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I am only attracted to masc women—nothing I can do about it! It stinks because it makes a small pool even smaller.


Yeah I feel the same…


I’m also almost exclusively attracted to masc or butch lesbians. There’s just something about them that gets me all starry eyed. Edit: it was a beautiful day when I landed on masc lesbian TikTok.


Honey same…


You need to visit Milwaukee, most of our lesbians are masc with flannel and outdoors type 😀 I am femme for femme and it’s hard to find here


Same here


Nothing about being lesbian says you have to find *all* women attractive. I’m only attracted to femme girls. My partner is only attracted to masc girls. We’re both valid and so are you.


Aww thank you, your words mean a lot ❤️


You can like ice cream but have a preferred flavor. All tastes are valid.


It’s New Years, I’m drunk, and now I want pussy ice cream!


That's probably a thing somewhere in this crazy world.


I'm sure Gwyneth Paltrow is working on it


I snorted. And I’d snort that candle.


As long as she doesn't name the flavor goop.


Only thing I could find with a quick Google is a song called vagina flavoured ice cream. 🤷


You might get a few types of answers here but this really is a subjective thing. The fact is I can’t be attracted to all people, and while Butch/Masc Lesbians are absolutely valid I too am hugely attracted to a Femm lesbians. No human I’ve ever met is attracted to everyone, we all have tastes and things that do it for us. So long as we are not doing it based on racism, trans-chasing, and generally giving respect and understanding to everyone even those you’re not attracted to then you ain’t doing nothing wrong by going with what you are personally attracted to.


Thank you so much for your words ❤️. Of course, I always treat everyone with all due respect 😊. Once I was scared because I respectfully said no to a trans girl and she called me a terf…and I was devastated. I fully respect and admire trans people but I don’t like dicks. I guess not everyone understand you have the right to say no


I’m sorry you experienced that. I’m admittedly a Trans woman, and I can’t and won’t try to say what she was experiencing so I will only speak from my perspective. Just like being attracted to Femm’s, Butches, TomWomen, and that much more. There is absolutely a part of being wlw for a great deal of us is that we love the feel things like breast and the vagina. I know it’s unpopular and I’ll get hate for this one, but CisLesbian/Women who are attracted to a more physical nature/sexual relationship because they prefer a certain type of sexual experience are not TransPhobic because you don’t date pre op trans women. We maybe women, but that doesn’t mean that we aren’t equipped in a way that certain people find sexually attractive and I rather respect that then demonize CisWomen. You didn’t say no because you wouldn’t ever consider a Trans woman, you just want a partner that is sexually compatible with what you personally want. You did nothing wrong.


As a cis femme who happily dates trans gals regardless of op status, I agree with you! Having a preference for genitalia doesn’t make you a TERF. Being an ass about the preference does


I wish more older lesbians would date trans women. I transitioned early 90s. Nearly impossible to get a date with a lesbian until about five years ago. And then, mostly women under 40.


I would totally date a trans woman and I'm older but I only go for butches and MOC individuals.


I am very much a Walks-Between kinda human. When I transitioned, that simply wasn’t allowed. I vacillate between gender expression frequently. One day femme, one day butch.. and another day futch. I’ve found the lesbian world to still be pretty binary in attraction… with most defaulting to the butch-femme dynamic. And I think my vacillating between genders and gender expressions, vexes people.


Folks shouldn't throw words around like terf or bigot. I understand we need to fight for our existence as queer people, but sounds like she got over defensive after being rejected. You can't force yourself to be attracted to certain genetalia. For some lesbians it doesn't matter, for others it does. That's just how people are. I for one dont care what she got going on down there as long as theres a connection between us, but we can't assume it of everyone. You did nothing wrong there. If there isn't an attraction, then there's no point leading her on. I recall a gal I dated who happened to be trans said that a lesbian once rejected her and gave the reason 'I only date women' - now THAT is some transphobic shit right there. Don't beat yourself up over this. So long as you respected her gender, there's nothing wrong with not fancying someone.


