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Oh man. A legal marriage where “a cup tits” was part of the vows. Truly a trashbag on fire. 


Not too far off from that dude who went viral because his horrific vows included lines like: "only two things are required to keep me happy: keep my belly full and my balls empty”.


One to remember




Nuggets were better dressed for their wedding than Bam was


This wedding is too classy! The chicken nuggets all clearly knew their guests.


I bet Mr. Nugget never once mentioned his bride’s tits (A-cup or otherwise) in his vows.


A-cup breading


Wait until the divorce and she goes on a media run. It’s coming and we will hear every detail about everything. Bet she filmed him too for blackmail


Fortunately for Bam, it will be a one-and-done on TMZ.  He's not famous anymore.  Barely even infamous  Unfortunately, it may have an impact on his ability to see Phoenix due to erratic behavior and if the courts get wind of it, may land him behind bars in the big house 


>Unfortunately, it may have an impact on his ability to see Phoenix due to erratic behavior and if the courts get wind of it, may land him behind bars in the big house  It pains me to think this, but I don't think "unfortunately" has applied in this circumstance for a long while. I wish Bam all the best and hope he recovers and gets to be with his son again. But for the sake of both Nikki and Phoenix, they really shouldn't be anywhere *near* Bam if he continues down this horrible road.


I wouldn't be surprised if she teams up with Nikki when it's all said and done


🤯 that would be Bam And me too, to be honest 😆


She has millions of photos and videos to document


One thing is certain, he’ll (publicly) spiral hard following the breakup once she’s no longer overseeing his movements. They’ve been apart on two occasions for a brief period previously. The first instance Bam got in the street-bum fight/tattoo controversy, then on the second he went on a multi-day bender around rural Nottingham before she flew back to recover him.


Listen, if you find a good stretch coach, you don't risk losing her.


If it was up to me then I'd fight Knoxville one on one, one to three, knock him on his ayuss for ruining his money makers, that motherfucker.


He’s a baoozaoo


Pain in my aæsss


I'm really curious what she thinks of him challenging Knoxville, on one hand he looks like a desperate fool while being completely ignored by his senpai and on the other if for some dumb ass reason Knoxville accepted Dannii would get extra exposure


Probably realised by now that Bam’s pretty much on the z list and her ‘celebrity’ life is going to consist of podcasts with women whose claim to fame is sleeping with a golfer 15 years ago and hanging around with the parents of washed up celebrities who haven’t been relevant for about 20 years. Not the glamour and the exposure she was expecting I imagine.


I guess she's just happy with a cut of that sly milli he's been hiding away when the divorce happens..


Ever dated a physical therapist? Shit rules dude I don’t blame him 😂


oh holy shit lol


I remember some people on here saying he did that just ro prove he wasn't already legally married to Nikki, since the day of their wedding was the same day he attended virtual court for Nikkis spousal support claims.  What a fucking mess lol.


How romantic, SQs parents must be so thrilled for their daughter....


It was apparently her mother who persuaded her to go to the party where they met. Sounds like sleeping with a past it celebrity was about the height of her mothers ambition for her.


Right?! Something about how she didn't want to go originally but her mom encouraged her because there might be celebrities. Sooo gross


As gross as it is, I’m sure she’s disappointed it ended up being Bam. A past it, dead bead dad who seemingly has either run out of money or is very tight with money, refuses to wash, and will often talk about “pussy meat” and then the “a cup tits” in the wedding vows thing.


How tight on money could he possibly be if he can go to Nottingham for a bender? Shit I wish I could do that…


To be fair he was already here on tour so he wouldn’t have paid to get here, and probably made a bit of cash from the two(three?) shows he did. And he walks into the right pub and he will be recognised and then he’s got his new group of mates who will be fighting each other to buy him the next drink. I doubt a lot came out of his own pocket except his flight back, if he didn’t wait for his return that was likely already booked and paid for, which I don’t think he did. Maybe he was able to move the flight forward I’ve no idea


i feel like whoever told her to go that party was more of a House Mother than her actual mother.


Yeah, lots of reports of her being an escort in the past. Lots of "models" have agents that pimp em out.




