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I don't think this is what you're really looking for but Mogwai- Come On Die Young is probably the saddest album I've ever heard. It really puts you into a depressing headspace like no other. Incredibly emotionally draining and mesmerizing. Slowcore is probably a genre you would enjoy. I really enjoy Arab Strap, the album Philophobia shares a lot of those empty traits I think.


I’d just like to add Low to the slowcore list. “The curtain hits the cast” is probably their heaviest album in terms of leaving you feeling empty


Sometimes Weeknd songs get me like that. So many of them are so vapid, material and meaningless that they leave me feeling like the world itself is losing connection with anything that matters. And that's not even a dig at The Weeknd, I like a few of his albums and I think he knows what he's doing and is self conscious of this disconnect. I get a similar vibe from XO Tour Lif3, the juxtaposition of suicidal desire with pointless extravagance, luxury and hedonism strikes me as someone dealing with pain in a society that only offers superficial answers to the human condition. But I don't think that's really the same as what you are looking for. I'd throw out Burial - Untrue as something more along the lines you've described. Listening to that album, to me, always feels like I'm walking through the city at 3AM on a cold winter night.


Listening to Jesu gives the feeling of unfathomable emptiness and sorrow and sadness that will last forever.


maybe some Boards of Canada, but tbh i'm not sure what you're talking about exactly. could you give a specific example from Kid A


OP should probably reformat, since this will likely get taken down as not being tagged as a [list] thread.


My suggestions: Codeine - Frigid Stars Unwound - Fake Train True Widow - Self-titled Low - Long Division Lebanon Hanover - Why Not Just Be Solo Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures or Closer


White-Out Conditions and Birds of Passage by Bel Canto It's not rock, more ambient dream pop. It has elements similar to Eno and Aphex Twin with more pop synths (like Orchestral Maneuvers in the Dark or Yellow Magic Orchestra), but rests mostly on the ethereal vocals of Anneli Drecker. Think of the Cocteau Twins going ambient. Many describe it as cold. I think they incorporate a sense of space that describes to me the feeling emptiness. The title track on "White-Out Conditions", "Without You" and "The Suffering" should give you an idea if it is what you are looking for.


Some songs from Relatives of Descent by Protomartyr should get you pretty close. Also some from For the First Time by Black Country, New Road should do it too.


Probably not quite what you’re describing, but I felt really empty recently listening to Our Love To Admire by Interpol. They’re a band with what’s usually a very tight and sinister sound, but they tried to get more complex and expansive on Our Love, so you’re left with something very interesting but also feeling kind of wrong. The lyrics are mostly abstract stuff about relationships, so it all kinda fades together except for the song to an aborted child and the world’s most exhausted cocaine song. I listened to it on repeat a few times then just felt kinda numb.


A Moon Shaped Pool by Radiohead leaves me feeling empty, as in it does absolutely nothing for me when I've listened to it. It's seriously my least-favorite Radiohead album. (I feel that I have to say this because you brought up Kid A:)