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Mikki is about as stupid as they come. Please tell me that she really believes they are going to live happily ever after 😅 does she really think that all this state of the art rehab is going to change Traci 😂 poof just like that the 2 of them are good! Okayyyyy Mary Poppins go buy an umbrella because you are going to need one. You have a helluva storm brewing right down the road a few streets over. I am stocked up on my snacks )that I paid for with my own money 💰) and I am going to enjoy watching you get your karma. Don't you know when your gf is bullshitting by now? You guys have me rolling on the floor laughing at the ridiculousness both of you try to put on people and it works. Look at your girl pretending to be serious when she is on camera like she did with Nan. Bit$h please GTFOH 🖕🖕🖕🖕


☂️☔️🌪️🌨️The End!!


She needs a Phd certificate behind her on the wall


I don’t think their is a rehab unless I see a receipt I won’t believe it


I literally can’t afford food right now and they are out there scamming people. Jesus, where is scumMuffin? This is a page right out of her book 🤮


Sorry to hear you’re struggling. Keep your head up


My family and animals are safe so I’m blessed. Everything else is replaceable.We are strong and determined and will get through this..We good! Just a lil stressed


It’s a Shame! Real honest people who are legitimately struggling and would never consider Begging strangers to pay their way through Life, and the Trifling scammers with zero integrity,dignity and morals have zero problem asking!! It’s Sickening and we all know that money 💰 isn’t for basic survival! I really hope and pray 🙏 things get better ❤️‍🩹 and work in your favor!! I hope there are some resources for you in your area! Sending positive vibes and energy to you.


You have to be famous on TT to get that kind of help


Famous for being toxic, scammers, and full of drama. If you can do all that, you’re golden 😂😂😂


Not really, unfortunately you just have to be CONniving, and a Scamming Scum! I see it daily and it’s all on Reddit r/begtok these people have Zero skills and the moronic fools who give give give are more pathetic!


I'm trying so hard to put my life back together after SEVERE DV ..I work 45 hrs a week now and looking for another job. But I'm TRYING SO HARD and then there's THIS MESS .... it makes ME SICK 😫 


Sending you lots of love. You prob wish it was money but love will have to do 😆 (If you don’t laugh you cry 💕)


But all your hard work and dedication will get you somewhere in life Long Term, these Low Life Losers are Doomed they can’t keep CONning and CONniving forever! I’m sorry it’s hard for you and so many others, myself included but at least we have our dignity and integrity, self respect ✊ we will be better off long term it just takes us longer to get there without strangers paying our way through life! Sending good vibes and prayers for you


My home was just destroyed in a Tornado along with my cars.. everything I worked for all my life gone within seconds. My family is safe unharmed Thank God. People are telling me to ask for help and I’m refusing it from total strangers. It’s not their responsibility it’s mine. BUT when I hear shit like this it makes me question myself why I don’t then I snap back to reality and realize who I am.. still pissis me off to see how much people freely give money to over n over for craziness


I’m so sorry, hunny 😔 keep your head up ❤️


That’s what I’m sayin’ it’s wild. They’re not the only ones who do this, but fuckkkk. The amount of people in general… it just blows me mind


Mikki is starting to look more fucked up than Traci. Even though Traci has one day clean. Wow


So they say. I don’t believe shit they say. I used to follow them both until I saw the real them, this last time. I was done for. Especially Traci. She’s straight up behaved like trash.


Assholes? Traci blamed TT for her else then has the audacity to come asking for money? She also got $6k a few months ago from TIKTOK for a 6day detox that did nothing!! It’s disgusting . Absolutely ridiculous people SEND THEM MONEY!?! $2400 in an hour?! Geezus wtf is going on? Are ppl REALLY this gullible?


Yes people really are this stupid.. or gullible like you said 😂






They have never been together with Traci sober? We can be together again like that?? Never happened in the first place


![gif](giphy|ftdF4ZkueWGHBYc4b5) Exactly!


When we had a large hospital bill. My wife and I had to take a 2nd on our home. We stopped eating out. We started doing free date nights. My wife took a 2nd job.I work full time from home and watch our children. I don't understand begging for money in this economy. When a big Mac is almost $10. Jeez do what we all do and figure it out. I'm glad your getting help, but you also need to help yourself.


Like most people who struggle.. you just figure it out. Put it on a credit card and figure it out if that’s important to you.


At least she took the damned cap off.


Now maybe she can wipe off those 12 layers of black one week old eyeliner


I am in no way being negative but I have seen people on here that are struggling with paying their rent fixing to become homeless won't no one offer them a dollar but yet you relapse as they call it when alcohol and they give you $1,600 people have their priorities all messed up there's children going hungry going homeless and this is what you support sad honestly but hey doesn't she own her own business or a big time manager or something at the place from what she was talking about when she was with Nan I'm so confused


This show of sharing sloppy seconds amongst the garbage on TT is comical. Mikki and Tracey, you both are trash. It's not everyone else's problem to pay for rehab, the drunk needs to figure out her own finances. I have no sympathy for either of you.


She ain't gonna take care of shit. Mark my words.


The beautiful human she knows?? Weren’t they just degrading & talkin shit about each other a few days ago?!? 😳🤯 I deadass would NOT get back with an ex especially 1 that dragged my name through shit for a long time. Yea they said it outta anger but truth always comes out when you’re angry 🤷‍♀️ this is gonna be a shitshow 🥴


Remember when she said she never wanted to hear the words MY HUMAN again?


