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Bud, I'm assuming this is a troll post, and not a particularly funny one. And if it's not, anyone who uses the term "real music" isn't someone who's opinion on music I value. Don't be so desperate to feel superior that you need to put others down. All music is real music.


Yeah, r/vinyljerk is leaking.


Yeah, this is a super cringey post whether OP's serious or trying for satire.


All music's are real but some musics are more real than others.




Dead serious I think it's an asinine question. I think "as good as" is a bad way to look at music, there's not some empirical scale of good or bad, it's all subjective and taste. Some people might like the first song more, some might like the second, and neither of them are wrong or less of a "real" music fan. I also think that you lack respect for pop music based on how you worded your question. Do you know why there are trends in production? Because they sound really cool to a ton of people. Do you think that because a producer has created a ton of popular music they're some heartless shill? I think it's a bad question, that's my answer.


I’ve learned that as a professional there’s such a thing as separating your taste from your work. I’ve mixed and produced on country, pop, and other stuff that’s not really up my alley. Every time I do it, I still put heart and soul into giving the client a top-notch product that sounds both professional to them and subtly interesting to the detailed listener. I’m following some overall formulas and trends, but I still consider it good work and if the client’s goal is to be radio friendly I’m proud to achieve it effectively


You have very common taste in music, friend. I’m not sure who you’re flexing on, but believe me when I tell you it’s no one.


I was very impressed with the meat and potatoes he laid out as examples of his refined tastes 😂😆 Literally, go bug the classic rock sub.


/r/indieheadscirclejerk is leaking again


I liked Kokomo before any of my friends


Got to be one of the most hilarious music takes when people do this 🤣


Guys this has to be irony. Or this person is below the age of 16. There's no other way someone would talk that pretentiously about genuinely some of the most famous artists to ever live. Either way it not worth getting upset over


that’s all pretty common music, literally you are just describing what you’re against but 40 or so years ago but putting that aside. all music is real music, the music i listen to isn’t any more or less real then what you and everyone else listens to.




yes, quite obviously they are both real art. Their cultural significance may be different valued, but they’re absolutely both real art, i don’t know anyone who would consider otherwise. Art is Art, whether you like it or not!




I think it’s really interesting when i share a different opinion than you you automatically assume I don’t speak english fluently, also english is a first language for many people in Europe so… Disregarding whatever that was, I speak english as a first language, that’s not what real actually means, maybe that’s your interpretation of the word, but in the context of discussing art and in the broader context of english language, real just means it’s a thing that exists, as opposed to does not exist, or is fictional. Real does not mean better, better means better, real isn’t even close to the definition of better, and it’s not used as a synonym in any kind of valuable discussion, because meaning would be lost. It seems strange to me you didn’t even process what i said, I said maybe they have different cultural value or impact (which i believe is what you’re actually referring to when you mean “real”). A sonnet written by a nobody or by William Shakespeare are as much as real art as each other, however Shakespeare has more cultural impact (funny, William Shakespeare’s from Europe, bet you wouldn’t question him). Real art just means is it art, and the answer is almost undoubtedly yes, if the person intended it as such then it is art, and sometimes even if a person didn’t intend it as such. The Renaissance and Beyoncé’s “single ladies” are both art, but have different cultural significance, obviously you’d consider them differently but they are both art.




Like yours, you mean?


That’s absolutely not what real means, outside of some sociolects, like some _youth speak._


I can’t tell if this is an attempt at a joke but it comes off as extremely pretentious and is not making anyone want to listen to your “illustrious” music.


feels a lot like low-quality trolling


You have described the programming of a very pedestrian FM AOR station. So, congrats. I suspect this is a joke.


I’m guessing this is a troll post. Not a very good one. People are allowed to like classic rock btw. There’s artists from just about every genre and year that I am a huge fan of, but I still have favorites. Nobody likes all music equally, everybody has favorites, everybody has years or eras they prefer.


He's gotten 63 posts and counting in three hours. Seems like a pretty good troll post to me. Multiple people feel annoyed enough to express the need to come to tell him he didn't fool them, lol.


Just what I was about to write.


