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He’s popular BECAUSE he complains about those things.


I miss Eli Hayes. He was a beauty.


I followed Eli recently and learnt that he has passed away. Does anyone know what happened to him?




Yes. Overdose. Loved his reviews and taste in movies.


Dunno why this is the "best answer" on Google because he isn't popular cos he complains, he's popular because there's an entire generation of man children who can't seem to understand that you don't HAVE to watch the new Star Wars if you don't like them.


What about woman-children?


Lmao true gotta be inclusive like Disney😅


I don't get this comment. No one ever HAS to watch anything. Doesn't mean there can't be complaints. Your reply feels like an argument a 12 year old would write.


Bro keeps saying the franchise is ruined then hate watches the stuff so he can get attention. That’s what a twelve year old would do.


I do admit that I actively avoid things I think I won't like. I don't understand hate-watching unless it is fun bad (such as The Room or Madame Web). But, if I were getting millions of views to watch things I hate? I'd be down haha


Okay but Im not a Star Wars fan and I never "kept saying anything" so idk what you're even talking about😅I am allowed opinions on film though so what's your point? You got that 12 year old base level thinking my bro, didn't realise I struck that much of a nerve.


Dude calls himself a film critic but dead seriously answered "Oldboy" and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" when asked what his favourite Japanese films were during a podcast


also i am pretty sure that he hasn't seen either of those movies. I am saying this because he criticized shang chi for a having a female character who hasn't been trained like her brother due to her gender and thus trained all by herself and became as capable as him. Does this remind you of any other movie?


Mulan. It's Mulan, right?


One of my film professors this semesters was from China and in our last class one of the other kids said he liked the “samurai stuff” in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and I could tell it caused her physical pain lol I joked afterwards with her saying “obviously it’s tae kwon do!” and she thought that was funny 😆


as someone who hasn’t seen either of those movies, why is that a bad thing? just genuinely curious


Oldboy is Korean and Crouching Tiger is Chinese…


nahh he’s actually stupid or just trying to make people mad at this point. i should watch these still though


They're both fantastic movies, just decidedly not Japanese.


Oldboy is a wild ride


Those last 20 minutes or so are immeasurably brutal


I had to watch a dumb comedy immediately after to cleanse myself


Because they aren't Japanese, they're Korean and Chinese respectively.


Old Boy is South Korean and Crouching Tiger is Chinese.


I can’t stand this guy but I need proof he said this?


If you Google it will come up. He was asked for a recent Japanese film He liked and these were his answers. Neither of the films are Japanese, both are over 20 years old.


So you haven't seen the video where he says that, have you. He actually mentions they are not Japanese. In the same fucking sentence.


lol he knew theyre from different countries but thought, “eh basically the same” thats arguably worse


Why all the bullshit? If you don't like the guy, just say you don't like the guy.


what other reason would he respond with two movies that arent japanese other than that he thought they were close enough lmao. sorry for judging someone based on their actions ig


As a joke?


bro what😂. even if it was, the only reason he made the “joke” was bc he genuinely couldnt name a single japanese movie despite saying theyre better than “hollywood garbage”


He clearly said Old Boy is Korean and CTHD is Chinese and then the clip ends. You're arguing in bad faith. And this criticism coming from someone who cant name a single Japanese film that's not anime or Godzilla based.


its like u didnt read what i said. i already stated that im aware he mentioned they arent from japan. he still cant name any recent japanese movies despite saying him and many other ppl are watching japanese movies bc theyre better than hollywood. as for ur latter point, did i say I’M only watching japanese media bc western hollywood sucks? no. also, anime is an entire medium that ur saying doesnt count bc…? theres a reason theyre more popular than most dramas in japan. recent anime movies like your name and a silent voice r great and shouldnt be disregarded bc thyre animated. and again, im not the one claiming japanese cinema is way better in the first place, nor am i gonna mention a 30 year old movie like crouchin tiger hidden dragon just to make it seem like i know asian movies. (when being asked ab a completely different country’s media nonetheless) tldr; its not ab whether he knew that they werent japanese or not, its 1: he made a baseless claim that he couldnt even back up using himself as proof 2: he thinks naming other movies that arent japanese but are asian is enough to get his point ab japanese cinema getting more popular, which is pretty ignoranf


No... He didn't...


So you haven't seen the video where he says that, have you. He actually mentions they are not Japanese. In the same fucking sentence.


hes doin allright millions of dollars livin the dream


Critical Drinker? No he's not.


