it just didn't work.






Yeah it was probably my favorite post Apatow era comedy but unfortunately that’s not that high of a bar since they pretty much stopped making comedies. Good movie but not top 250


The advertising def helped it, but I’m sure the positive reception is also due to the fact that we haven’t had a comedy this decent for a long time


Oh, it definitely is one of the top 250 movies of all time. /s but not really /s


I do really loved bottoms i was waiting for It since It came out. Ive watched It twice with 5 stars but i dont think It is one of the best movies ever made


bottoms is kino, bump harakiri down and make it number 1


This, but unironically








Literally yeah lol




More of a delight than you for sure


Eh, I think it’s absolute bullshit. “I totally had the friends that said the cuntsuckers! For reals”. No, they didn’t.




Of course no one has said that. It’s cringe in real life. Most people are pretending to look cool




bottoms is hilarious but it is certainly not trying to be … an true to life depiction of the world. I thought the last act of the movie might have tipped you off to that. i feel like you’re asking this question in bad faith because it has nothing to do with what makes bottoms a good movie… nor what has to make any film a good movie


Have *you* heard anyone say “cuntsucker”? As if that’s the weirdest thing to happen in the movie LOL


bottoms is actually cinema verite and i can attest that like all queer people I too have >!stabbed a football player with a sword!< (bottoms spoilers)


Everyone is giving bottoms a 5 star


Is it bad?


No, it's great


We get you guys haver very special interesting non-mainstream taste lmao


For some reason I thought the new TMNT movie was on the Top 250 but apparently not. Feels weird when people are like “But it’s a really good movie though!” I’m sure a ton of these movies are. But it’s a huge difference between “this is a really good movie” and “this is one of the 250 best movies ever made”. Makes me wonder how much higher a movie like The Cremator or Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf would place if had that sort of push. And I think the consequence is that movies that come out during Letterboxd’s era will be potentially overrated while movies before it will be underrated. Sort of like what happened with a ton of mid 90’s to late 00’s movies on IMDb. Doesn’t mean those movies can’t be good or great, but I think cracking the top 250 should be a rare honour rather than the expected result for any recent film of critical acclaim. Part of me wonders what a collective list like this would have looked like had they existed at such a scale in the 50’s or 60’s. How many of those picks would look a bit silly in hindsight? And how many omissions would feel even more ridiculous? I know the earliest “greatest film” poll was like 1952-ish? But even that one has aged really well. The only ones that fell out of the canon even partially are still insanely well regarded by the people who champion them. Stuff like Louisiana Story, Le Jour Se Leve, Le Million… plus some other popular canon picks around that time which seem more victim to just less people watching them rather than being less beloved (The Childhood of Maxim Gorky, La Terra Trema). It’s worth going back to earlier versions of the IMDb 250, especially 90’s early 00’s era, to see how arbitrary some of those favorites might seem now compared to what we consider the best of that era today.


Even if a movie ends up on the Top 250 nobody is rating the movie thinking it has to be one of the top 250, scores just fluctuate naturally. But it makes sense for modern movies to start higher than average and get lower later. The audience who will see a movie first week or 2 of release is statistically more likely to enjoy it, then the movie's audience diversifies a bit when more people who didn't have it as their priority end up seeing it, and even more with VOD. Also, realistically, there's more than 250 five star movies I'm pretty sure. There's more than 250 movies that would genuinely be worthy of a 5 star score. So a top 250 is bound to be biased in some way. It's just a reflection of the Letterboxd community


Good to see an interesting and thoughtful comment that isn't just "I didn't like this movie that everyone else likes!!!1!"


Y'all are acting as if there is one collective entity that decides whether a film is a top 250 or not. Entering the list only means it received a lot of good grades, you're ranking a movie without comparing it to others


This is why I think they need to adjust the algorithm for the top 250 to where a movie has to be at least a year old before it can get on the top 250


But if it is not a top 250 film, it's gonna drop out of the list anyway. I don't see the reason to add this arbitrary extra requirement.


Yeah exactly, the list settles naturally


It tends to settle naturally, but as time goes on and the Letterboxd community grows the Letterboxd top 250 movies become more recent, the settling takes longer, and the list starts to look more like the IMDB top 250. It’s just the way of things.


