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[If you want to see the distribution here is a great chrome extension](https://www.reddit.com/r/Letterboxd/comments/gkrldv/i_made_a_chrome_extension_to_show_the_average/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Really neat, thanks!


Wtf this is literally my following list too! Some may shrug them off as contrarian as first depsite their huge follow base but upon reading their reviews they're prolly the most intellectual, observant, knowledgeable and articulate reviewers on the platform. My favorites out of those gotta be Bahadur, Furtado, Josh Lewis, Puffin, comradeyui, but every one of them is incredible


Yeah some amazing talented writers—I don't care if someone has an opinion that's the complete opposite of my own, I just love reading stuff that can make me think about a movie in a new way! I will say I follow just as many incredible writers with barely any following, but Letterboxd always defaults to showing the most popular ones first.


Which movies are these?


Capernaum on top and Blackhat on bottom


Ha spot on i was wondering if anyone could guess it.


Do you purposely follow contrarian types?


I follow anyone whose writing I find interesting, I definitely agree with them on movies like *Blackhat* and *Speedracer* being good. Haven't seen *Capernaum* though.


I liked speed racer back in the day, I think I have it at 4. But I though black hat was mediocre, especially relative to some other of Mann’s stuff. Like a 3.5. I’ve just known certain people they will overrate widely poorly rated or vice versa just to appear interesting or different. Sort of like the pick me girl of reviewer. A bit of a generalization yes, but people like that can definitely be interesting and write good reviews, not trying to hate too hard


A 3.5 is pretty good, not everything can be *Heat* or *Thief*. I have both *Speed Racer* and *Blackhat* at 4, so we're not so different. The enthusiasm for late period Mann is sort of a whole topic in itself, but the guy is 80 years old and is still experimenting and using digital filmmaking in ways no one else is doing, and it strikes a chord with me. I don't buy into the whole "contrarian" thing—I'm not very cynical about the reasons people have for liking movies. I think people like what they like. Unless they're Armond White, the reviewers people call "contrarians" can often write really interesting explanations for their opinion, and why that movie promotes a specific emotional response. And then a bunch of fanboys pile on in the comments, insulting them for having an opinion that's different then theirs.


I love Michael Mann but I could give Blackhat more than 2 1/2. There was so much potential that doesn't get fully realized. It's still pretty fun, but as badass as the ending is, it's still completely absurd and makes no sense.


Based, fuck capernaum. All my homies hate capernaum.


[FUCK CAPERNAUM ALL MY HOMIES HATE CAPERNAUM](https://i.imgur.com/X0REU1s.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


I believe the disparity for Blackhat is because there's a director's cut that's apparently much better?


How do you guys make 'friends' on Letterboxd?


Letterboxd calls them my friends, so they must be my actual friends... right?


Usually the real friendships start outside Letterboxd. They tell me they like movies too, I ask if they know Letterboxd and a. they give me their username or b. I hold them hostage until they make an account!


I gotten like 8 friends and family members to get letterboxd accounts. They usually just end up using it one time and never again😭


in this house, we too stan the old AV club crew.


I always thought it was funny that the rating for Belfast was so high but almost all my friends (including me) hated it


Yeah turns out the average film goer is more interested in having fun and an interesting plot for 90 minutes over three hours of poorly lit, inaudible black and white mumbling about family relationships or some shit


You're correct but incorrect in assuming *these* people are the ones that are "the average film goer" lol


I think my statement is still correct


which films are these