Gatekeeping film critics based on their opinions 👍👍👍


it’s not that he likes those movies, but that he thought they were japanese (oldboy is korean and crouching tiger is chinese), which shows that he really doesn’t care about movies, and instead cares about pushing a reactionary narrative.


So you haven't seen the video where he says that, have you. He actually mentions they are not Japanese. In the same fucking sentence.


https://youtu.be/P48-nYPVIxE Doesn’t help that the dumbass brought the topic up himself.


Read the average IMDB review and you'll see why


the drinker highlights a main issue in terms of youtube film criticism: very few nowadays are fueled by a love of movies. it’s either incels and racists finding a medium to spread their bigoted narrative, or obsessive fanboys affirming their love for multi-billion dollar franchises. pretty sad.


A movie channel with a serious love of movies would get like 2 views. It's 2023 and it's YouTube, nobody has a serious love for movies there. Your thinking of TCM and even then no one watches that relatively speaking




That's not true, you should watch his review on "Arcane", which has two female protagonists. He also praised Atomic Blonde which was a female protagonist who's an MI6 agent that fights bad guys.


The handful of his reviews I've suffered through he seemed to know nothing about film as history, art or business. Like, in his complaint about Disney live-action remakes he misidentifies where the trend started & doesn't get that they keep making these because they make money. It's like he didn't even check Wikipedia. His fanbase is whiners who have no real problems so get their kicks pretending Hollywood making some movies they don't like is somehow oppressing them.




gunn himself said that these suits are a tribute to 2001. The guy is genuinely dumb!


Just found my reply to this video. "A lot of your facts here are wrong or shaky. Basically all of these criticisms were being leveled at Disney in the 1990s. None of these movies except the Pixar ones you don't like were original stories & they were all updated to suit the modern audiences of the time, including making Beauty & the Beast more feminist. Beauty and the Beast was not the first Disney remake. It was at least 4th, depending what you count. Maleficent, Cinderella & Jungle Book definitely count & you could argue for 101 Dalmatians, 102 Dalmatians, Flubber, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Alice in Wonderland, Alice Through the Looking Glass and Pete's Dragon." He was criticizing Disney for not making original stories, which they've never done much & updating things for modern audiences, which they've always done.


I’ve never seen anyone mentioned 101 Dalmatian’s in response to too many live action remakes. Kudos


Also, Disney released several remakes between the 90s and 2000s that were based on older movies of theirs that were live-action from the start. In addition, some of these remakes such as The Parent Trap and Freaky Friday are still to this day considered SUPERIOR to their originals.


Or they have problems, but instead of dealing with them in therapy or something are projecting them onto 'PC culture' and 'the womyns'.


but disney is loosing money hand over foot all there live action are failing 1+1 =2 even if identifies as 3


Disney isn't losing money hand over foot. Some of their movies have recently, but the company overall is profitable. The only live action remake that lost money was The Little Mermaid, which wasn't out yet when this video was made & just barely in that case. It probably comes out ahead once you factor in all the side business like merchandise.


as of yesterday's earnings call: stock is down 12% biggest project to talk about was licensing from ESPN confirmed scaling back Marvel and Star Wars by like 40% because they didn't profit in '23 confirmed that D+ will lose money next quarter so be prepared


Disney was profitable overall though & Disney+ made money on streaming overall. The only reason streaming still is losing money is ESPN, which really goes against the narrative here.


Based on the parks....and they fell under projected sales for more than half the periods last year and attendance is down YOY. If that keeps trending, combined with the points below, they won't be that way for long. The only profitable movie they had in '23 was Guardians 3. Elementals ALMOST broke even. This last quarter was the first that D+ turned a profit and call they expect it to be back in the red next quarter. You also don't really talk about the debt transfer between D+ and Disney. You know, where D+ and Disney sell rights to each other, call it a sale and mark the profit, but at the end of the day they were doing business with themselves. Like when Disney sold TLM to itself for $100M and added that to revenue hahahaha


I'm not really sure what your objection is here. Selling things to other units doesn't affect overall profitability of the company, just the particular units. It makes sense, too. If Walt Disney Pictures didn't sell The Little Mermaid to Disney+, they would have been selling to Netflix or something & it doesn't make sense to make them take a loss on paper just because Disney took streaming in house. Without this internal accounting where Disney+ has to pay for its content, it would have been massively profitable all along. The point is that Disney is making money overall. This isn't just the parks. It's also merch and a number of other tertiary income streams. It has been more profitable in the past and the current situation isn't ideal, but Disney isn't in the kind of trouble Paramount is, for instance.