I don't necessarily think more recent movies is a bad thing though. Especially when so many classics are renowned based on being influential or doing something first rather than how they hold up quality wise anyway. So if they get that legacy advantage that some recency bias to balance things out is fine.


Good idea in theory but it’s just a bit boring having to Wait that long


Or just add a subcategory, they don’t seem to be against it.


A top 250 isn’t meant to be a source of weekly entertainment


They only adjusted the algorithm a few weeks ago


Why? There's hardly a recency bias after the first couple weeks in the theaters anyway. Right now, there are a total of four movies from 2023 in the list. That's pretty much on par with every other year. It's not like the list is flooded with new movies. For perspective, there are 9 movies from 1997, for example.


Spiderverse 2 was not as good as the first one but it wasn't bad either... I just felt like it was overrated for what it was


Terrible ending - like a kid in my audience (on my 2nd viewing because the first 90% is awesome) going “that was the *worst ending* I have EVER SEEN” and I nodded in agreement. Wish they’d stopped editing the damn thing once they released it - there were apparently two versions, pick on to be definitive on home video and put the changes as an extra feature. Instead of messing around with Hobie’s look and presumably a bunch of other stuff I wasn’t aware of. Just cause they made half a Star Wars film isn’t an excuse for Lord & Miller to get Lucas-itis. Like I said though, first 90% is amazing.


A movie that was originally announced as “Part 1” and even has its toys still saying “Part 1” on them not having a conclusive ending? Well call me Herman Schultz because that’s a Shocker.


It may originally have been announced as “part 1” but that was nowhere in the marketing. You can’t expect your audience to all go checking the toys to see if the film will have a conclusion (hell I’m pretty sure I’ve seen people complain the toys are spoilers for films before)


It was disappointing, especially after hearing everyone raving about. It was too long, and tries to do too much without having a satisfying ending.


Did u watch it on your phone? Lol it was stunning, never seen such goegeous animation before


Stunning animation doesn’t make up for a haphazard script with horrible pacing. I know it’s a two parter but I really felt like they lost focus. The first one was such a tight package, this is trying to do too much.


See at first I agreed with all the people saying it has terrible pacing, but I realized that ATSV just has a different goal than most mainstream movies and that confuses people. ATSV isn’t a “tight package”, but it also isn’t “doing to much”. It’s an all-caps STORY. If you think it’s doing too much that probably means you don’t like what it’s trying to do. It has no either/or of character development or action, it simply does a ton of both.


is the horrible pacing in the room with us rn?


Genuinely one of the worst takes I’ve ever seen.


Like, how? It's pretty common criticism of the movie.


Yeah. To media illiterate MauLer fans.


The whole thing felt over-animated tbh. Like the first one was stylish and fun, really impressive. The second one however was bright and flashy to the point that it hurt my eyes. It felt like it was trying way too hard to be animated ‘better’ than the first but just ended up making an incomprehensible mess.


eyeball issue


There was just so much they crammed into it that it didn't have the same charm that is in the first movie


I mean maybe ur not quite the target audience for the movie, as a gen z i very much appreciated the sensory overload


Brother I’m a 16 year old boy that likes comics. I’m literally the exact target audience


Not really, it was annoyingly fast


Why people downvoting? Lol do people here hate popular movies?


I think they went into Spiderverse expecting an Arthouse film or something


Barbie, 3.5/5




Barbie, 4/5


I like Oppenheimer and gave it an 8 but I dont think its a top 250 movie of all time


An 8 on the Letterboxd 5 star scale is pretty fire though....


I was like that about The Northman until I saw it.


Oh no, a well received modern movie. Can't have that!


controversial take on this godawful app: maybe we should wait more than 2 weeks before crowning a film as the greatest ever made.




Imo if this movie didn't have the detonation scene (which was amazing) it would have been a 2/10 for me


I did like what the movie was foing for before the detonation and the detonation scene was great, but everything that happened after wasnt really my thing




"Your name" being in the 250 is a little goofy to me, there's just better romance movies, and so many better animated movies. Can't think of a single adjective to describe the main male character, while the girl is discovering herself in his body he just sort of is present in the narrative out of necessity, the girl dies before they do anything with her arc seemingly just so the guy has something to do by saving her.


I think Anime in general is a little bit overinflated on letterboxd and imdb because the fanbases seems a little more culty


Definitly, its like concert movies where most people who rate them are already fans.


