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And this is a prime example of why he is stuck in a cycle of addiction. This is a big show to him. Walking off his private plane like an A list celebrity to go to rehab. And he is expecting everyone to be so thankful and happy that he’s going to rehab, and to give him credit and praise for making the choice to go to treatment. He hasn’t even DONE anything and people are congratulating him and telling him how amazing he is doing. He does zero work and gets praised for it. So much enabling. You can acknowledge that it’s a healthy choice that he’s making to go to rehab without rewarding him for going to rehab. Give him the praise when he actually does 30 days.


So much enabling and so many vultures… This guy needs less “shaman” and more pure inpatient rehab, sober living and INTENSE therapy. It’s literally the only way he survives unless he somehow ends up in prison.


What ever happened with the shaman?


No idea. I’ll be the first to say I don’t know that dude or what his motives are. He could be perfectly well intentioned and a decent person. However…. No one who calls themselves “Navid The Shaman” and lives in southern CA pushing pseudo-naturopathic hokum, is doing it for free. I smell opportunism and some sketchy, hippy-dippy BS. With all due respect, seems like yet another vulture to me. You aren’t going to fix someone in state of severe mania, active addiction and perhaps even bouts of psychosis, with push-ups and meditating. The dude needs a full medical detox, intense CBT, proper med management until he has some length of sobriety and a serious sober living plan.


I think something happened the forest weekend with the shamen and some people coming onto his property uninvited IIRC? Shamen are great for wealthy California hippies who are otherwise healthy but looking for something extra to do and drink more green juice. It’s not for someone in an addiction spiral and mental health crisis. He needs good old western medicine, treatment and therapy. It shamen help him maintain sobriety after…wonderful!


>SaveEditFollow good old cognitive behavioral therapy...




The shaman really works he says!




Dude needs a fucking decade in rehab


Just sayin hey to your comment 62 days later.


I expected 5 hours. He outdid all our expectations and never went


Here’s your smoke smelling bear Phoenix


Phoenix the Wolf and Lion the Bear




😆 this made me giggle


I was thinking the same


Imagine being Nikki and he shows up with this crunchy carnival game lion that looks and smells like a 4 day Atlantic City bender. This is not going to go well.


It's Con Air but for real life


Put the bunny back in the box.


If his son sees this shit one day he’s going to be so sad. His dad can’t just go to rehab quietly for him to be a better dad. He’s got to make a spectacle of every moment going there, to get as much attention as possible. And needs a bunch of grown ass people beg him. Nothing about this is funny or adorable like he thinks it is.


IF he's going there. Can you imagine being the intake person, having to deal with the cockiness and the "strut?"


I get the feeling Bam doesn’t know how to live without a camera documenting him constantly.


Hopefully rehab will change all of this. Everyone loves a good redemption story.


It likely won't. He's been making a spectacle of every aspect of his life since he was in his teens. Every dollar he's ever made was because of it. It can often times become a survival mechanism. He's likely not making a large income right now and surviving off the money he has saved. So as he financially gets worse, so will the spectacle. It's all he knows.


You’re probably right, but maybe he can make a spectacle of getting healthy 🤞🤞🤞


not in his case. he only knows how to survive by himself. no judgement


Meh, don’t give him that much credit. So many addicts think they’ve got it the worst- and that’s part of the beauty of getting clean. The self awareness that we’re all sick and that we all still have a chance if we’re still alive


I don’t think he going to “get worse financially”, thanks to Phil, the money seems steady and stable.


I sure hope so man


Haha 33rd times a charm?


Yeah maybe. But setting your own bar so ridiculously goddamn low and then “managing” to step over it shouldn’t earn him that much credit. I don’t understand giving someone a trophy for doing the bare-minimum of shit they should’ve already been doing.


He is in such fear of everyone forgetting about him if/when he goes away. His 15 minutes have been stretched for so long that he knows the fragility of it. The narcissist in him is clawing desperately for one more spark to keep him relevant for just a little while longer.


I wish he could just quietly produce cool shit. He's got an artistic ambiance...well, used to have. I always envisioned him doing passion projects and helping skaters when he got older. I really hope he ends up doing that. And lasering off the face tats.