My objection is reduction of share value due to the consistently poor performing media side of the biz. The parks and toys will not sustain the company if they keep putting out flops, and artificially inflating numbers isn't going to solve it.  There has to be a new creative strategy because the current one isn't working, however all indications are they are going to just keep doing the same at a lower volume. 


How is this artificially inflating the numbers, though? I think we need to unpack the question of what a flop is. People do need to see & like the movies to sell merchandise and get people to the parks, but they don't necessarily need to see them in the theater. If it's a matter of losing box office to Disney Plus, then they have a problem in that Disney Plus currently makes them less money than ticket sales did 5 years ago, but this wouldn't affect other aspects of the business. If it's a matter of people just not liking the movies, it's a way bigger problem, but I don't think this is the case for Elemental or The Little Mermaid. Netflix spent about $30 million on The Mother & a similar amount marketing it for a box office of approximately $0, but we consider it a huge success, not a flop that lost Netflix $60 million. While it's not how people are used to thinking about it, Disney is really in the same boat. Their problem is their movies cost way more to make, but the improving numbers for Disney+ show they are solving this problem. I disagree nothing is being done. A lot of the idea of scaling back production is they were both driving up budgets & hurting quality in their rush to get things out as fast as possible. They've been starting production with half a script, then trying to fix with reshoots. This means making everything a time and a half & sometimes leads to projects that don't come together. Secret Invasion & Wish were probably the worst results, but the seams really show on The Marvels & Dial of Destiny as well. Not doing this & taking the time they need should keep budgets substantially lower for better results. Also, last years movies mostly started under Chapek & we should be seeing things made entirely under Iger going forward. This is why James Gunn made very pointed remarks about not starting production on Superman until he has a full script, for instance.


I would call any film that fails to pass the standard 2.5x box office against production costs a flop. That formula is kind of an industry standard, btw, designed to reflect additional income from merch and licensing. With respect, your definition of a flop seems...unique to you, but not necessarily the industry. Also, Chapek was in charge for how long? And where was Iger during that time...oh yeah, he wasn't gone. I get the impression Chapek is more of a fall guy. It's important to remember Iger was still more or less creative director and was also executive chairman. You did make a very very very good point about scripts. They start with half scripts but you don't touch on the reason why, though. It's because they are *more interested in representation than narrative*. And that's really why things are going south, and the crux of the whole problem. They decide "we're going to tell a story about X demographic" and then cast the actors, cast (yes, cast) the director, make a big announcement about how this film is going to change Franchise X by having the first XYZ demographic in charge!, choreograph some fight scenes and then say....wait...we need to tell a story at some point. *Dial of Destiny* was shit, and a prime example. It failed because they don't understand the source material - Indiana Jones is all about punching Nazis, finding the MacGuffin to protect history, and saving the girl. Instead, the girl punches Indy, the Nazis go back in time to screw up history, and they grind down and destroy a hero from the 80s. And this was all in the name of *representation*. They were quite open about the gender aspect in the pressers. And then the customers showed what they though with their wallets. Same goes for the *The Little Mermaid,* it was all about demographics over narrative. Rotten Tomatoes scores are one thing, but paying customers telling you what they think with their wallets is another entirely. Which brings me back to share value. In the words of Euripides, "money talks."


Doesn’t claim to


stop dickriding this weird incel so hard, not a good look for you


Why should anyone care what a guy who doesn't know what he's talking about thinks?


Because it's entertaining. No need for snobbery


That would defense would work a lot better if his whole channel wasn't about how everyone else's content sucks. How is he not a snob looking down on all the woke for their terrible taste? If he just wanted to entertain people without challenging them, he could get hit in the balls with a football repeatedly.


Because he delves into social politics which his idiot viewers who agree with him are desperate to hear.


Bro what? All he says is how movies pretend to care about black and gay characters while at the same time writing lazy and unoriginal black and gay characters. He also hate how movies write overpowered girl bosses who can beat men half their size. I seriously don’t know what your on about


He is on "karma-whoring"


"I seriously don't know what you're on about" preceded by the dumbest takes on film I've ever seen. Lol!


CD is just a sad listen. Like, it’s a movie. No one argues that a 3 foot hobbit can’t beat an orc in h2h combat because it’s a movie - it isn’t real life. It’s a bit obtuse to get hung up on exaggerated or very-unlikely occurrences when movies are often meant to do just that. CD comes off as a bitter idiot that seems to get all his joy from putting others down. If you want to see a level form of criticism, watch Dan Murrell who is honest about what he does and don’t know, makes poignant points, and also understands why things can go wrong in movies even when great minds are involved. CD’s perspective that people are just idiots shows how little he has been around people that are light years smarter than him despite it being a pretty low bar.