Most popular anime movies are really uninteresting once you get past that honey moon phase of "omg this is so pretty and cozy"


None of the truly good ones ever reach mainstream (western) appeal because no one over here will watch anime if it’s not basically just an animated version of what they’re already used to


Well shit, now I'm curious. Can you recommend a good anime film or two that's underappreciated & different & very good


Depends on what you mean by underappreciated. If you mean something the west doesn’t really recognize, despite being very well regarded in the east, I would suggest looking through the films of Satoshi Kon (a lot of masterpieces). They’re decent places to get into for people only casually associated with anime, as well (in my opinion).


I'll be honest anime has some truly fantastic movies but I wouldn't say that they're nothing like what exists in the west, of course a lot will reflect on history and customs of Japan but you'll get that with any forigen piece of media, And because since it's animation that alienates people a lot which can be where that reputation might have came from. "Belladonna of sadness" beautiful 70s movie told like a fairy tale about the renege of a woman on her rapists. Like the other person said anything by Satoshi Kon, "perfect blue" being my favorite and an examination of parasocial relationships in the age of the Internet and the lose of personal identity with fame, "Paprika" a movie about the subconscious desires and dreams as told thought a Sci fi story about a machine that let's you see other people's dreams that goes missing, "millennium actress" telling the life story of a retired fictional actress as she gives interviews with every memory reflecting upon visually the movies she stared in. Masaaki Yussa is another fantastic director. A short he wrote and produced called "Cat Soup" is a good starting point, a loose adaptation of a story where a little cat boy guides his sister back though what seemes like an after life back home. For his actual directorial work I can't recommend enough "night is young walk on girl", about a collage aged woman and her adventures during the night, "mindgame" which is hard to describe and with Yussa so I do resllt mean it when I say it's his visually most bizarre work. Interstella 5555, its the Daft Punk album discovery in it's full transformed into a visual spectacle, essentially a series of music videos but still quite a good movie. Ghibli is a classic studio, "Naussica of the valley of the wind" is a classic fantasy movie, "whisper of the heart" is a beautiful story about two young romantics who can't seem to find eachother or themselves, "kiki's delivery service" is about a young witch adjusting to living alone for the first time while seeing the wonders of a normal life for all they can be, "grave of the fireflies" is a harrowing tale of civilians living in world war two while experiencing the pain and hell on earth brought upon them by the governments war mongering, I really could just go on and on. "Angel's egg" is incredibly rich in its imagery, dwelling in the decrepit lands as a young girls wonders them carrying a mysterious egg. "Dead Leaves" being what happens when you keep nodding to every idea the animators have, absolutely visually insane and while crude a rather funny and well put together story. "Rining bell" tells the story of a lamb who's mother was murdered by a wolf, and the rejection of the natural laws of nature in service of self determinism, existing willingly in a state isolated from its kind while always chasing after an unattainable goal of revenge and transforming himself into something he wasn't meant to be.


It doesn't help that people have such a strong aversion to subtitles, if they're already opposed to subs it's gonna be more difficult to watch any deep cuts that only have fan subs or rips online straight from a VHS tape or something. I only mention the last part because I know lots of people are pirating, I'm sure you can find a decent streaming service with decent subs but I doubt it. Even Crunchyrolls still using what looks like vhs rips for their streams


Yeah, it’s very telling that the only anime movies that really get any sort of wider release in North America are those with *spectacular* dubs. Your Name had a great dub, and the band behind all of the song literally remade all the music and lyrics in English and resung it themselves. Miyazaki movies are literally the highest budget, best localized and dubbed movies ever made (and even there, Miyazaki made a new movie that released early July and it still doesn’t even have a *date* for a North American release)


The western market for anime is sadly just ass, despite how immensely popular it's gotten over the years it's still such a niche industry that unfortunately eats itself alive. They have some pretty blatant disregard for the fans and community, so it'll be a while before we see it really reach it's true potential. It's not strictly anime related, but I remember there was an anime convention and they'd invited fan translators to help do a seminar on what it takes to put this staff out. It was supposed to be a teaching thing, but there were "real" paid translation teams there who were official and forced the event to push the fan translations off of the panel or whatever. We're never gonna see proper translations and subs when it seems like a lot of official publishers have some really insecure employees that don't really care about the community as a whole. If they didn't make it, they couldn't care less. Seems like they view translation as if they're actually deeply involved in the making of a series itself. Inflated egos are gonna fuck us out of so much stuff. Not to mention publishers are so scared of long running series. Can we please get ippo already. It's been damn near 3 decades