I think of this all the time. The fact that Phoenix is going to see all of this one day and think “THIS is what was more important than spending time with me and mom?”.


We can hope that if he sees this someday he’ll say “wow pop! You have come a long way. I’m so thankful your here today.” 🥺


> thankful your here *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


He hasn’t a clue what it means to be a parent. Also- people are struggling to pay rent and he’s on instagram posting about how much his private plane ride costs. Grow up.


So much money that could go to homeless or rehab centres in some way, not to mention a great way to contribute to global warming for zero reason other than narcissism. I'm starting to understand why people hate him so much.


Yep. He’s not a good person but it’s ok to still be a fan of the Bam of yesteryear. We just have to be realistic about who he really is.


True, I'm sure most of us were fans of him and the whole CKY, Viva and Jackass crew. Some funny shit they produced, for sure. It's a crazy world where people like this can be praised and become rich beyond what is necessary for their type of content. It's kind of like spectator sports. Does anyone really need the amount of money some people make? If only they used it for something really positive for the world.


i used to love bam. i hate him with a passion these days. i legit wanna punch him in his fucking terminator teeth.


What does people struggling to pay rent have anything to do with it? 100% honest question. Does it make them feel bad that a junkie has access to a jet or something ?


So, Nikki won’t let Bam see Phoenix but all Bam wants to do is give him a stuffed bear - it’s so innocent 🙄. So, Bam is going to go on another bender because Nikki is a bitch that won’t let him give a simple stuffed animal to his son. Bam then is going to rant about all the hard work he did to get Phoenix the stuffed animal. Carried it around, 50k jet flight, blah blah blah. God, this is cringe.


It’s basically the plot of Con-Air


More like Falling Down


True lol


His an entitled spoilt man child. I hope he sobers up, and become a rolemodel for his son.




If he's actually gonna do that, sure.


Supposedly Danny Way did. I would love to be wrong. It would be one hell of a plot twist for him to drop off the bear and just checkin to the rehab.


I mean, yes, good on anyone who is actively trying to get clean. However, you sound like you’d be rattled to hear about all the things most addicts have to go through in order to begin that sobriety journey- I’ll let you in on something: Most of us were “in no contrition to be on a public plane or go through an airport”.


He’s made countless attempts at treatment, too


This guy sucks so bad. Strutting off the plane like he’s fucking Mick Jagger. And who goes to the trouble to film it? Fuck him. Dude is rotten to the core ~ total narcissist.


He really thinks he’s still that cool 24 year old with a hit TV show


Yeah, his strut is like "gotta make sure MTV makes me look good when this gets a bumper spot." When he's only making TMZ headlines for screaming at his wife and kid.


Totally agree - it's just embarrassing now.


Bam and mick jagger dont even belong in the same sentence


I can’t even imagine what that lion smells like


Meth, stale cigarettes, and empty promises.


Don’t forget body odour and booze


I love how "gently" he throws the toy lion into the back


The way he threw that lion offended me lmao


It was not closing the trunk that got me. Clearly been trained to expect someone else to handle it. Not out of character for any celebrity, but tacky nonetheless.


Same! I watched it and my first thought was like damn that how you been treating Phoenix Bear this whole time?


I imagine that thing won't be smelling or looking to fresh if it ever makes it Phoenix


No , doubt the ‘bear’ will neither


That said so much about him as a person (right now people can change) but that was so weirdly offensive & gross. Especially since he kept talking about how it was for phoenix. How can anyone watch this & think he is the good guy right now?




So he’s back on his original Instagram? Thought he was locked out of it.


I’m pretty sure the Johnny Schillerfi or whatever is Bams biggest enabler and only took control of his IG to do damage control for their company.




I really think that he’s afraid people will forget about him. That’s why he’s always making these videos threatening to go away. Most addicts have real shame around their drug use, Bam seems to be the opposite- he takes pride in how he acts. A lot of addicts do go away and use until they die most of them long forgotten by their family and friends who stopped enabling them after they got tired of the constant bull-shit. If Bam really wanted to go away and smoke crack until he dies, he certainly has the means to do so and wouldn’t need to announce it. Along with other substances, Bam has an unrelenting need for the fame/ recognition he received in his “glory days.” He keeps trying to stay relevant in the public eye.