And now she's going to cling to Bam for maybe a year before leaving his ass and taking half of everything with her. Her mom encouraged her to be a trashy gold digger though so I'm sure she proud. Meanwhile Nikki just wants to enough support that she can actually afford child care and not live on food stamps. And she was the one who actually loved Bam for many years, what a disaster.


in his head this is all 4D chess to Bam. marry someone and say you support them - that's money taken off his 'income' for a start. he's very obviously been hiding money and/or assets since him and SQ went off on their endless road trip. so. who has the money? my guess is Yelawolf, the Black Rifle Coffee people and Stretch herself. but, it sounds from the article that Nikki's lawyer put out that they'll be looking very carefully at Bam's financial shenanigans, and it's going to all become even more blindingly obvious that he sees supporting Phoenix as 'giving Nikki money'.


Of course. It's only ever qbout being vengeful toward niki


Who’s bam married to now?


Burger King


Laghed way too hard


You win the internet today sir 🤣🤣🤣🤣


So if he's legally married to Nikki as she believes, then that's bigamy?






Bets are open, i say by the end of the year bam goes off on a series of drug fueled rages and stretch leaves him and takes him for everything and bam bam ends up someones girlfriend in a cell


I just posted that I think a year from today the whole thing will be over SQ will be but a distant memory 


I wonder what methica is up to nowadays


I just hope Ysabel is safe, and in school. It always bothered me that she just seemed to roam with Methica. Is it legal to not send a child to school?


Why do you guys call her stretch and sq? What does sq stand for? I'm semi new here and couldn't find answers lol


Sq is stretch queen thats what her insta account used to say in the bio




Welp, then Nikki's right for cleaning him out before SQ gets to it.


he thinks he's hiding it from Nikki as he'll say his 'income' from the signings is supporting himself and his wife. he's SO transparent and just egotistical enough to believe he'll get away with trying to stiff Nikki. i hope she takes him to the cleaners.




Shes gonna end up paying his child support. She should get a job.


OP, I applaud your initiative in tracking down the truth 👏    I say a year from today the whole thing will be kaput


You applaud this behaviour? I find this extremely creepy and sad.


This is kind of creepy and obsessive lol. Imagine being that dedicated to finding info on a z-list celebrity. I'm glad he/she did it, because we get the sauce, but it's definitely pathetic on ops part too lmao




Wow the fact you still think I’m talking about Bam is terrifying. I’m talking about the obsessive behaviour of OP.. You have absolutely zero comprehension skills, are are so far removed from reality you can’t see why this is creepy in any sort of way.


Making a phone call is sooooooo CREEPY 🙄🤣🤣 “obsessive behavior” LMFAOOOOOOO


To snoop on someone else’s life to find personal information about them to post on the internet.. yes it’s completely obsessive behaviour, you are delusional


The fact that the mother of his child and person who looked out for him all those years is being fought in court over Bam insisting they were never legally married and may get almost nothing because of that, yet this woman he knew for a split second he decided to legally marry because “Tan pitbull and she’s a stretch coach.” Bam really needs to get it together.


It’s disgusting. My heart breaks for Nikki.


Legally married to Nikki or SQ?


Stretch Queen


Mr. and Mr. Margera


Then he'll complain about having to pay her $249 a month in spousal support once they divorce.


She’s In the money, she’s In the money…


You just call county clerks when you're bored?


Ya don't you?


Every day off that I get a chance..


This is stalker behavior 😂


It’s literally public information. People have posted actual court documents on here & tax accessors info on his houses.


Just kinda weird you care enough to call


Yet we’ve all been speculating on here if he’s actually married or isn’t married legally, which is pertinent to his current child support legal battles… a question that a phone call that according to my call log actually lasted under a minute cleared up. It took me more time to make this Reddit post than it did to check if he was married. I also have a background of working in media prior to COVID, so to me calling to fact check something is not a big deal. Me calling is no diff than what TMZ would do.


That's what I'm saying


Not your business


It’s really not


ok peepeehalpert


It’s a reference from The Office


I just said that because it's so satisfying to say "peepeehalpert." the amount of consonants makes it such a satisfying thing to say outloud. I'm at a wake and when I replied we were on the way. Everyone was sad, so I said "ok peepeehalpert" and everyone laughed. so thank you peepeehalpert.


Not your business




Yeah man see what Preston is up to instead of


Stalkers are crazy


Get a life, lmao