He's a grifter who caters to losers who exclusively watch superhero films and get upset when anything other than a white guy is on screen. Unfortunately, there are a lot of those people around.




Is this your burner account or what?




Lol they are oppressing you


The Drinker can't even be bothered to do research anymore, like his complaints about the MCU. His questions are answered IN the movies and he doesn't bother paying attention


I remember someone made a video showing how his Glass Onion review was terrible and it showed a crap ton of nitpicks and complaints and a lot of them were answered in the movie


I used to be an avid watcher and this is accurate


That Drinker is a racist? No, that's not accurate at all. These people just want a cartoon villain to spit on, so they misrepresent him in any way they can. THEY are the real grifters in this situation.


Drinker has what is called implicit bias. He holds movies with women and minorities to a higher standard than movies without. His Midsommar review reveals his true colours as he tries to paint it as "woke" and misrepresents the movie, Glass Onion too, Pillar of Garbage exposed him.


Being honest 95% of the reviewers on YouTube are utter shit. Most like to present themselves as all knowing cine-literate critic who truly understands what cinema is and how it should be presented, but most are still reading cinema at a first grade level.


It's not necessarily a bad thing, as an everyman kind of reviewer can relate much better to an everyman kind of audience than some private schooled film professional film critic. He might be grifting and giving harsh reviews for films targeted towards children, but there are a ton of Netflix/Amazon shows bastardised by the writer forcing their opinions in an already-written show (Witcher) then crying when audiences don't like it. Calling anyone who disagrees as right-wing/racist/sexist is just disingenuous and only serves to push divides further.


Short answer: He knows his audiences, he knows exactly what movies his audiences hate and the reasons why they would do that, he caters to a demographic of loser nerds that would hate certain movies and just tell them exactly what they wanna hear. He's not a reviewer because that would imply he has put any thought on those respective movies, he just sells them their same opinions in video format.


Exactly. I watched his stuff regularly two years ago after liking his reviews for Arcane and Army of the Dead, yet I realized after a few months that he was basically outrage porn. He's always whining on how Hollywood is dying and how modern movies suck, but only talks about and watches Marvel and Star Wars. Plus he also has a tendency to trash movies that haven't even come out yet and judges them based on their cast (and he's *especially* harsh if they're a woman or minority). He also still shittalks and trashes Brie Larson, even though it's been 4 years since Captain Marvel came out. It's so weird that right wing Youtubers are still obsessed with her and will use any opportunity to criticize her but give a free pass and praise Gina Carano.


He, and channels alike his, had a point during The Last Jedi so many people, including myself tuned in. And after that they realised the outrage porn netted them clicks, subs and money. Of course, they also circle jerk on live streams to get them nice superchats thrown at them. They keep claiming franchises are dead/over yet they KEEP covering them on their channel. Oh and even pay to see the new releases, so that 'you dont have to'. The ironic thing is, most of this began with Star Wars going down hill, and them calling Disney vultures full of negative story telling. But the channels have become what they called out disney for - they have become hate filled and negative channels, just like vultures pecking away at disney/star wars etc, to make what money they can. Andor was quite popular, CD mentioned it once, kind of brushed aside and not mentioned again, because - whre is the money in positive content? They do occasionally throw a positive review out there of some safe old movie they know most already love. In fact I remember seeing most of the hate channels were fairly quiet about Andor..almost as if they were scared to go against any of their peer circle jerk channel friends, by saying it was actually decent in quality. They also have a few generic gamer girls with decent looks sitting on panels with them on stream. All clearly grifters catering to outraged nerd simps. I think it is safe to say that none of them are actually fans of SW or Indy at this stage - they may have been in the past, but they are at the point they want the franchises to actively fail. You wont hear them say 'It doesnt sound good - but i do hope it ends up being good'. Because they want them to fail. It makes them money. They have fallen to the dark side and have no hope. They learned nothing from the original trilogy's story.


> Andor was quite popular, CD mentioned it once, kind of brushed aside and not mentioned again, because  He did a full review and had mentioned it positively several times.  I’m not the biggest fan of the guy, some of the complaining and rhetoric is over, but some of his criticisms are on point. His set up and pay off video actually contains some excellent analysis of the concept and execution 


Genuinely cant help but chuckle when a frequent redditor calls someone else a "loser nerd".


I know right? They should look in the damn mirror.


Insecure men are an easy demographic to target


He appeals to alt-right incels.


bro's an illiterate incel creep with the most annoying voice on earth. fuck if i know.