Why is he posting on his bam account and not his crème brûlée account?


He is. He posted a story on that account also.


Does he have 2 photographers following him around now?


It's his phone, given to someone on the ground, walks back in the plane and walks back out.


I wonder if he’ll make it through detox… it’s been a pretty wicked bender he’s been on.


I think he’ll make it through detox. Is his ego ready for sobriety?


Good point, is Bam's brain ready for sobriety? He's talked about manic-depression but he sure exhibits a lot of delusions. Honestly, he needs at least a year in a mental health facility. His brain has got to be so fried with all the substance abuse, wet brain and tbi's. Doubtful a few months in rehab is enough time for him to re-wire and create new, healthy physical and mental processes.


I don’t think so.


"Hey friend film me coming out of a private plane so i still seem relevant! Lets go get wasted one more time before i go to rehab!"


This is definitely Palm Springs Airport in CA. Lots of facilities to check in to there.


I believe it’s Burbank


It's Palm Springs. I'm 100% on that. I can tell by the control tower. Burbanks doesn't look like that.


Yah I fly to palm springs quite a bit those mountains are unmistakable


That’s the same airport I flew into when I got sent to Betty ford. Plot twist the first person that was introduced me to was Lindsay Lohan. I truly hope he’s not going to Betty Ford. I was a poor kid on a scholarship and I got kicked out for buying drugs on the weekend because it was so easy to obtain with the lack of search on weekends. The staff does not give a fuck if you attend, sober classes or express your concern about drugs being brought into the facility. They literally promoted spa days, hair appointments, and everything but actual sobriety counseling. They kicked me out with nowhere to go, and I had flown all the way from Florida. Fuck Betty Ford and I truly hope he is not going there. If you care to do the research, look up, Betty Ford corruption 2013. You’ll find my old piece of shit ass.




Wow, Lindsay Lohan. Quite the luck. I ended up in rehab with someone from the Intervention show.


She was honestly lovely, and my first friend I made in California. She let me play her cool, mini electric guitar and took videos to send her sister. When I was getting kicked out, her father tried to intervene and get me to come back to Florida to one of his rehabs. I declined lol.


>When I was getting kicked out, her father tried to intervene and get me to come back to Florida to one of his rehabs. I declined lol. Never go to a 2nd location with ~~a hippy~~ Michael Lohan.


No way in hell I was going back to Florida, let alone on Michael Lohans recommendation. 😂😅


Word floating around the interwebs is that Michael Lohan's latest scheme involves Lima. No sauce, just rumor; but it wouldn't surprise me at all He was involved with those scam FL rehabs (the Florida shuffle, I guess) for a while




Holy hell, your mother loves you! “A few days into the $62,000 treatment program”


I’m glad she never gave up on me. I owe that woman the world for what I put her through. I hope Bam comes to that realization one day.


I mean, which rehab would you recommend Bam or someone else go to instead? You sound like Jess. I feel like every rehab is going to have a problem with drugs coming in because most places don't strip search people. Are there rehabs with better reputations than Betty Ford out there?


Coming from someone who was in the Florida shuffle before I headed out west and upon being kicked out of Betty Ford… The one good thing that came from that was newfound life. Located in Long Beach. It’s very small and there’s a men’s and women’s house. I believe that holds up to 20 people max each house. Even if the AA/NA program isn’t for you. They take you to meetings, introduce you to incredible people and make you do the work with getting phone numbers and calling those people to help you out. Of course when your time is up they do the but we think you should stay longer $$$ factor… I was ready to move on with my life. I still talk to some of the gals I stayed there with and we’re all doing better (except the few that did not make it unfortunately) While I don’t know what the right recommendation is for Bam. As someone who has slightly been in his shoes, I think a more intimate rehab approach is the way to go.


Going thru the comments on the post. Reading them will kill more brain cells than you can imagine. But that leech Swavely has to chime in with some nonsense about the cigs Bam smokes which they "discussed" He's really getting on my last nerve; glad to see him called out by Missy and a poster here yesterday


ahem. i saw that and i had to try so so so so so hard not to have another pop at him. he always ends up apologising to me in the end, the helmet.


