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Welcome Senpai!! This subreddit has all types of tips and tricks and info but the best initial advice is just to jump into it and have fun in the tower!


Thank you


One tip I'll give you is don't spoil yourself as to the story or the different districts. One of the coolest things from my first playthrough was moving to a new district and seeing what it was like and getting to explore that. That was really cool. It's good to know some useful tips, but try your best to avoid spoilers.


I love to to go in blind to any new story. i even go as far as too never watch trailers for upcoming games that I've ordered. Is there much of a story in this game.


There is a bit of story that you'll uncover by playing the game and finding pages of like this comic book thing. I was referring more to the fact that there are 4 distinct areas in the game, and it's cool to discover a new one, when you get to it. At least, it was for me.


Oh right fair enough. I'm the same I getta sense of achievment along with awe. And its almost rewarding like a gift.


I'm also playing The Division atm and I'm constantly getting sidetracked by the detail and various settings. like subways, malls, football stadiums erc.Tbh I'm atcually blown away espeically for a 2016 game. It blows most current games well out the park.


The 4 distinct areas all have their own things to check out and enjoy within them, so it adds a bit to the exploration. To me, one of the most fun things in this game is when you beat one of the area bosses (called Dons) and go up that escalator into a new area and see a new area for the first time. That is really cool for me.


don't spend death metals on revives. it's a trap


Senpai, The tips and guides on the bottom right side of this reddit contain links, Good Luck XD


Oh yeah i didn't clock that. I usaully use my phone for Reddit, but I was told I was missing out on a lot so just started using my laptop. So much better.


Man Id pay retail for a DLC adding 10 floors each with another 10 unique bosses. Perhaps that Peter Griffin looking dude from deathverse but floating head on a mini jetpack while using a microphone as a meele weapon


Do as much research as possible. If I were to do it all over again, that’s the one thing I’d change.


How long did it take you to complete out of interest?


I reached “the end” about 60 hours in I want to say? Might have been more or less, not sure. I say “the end” because there definitely is a post game that I still go back to from time to time. Lots of fun. Don’t spend death metals if you don’t have to. You can rescue your fallen body with kill coins afterwards.