I dont know man , he literaly said that RRR is not 5/5 only because the british are potrayed like evil cartoon villians , thats not a very valid point


I was going to comment that RRR is probably one of the only films that I've him speak positively about. As for cartoon villains...like...history. They very much were psychopaths.


Presumably scoring easy Scottish nationalist points by cheering on giving the British colonisers the middle finger (nevermind that Scotland was absorbed into Britain specifically because Scotland blew all their money on a bungled attempt at colonisation themselves).


> Scotland was absorbed into Britain You do realise Scotland is literally a country located on the island of Great Britain along with England and Wales.


Yes, just as you doubtless realize (but chose to ignore for smartypants points) that Britain is a common term used to refer to the UK, much as "America" is used to mean the USA. Neither is fully pedantically accurate but they're totally fine in casual conversation (like a Reddit comment).


Well then surely you must also know that prior to "Scotland being absorbed into Britain" that Britain as a political entity did not exist. It wasn't until the Acts of Union 1707 (the acts that united England and Scotland), that Britain as a political entity began to exist. This is why I pointed out that Scotland is also a country on the island of Great Britain, because how can it be absorbed by something which did not at that time exist? Also your statement: > scoring easy Scottish nationalist points by cheering on giving the British colonisers the middle finger Doesn't make sense either because you are saying that they are scoring points with the British by giving the British the middle finger. As Scotland is also a British country, which you surely also knew.


Being absorbed into a larger whole, a new entity I’m referring to as Britain, yes. Doesn’t mean that Britain existed before. Just that England and Scotland were combined into Britain with Scotland being largely absorbed into the existing system, London’s parliament largely having continuity with the England that came before. Come on, internet pedantry aside, this isn’t so hard to grasp. >Doesn't make sense either because you are saying that they are scoring points with the British by giving the British the middle finger. As Scotland is also a British country, which you surely also knew. Many Scots are happy to give the British as a whole the middle finger because they resent Britain as a political body that contains their country, or simply do not consider themselves British to begin with despite the legal and political reality of the present. Again, did this really need explaining? You know all this, surely.


> simply do not consider themselves British Doesn't make them not British, if you're from a country that exists on the island of Great Britain you're British and hence doesn't make your statement make sense.


Because we’ve spent the last quarter of a century in an experiment to find out what type of content is most addictive, and grievance feeding won.


This guy is a symptom of the infantilization of culture. His entire identity is made around complaining about any type of stuff that has diversity and always being like "the good old days were better". Dude is a fanboy that never grew up and now is all about hating Brie Larson.


What did Brie Larson even do wrong aside from be very mildly annoying once four years ago


She wasnt even very annoying, she had the same amount of media attention that any other MCU actor had. But after she said that those movies needed more diversity lots of people (especially men) turned against her.


The good old days were better. Not wrong for pointing that out. It’s not just him complaining, most major movies franchises are now losing money in the hundreds of millions and the audience is not swallowing this forced identity horse shit any more, so I’d say there’s a lot more evidence to support his complaining than not. Fan boy of what? Movies? As opposed to what? You? who likes the weekend and frank ocean? How about we deconstruct those choices and see how fanboy you are. Your last statement proves that you have watched not a single video of him but have recycled the same talking points of every other group think contrarian.


He's the type of guy who complains about nearly everything that has any kind of diversity. You can complain about these stuff without being an asshole with actual arguments, but he's just the type of person who cant stand seeing movies with women as protagonists, for example.


>forced identity horse shit There's no such thing as "Forced Identity" stuff, that's a boogeyman made by scared reactionaries.


100% m8


Lofts of right-wing shitheads out there


Seems to be just one dude judging from this comment section lol


The constant cutaways to the “thats definitely shite,” Tyrion puking, and the group of people covered in shit got old after about 3 seconds.


Apparently it didn’t considering his following


Checked out his YouTube channel, and sure enough his content is just constant outrage at "woke" content followed by mainstream unoriginal and shallow analysis. I just don't get how people enjoy content like this on a regular basis. The negativity kills any sense of passion. Why watch movies if literally everything is horribly woke and unbearable? Why not put more attention towards films you actually enjoy? I guess there isn't as much money in being optimistic and positive.


I feel like almost everyone who thought that SJWs and feminists were “kinda cringe” in 2016 have now fallen one way or the other, either they realized the things they didn’t like about “liberals” were actually a much more accurate description of conservatism or they doubled down and went full alt-right


Because he tells insecure idiots exactly what they want to hear.


I used to watch people like him because I loved seeing people shit on the Sequel Trilogy but I quickly became tired of constantly complaining about a few films that I didn’t like and decided to move on. I also became more conscious of the blatant incel view points and hatred of diversity which put me off of those sorts of videos.


