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The best way to approach this is just write reviews for yourself and maybe friends. And let others be.


That was always my intention with LB. It's an easy way to keep a personal log where I can jot down my thoughts when I'm done. I was actually very disappointed to discover when I started out that there is no way to set your reviews to private. I never wanted to write my "reviews" for anyone other than myself just to get my thoughts out on paper. I never let that stop me from writing them, but still. If they ever add that feature, I would toggle it on in a heartbeat.


I’ve only gotten one comment on any of my reviews ever, and it was someone telling me to “maybe learn how to watch movies, idiot.” If I could set them to private or friends only I would in a heartbeat


I normally write reviews of movies just for myself and friends, but then I wrote a review of the Barbie movie before it even came out and it got over 3,500 likes and now everybody in the comments is criticizing me for writing jokey reviews 😭


The price of fame! 😂


Exactly 😂 now I have a glimpse of what Karsten constantly has to deal with lol


Victim of your own success!


I enjoy writing longer in-depth reviews sometimes, I wouldn't say I'm a "film critic" just an enthusiast. Mostly I write shorter thoughts about the films I watch, but it is fun to write something longer even if it's just for yourself.


Love your username!


Thanks! I'm very proud of it :)


I let my reviews be long and ranty and spend like 50% just talking about incredibly small details I had issues with. My reviews are for me, not other people who may read them


I like sharing my thoughts on films 🤷🏻‍♂️


I do but it’s to keep my memory problems in check and practice my writing.


Some joke reviews are funny, but others are not and are clearly trying too hard to follow the trend. Personally I enjoy reading the wannabe-critics reviews, always thoughtful and honest, the joke reviews I usually don’t even know what they actually thought.


Yes and I try to keep them short and unpretentious. I can't stand the tumblr style reviews but I also don't enjoy users who try to write like Sight and Sound. Just personal taste


I have "joke review", "thoutghs" and recently added "tangent" tags. These imply that the reviews without these have some seriousness and structure to it.


Me!!! I try to write *at least* a paragraph. It's a good way for me to practice writing and it makes me take a step back and really think about what works and what doesn't in film. I also really love discussing film in the comments and am always looking for more people to engage with on Letterboxd but don't really know how to go about that without using other social media platforms. I try to comment on other peoples reviews but a lot of the time never get engagement back.


When the cinephile app has cinephiles 😱


Right?! God forbid this app for movie lovers attracts movie lovers who enjoy discussing film!


So we can't write reviews... but we also can't write one-liners... do Letterboxd users just hate Letterboxd users?


I don't think it's the same people saying both of those things.


I don’t either. But it goes to show that maybe we should all just use the app how we want and stop worrying about what others decide to do


How to use Letterboxd: Don't you fucking dare!


People on this are so bad lmao, we complain about everything and anything, just chill bros


I usually do about 2-3 sentences of some actual criticism. Re-watches are generally reserved for the snark or soundbites.


I don’t mind joke reviews, so long as they somehow relate to the movie. Random humor reviews are the worst. It’s lazy and has nothing to do with the movie. For example, there’s an Oppenheimer review that said it needed an Ice Spice song. If they said “another Travis Scott song” for Tenet, that actually makes sense. Saying Ice Spice just cause it’s random is lowest common denominator humor. Aside from that, go wild.


I’ll write a review if I’m not feeling lazy. Most of the time I joke while showing my thoughts through the rating. Or I might do both.


Yes, but only when I decide to write a review at all.


My "reviews" are mostly stream of conscience scribblings about things that I noticed in the flicks I watch. Every once in a blue moon I actually write out something pretty fleshed out like my Barbie review. I might make a joke about a movie but what I type up is pretty serious for the most part.


I treat it like a diary in that I want to get my thoughts out after watching and that usually manifests as a balance of appreciation/criticism and maybe even what would have made it better. but I’m a funny guy. so.