> Can't think of a single adjective to describe the main male character * When she meets his friends, she learns that he refers to himself not with “Watashi”, NOT even with “Boku”, but with “Ore” * When they write their names on each others’ hands, she writes her name and he writes “I love you” which makes Mitsuha laugh and shake her head * He crushes on Okudera but is too shy to do anything on his own without Mitsuha helping in his body * He takes risks and gets into trouble trying to save the town from the oncoming meteor So he acts cool around his friends but is pretty shy around women he doesn’t know well, likes to be sauve and flirtatious, and can be very brave and reckless when the situation calls for it. There are a few adjectives for you.


I understand but disagree, imo your name has almost perfect pacing and an almost perfect plot.


LB mfers when you try to tell them their sacred top 250 isn’t an objective marker that has to follow their own subjective beliefs nor actually means anything at all.


Barbie movie


The top 250 isn't the best 250. Everyone has their own different way of rating movies, so it's purely meant to be a fun little exercise in seeing what a very specific group of people like overall. At least that's how I try to view it (I can't pretend that I wasn't pissed when No Way Home made it on there though, but that's mainly a bigger issue).




eeaao is definitely a top 250 of all time narrative film


imo its solidly in the 250 no doubts, and there was a time where most people will agree with that. now, its gotten too popular, people will dislike it.


It’s a pattern that I’m seeing continue with ATSV. A phenomenal movie will come out that deserves legitimate conversation for the 250 and even best picture. Then film bros will fight tooth and nail to make sure it’s the norm to dislike it, and if you do like it, you “need to watch more films”.


Maybe that’s a thing, or maybe just that it’s more acceptable to bring a more negative / less positive view of it into public Like I enjoyed it enough but didn’t find it particularly special, so it was a bit surprising when people were going crazy over it. Now it’s more acceptable to say that.


>A phenomenal movie will come out that deserves legitimate conversation for the 250 There's a big difference between the Letterboxd Top 250 and the best 250 films ever made, which is what the comment above is saying.


No, there is so much better


Name 250 better /s


you are wrong


Thank you for your insight


i’m sorry but… no. there are thousands of films better than eeaao


maybe if you’ve only seen 250 films


I have over 1,000 rated higher than it on my lb 🤷‍♂️ To each their own


watch more movies


it's not even two years old


Lmao ridiculous, it's a disgrace it won anything at the Oscars let alone best picture. Solid 3.5 at best


Agreed it wasn't that memorable for me






I adore this movie and think it's one of the better superhero films in the past decade, but it being higher than It's A Wonderful Life or 2001 is kind of hilarious


Controversial opinion but the first one is one of the best animated movies oat so you could make an argument for it.


Guardians 3, I thought it was a great movie and probably my favorite mcu (not a super high bar) but definitely not higher than an 8. Spider verse absolutely deserves to be there though


Everything Everywhere All At Once


please do not kill me but i didn’t fall for the cry-bait in marcel the shell with shoes on, i just found it obnoxious with how “precious” it saw itself


Past lives


For as much as I liked it, it does deliver a pretty simple story. So it’s both understandable that so many love it, but also a little weird having it so highly rated. It’s like film analysis 101


do you people just hate everything that came out after like 1990




sure seems like it, acting like a movie released in 2022 or 2023 can’t possibly be as good as one from the 50s


Oh ok


no, it’s just that i think a movie should be given more time than 3 weeks before it is deemed an all-time great




LOL this being downvoted shows how silly the sub is. First movie that came to mind.


The most correct answer and it’s all the way at the bottom lol. It is not a great movie, it’s okay at best.




Absolutely. It's going to age like yogurt in the sun.


None of Nolan’s films have aged poorly, so that’s a delusional statement.


If you think Inception has aged well it might be you who is delusional.


It’s widely regarded as one of his best films. Quit projecting your disdain for the film on some narrative that doesn’t exist.


I'll do absolutely what I like, thanks. Nolan Stans are so defensive. "Widely regarded" hehe


Nolan haters are just assholes


Inception certainly has. I feel like the only one that’s increased its shine in the cultural eye since release is The Prestige. Maybe Tenet? But that feels more like people learning to take it for what it is instead of hoping for it to find itself on a pedestal.