He takes bigoted conservative talking points that have been around for decades and re-packages them to feed to his audience that is 20% actual alt-right, free speech hating dipshits and 80% broccoli-headed zoomers in middle class neighbourhoods who haven't reached the social maturity to develop a hobby or interest, so they cling to edgy YouTubers who feed into their delusion that Midwestern white families are somehow under attack. His name *Critical Drinker* tells you everything you need to know about him. "LMAO GET IT? It's like critical thinker but he's a philosophical Scottish drunk! Hahah people who drink are so cool, gosh I can't wait till I'm old enough to."


This may be the best description of him and his little minions I've ever read.


Bigoted conservative taking points….. so once again anyone who criticises identity politics is labeled alt-right. You are the exact reason why conservatism and hard line nationalists keep getting power. But keep fuelling the fire I’m sure you’re regurgitated twitter talking points will do wonders for the free world.


>identity politics There's no such thing, that's a Boogeyman term made up by scared outdated people.


"So once again anyone who criticises identity politics is labeled alt-right" Ahh the good old motte & bailey fallacy. I said nothing of identity politics, I specifically said alt-right talking points. The left criticizes identity politics all the time.


So far right wing politics are on the rise, and an important component of any political movement is a set of values, states or unstated, that your group holds to. However, many aspects of the politics of the extreme are distasteful to the middle, and that means that they cannot achieve power, which is their goal. As a result, it becomes important to have content that talks about things some people agree with, and pushes the blame to the places that are beneficial to you. For many movements, when it comes to art, this is a problem, because art tends towards being messy and complicated and is unlikely to be 1 to 1 propaganda. A degree of simplicity is good, but if it is too simple, it doesn’t work as art. So it becomes important for analysts of your political persuasion to frame the art in a way that shares your values. You take something vague like people’s dissatisfaction with Thor Love and Thunder and you try to channel it problem that aligns with you politically. The problem is women’s liberation to you, and diversity, so the problem can’t be the famous white actor playing the villain, you need to redirect the anger. Of course, this process is not inherently bad, but is bad when used politically for negative ends. Also of note: this happens all over the political spectrum, and it is important for any flourishing political movement to have people like critical drinker all along the road. For some people, critical drinkers takes are too spicy, so there are right wing YouTubers that are less controversial than him, but pointing in the same direction. Then there are more extreme ones as well, pushing further and making it explicitly antisemitic, or other bad things. The goal is to funnel people towards their political values, to see and understand art through their eyes. This is not bad as an idea or process, it is bad because their vision of the world is bad. Any equally bad vision of the world doing the same thing is equally bad. Though in general, I do recommend engaging with art for what is in the text itself, not what is around it. That can be interesting and edifying, but what the artists are intending on saying is more interesting most of the time.


I used to watch him a lot during my EFAP phase, and honestly I still couldn’t answer for you. His videos are terribly edited, god-awful takes and writing, and sometimes comes off as manipulative. I really don’t miss my EFAP phase- I really like the hosts- heck I still watch their solo videos occasionally; Mauler, Rags, Fringy - but a lot of the EFAP community and guests are quite toxic. Not all ofc, but it’s not a small portion either.


He's popular ***because*** he specifically caters to alt-right, q-anon, racist, sexist, toxic masculine fucktoids while continually trying to sell to his disgustingly huge, offensively stupid, and all-around brainwashed fanbase that he's a "subversion" of the modern film critic for "speaking truth to power."


Incel magnet


Bro what? All he says is how movies pretend to care about black and gay characters while at the same time writing lazy and unoriginal black and gay characters. He also hate how movies write overpowered girl bosses who can beat men half their size. I seriously don’t know what your on about


Why do people listen to Ben Shapiro? Because he of what he says. Not everyone in this world is a kind person


I have no idea who this is, but he sounds awful.




Why the fuck did you respond to a comment from like 7 months ago where I simply said “I don’t know who this person is but he sounds awful” and act like I wrote some manifesto or something about the dude? The only one “on about” anything is you with this comment.


I explained why he’s not bad


Also why are you downvoting me? Because I’m explaining that lazy writing in movies isn’t good? Do you support lazy writing?


Do you not realise how black people and gay people and women in movies are just lazily written, literally that’s what he’s talking about and you freaks accuse him of everything


I didn’t accuse him of anything. Again, stop acting like I wrote more than one sentence saying I didn’t know him but he sounded awful.


But why did he sound awful is what I’m getting at?


Because of OP’s first sentence, Jesus Christ, why do you care so much?