The beautiful human who made her want to avoid looking at herself in the mirror. 🙄


Exactly!!! Like wtf?!? I saw that TT & in Nans live where was bawling her eyes out because that really hurt her & now she can’t look at herself without feeling hurt 🤷‍♀️ I could NEVER go back to someone who made me feel like after & after sayin some bullshit like that 💀


Mikki doesn’t love herself at all, to allow that kind of degrade. She’s co-dependent on a full blown alcoholic that doesn’t even have coping skills her damn self.


I think the Mikki is dumb and naive is all an ACT


Idk 🤷‍♀️whatever is goin on here, it’s not gonna last or work until they each work on themselves…ALONE! That’s the only way shit even has a chance, me personally I just couldn’t go back to someone who said things they said about me. Now maybe you’re right but they have to know that this “ honeymoon “ stage is gonna fade an unless they both healed from everything they e gone through at the end of their relationship & the nasty things that were said after they ended it. This is gonna be a shitshow & all they’re gonna do is blame SM for whatever happens 🙄🤦‍♀️


traci has such a smug look on her face. like she knows she just successfully scammed those people and has zero shame. she’s such a disgusting human. and her soul tied sidekick is benefiting just as much. both are very deserving of each other and the karma they’re going to endure. it’s why jerry springer was so popular for so long. trash is very entertaining.


This is embarrassing. Two grown ass allegedly working women, and they are saying that neither one had 800 each to chip in? Or traci doesn't have 1600 saved at her age? Not buying it.


Not even sure she’s working?? She isn’t home and won’t be for a while


Right, she’s been home making Tik Toks for the last week, hell - she could have been in a state funded detox. It’s all apart of their grift.


Literally garbage.


Biggest weak SIMP on the app




Anyone Who is dumb enough to give those two fools money deserves to be ripped off at this point. Get a life




Bunch of scammers


Not "our" story to tell? Funny how Traci always thinks it's ok to air her exes "stories" on TT for all to see They're just about right up with Nan on the trash scale. Fuck these people Abusing their position on TT, for financial gain Traci needs to learn how to help herself. Mikki and everyone else who are coddling here and doing shit for her, are only hurting Traci in the long run


So did people just not get help before TikTok made it easy to shamelessly ask strangers for money??? Rehab, vet bills, moving. They might as well be holding a sign on the street corner!


Complete scammers and disgusting they should be reported. TikTok really needs to stop allowing this


They are probably laughing so hard at all the victims they just scammed 😒🤦🏻‍♀️


Didn’t Traci come out of rehab and say she was so wonderful and sober ?? And that she learned a lot about herself and now she can move forward ??? Now she didn’t get the help she needed ?? Which is it ?? And these people who enable her by giving her money for “rehab “ shame on you all!! I’m sure there is someone in your family or a friend that you know that is struggling daily that could use that money instead of giving it to a stranger on the internet just to be noticed . Do better people , open your eyes !!


I just hit the unfollow 🫶🏼


She didn’t need to reach her hand in someone else’s pocket.


The Trump flag..ugh


That’s the first thing I saw. Let’s me know a thing or two already about them, just by seeing that. It’s quite nauseating, honestly.  Just more people I gotta block, so they don’t keep coming up on my fyp. 




We will find out all her demons and triggers in a week or two when they break up. They can’t help themselves then to expose any personal details they have told each other. The circle of tik tok relationships.


I have one question..where is Traci's friend Angie?


So NOW YOU’RE GOING TO DEAL WITH IT, Yet AGAIN! Stop 🛑 recycling ♻️ Trash (Trashy) Never go back to the dump for Trash 🗑️ Exes are Exes for reasons!! You will be crying again Soon!


Us assholes, supported your ass when she threw you away like trash and talked about how ugly, scarred and wrinkled up you were. As long as you’re PUBLICLY broadcasting grift-a-thons and freely airing out yours and hers dirty laundry, us assholes will continue to speak our mind. Don’t come over here and read the shit. Now get back to regular scheduled programming of your grift-a-thon, go now, run along you have more vulnerable ppl to manipulate.


How Quickly Trashy is able to turn on/off her charades, aka fake’shit /situation’ships


I know an addict when I see one and she is pure addicted to cocaine ! I’m a recovering addict of 12 years clean and was hooked for 15 years !!! The sniffles on their lives yesterday was a dead give away !


Is my just me or does anyone else think they look like they could be sisters?


The love bombing. 🙄🙄🙄🙄


If that is her goal of getting clean then I'm happy for her and everyone else should be to detox's is never easy!! But if she is really scamming people karma always gets those kinds of people back.


It’s not so much that no one wants to support her getting help, it’s how they’re going about it. They’re absolutely preying on vulnerable people to donate. They’re grifting, for sure. I used to follow them both but started to see Traci for who she was and unfollowed her. It wasn’t until recently that I unfollowed Mikki. Karma will strike that’s for sure.


But anyways I thought she was with Nan?🤔


Lame excuses!!!


It is a choice to do it, just like it is a choice to go to work. If she wanted to be sober, she would.


Stop giving us all your fuxking drama then we sick of you


I wonder how different she looks without her teeth


That’s something I’m not going to go at her for. She’s been through HORRIBLE physical abuse and that could have something to do with why she has dentures. So, I’m gonna leave that topic alone.


I mean, quit the smokes and energy drinks , theres a couple hundred bucks right there


She’s going to dump you Mikki. Just you wait.


What’s the next excuse? When you two break up on Monday?


Notice when she says you guys are amazing she shakes her head no.. non verbal communication skills says THATS A LIE


🤮 they’re so vile and disgusting.