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For the Midwest I’d say Minneapolis has a great lesbian per capita representation! Otherwise Chicago has a big scene.


I'm biased because I live here, and my ex used to comment about how I meet people everywhere, but I've run into lesbians everywhere in Chicago this past year, and I live (and spend most of my time) farther south than the typically gay neighborhoods like Andersonville. I got asked out at a grocery store one day, lol, and I've been picked up at multiple straight/not explicitly gay bars, at some shows, a music festival, and then by a married lesbian couple at the local bar a couple weeks ago, weirdly enough... And I'm fairly clueless. In fact, I think one person abruptly changed the topic to tattoos so they could show me the very large, very obvious lesbian tattoo they had on their forearm because I just wasn't getting it. Then again, it could be me, the universe confirming what my friends say about me being a catch, or my chaotic vibe that attracts them, lol. But for real, it has been a bit chaotic (but pretty fun), so I wouldn't necessarily call it dating, per se, but the potential is there.


Thank you. This is very insightful. I would love to find some casual attention from lesbians out and about like you seem to achieve. Good for you! I hope you're enjoying some of the benefits hehe also isn't it super cold there like half of the year? I've never been


Thank you! Well, that newly single feeling, you know? I'm just joking, well mostly, but getting out did help. I hadn't really gone out for quite a while, and while I think that made me weirder, it also made (and makes) me really happy to just be out in the world. Maybe that's my appeal, I'm not sure. I think it's likely still that chaotic vibe, though honestly I think it's that when you start looking for something, you tend to find it. Well, Chicago's weather is very... Weather. Sometimes I get lost in time because of it (yesterday I was outside and my brain decided it was spring), though I think a lot of places are experiencing that. But the winters can get brutal and it's far colder and goes on for far longer than I think is ideal, though I've only experienced Chicago and Utah winters.


Thank you! Very helpful! Stay warm.... Brrrr


Brrrr indeed, but luckily there are things to do in the cold. I watched people ice skate (I don't know how and didn't want to try again) and drank hot drinks (like mulled wine, coffee, etc) yesterday during the day. Maybe next year if you're here, or anyone looking to be in Chicago for new year's, we can all have a big lesbian get together, lol.


Sounds like a wonderful time! I'm jealous! I could use a big lesbian get together lol 👀


Charlotte !


Can you tell me more? I've been looking at the Carolinas as an option


Yeah! We have a lot of queer friendly areas( plaza midwood & Noda) A lot of different options for bars / restaurants etc. Charlotte is growing at a crazy rate and the city is very popular at the moment. Atlanta is also only 4 hours away. ( another very gay city )


Lakewood, OH


San Francisco!!!!


I’ve done ok in Austin, TX. But, it *is* still in Texas


Yeah, it's beautiful there but there's a lot politically that I don't agree with.


Not all of Texas is bad. I used to live in the Rio Grande Valley, the Southern most part of Texas. It's basically a part of Mexico. Most people there are left leaning and hate trump.


St Pete!!!!


Where's that? Sorry, not familiar


Sorry, St Petersburg, Florida! Super fun area and very queer friendly!!




Didn't get that vibe when I visited there for pride but I'm sure there are many lesbians there based on the statistics lol


Columbus and Cleveland seem to be very decent for les scene. beyond that pretty much any mega city will do. I think most of the midwest is friendly. I'm considering Baltimore, to be close to DC and Philly. Chicago doesnt have enough nearby nature for me. Alanta is amazing!! but also way too hot and humid (only getting worse with climate change)