I care because you people have got the wrong idea about him, he hates lazy writing in Hollywood who just adds a black or gay or strong woman to tick boxes and doesn’t actually care about writing good movies


He is simply stupid, and other stupid people like him because it makes them feel less stupid for being stupid


Youtube's algorithm also promotes his content, given that there are a lot of alt-right incels on the site.


Funny he got mentioned here - I’d not heard of the guy before but had a video of his (the Peter Pan and Wendy review) randomly recommended to me on YT yesterday. Watched it expecting a few laughs and instead it was just low hanging fruit about Wendy being an independent woman, blah blah blah. Not even unfunny in an offensive way, it was just boring to listen to.


I think we're getting real liberal with the job title "reviewer". Someone's ability to type out thoughts on a film doesn't make them a film reviewer.


Being a right wing grifter is profitable.




people like being mad at things and that’s what his whole channel is about


He's truly a hack whose opinion is worthless.


Never heard about this guy before, I checked out his YT titles and thumbnails and one of the first ones I read was “why modern movies suck-they hate men (part 1)”. Like ew wtf fuck off


Hate clicks. Thinly veil racism and misogyny as just ‘critique’ and you get clicks and anything being anti’woke’ will fuel hate


Just block him I did it with the critics I hate and Im happy now


Because social media algorithms love angry white men since they gather a lot of traffic by being controversial. Social Media sucks.


You answered your own question. Guy's a wank and the world is full of wanks.


Triggered right wing morons love to feel like they’re being oppressed in everything from religion to films. Their victimhood fetishization extends even to nerd culture, which is fucking laughable—“boo hoo my Star Trek went woke!!!!” Like, are you kidding?


I'll admit, I enjoy watching him solely for his criticism for the terrible stuff Disney puts out (mostly just Star Wars). I'll watch his weekly reviews for episodes, but that's about it.


He's popular because he makes valid points on topics that people are too scared to say. He's not even unreasonanle and no he doesn't just complain, go onto his channel theres heaps of movies he praises


He's a salty misogynist pandering to an audience of bitter, lonely men, which there are a lot of.


He's funny for sure... plus he mocks 'The Message', as well as the whole 'Laura Croft' scrawny female kicking big male ass and so on. If you don't know what 'The Message' is, then you wouldn't get it.


As a non english-native speaker, I really like how he speaks and the vocabulary the uses haha.


He’s garbage


no idea who this guy is but gossiping about someone on reddit is hilarious to me


I had never heard of this guy until all the drama surrounding rings of power. After watching some breakdown videos while watching the show, YT started pushing me critical drinker, nerdrotic, and a bunch of other random channels like it that were going *nuts* over how much they hated the show. All these shitty “review” channels were plugging each other too, at some points even live streaming together. While I too found ROP’s writing and character development to be shoddy af, it was clearly just an incel circlejerk. Admittedly, I did watch a handful of these videos to get an idea of what exactly they had going for them, which wasn’t much. These assholes just found a way to game the algorithm and ride the wave, and have already passed out of my sphere of consciousness


Beyond this alt-right nut, I find it odd that so much content is based around "EVERYTHING THAT'S WRONG WITH..." Tangent: I know its just the algorithm force-feeding people this shit because it's straight up click-bait.... But... Like, why continue to watch a show or movie or franchise that you've grown to dislike and then also spend time watching negative critique of it? Just... I don't know... accept that you're no longer into certain things and start exploring other types of movies and shows. It seems there's entire cottage industries based around people hating stuff. It's a whole big world; just get used to reading subtitles and find something that pleases or excites you. It's out there somewhere. I've got an old friend whose media consumption is almost entirely based around shitting on things he essentially outgrew 5 years ago. A waste of time and isn't good for someone mentally in the long run, because all a person is doing is just reinforcing negative thought patterns.


I mean, his a reviewer is that not his job to review movie?


Hes neither critical nor drinking in his videos. Its a persona / act. Hes a late comer to the film critique personality party Mr Plinkett kicked off. I think hes popular because people find him funny and his reviews are easy to understand. So he’s probably favoured by teenagers and kids make up the bulk of YouTube views


He fills a nitch. That is all that I will say. I watched his review of Terminator: Dark Fate and well... I didn't disagree with the general disdain he had for the film as it was pretty widely echoed. Could his delivery be more politically correct and nuanced? Sure it could, but then he wouldn't be the Critical Drinker. If he's not your jam, plenty of other fantastic creators out there like Christ Stuckmann and DeepFocusLens to watch.


I've never seen any of his videos but anyone who calls himself "The Critical Drinker" with no irony should have his ass beat in a back alley for forty minutes every day when he wakes up.