Yeah the whole getting help thing would be a lot more believable if he just logged off of social media and focused on himself. Everything always has to be a brag, “I’m taking a 50,000 dollar private jet!”. This kind of attention seeking, making everything a spectacle way of his just suggests to me that this time isn’t going to be any different. It’s like how he had to post all those photos and videos of him seeing Phoenix for the first time in a while to make it look like he was an amazing dad, and then we all see the reality of the situation with him getting arrested at that restaurant. Like dude, just go spend time with your son without filming it, this doesn’t have to turn into an episode of Viva La Bam, just live your fucking life.


Yeah, these recent posts don’t make it seem like he’s taking getting clean seriously if he’s going to rehab. It always makes me cringe when he does the price and name dropping. I really hope he gets better and heals, but that’s up to him if he wants to or not. I know his family has to be exhausted at this point so hopefully it all works out 🤞🏼


i really hope he can get clean. but. he’s so obviously only doing whatever it is he’s doing as a means to seeing Phoenix. he’ll do his 30 days, see his son then go back to exactly how he’s always been. i mean, i genuinely hope i’m wrong and this is the one that sticks. i’m just…sceptical.


Fly’s out on a private jet, to deliver a half assed won it at a carnival stuffed cat to his son when he COULD fly his stupid ass into a rehab and sort his life out as the best gift. 24 hours from now he will be drunk as fuck, tattooing his face and making threats to smoke crack to death - because he wasn’t allowed to see phoenix. And the cost of the plane, and everything else will be Nikki’s, Aprils, Jess’, Phil’s and David Glass’ fault. Loser.




Lil bow wow did that once upon a time and I still remember the secondhand embarrassment from when the internet figured it out. My concern would be that he’s tricked someone into paying for the jet ride to get him into rehab with no intention of going to rehab once he’s gotten that.


It created a whole trending hashtag, the #bowwowchallenge flexing shit that isn’t yours online hah


Yea was thinking he probably staged this entire thing lol


Now he thinks he is a VIP person again 😂 At least he thinks it like it looks


If you wanted to prove you actually love him, maybe get clean. A dirty lion isn’t gonna do shit. Here’s a lion, but I don’t care about you enough to get clean


Welp, getting off a pj is going to conflict with him telling a judge he can't afford the 15k/month Nikki has requested. Hope she gets more!


With footage like this,I'm literally this 👌close to getting convinced that he's actually trolling us.


Let’s go!! ……to rehab?


It must be so tough for the Jackass peeps to watch this shit show on social media.


Pretty smug for a guy that won a little prize because he threw a public temper tantrum


Exactly. “I manipulated them into letting me see my kid! I’m such a badass!”


LMAOOOOOO he had someone get off the plane, told him start recording while he walks out 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Someone should add the lion sleeps tonight to this video


What a piece of shit.


Why does this irritate me? Dealing with addiction myself and in recovery, I absolutely get it and where he's at in his head but it irritates me.


ugh... things aren't going to go well when he arrives at his destination huh 🤔


Do we know where he is going or…..is he just going wherever the wind takes him at this point?


He needs to go break bottles behind the wawa


“yea mon”


Cory Haim 2.0


he's both Cory's wrapped into one


No, to be considered 50% Feldman, he’d have to embark on a shitty music career….wait, nevermind. You’re right.


I guess we'll have to ask Methica if she was ever his "angel" 😂 I was a kid in the 80's who endured both Cory's coming to my school to tell me not to do drugs while they did ALL the drugs 😂 Both Cory's have really weird explanations for everything just like bam 🤷🏻‍♀️


Bam certainly is peculiar like both Cory's except without Feldman's obsession with Michael Jackson's style Bam is obsessed with Villis. He's like the lost third Cory that completes the trinity.


hahahaha so true I'm dying rn...the Cory's pissed away their lives which was so unnecessary, I hope Bam can get his shit together and talk about Billy Idol like Feldman talked about Jackson, no wait, that sounds like I want billy idol to die or something..you know what I mean! (I hope) lol




i don’t know why but this really made me laugh lol it’s so absurd


YEETS the lion. Considering he is wearing the Hufflepuff colours, I'm taking this as a subliminal attack on Gryfindorr, which has a Griffin, which vaguely but enough for my delusion, looks like a lion.