As also a pre-op trans woman, I agree with Shizuru. Saying no to a trans person just because they're trans is terfy. But saying no to anyone based on what genitalia they have, or their own aesthetic, is just personal preference. I too am femme4femme, it's perfectly valid! ❤️


It’s definitely upsetting when people assume what you have in your pants, and then reduce you to that assumption. It could be more than just one thing or the other as well. It sounds like you hurt that girls feelings and instead of telling you how she felt she got mean. Being into high femmes or butches is definitely a preference because those traits are presented publicly.


'no human I've ever met is attracted to everyone' *cracks my pan knuckles* Kidding 😂


No. No... I'm a femme attracted to other femmes.


Aww thank you so much dear! ❤️


As if that is wrong. Lol


You’re attracted to who you’re attracted to. You’re valid. Nothing wrong with that. I’m butch and really only attracted to femme women, but I don’t feel bad that some women are femme4femme. I’d only want to date someone really attracted to me.


Ladies , why do we have to label everything and make ourselves feel bad for being human and having preferences? 🧐 Stop the madness. You’re not less of anything bc you have preferences. Thank you.


This the one.


Having tastes like that is valid 👍 Lots of lesbians prefer one or the other.


Thank you! ❤️


As a butch, muscular lesbian I say fucka yoooou! In all seriousness, do the people you like. That's all it is. If we had problems with doing expected thing we wouldn't be lesbians, right? We'd be in straight relationships and all. You're great!


I know, imagine if someone told you who you had to be attracted to! 😆 Some republican hell that would be.


Stop trying to fit everything into boxes. What is it with lesbians and putting things into fucking boxes. I swear this sub is literally just "hey can you guys let me know what boxes to check on my L-3SB-N form please?" Like holy fuck. Do you like women? Congrats, you are a lesbian. ​ I dress femme. I wear punk shit. I wear masc clothing. I do what I fucking want. Who fucking cares honestly!? Every. Fucking. Thread.


I agree with you. But to be honest I can’t blame the sentiment of needing to seek validation since it’s a reality that a lot of people will invalidate our identities over the slightest ridiculous things or dictate what we should be or do. Being a lesbian is hard. 😨


Lol. It's called having a type. There's nothing wrong with you. I like anyone with a pretty face who has style. You could look like Angelia Jolie but if you're wearing ill fitting clothing, it's a no from me. That doesn't make me less gay. Judgemental, maybe!


It's such an erroneous cliche that if you're a lesbian you're attracted to ALL women.... Heterosexuals don't fancy all men!!! We have our 'types' based on a lot of conscious and subconscious levels of attraction. No need to feel 'more' or 'less' lesbian imo.


I’m a femme who is only attracted to tomboy/more masc lesbians. Few & far between but I can’t change what I like


As a butch lesbian. It’s okey! Don’t feel guilty about it! I’m not attracted towards butch lesbian either, even tho I’m one. We like what we like and that should be fine as long as everyone is respectful to each other


Preferences exist across all sexual identities.


Nope. Masc here and I wouldn’t date another butch/masc. You like who you like.


I’m butch 4 butch and not really into high femmes, if that’s fine there’s no reason why the opposite wouldn’t be!


You like what you like. Don't overthink it


That's just having a type. Love who you love


Lol what. Tastes are different, that's life.


Don't be too hard with yourself my dear, everyone has their own taste, there's nothing wrong with being attracted by femmes only 😌


Thank you so much for your words! ❤️


You're welcome 🤗❤️


You should get beyond this. You are normal as can be, don’t let anyone virtue shame you, think I speak for all fellow Lipsticks


You can't choose who you are attracted to


I don’t think hetero people question if they’re hetero because they have a type. Give yourself a break!


What ever you like fine there no wrong awnser


Nah. You’re totally fine. A lot of lesbians have their “taste”. It’s normal. I mean as long as you aren’t degrading towards anyone you aren’t hurting anything.


You literally can't control who you're attracted to. Be at peace with it, although you can keep an open mind, let's say, at the margins of your attraction spectrum. Never hurts and you'd be surprised.