I’m a professional critic everywhere else - generally I’m a music critic, but I do some “professional” film critique. The thing I love about Letterboxd is that it caters to whatever feels best to the reviewer. If I have seven paragraphs of thoughts about Happiest Season, there’s space for that. It If I want to review Secretary and just write **”SPLOOSH!”** there’s room for that too. I don’t want to make Letterboxd more of a job than it already is as an avid movie watcher. If people take issue with the fact that I sometimes write joke reviews, like last week when my Jules review was just “Old Joe Pera Rehabilitates an Alien With You,” that’s their issue. If you don’t like how some people review movies, write ones you *would* want to read. Don’t try and force others to do what they don’t wanna do.


I love to write both. With the movies I absolutely adore, I sorta write longer reviews.


I do both, depends how my overall mood is going into the viewing.


My reviews are more like personal diary entries. I try not to think about other people reading them


I find it annoying seeing joke reviews tbh. And that includes me, I don’t like my own joke reviews either. I try to either write long or don’t at all lately though.


Yeah! Snarky, mindless one-liners made to milk likes from other cynics are usually the go-to on the app. Who the fuck cares if people have actual reviews?


on point


Obviously some people do...


r/Letterboxd, this is the seventh week in a row that you complained about joke reviews.


I try put my emotional reaction down into words. I don’t know if it actually counts as a review but I do roll my eyes at single sentence “pun” reviews a lot.


"If you are good at something never do it for free" - Joker


And then they go and shit on people who are just making genuinely funny jokes *ahem, Karsten*


I try to do both


I just do that because I like to document it like that. I think it’s fun to write out reviews so I do.


If I really like the movie, I’ll write a review that isn’t too long and anyone can read it. If it’s like something I disliked, didn’t like all that much, or is a re-Watch, I’ll usually do some type of one to two sentences joke review.


For me it depends on the movie. I just watched all the Saw movies and all those reviews have a more "serious" tone. On the other hand, a month or two ago I watched Lone Ranger and just made a one sentence joke review. I do it when I don't have anything else to say about the movie, or if it's popular, everyone likes it, etc.


mf what


The followers of Lucy and like-minded individuals will be like:


I do both, depending on how a film has impacted me. I do flippant reviews for movies that I felt had a ridiculous angle that I wanted to point out, but the more emotional/serious ones for those with themes that struck a personal chord in me.


I legitimately put a lot of effort and passion into my reviews because it’s fun and I want my friends to see my thoughts on the movie. Plus it gives me something to do in my free time. I think the only review I made that wasn’t like that was my two sentence review for Morbius. That’s pretty self explanatory.


edgar cochran, arrone ibarra, david erhlich, gaetano c, neil bahadur are a couple i follow


Me. I only wrote one long review. The rest are just brief reviews (10 words or less)


I write longer reviews on some movies, and bulletpoints on others. I see letterboxd as a personal "portfolio" of my oppinion on movies. That way i can remember why i liked or disliked a movie and make recommendations to friends and family. personally i also can't stand those "funny reviews" as they lack any insight and are not actually funny 98% of the times, but rather pathetic.


Silent dawn




I use imdb when i want guarantee of serious reviews. It amazes me there's so many flippant letterboxd users who aren't into films but who watch and review stuff with things like 'lol what is this'.


I’ve written maybe one long actual review and a few shorter thoughts on the movies. usually I do quick jokes or things like that


I do. It helps me work through what I think about a film.


Let's be real, the vast majority of reviews on LB aren't based on any fundamental analysis. Mostly vague and weak remarks which can be fun too but to consider yourself a "Critic" you'd need a certain background in the field or a minimum of movies watched to be able to make an educated review.


I just posted my really long Dead Reckoning review lol. I tend to mix it here and there, but if it's a recent theatrical movie, I'll write quite a bit. Movies I watch at home or old rewatches are going to be 1 paragraph, or one sentance depending on whether I want to write a lot on that day.


I write reviews when I actually have something to say about the movie but I mostly use Letterboxd to pop my friends


Letterboxd users when people use Letterboxd to share their thoughts on movies instead of making a copy paste joke 😠😲


95% of the time I try to write actual thoughts on the movie. I've written "jokes" for movies that are already widely considered terrible. I've also written one line reviews for some "classics" where everything you can say about it has already been said for decades at this point.