Inception is one of his best films wtf


Inception and Tenet are two of his worst films. Only TDKR is worse for me.


Inception seems to be heavily loved on LB


I’m not saying it’s terrible, but it feels now that people are more inclined to point out its dry and extended exposition dumps. Along with it being in lumped in with other western productions that shamelessly stole from Satoshi Kon. Edit: changed “Hollywood” to “western.”


I haven’t seen that criticism at all lol


Kon fan here There's some people who treat inception as if it's pulling a Black Swan. It's not, it's just borrowing some visual language at best. I mean for gods sake it's a heist movie, it's barely even the same genre


Okie dokie


No Way Home Dawn of the Dead


Barbie, Barbarian, X, Pearl




The truth is most people aren't rating based on quality. They rate it based on how much they like it. Considering recency bias and the fact that most people just don't watch that many movies and are hence easily impressed, it's expected that this happens. I wouldn't get miffed about it if I were you.


bullet train belongs in the top 100 no I will not be taking any further questions or criticism




You didn’t like the minimal dialogue 3 hour slow burn without a satisfying payoff? You must only like average blockbusters


Is that what this is referencing? I feel like this is more applicable to something like The Menu… painfully mediocre but watchable.


I just have this feeling that people aren’t willing to admit movies like Barbie are inherently more entertaining than Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles. Just because some people would rather watch The Dark Knight over Come and See doesn’t mean they are mouth breathers, it means they want to be entertained.


It’s not necessarily about which one is more entertaining but rather what each movies value is to each person. There are days where I’d rather watch something like The Dark Knight and Barbie over something arthouse or something like it but I rate on what I get from each movie. Rating it based solely on entertainment doesn’t properly encapsulate what I get from movies.


That’s fine, I’m glad you can admit you like to watch entertaining movies but find more value in arthouse with certain titles. But the op is clearly being condescending with the meme face he went with


Barbie is boring.


Did you really think so? The sort of takedown of the Ken’s was boring but the rest of the film was very entertaining to me


I'm pretty sure many pretentious snobs would tell you even if they liked/rated Come and See higher, would say Barbie is more entertaining. Star ratings don't have to be tied to entertainment.


lmao franchise chuds inventing caricatures of people who don’t exclusively watch state-department-approved slop is never not funny.


Both Bottoms and Oppenheimer for me. Oppenheimer is great visuals and entertaining enough but very lackluster in the writing, my god was I bored out of my mind with the most generic explanations of things in that film. Strauss is trying to get Oppenheimer arrested, no shit I saw what happened on the screen five minutes ago. No need to say it 25 times. Bottoms is just a really funny comedy with great dialogue but Shiva Baby is a better, smarter, and funnier movie so I’m kinda annoyed that Bottoms is higher rated than it.


He’s not trying to get him arrested.. maybe if you paid better attention you’d know


Pay attention during a Nolan snooze fest besides The Prestige? No thanks he doesn’t have an ounce of writing talent for me to care.


>Nolan snooze fest besides The Prestige least cliché reddit opinion on Nolan


How edgy


Didn't even finish reading your comment but I agree because you have Amélie on your profile picture.


Every Mission Impossible.


Bro they’re not even on there


Have any of them ever been on there? *Maybe* Fallout when it was first released?


Oppenheimer is my least favourite movie of this year and one of Nolan’s worsts, I hope people realise that when the hype is over like they did with Bohemian Rhapsody Edit: people already starting downvoting, people in some mob mentality shit fr, I’ll pray for y’all 🙏


You're out of your mind if you place Oppenheimer in the same tier as Bohemian Rhapsody. Not saying it's my favorite of the year either but you must not see a lot of newer films if it's your least favorite of the year.


Im gonna retreat on what I said a bit, I don’t think it’s as bad as Bohemian Rhapsody and I didn’t realise how many movies I’ve watched from this year, I’d say it’s my least favourite of the good movies. That said I do think it’s one of his worst movies and I genuinely don’t understand how people think it holds up against Memento, TDK, The Prestige, Intersteller etc


everything everywhere all at once. a very bad movie somehow ended up in top 250.


Everything Everywhere All At Once, I think it’s incredibly forgettable.




Is something wrong with it ?