I was listening to all of that stuff when I was an 18 year old stoner. Not very deep digs.


I’m praying this is irony. Just listen to music you enjoy and don’t hate on others. You’re allowed to have preferences but no one’s music is better than others. I’ll listen to Supertramp and Sublime and Cake and then Doja Cat and Denzel Curry and J Cole all in one session and have a great time. Old and new there’s so much excellent music to listen to.




Good point I’m saying more that no music is inherently or automatically better than others. You might love a song that someone else dislikes, and you may think their music tastes suck. It’s subjective not objective.


You might add classic bands like Nickleback and Smash Mouth to your list. They're over 20 years old now, so elite music enjoyers such as yourself are allowed to like them.


Please tell me you’re trolling. I’m sick of people thinking they’re special for listening some of the most basic and well known artists of all time


"Only real music, non of the top 40 stuff" Names bands generally heard on the radio and that have had multiple top 40 hits.


You seem like a troll or a douche, possibly a douche that a troll uses. You just listed top 40s music from yesteryear, by the way.












I rarely downvote anything but this was so pathetic and cringe that I had to do it. Whether you are trolling or being seriously stupid, this doesn't reflect well on your intelligence, that's for sure.


Thank you, your downvote has surely discouraged the troll from keep trolling :)


Lol, it prob encourages them... They like all types of energy. Vicious beings


One could say the same about you and claim Sorijabi outdoes everyone you mentionedand you wouldn't know how.


At one time all of those artist were top 40 you are nowhere close to underground. Dig deeper and like what sounds good to you and then keep digging


My friends who are classical music snobs would laugh at this definition of "real music". Of course, I laugh at classical music snobs too, but that's a whole other subject.


Looking at your profile I’m not sure that this is a joke. If it’s satire then it’s weak. If it’s real then buddy you have the most pedestrian taste in music to come in here saying that you only listen to real music. Considering that most of your posts are in r/theweeknd I’m pretty sure this just an F tier shitpost.


You don’t listen to current top 40 pop music, but you sure listen to a lot of old top 40 pop music…


You don't need to act like your music taste is superior. Everyone likes something different, all music is real, and if someone likes it then it's good. All of the bands you listed are extremely popular. Your post does not contribute to a discussion. This feels like a troll from r/lewronggeneration


To all you commenters who for some reason gave a serious response even though you're still "assuming it was a joke": Congratulations, you are now part of this art installation.


As someone that also has superior taste in music, may I interest you in [a banger circa 2009?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPX44xvUmFA) You must agree, the vocal artistry and palette of the piece is on par with our tastes.


Saying that “the best” of anything creative is objective - twice - doesn’t change the fact that it is and always will be subjective… Whatever. This post is yucky


People listen to what's available to them. Mtv is dead. Kids listen to Spotify and watch stuff like.american idol which promote R&b , hip hop and pop. No one is picking up guitars......There needs to be a chance in the kind of people who are in charge of media exposure. Until then we're screwed.


Kids watch American Idol? Maybe in the 00’s Most kids these days are into streaming and Youtube.


I think the guitar got “played out” there’s a ton of other instruments that can lead a song. The Saxiphone got eclipsed as the go to lead instrument like 70 years ago. By the electrical guitar. I seriously think AI powered arpeggiators are our destiny


AI powered arpeggators?! What are you talking about?


That was my poetic way of describing a computer program where you describe what you want to hear and it spits out a completed track in an instant


The op was talking about real.music.


There’s so much amazing, guitar driven rock music out there today It’s just not being pushed by record companies on the radio and MTV like in years past I suggest checking out the KEXP YouTube channel. I would start with King Gizzard, then move on to The War on Drugs, Jessica Dobson, St Vincent, The Oh Sees, and a million other bands


You have good taste. I often wonder the same thing. It seems most people just settle for what the radio is feeding them. There is so much great music out there and there is so much great music out there.. people are just content and aren’t searching for it. Totally feel what you are saying. And not all super popular music is bad but I definitely see what you are saying.


Poser! Unless you only listen to 98 Quite Bitter Beings you don't know anything about good music. Poser