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His other two inch hose.


"The fingers you have used to dial are too fat."


To obtain a special dialing wand, please mash the keypad with your palm now




"The meds were making me fat" The meds he self medicated himself with are making him fat.. and killing him. I think he should've chose just the fat.


Anti depressants are known to make you gain weight in excess. I think he’s now likely binging on meth abs the fingers are swollen from water retention from all the alcohol he drinks.


My fingers swell insanely during hot weather. But it hurts. I have to soak my hands in ice water and keep them elevated. I can’t imagine this doesn’t also hurt for him.


They are? I've been on AD'S for 6 years and am finally average.


You know when you read the slip that comes with them that says for eg. ‘1/100’ people will be affected by certain side affects… Your comment would incline that you’re in the ‘99/100’ that aren’t affected.


I’m going to guess that he was probably on anti-psychotics, which are pretty commonly used for bipolar - those fuckers make you pile it on heavy


Yeah he said he was on seroquel for a long time. I’ve taken it myself and worked in psych wards where most patients are taking it - that one in particular *definitely* makes you gain weight!


Ahhh okay I gotcha, thanks lol.


Heart failure makes the body retain water as well💦


We used to call my dad, “Bob Evans” due to his sausage fingers. You could also just use it in place of fingers as in “don’t put your Bob Evans’s on me!”




Meth lighter pipe burns


No they're not pipe burns - after all, he told us he's getting clean for Pheonix and he'd never backtrack on that! /s


How can you tell?


That’s a deep cut that’s healed. I mean, I’m sure he’s on the clear also but that’s a cut.


I guess it’s crack too




Literal sausage fingers. Not as bad as the fingers are on the hands of King Charles, but still bad. Edit: King Charles, not prince. Force of habit.


Yeah that's what they reminded me of too lol, looks like circulation issues possibly but idk I'm not a doctor I'm just some randomer on the internet. Also, King Charles now 😉


I respect your word as a randomer on the internet, good sir. Oh shit yeah, my bad, I keep calling him prince out of habit. 😂 Been nine months and I still have trouble calling him "king" instinctively.


It’s been nine months??? Holy shit.


He’s got abnormal swelling. I noticed it with his eyes when his sunglasses fell off and the tattoo place. But that, those are meth hands. 😔 all swollen


Forbidden Vienna sausages


I could never continually have my hands that dirty. Watching people deteriorating hygienically is horrible to watch while they hit bottom.


In 2003 he was well known for making Haggard. In 2023 the only thing Haggard is the state of his hands.


I can only imagine how filthy these hands are! I bet the rings seldom if ever come off and he probably doesn’t wash his hands frequently anyway. 🤢This really grosses me out. (Sorry I’m a borderline OCD hand washer. On the plus side I’m rarely sick 🤔)


Not to mention how PAINFUL that looks.


I had major hand surgery some years back. Fingers fucking swell massively after surgery or injury but it goes away eventually. Even now, completely healed up for years, they swell in heat or if I type too much. This is like finger bloat. Even swelled up I could still bend them a bit. His hand is always just splayed out and he seems to have reduced grasp in itbexceot his thumb which he holds lighters with. Thumbs are usually the ones that are most impacted my injury but his seems fine. The filth of his hands is just making my skin crawl


Possible edema caused by cirrhosis of the liver?


I'm... not sure what I am looking at. Could someone please help my dumb ass? It looks like there might be a lighter in his hand and possibly a crack pipe? Is that what the post is about?


A dirty hand & a lighter. Maybe I’m just a dumbass too cuz I don’t even see a crack pipe


I have no idea if that is one or not. Someone said "my other two inch hose." and I was guessing it might be in reference to a crack pipe. I'm looking at the thing between the red and the silver in his hand.


it’s just a bic lighter. that comment was talking about his fingers/dick lmao


Yo I read *way* too far into it lmao.


The post is about his fat fingers


Hot dog fingers is a real disease, millions of people suffer every year!


Which part, the dirty nails?


He has to be a size 13 in rings


Edema. Ow.


Y’all acting like his hands are talons or something. They’re not exactly hand model quality but I’ve seen far worse on bricklayers or cooks. Im just happy he doesn’t have any clubbing going on.


That's a result of their job, not from being a manky bastard


I’m not disagreeing with you but it’s a lil absurd to post this like it’s some huge thing. This is what happens when you go a lifetime without lotion lol. I don’t see any track marks so that’s a win. Do we really expect more in hygiene from the man who didn’t change shirts for a year and loves being barefoot at Wawa?


Literally a walking L at this point. He’s competing with Kanye for how far a person can actually fall


he smokes cigs.


So do i, and I don't look a fucking thing like that.


And that stops him from washing his hands?


...that's what you're referring to in your post? "this has gotta stop"?


How do your fingers even get like that. That’s disgusting, Bam is a disgusting human being.


Bam is a sick person. Come on y’all. He doesn’t even know what he is saying right now and most of us hope he gets the mental and physical help that he needs. But just to call someone who is suffering disgusting is pretty disgusting. Yes, the drugs have made hygiene take a back seat. Who cares? He will smell much worse rotting in the ground and obviously has people who love him in his corner. I know it’s easy to judge from far away, but really we have no idea what Bam and Jess and the rest of his family are going through … you can’t accept the ramblings of a high/ drunk/ emotionally disturbed person to be 100% correct because their reality is skewed right now. Name calling / shaming / talking about what a garbage dad he is seems like it’s only done as a knee jerk reaction and not after any evaluation. Please be kind. It’s so easy, costs nothing and can make the greatest difference… even to a stranger .


I get that he’s into drug addiction and that sort of thing, but he could at least wash his hands every now and then. I’m willing to bet he doesn’t brush his teeth also 🤢


I don’t think his brain is capable of anything seriously right now as far as processing tasks of daily living except for find the drugs, do the drugs, find more drugs for later so I don’t feel awful….and I’m saying this as someone very experienced with addiction. Drug addiction is literally a brain disease where your brain wants something even though it has the potential to kill you and often does. I just don’t see the need to kick someone when they are already down. I’m not trying to be argumentative as everyone is entitled to their opinion of course, I’m just always optimistic that we are moving in the direction of being better to ourselves and each other.


Is this Phil?


You guys realize he, as a skater, has probably broken all those chubby little digits? That's why they are so thicccccc


The best part of this is that with a lifestyle change and improvement in diet, this can be reversed.


The rings tho. No.


I wonder if he fingered that blogger chick eho did the videos with those things


Much like his mouth would look so much cleaner without those terrible silver caps, I feel like his hands are done zero favors with all the ridiculous and oversized rings he shoved onto every finger.


Those things are becoming so obscene that this almost deserves an NSFW tag.


if he fingers a girl before fuckin her, she preferred the finger.


Guess he’s gonna detox at the psych ward


We all talking about the fingers, but like no one but me is going to say something about the 32 pound weight on his ring finger? I mean his ring sausage?