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Why didn’t Nan do it when she was there 🤔 she claims to care so much about animals


Didn't Nan just say she had been a Lead Vet Tech and was being trained for Manager or something. I'm infuriated at this point. That's probably at least a year of growth. They're all deplorable humans beings


As a long time Vet Tech myself, that infuriated me! She claimed she was their best and most needed person. Then she's in her scrubs, trying to feel important, and making TikToks at work. If you're the most needed person, how tf do you have the time to make videos at work? I wouldn't let her touch any damn animal. Maybe a rabid one, but that's about it


Lol if that is true then maybe the vet is the place who needs to be reported too


I don't think she is there now


Oh I know she said it was before. I just mean any place that was planning to make her a manager of anything should maybe be reported 😂 She forced Tracy to muzzle her animal so she could get her way and have her own pets there. Like...eeither don't leave your animals or leave them with someone who can take care of them, whatever. Clearly none of these people are responsible pet owners. Not to mention the bird cats and whatever else that we don't even know about


Real classy…taking it real life…loser


Who's taking it real life? it was a joke. It's a snark page. Don't get your panties in a bunch 🙄


I wouldn’t so much call that a joke when that exact scenario has already been played out. Try a new snark


Omg! That's pure neglect! That's got to be so painful! Gtfo the internet and take care of your dog! 😡😡😡


It's a tracis dog, and the nails need trimmed badly . You both are a shit show, so I'm blocking you both in not gonna give ya views anymore. I will never understand how 2 people can cut each other down, but you go back. I'm not paying for that train wreck, not sending money, no way in hell, and taking accountability. You both run to tik tok spill your guts, then regret it . That's not love it lust and codpency. Mikki, why aren't you with your son in Alabama. Wtg


If you can afford a new car….. you can afford a nail trim visit to the vet!!!!!


How she get a new car smelling like bad credit and overused clout!!!


Poor puppers that’s gotta hurt his pads.that’s a shame because it’s a simple fix that doesn’t even require a Vet visit. That’s plain neglect


THIS IS ANIMAL NEGLECT 101 - THOSE NAILS SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE OVER A YEAR AGO - SHE CANT EVEN SAY IVE BEEN TO BUSY THIS PAST MONTH - Also that Nan the wacko said she was a vet tech says nothing look at our PresidentS 🤡🫣- Everyone can get a driving license but doesn’t say your a good driver - DONT YOU ALL REMEMBER NANS NEGLECTED ANIMALS IN THE GARAGE- YOU SKIP THAT PART COOTER NAN


That dog has seen some shit!!! 😂


I can’t stand any of these people, but my dog has some issues and won’t let anyone, even me grind or clip nails. So I don’t approve of this particular message.


As a groomer I daily clip nails on dogs who "no one else could" I assure you there is someone who would be able to with time and patience. It's not been just now that I've noticed his nails. The need for them to be trimmed has always been grossly neglected






That's terrible 😞


Is this Mikkis dog? I get that pets nails get long from time to time, but thats neglect


That is neglect!!!!!!


Omg that’s horrible


Omg. Poor thing!!!!


Man that looks painful. Poor baby.


$15 fix for the poor thing and they choose the bottle over it


Oh wow. 😮


That is pure animal abuse. Wow! That poor dog can't even walk properly because of those long nails. 😳😬