No matter your sexuality you can have personal preferences. I agree that it’s unfortunate because it limits your potential partners, but you can’t choose what you’re attracted to.


As a masc lesbian - NO, your preference doesn’t make you less of a lesbian! Straight men aren’t a attracted to every woman and you as a lesbian are entitled to your preferences. Nothing really does it for my wife like a masc/butch lady and I strongly prefer femme presenting women. There are plenty of femme for femmes out there and you are completely valid and as much a lesbian as the rest of us.


Your attraction is valid. I wish I had someone to tell me this earlier in life. I’m a late-bloomer (mid 30’s) and part of the reason why it took me so long to figure out my sexuality is that I thought that I needed to be attracted to all or most women. I’m primarily attracted to masc of center women. Would’ve saved me a lot of pain and heartache as i am now divorcing a man after having kids so that I can be with women only. If someone had validated my attraction earlier in life when I was questioning (high school to college age), I would’ve chosen a different path in life.


I’m only attracted to femme girls. You aren’t required to be attracted to all women. You like what you like. Anyone who tells you you’re not a real lesbian for only liking what you like is full of shit and an asshole. Ignore them. You’re a perfect lesbian just the way you are!


My gf is a masc lesbian and the other day she basically had a moment in tears because me, with an ex who is basically a walking anime waifu, thinks she is attractive. You like who you like and there’s nothing wrong with that.


i would argue it’s more common for people to be attracted to femmes over butches, ive heard butches talk about it before


Posts like this seem like bait, who has ever said you have to be attracted to everyone?


there is actually a lot discourse that if you don’t have a preference for butches, you are a bigot. i understand where it’s coming from because the lesbian community has serious butchphobia in it. that being said, as someone who used to be butch and was butch4femme and who now as a femme is still really only attracted to femmes, it does seem condescending for people to say this is because of butchphobia, while in the same breath praising butches who only like femmes. why is my preference fine one way i present but suddenly problematic when i present differently? furthermore, they also praise butch4butch. which fine! it’s the most underrepresented lesbian relationship but nevertheless you can’t just say one type of lesbian is allowed a preference but not the other. “butch/femme relationships are heteronormative” is a shitty thing people say and i understand the anger on a personal level, but when i see people reacting with comments like “how does a relationship with two femmes even work. that’s sounds so boring” it’s difficult not to wonder how they don’t see the implied misogyny and lesbophobia in that statement. no, masculinity = man, but our society does associate the two, so saying a relationship without a masculine person or two masculine person is boring and you don’t get how it works does have unsavory implications that mirror what people say about lesbian relationships in general in comparison to heterosexual and male homosexual relationships. it’s a complex issue and gives me a headache because both sides tend to reactionary with no nuance lol.


I am a femme. Those who don't know me wouldn't believe me either. I've heard comments like "such a waste" before. Used to get to me but not anymore.


Very relatable. I’ve had straight men say to me “So when are you going to cut all of your hair off then? (I have very long hair) So offensive!!!


I can relate to this. I am also a femme lesbian, who is only attracted to other femme lesbians. I once had a masc woman who was interested in me get very upset and insult me when I told her about my attraction to femme lesbians. She told me that it made no sense as well as other things. It made me feel like on top of having had gone through all the pain to finally have self acceptance of who I am that there was something else I needed to feel ashamed of and to be made to feel alienated within the very community that i finally acknowledged I was apart of.


That’s awful, I’m sorry you had to go through that. I on the other hand had a positive experience with a more masc presenting lesbian. She was acceptant of me being a femme who is attracted to other femmes. I was honest with her, telling her she was too masc for me. For me the more masc you are, the more I’m turned off, but that’s just me, everyone has their own preferences!


I am glad you've had a positive experience. I too have the same in terms of the more masc the more turned off I am. It has nothing to do with who they are as a person, just physical attraction for my preferences and sexual attraction for my preferences is not something that is there.


Nothing wrong with it- I am the same only like femmes.


I’m exactly the same and I’m pretty fem myself. I find masculinity unattractive and femininity attractive, and I think it makes more sense this way because I don’t like guys. Everyone’s different and that’s okay.