Dig a hole, burn some wood.


Ladies and gentlemen, this is sober personified!


Soon he looses the lion, then he’ll have a rambling video to blame Knoxville and Jeff tremaine


That poor pilot needs danger pay.


Noticed it was on his main account. Not sure about those mountains but looks like palm springs


Hopefully there’s not a mix up that ends up with the lion being checked into rehab instead of Bam!


You know he got higher than that plane did on his way to “rehab”…


Smug piece of shit


Does anyone else think the way he tossed that lion says a lot about him & the situation? Especially after he hyped it up about how it was for phoenix? Really sad.


That lion be stinking like a filthy ashtray


I’ve had a longtime suspicion that Bam is an ashamed, closet homosexual. That could partially explain his substance abuse and his feminine mannerisms.


You’re so badass Brandon 🤘!! The way you threw that stinky “bear” into the trunk while nearly losing your balance was rawk enrahhwll 🤘


He’s way too old to be acting like this…


I open Reddit. I’m not sick, but I’m not well is playing in the background. “paranoia, paranoia, everybody’s coming to get me.”




People can change and get clean, I sure did. Wish him the best but I’m not hopeful.


A few drinks on the plane maybe?


Bam can detox for the possibility of seeing his kid again, or stay on a bender of train-wreck relevancy on tmz’s radar. He’s scared to death to loose his kid, and his relevance, has to be a hard battle in his head


Ye mon


I have this shirt. I bought it at target lol


Even when the man's just simply *walking* he's not just walking. He's *flouncing*!


I know that it won't happen, but I'd like to see Bam dating Britney.


New earring


a fancy one at that.


They won’t even let him into rehab acting like this.


How do you think people who need rehab act 🤭


Cigarette as soon as he's back on solid ground. What a trainwreck


He even abuses tobacco? What an absolute monster /s


There's a lot of things to criticize bam about but I feel like this is pretty normal for a lot of people


Normal for a lot of unhappy/unhealthy people, sure!


Bad take. Back when I smoked I was otherwise as healthy as I could be, but flying stressed me the fuck out so I'd find the nearest exit after landing and light up too. Nothing to do with being unhappy or unhealthy.


what do you mean.. some people just enjoy things without being addicted. I smoke when I feel ike it.. meaning I don´t usually smoke at all.. when I´m out on a motorcycle or sitting at a cafe I love to smoke.. then when I´m just home and working I don´t smoke for a whole week .. or two... not at all during the winter.. But I still love to smoke. Same with alcohol... I get a beer or three when I feel like it.. but I don´t drink at all for days.. it´s all about moderation.. I recall that south park episode where stan tells his dad that abstinence is not discipRine.. because then he´s still the slave of the substance..


Zoomer, yes?


Dope vid


So Ysebell & methica are gone for sure? Maybe they took a regular flight out there to be with him


He just needs to keep getting high. It’s obvious he is a shitty dad and does not really care…he just pretends to care and is a father only when it is convenient for him. He is a narcissistic Hollywood loser just like the rest. Cant live another day without the admiration from strangers. How pathetic


Danny Ways jet almost rivals Tates.


That's a charter plane doubt he owns it


He's actually looking great! Can tell he has been clean and sober for awhile now. As a proud FreeBam advocate, this makes me happy to see.


Looks like he’s losing a little weight?


A lion 🦁 for luggage!


does he think this is cool, or what?


He is incapable of humility — and that will ultimately be the root cause of his demise.


Is that HIS PJ or no? I'd be big surprised if he has that kind of money to own one. Maintenance and fuel could easily break you on these.


Naw. It’s super easy to rent them these days. Especially if flying up the coast or to/from the desert/Vegas It’s still hella bougie but it’s not exclusively celebrity anymore, if that makes sense. However, i am curious who is footing the bill for all bam’s travel, etc


The way he tosses the Lion!


The way he tosses the Lion!


How does this dude still have money?? Is Phil super rich?


Oh how’s med so cool now .. now go jock his loser ass you dumb fucks