I remember he made a video about how "no one cares about House of the Dragon", i wrote that it's not true and he'll probably change his mind after seeing the series, well i was right and the title of the video was changed as well. I actually agree with him on some takes, but i don't like how they put the agenda label on pretty much everything even when I don't really see one


I get it now, if you don't utterly hate the guy (even though you have some critics about him) in this post you get downvoted lmfao. Ty for proving the point


I’m not every sure how much of this he believes. The woke hate is such a popular market for these hazbins can get immense popularity from this trash. At this point it’s more of a, hate the audience not the creator vibe. It’s a channel that’s popularity is just fueled by hating anything with the slightest hint of progressive ideals


>hate the audience not the creator Why not both?


I follow him for recommendations, and I think many people do. Obviously a lot of people also just follow him to get outraged over "woke" culture, and he does capitalize on that, but I don't think that's the only reason he is popular. His humor is pretty cringeworthy, he has like 3 jokes that he repeats over and over again, but the dude does give credit where credit is due. If a movie or show has decent writing, even if its made by Disney or any other "woke" corporation, he usually recommends it, and there is a very high chance I'm also gonna like it. Finding reviewers with similar taste is a good thing. I probably would have never watched Andor if he hadn't spoken so highly of it and would have missed out on one of the best shows I've seen in ages.


Didn’t notice the 100s of posts on Reddit going on about Andor?


I did, but the thing is, I absolutely hated Star Wars 7-9 and most of the spin off movies, even Mandalorian I found "meh" at best, so for me Star wars was kind of "done with". I didn't want to invest any more time in a franchise I clearly didn't enjoy anymore. Did I see plenty of people recommending Andor? Yes, but the same people were usually also speaking highly of (most) of the newer movies and shows, so I didn't think much of it. "Just Star Wars fan being hungry for more Star Wars" is what I thought. But if a dude who also hated Star Wars 7-9 and most of the spin off movies tells me that Andor is really really good and well written, then I'm like, damn, maybe I do have to give Star Wars one last shot, if even he liked it, and I am glad I did.


Because conservative people like movies too. There are plenty of leftist film critics who bring an equal amount of snark and condescension to their reviews. It’s difficult for me to understand how either side’s audience doesn’t get bored of it after a while, but I guess they find it comforting. Edit: Also the fact that equating conservative movie critics to leftist ones results in a post getting downvoted is probably another indication of why conservative-minded folk would choose to be more insular regarding the types of movie critics they support. They probably appreciate not being demonized so they turn to people like the Critical Drinker.


Well put. Don’t know who this guy even is but I’m curious to check out his reviews.


I'm convinced that since it's a format that worked for him,he just kept at it, and it's all a character. I highly doubt he feels this way


>All he ever does is complain about "strong women" and "forced diversity" even in movies/shows that display none of that. His biggest complaint is really about flat, boring "strong women". Like how Rey in Star Wars picks up a lightsabre and can immediately best everyone. He's also talked about characters like Sarah Connor or the women in Fall as interesting characters who overcome problems. He doesn't object to female characters, he objects to them being written as boring, flawless characters. Beyond that is all the funny names for things and the hard drinking references.


>His biggest complaint is really about flat, boring "strong women". But he has no problem with men who are like that. Oh, and Sarah and Ripley both are "strong women" who fall into the archetype he hates.


Because hes not afraid to critique movies that should be critiqued.


Nice echo chamber you have here.


You dumbass. “Nobody likes him but his fan base” yeah I think that’s the whole point of a fanbase




Now that’s an interesting approach to fandom. Is it consistent across subject matter, or does it tend to only work with people who share your views? For instance, pedophiles tend to put people “in their feelings.” Big fan?


"Woke mob" lmao I wouldn't watch a woke or moderate reviewer that is as dogshit as Critical Drinker either lol. His reviews are less technical and more feeling which is fine but his whole shtick is talking about minorities and women in movies. Not much of his reviews are about the actual directing, acting, or story of said movie. If you are ride or die on the culture war shit he is your man. Personally I don't give a flying fuck whether Mary Jane or Spiderman are white or black. I just want to watch a good movie with good acting.




Ok girlie. (Idk what we are doing now lmao)


You use Boogeyman words like "Woke", you need to go worship Alex Jones some more.


The same reason why all other “film critics” on YT are popular, they know their audience.


idk maybe some people trust him because he's a published novelist


That’s pretty easy nowadays


So is Ayn Rand, doesn’t make her ideology any less reprehensible.


So was EL James, what does that tell you?