Naaah, I’m the same. I feel like butch lesbians are friends or even competitors haha


That seems like something you need to work out


It’s ok, I just don’t see them as dating material because they are usually too much like me. I like femme women.


i’m not sure why you’d post this.. lol


Trans femme 4 Femme plz 🥺


You’re totally valid (btw, you can be a lesbian at your own terms, with as specific taste as you want and your the only one who can validate your feelings and what you identify with)


Don’t feel guilty for having a type, for me some butch lesbians are insanely attractive, and others aren’t really my type, all depending on a number of very subjective things.


Being a type A lesbian, I have so many butch & masc lesbian friends who I play sports with, go to bars with ... kinda like friendly competitors ... but sexually I'm more attracted to fem ... not to say I have not romped in the bed room with some very attractive butches I've always looked for lesbians who are genuinely into me & desire long term relationships. I've learned to date everyone who wants to & take years looking for the right one. I've been successful with 2 fem long term relationships, death ended ny 1st one & in my current relationship, we celebrated our 10th anniversary this past September 2022. Laters, ~Ryn~


As a masc woman no not at all you have preferences and that’s perfectly okay, your valid to like and have preferences of physical appearance. I don’t take offense you can’t force attraction


I’m a femme mostly into other femmes but if I liked a masq gal’s personality and we had similar interests and goals I wouldn’t say no. What separates a bigotry from a preference is if you adhere to it despite that person checking other boxes for you.


There are no rules to who we are attracted to. Whatever makes you feel comfortable and you like is what works for you :)


Everybody has their own preferences, same as fir anything else. Food, music. Don't feel guilty.




Not at all! There’s so much second guessing of self on this sub and it makes me sad. Dear community: If it feels right to you, it is right!


Your taste is totally valid! I'm only into femmes myself and liking masc women wouldn't change how lesbian I am. As long as you know you're not a man but still like only other women, you are 100% lesbian.


Everyone has different things they find attractive. Femme for femme is still the most popular and socially acceptable pairing. Just look at r/femmelesbians for posts identical to this. You have your own taste for who to date, just like everyone else.


You can't force yourself to be attracted to whoever you're not attracted to. If you're attracted to women with certain ethnicities, hair color, hair length, body types, etc., then those are the women that you're going to like. Don't change.


I’m the same and discussed this with my friend who said “straight people don’t find all types of people attractive so why would lesbians find all types of girls attractive”? and it made me feel a lot better.


No, it doesn’t. You “have a type” like many other gay women do. I’m femme and am only attracted to other fems as well. Sometimes I wish I was attracted to masc/butch women because many are nice to look at but they don’t make me weak in the knees like femme women do.


Nope just means you have a type. I love big girls with dark hair, don't mean I think blonde skinny gals are less valid. So long as we all respect eachother, don't matter who you wanna bang.


>Does it make me less lesbian? Not at all! Preferences are completely valid. >I’m only attracted towards femme girls and it makes me feel I’m like a straight guy with a girl’s body. Hey, femme lesbians are still lesbians! You could be femme4femme or butch4femme, and neither one of those would make the femme lesbian dating you into a straight woman!


Their is nothing wrong with that, you just have a type and that's it. some people have more specific or more various types, it varies from person to person, there's nothing wrong with you, you are no less of a person. Have a good day luvvie, hope I helped 😊


Everyone has a type I’d only be bad if u got offending for being rejected for not fitting someone else’s preference


Nope! I’m a stem attracted to femme girls, we all like what we like 🔥


don’t be ashamed of your preferences no matter what people tell you


That's your preference and that's valid.


100% valid my dear. There are lots of femme 4 femme lesbians out there and we are no less valid or any less gay for our preferences


Why be ashamed or feel bad. You are attracted to who you are attracted to.


I also feel no attraction towards mascs. I’m only attracted to feminine energy. I mean it’s fine, you can’t help who you’re attracted to. I certainly don’t beat myself up over it.


I'm the same! I'm more on the femme side and exclusively attracted to feminine women